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53417451 No.53417451 [Reply] [Original]

You literally have no excuse to make less than 100k a year, this year

>> No.53417472

$100k is nothing but $100k is still out of reach for a lot of white collar workers (techniggers aside.)

t. make $98k a year.

>> No.53417510

>median weekly earnings rose 7,4%
>outpacing inflation

lol lmao

>> No.53417518

I make £26.5k a year in the UK as a graduate quantity surveyor four months into the job. Pay here is shit compared to the US, I doubt my boss’s boss is even on £100k.

>> No.53417534

Employers have used the psychological barrier of $100,000 to cuck the workforce

My dad was on $100,000+ in the 1990s and a McMansion in an upper class area cost $300,000 or so, so upper class area big house was at most 3X his income.

Now its been 25-30 years since then, and people still carry the $100k+ as having "made it". Meanawhile those same $300,000 McMansion's in upper class areas are now multiple millions of dollars, the $100,000 has lost literally 500-1000% buying power when it comes to hard assets.

>> No.53417539

Tell me you don't live in London or another major city.

>> No.53417557
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Based, I'm going to try to work longer hours at work.

>> No.53417568

>7.4% increase in wages
>$14 per hour x 1.074% = $15.03
Well damn Tyrell you doin a lil sum

>> No.53417576

$100K in 1990 is approx $232K now according to CPI inflation (lol)

>> No.53417586

Thankfully I live in Scotland, I actually manage ok as my rent is only £400 a month. A similar flat would now be £700 in my area though, I’m lucky the landlord hasn’t put up the rent in five years.

>> No.53417604
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Salary is 87k starting next month, my goal is to break 100k with my side hustles for the first time this year.

>> No.53417606
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>Now its been 25-30 years since then, and people still carry the $100k+ as having "made it". Meanawhile those same $300,000 McMansion's in upper class areas are now multiple millions of dollars, the $100,000 has lost literally 500-1000% buying power when it comes to hard assets.
I do not want a mc mansion in some fucking faggot subburban division.
I wanna own a trailer and shoot illegal machine guns off my back porch while I grow weed and shrooms and cook my own speed, having some chick give me head while I get spunt.

>> No.53417617
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i remember going to college with a guy in his 40s looking to earn a degree in industrial engineering. he told us he made $20/hour driving forklifts in a warehouse in the mid 1980s... in 1980s dollars. he wasn't the type to bullshit us.

>> No.53417651

Median real wages have been dropping since the 70s.

>> No.53417941

real talk, true inflation stats are probably heavily suppressed, right?
how can white women compete

>> No.53418001

By not looking like insects

>> No.53418053


>> No.53418166

this lol

>> No.53418199

you know they're putting their hands on the scale to hire and promote black people for their esg scores, right? the odds are literally stacked against us.

>> No.53418243
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>ESG scores
i'd like to think we've reached peak niggermania, but nigger history month is still a week away...

>> No.53418261

dude that shit isn't going anywhere
the complaints against it aren't that it's wrong but that it doesn't work well enough
half the board is invested in a technology that aims to make it better performing and more invasive in every day life

>> No.53418508

>nigger history month is still a week away
fuck i forgot about that

>> No.53418520

luckily it's the shortest month of the year

>> No.53418538

>we've decided to pick someone everyone loves: a black jew

>> No.53418562

I have, I live in a shithole in Europe.

>> No.53418566
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she was the prostitute in idiocracy. clown world comedy writes itself.

>> No.53418569

100k in the midwest goes a lot further. Around less people too.

>> No.53418616

I don't hate her, I do think it's funny to pitch her as being uncontroversial
she's married to Paul Thomas Anderson who I think is a pretty decent director, especially considering how shitty movies are these days

>> No.53419840
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Explain to a brainlet what this means and whether it's bad or good
>It's me, I'm the brainlet.
In exchange, I'll share with you a picture from a better time.

>> No.53421654

In 1990 the median house sale price in my state was $162,000. In 2022 it was $607,000, so a 3.75x increase.
Median income in 1990 $62,000
Median income in 2022 $86,725
It would be incredibly easy to bring real estate prices down by installing legislation that prevented foreign entities and non-citizens from purchasing real estate in the US. That will never happen though because no one gives a fuck about anyone else here and probably hasn't since probably the 1800s.

>> No.53421688

Reminder that Korean women that look like that will never fuck white men no matter how much money they have
Anyone that's actually ever been to Korea knows they look down on whites like niggers, and the white chasers are all fat and tattooed like American women that coalburn

>> No.53421733

texas is proposing a state law that would ban foreign citizens from certain countries from buying real estate. the law is a total joke (only china/russia/iran/north korea, and does nothing to curtail jewish corporations like black cock) but r*ddit is full of useful idiot niggerfaggots crying about how "racist" it is.

americans are responsible for the demise of america.

>> No.53421762

To make 100k a year you need to make ~274 dollars a day or ~1,918 dollars a week or 8,220 dollars a month.

>> No.53421803
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What's it called when a number is small, so any change results in huge percentage gains?

>> No.53422008
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>lost literally 500-1000% buying power
dear god

>> No.53422084

Lmao if you believe this

>> No.53422282
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>Median income in 1990 $62,000
>Median income in 2022 $86,725

>> No.53422758

>implemented by a bunch of white European boomers

Why are liberals this dumb?

>> No.53423543

I live in Mass dude.
Dude idc if it's fucking Canada or Australia they can fuck off too. This shit is fucking retarded. Housing shouldn't be treated like a speculative instrument yet here we are. It's all good though cause all the fucking retards born in the 60s got to see their piece of shit ranch do a solid 5x while they coasted through the biggest bullrun in history and had senior jobs locked up as well. What a fucking joke man. The disparity between people born 20-25 years apart is unreal.
Complaining doesn't do anything about it but God damn.

>> No.53423599

My bad I didn't see the
>in my state
Why haven't you moved yet?

>> No.53423717

>graduate quantity surveyor
What does that even fucking mean, do you just stick your finger out and count shit all day?

>> No.53423879

*black tranny jew

>> No.53423899

This is something that doesn't get mentioned enough. Do you know how doctors and lawyers lived in the 90s off of 100 or 200k? Regular international travel, luxury cars, designer clothing, fancy-ass restaurants constantly. Fine dining (actually fine, not a $100 bill for two burgers and two beers with fries). Nice homes in not just nice, but the nicest neighborhoods. Malibu, Bel Air, whatever, they were within reach.

>> No.53423972

If the headline is true, it means the opposite of what you're implying.
t. Unemployed black dude with a degree who is suspicious of whatever data they pulled this from.

>> No.53423974

lmao this, also
>Median HOUSEHOLD income $67,000

>> No.53423988

Same with $20/hr for wagies. That used to mean that you were a manager or union or something, now you HAVE to make that in order to afford rent.

>> No.53424003

When did Chris Rock make his dentist joke?

>> No.53425616

Consider the olfactory properties

>> No.53425714

I am trapped in my job

>> No.53425796

I hate my job
what do

>> No.53425898

Lmao you've never been to Korea
That's ok a lot of people are too poor to travel

>> No.53425907

I hate my job and I'm trapped in it, I'm turning 32 this year

>> No.53425937

I'm an adult apprentice in a trade and I make 50k aud which is equivalent to about 35kusd... its over for me bros. Amerimutts complain making under 100k while the world is getting shafted by ZOG. JUST STFU YOU WHINGING CUNTS

>> No.53425992

I've been coasting at my job and just focusing on trading / investing

>> No.53426202

no girl wants a guy that lives in a trailer

>> No.53426544 [DELETED] 
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Delusional chingchong

>> No.53426555

Wat trade?

>> No.53426879

Huh, i make $190k a year and you're saying I break $100K in 1985 dollars? I can tell you that I live like someone making a third of that in 1985.

>> No.53426889

But it feels so long.

>> No.53426909

You should look for new ones like everyone else, that's how you make more money if your opportunities for growth are limited at your workplace.

>> No.53426953

Gonna guess 2006-2008. Great special. My favorite was "I'm not gonna check my watch until 10oclock, and then I'm gonna look, and I'm gonna feel goood". They say he's releasing a new hour soon.

>> No.53426966
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I made $192k in 2022. That's not including the $12k in company stock received or $50k I made from staking ETH.

>> No.53427006

I'm white, I just have money to travel
Cure yourself of your yellow fever, weeb, Asian is a dystopian shithole and the people are nasty

>> No.53427074

>just send out 9000 applications and get no replies
looking for new job is like a full time job in itself, at least for retards like me. I must be doing it wrong.

>> No.53427084

I made $15/hr as a lifeguard when i was a sophmore in highschool during the 90's, they also had a manual paper receipt system for people paying to use the pool, so sometimes I would work the register and pocket and extra $30-50/day.
Then in college I got a summer job as an accounts payable / receivable clerk in NYC for some small investment firm's office, it paid $104k + benefits with monthly garage parking space and they covered my tolls for the tunnel or a train ticket each day I worked, plus you were allowed to drink alcohol (within reasonable limits) in the office, I wasn't even 21 but nobody cared. Not even a full on staff accountant or controller, just an AR/AP clerk, after freshman year I switched to mostly night classes and my boss let me come in late 2 days a week if I worked late, so I just kept that job because it was bank.
Getting a real job in my college field was a let down because I never made the equivalent of that much money for that little work again, but it didn't matter because my retirement was fully funded, I had no college debt and I owned a home with only a small mortgage. Still I wish I could make $250k or whatever today's equivalent is but wages have been stagnant and everything has gotten expensive

>> No.53427126
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what if i told you i already made more this month alone?

>> No.53427147


I started out making 50K in 2014 (made $15/hr before that) out of college. It was on salary so it wasn't BRUTAL (unlike hourly where you're constantly worried about your schedule and how many hours you're working) but I was saving pretty much no money, and I was in the negative every so often on monthly expenses. Since then I've quadrupled my income (this year expected - waiting on bonus - will be $220K), but I think the more money you make, and the less you're worried about the day to day of your bills - you realize how exploited the working class really is. It is true 100K is nothing these days. 100K was a lot in the 1980s. It's over 40 years later. My dad used to tell me how "six figures" was a lot of money when I was a kid. We're talking 1990s. I don't know how the "six figures" trope has lasted this long. It has seriously damaged public discussion of competitive wages and made this artificial cliff where "you're lucky if you make 100K" which just isn't a reality anymore... Median household income is nearing 70K nationwide. That means your AVERAGE DUMB American household full of two workers (because no one has single-income households anymore) is almost making 100K.

>> No.53427174

I make that as a UK doctor, you're doing ok

>> No.53427178

100k is the new 40k.
100k in 2023 equals almost exactly 40k in 1981. Absolutely nobody thought making 40k was rich back then, but somehow 100k is an accomplishment now.

>> No.53427224
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Checks out. If you think about it public discussion of wages is likely run by boomers who were 'prime career age' in the 1980s so their 100K anchor for being "a lot of money" never changed. My father also told me when he was younger, around that time, he was making 60K and "that was a lot of money." At one point I put it into a calculator and it was over 200K (he's over 70 years old). It's hilarious how out of touch people get as they age.

>> No.53427260

I've been and I agree but there's no denying the Asian woman's thirst for white cock

>> No.53427387

>as in 2 people working
Lmao average niggas be making 33k a year. Shit's fucked.

>> No.53427402

>I made $15/hr as a lifeguard when i was a sophmore in highschool during the 90's
That's weird I was a lifeguard near 2010 and I only made 7.75.

>> No.53427416

A woman being reluctant to fuck foreigners would be the opposite of a dystopia but I have never met a korean woman who wasn't simultaneously mentally unbalanced in some way but also ready to try white cock if handed out as a free sample so I really have no clue what you're getting at.

>> No.53427427

$20 an hour no way i'm making $100k

>> No.53427435

Don't forget it also considers singles as each their own household:

>"Why aren't men getting married anymore?"
>"40% of women will be single and childless"
>"and that's a good thing"

>> No.53427474

Interns at apple in the early 2000s made $40/hr. Fast forward to today: Interns at apple still make $40/hr

>> No.53427892

Looks like the bulls are back invest in crypto now not too late this year I hope to see BTC at 100k.
Diversify your portfolio like I did which has great potential for instance QRDO, METIS, BNB, ETH, TEL, EGLD and UTK.

>> No.53427928

Go tech, you dont even need a cs degree in the UK for tech graduate roles.

>> No.53428067
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Married to PTA? Fuck man, maybe it's time for some Peanut M&Ms

>> No.53428530

Pay wasn’t linear in the 90s in the late 90s my dad made 100k one year. The pay scales stagnated until 2013 after this

>> No.53428928

It’s a construction professional. I write up construction contracts and make sure the costs are in line with the budget working alongside the construction project manager. Once I’m chartered it can be very lucrative.

>> No.53429111

I don't disagree. My goal is to be a full time investor. At this stage I view my job as a cash flow stream and one that affords me the time to focus on my main priority which is investing.
Based on my age and skill set or lack thereof I don't think it makes sense for me to go back to school and earn a degree just to start out making less money and play the game of white collar brown nosing. My regular job pays a little of $80k/yr so it's not the best and it's not the worst but like I said I'd rather just focus my efforts in areas where I have a lot more control and my ROI on a skill improvement level is much greater than whatever I'd be doing at a college.
I'm pretty blackpilled on the job market. If I thought that going to college and getting a 4 year degree would make me $200k then I'd do it but I feel like it's going to get me a job making the same money I make now with way more headaches.

>> No.53429179

Adding web3 tokens like LINK & ORE will boost your portfolio, anon

>> No.53429183

I lived in Korea and you’re full of shit. In fact you sound like some of the Korean “men” I’ve talked to.

>> No.53429192

>Then in college I got a summer job as an accounts payable / receivable clerk in NYC for some small investment firm's office, it paid $104k + benefits with monthly garage parking space

i'm a senior accountant with a masters degree and 4 years experience at a fortune 50 company. >>53417472 a-at least i work from home....

>> No.53429196

Korean women suck
They are the white women are asia
Literally braindead and addicted to "popular culture"

>> No.53429296

My side hustle is crypto. Buying and holding these solid gems like ORE.

>> No.53429305

I'm on ETH LP with ORE. Hoping to make more than 50k.

>> No.53429869

ill make around 100k in a low cost metro area... feels good but the weather sucks here 4 months out of theyear

>> No.53430346
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100k is solid af

>> No.53430375

>Median income in 1990 $62,000
>Median income in 2022 $86,725
did you adjust for inflation?

>> No.53430478
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dont know if this site is correct but it gets 30k

>> No.53430531

insects = kikes = (you)

>> No.53431657

The point of my post was to show that housing costs have almost quadrupled and wages are up like 25%.
If you live in Oklahoma sure but for those of us in the northeast it just means you can actually pay your bills and save money, assuming you actually put effort towards frugal living. It's a joke bro.

>> No.53431866
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as long as the raise is below the inflation pct, they are pretty much earning less than the previous year in terms of acutal monetary value.

>> No.53432462
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>> No.53432550


The sick part is that the price increases apply equally to the exact same homes that are decades older. Those McMansions were new construction back then. Landlords get to claim depreciation on rentals over 20 years. It's well established that these are assets that are supposed to gradually erode in value over time as they are used.

It's worse than 500-1000% erosion, it's 500-1000% erosion on depreciated assets. It's paying several times more for something that's already been used up.

>> No.53432574

>my base salary of 80k from last year is the same this year because of how bad the firm did, with a lower bonus payout

I'm h-happy to keep my job I guess

>> No.53432633


That's not the point. Something can be "good" compared to everything else in the moment, but it's worse than things were in the past.

>> No.53433179

It WAS good about 5-10 years ago.

Anecdotally, I'm living in a relatively small town, with a low cost of living. One of those towns where 50k/yr could get you a pretty decent lower middle class house, and money to survive comfortably back when I got my first real job. I was making 55k/yr about 8 years ago, and living very well.

I'm now making about 75k/yr in the same town, and I definitely can't afford as much as I could back then, despite making 20k/yr more. I'd say roughly 85k/yr here would put me in about the same place I used to be, and 100k/yr would put me pretty well in the middle class, if not on the border between lower middle and middle class. Prices and inflation are way more fucked than our government is letting on. /blog

>> No.53433227
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>he fell for the national individual income distribution meme

you need to look at it on a much more granular level, and even then you need to treat it with skepticism. discount those numbers for flyoverchuds making $30k/year and discount those numbers for niggers, spics, and single moms making $30k/year while collecting welfare gibs.

pic related is household income for my county. i'm an individual income earner but household vs individual is an irrelevant argument because co-habitation is so common (if you're a normie.)

>> No.53433289

i made $72k in 2020 and today i make $98k. i'm no better off. my rent went from $1k/mo to $1.4k/mo. my groceries are easily 50% more expensive. if i had to buy another compact economy car today, i doubt i could stomach the payment.

>> No.53434004
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I got a 3 percent raise. And they removed my bonus structure.

I made 125k in 2021, 105k in 2022. now I am stuck making 78 or 79k a year

luckily rates are up though so I prob make like an extra 4k-5k a year off interest from bank. But my gold digger gf will not be happy.

>> No.53434150

I made 10k last year then lost it all on silver penny stocks. I now beg for money outside my local mcdonalds and use the mcdonalds wifi to gamble my earnings on memestocks and poker

>> No.53434198

i'm a lowly high school grad in a small ohio town, no IT certs, and i made 100k for the first time last year
it's over for the middle class

>> No.53434297

Made 132k last year. Then the government took it's cut and I took home LESS than 100k.

>> No.53436168

The UK has this for 30 and 40kpa lol

You're a fuckin' winner if you're on 50k+ holy shit lad

>> No.53436868

This is what demons look like btw. The mushroom is evil.

>> No.53436895

It will be a big joke believing you can make that much with Salary alone, I do part-time in real estate and this helps a lot considering I even make payments for the houses with crypto so I can earn cash back.

>> No.53437256
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>> No.53437330

This is visible in a country that accepts crypto payments, though I've recently noticed that most real estate companies, including Zome, Fortera, Kensington, and many others, are moving into crypto payments.

>> No.53438624

I never grasped this, like cigarettes cost 10-15 a pack in the UK, a pack-a-day smoker is paying 20% of his take-home income on fags.

>> No.53439457


Kek, you've been to the wrong districts of Korea.

>> No.53440649

well, full disclosure would be that I was a lifeguard at a country club with a lot of bankers, doctors, judges and lawyers, the guy who recommended me for that college job was a club member who I had known for 3 years and he was a Wall St arbitrator who made $300-400k and only really worked for 1-2 full time work weeks every 6 months. NYC was higher pay already, and this job was above average pay for NYC, but those jobs existed back then since there was no pajeets and wymnz racing us to the bottom with competition

>> No.53440768

cpi is jewed to the core to make their fuckups less noticable lol