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53432418 No.53432418 [Reply] [Original]

The median google salary is $300k
The average is even higher
I fucked up bad going civil engineering

>> No.53432439
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You probably wouldnt have been able to get into a job there anyway
Captcha: dgrapg

>> No.53432476

Why not? I’m easily 130 IQ, a very hard worker, I’m 100% certain if I went CS I’d end up at a FAANG company

>> No.53432493

in 10 years the industry will be fucked. Literally everyone between ages 12-17 who's above 100 IQ wants to learn to coder and make 300k. Either that or be a hustler on youtube and Twitch sheet bussin

>> No.53432535

Okay but who the fuck gives a shit what happens in 10 years?
If I went CS and made $300k at google I’d be set for life with dividends after just saving up my salary. Now im stuck saving on the margins because I can’t afford to save more than that.
My 18 year old self doomed to me a life of wagery, for fucks sake

>> No.53432551

The country is crumbling everything was built 100 years ago. You will have steady work until you die. These tech trannies get laid off when money isnt free anymore

>> No.53432563

Charisma and who you know matters far more for getting jobs like that.

>> No.53432575
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Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering

>> No.53432597
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>> No.53432599

the average google code monkey has charisma? good to know

>> No.53432647

>Now im stuck saving on the margins because I can’t afford to save more than that.
That's a load of bullshit. Post budget, last three months spending reports, and time usage (ie, how many hours worked at what jobs). You CAN save more money, you CHOOSE not to, because you're a whiny pleb.

>> No.53432671

We'll still need roads and bridges when the tech bubble implodes. A lot of pajeets are about to be out of work.

>> No.53432802

>in 10 years the industry will be fucked
Most retards can't figure out how to use computers. People vastly overestimate the competency of the general public and their interest in technology. The technologies will change and those who utilize previous tech to work on new tech will prosper just like right now.

>Okay but who the fuck gives a shit what happens in 10 years?
This. The point is to get in make money and get out.

>> No.53432903
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OK, i dont keep a budget but ill tell you in general monthly expense, income, and allocation of savings


>rent, $380
>food, $300
>snus, $100
>various necessay expenses that crop up from time to time such as needing new clothes, repairs, etc: $300 (but varies a lot)


Yes, i suffer in sneeden

>> No.53432916

Kindly fuck off, we are full.

>> No.53432928

Nearly forgot public transport subscription, $100 per month

>> No.53432930

>I’m easily 130 IQ,
kek not as a civie engineer

>> No.53432945

This. Code monkeys will be oversaturated from pajeets and chinks and AI replacing most human functions. Learn something other than coding or computer engineering. Imagine spending your life as a code monkey behind a screen. Borderline satanic

>> No.53432957

And why the hell not? Most engineers are probably 110-115 IQ

>> No.53432963

The government will import cheap chinks and pajeets to take the civil engineering jobs.

>> No.53432983

kek you're a yuropoor, that's the problem. Go work in US or Asia/Latam with a US/Canadian company to maximize salary.

>> No.53433001

Believe me I would like to, but its not straightforward at all, especially these days. Seems USA is only interested in chinks, pajeets and haitians, not so much europeans who would compete with white americans for white collar jobs

>> No.53433033
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>rent, $380

>> No.53433042
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>Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering

>> No.53433052
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>17m2 shitbox student apartment

>> No.53433061

>Most retards can't figure out how to use computers.
>The technologies will change and those who utilize previous tech to work on new tech will prosper just like right now.

yes exactly they don't need to know how to use computers. Now you're getting it

>> No.53433079
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I'm in tech but not in the US so I earn a salary that only works out to about $160k US. If I was born in the US I'd earn $300k at FAGMAN.

Life's not fair.

>> No.53433087

You only pay 380 dollars in rent?
I live in Dublin and it's easily 1000 euro here. EASILY.
Also what's your gross salary before taxes and net?

>> No.53433098

ChatGPT and similar AI will replace huge swathes of American jobs currently occupied by cheap chinks and pajeets.

>> No.53433100

>easily 130 iq
Yeah sure buddy and in any case in order to excel at those kinds of jobs you need 140 minimum

>> No.53433110

Im a retard, $3400 is pre-tax, post-tax is like $2500 or something, so you can dock $1k from that net figure. Basically everything goes to bitcoin and ethereum for those wondering

Yes, $380 in rent, although its a 17m2 student aparment and i can only stay here after graduating for 2 years, so gonna have to leave by march.

>> No.53433176

I paid 850 here for like 15m2. Shared toilet. Shared kitchen. I presume you get taxed to fuck in Sweden though and Ireland is particularly bad for rent.
I'm an architect, just starting out and I'm on the same salary as you it seems. Literally debating with myself whether to pay 700 euro rent for double room and uensuite or continue living with parents for free and save. Think I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and pay the rent for dignity's sake.
100 dollars on snus kek. I used to live in Finland so I've known about that shit for a while but it just hit the Irish market in the last couple of months. Seems to be taking the place by storm.

>> No.53433186

Oh and if you feel bad my IQ is 142 and I still chose architecture. JUST.

>> No.53433197

Didn't Biden print like 2 trillion for infrastructure that would employ civil engineers?

Oh yeah, thats right none of it was spent for actual infrastructure and it was probably just stolen.

>> No.53433219
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I've unironically ruined my life. I had a shot and I blew it. Now the best I could ever hope to achieve is like $120k after 20 years.
>t. Civil Eng

>> No.53433234

You don't get "code monkey" jobs for 300k. They outsource the garbage piss easy code monkey work overseas and the people making 300k are doing a lot more complex tasks.

>> No.53433242

well, you gotta keep trying, maybe marry a burger woman?

>> No.53433247

>wants to learn to code
Do you know how many people "want" to lose weight or get big? To become a D1 athlete? To start a business?

Lots. And guess what ends up happening? They spend maybe 1-2 weeks entertaining the thoughts, then stop at the slightest pushback. Or they grow bored. Or they talk themselves out of it.

Everything I listed above is significantly simpler than coding. You can't tell mr tiktok scrolling, 0 attention span having zoomies are capable of sitting down for hours every day for 6-12 months to properly learn to code. Even the ones enrolled in CS degrees at Unis are typically just skating by and not doing anymore than the minimum required, if even.

Fact of the matter remains, if you genuinely spend the time and aren't a midwit, you WILL succeed.

>> No.53433251

You need to move, that's a poverty wage although I will say you're doing well on keeping your spending low. Get a job with an american company.

>> No.53433264

I'm sure most of it was stolen, but there's also a boom in CE rn. My company has a back log of 14 months of work. Here's the pathetic part: that 14 months of back log is only worth in the ballpark of $200m. Gross revenue.

>> No.53433269

Does it actually work, meaning does it give you the benefits of nicotine without the health issues?

>> No.53433270

Do you not have some type of student accommodations with massively reduced rents? The place I'm renting at right now would probably go for $1000 since its fairly central. The only way i can stay here is because for some reasons there are organizations that offer these aparments at greatly reduced prices.
The shared kitchen and bathoom part must completely suck, i empathize a lot there. Most student apartments share that stuff here aswell but I was lucky enough to get one of these rare ones. I have no idea where to move later, I checked the rent prices around for something around 30m2 and centrally they go for around $1500. No way im gonna do what, unfortunately most likely option right now seems to be going for short time rentals (they are greatly reduced aswell because they plan to renovate them and you will have to move), after that moving back to parents.
$700 doesnt sound so bad. you should do that

>> No.53433366

Nah. Major housing crisis in Ireland. Been bad for 10 years, been terrible for the last 5 and seemingly will not be fixed for 5-10. The government literally built no houses/apartments for years and we have a bunch of US tech company HQs so rich cunts keep moving here.
It must be nice to live in a country that works. The 850 euro place I paid for *was* supposed to be a cheap special deal for students amazingly.
I'm not sure if it doesn't still kill you. I'd be reluctant to suggest that, although it's *probably* not as bad.
However, it definitely works in the sense of a potent nicotine rush. Jesus Christ. I got a headache after about 10 minutes.

>> No.53433529

im with you lil bro, not to mention we have way less options for remote work

>t. mechanical engineer

>> No.53433543

one of the richest guys i ever met was a civil engineering major in college

>> No.53433568

Its pretty competitive to be an actual google employee bro

>> No.53433582

I heard about the real estate crisis in Ireland and in particular dublin, but I would have thought most western european countries have this system i mentioned.
Btw i wouldn't call sweden functioning. Its worked great so far for me with these options but they are over since i graduated. Im gonna have to pick shitty options unless I'm willing to take on a $250k mortgage

>> No.53433590

Everyone that works there is 145 iq and top 1% of grades at elite tier uni.

>> No.53433666

Nah, you’re a retard, doubt your IQ is higher than 105

>> No.53433667

I know this is biz but... doesn't coding seem incredibly dull? Like didn't ANY of you get into engineering because it's actually fucking interesting and you make cool structures and shit?
Like I am disappointed with my wages in architecture but also... most of the coders I know wanted to do what I'm doing and didn't have the talent so then they decided to follow the money instead.
On top of that your wages are only part of the equation when it comes to wealth. You invest, albeit that it's easier with a higher wage a lot of retards still fuck that up.
And then finally, if your plan is to just work for 10 years and then retire or whatever, what do you actually plan to do with your free time? I don't want a ton of free time - I want to design buildings. Nothing scares me more than the prospect of AI replacing us because of the implication that I will have nothing to do and a ton of free time. Given AI replacing us seems likely to happen... who even cares what you earn? Seems like we're all out of jobs any way.

>> No.53433767

Let me guess, the career in which he made his riches wasn't engineering, was it?

>> No.53433784

did he start his own business? civil engineering in general is super scalable, so you get massive companies within construction, consulting, design, etc.... however the margins are much smaller, high OH costs, material costs, production costs, etc....

>> No.53433818

>didn't ANY of you get into engineering because it's actually fucking interesting and you make cool structures and shit?
Yeah, but is anything we do actually interesting? Genuine question. Even the puzzle aspect of this job has been robbed from me because "it's in the design manual, go to page xx" and god forbid we do it any other way than that. I welcome the AI revolution. AI will be a better engineer than I am.
>what do you actually plan to do with your free time?
Build cars and guns. If I had all the time in the world it would be all cars and guns, all the time.

>> No.53433821

>Even the ones enrolled in CS degrees at Unis are typically just skating by and not doing anymore than the minimum required, if even.
For sure.
And a cs degree and learning to code are really different honestly, its not the same thing.

>> No.53433885

>All cars and guns, all the time.
Kek. Fair enough I guess.
I'm still holding out hope there's some creativity left in architecture. If there isn't I'll start chasing the dollar too.
Buy a 3D printer btw. Best thing I ever got. 200 dollars. Can print guns too although they're pieces of shit.

>> No.53433894

Do you have an internal monologue?

>> No.53433917

yes that's the problem

no one fucking makes anything

at best you're relegated to a tiny component that's braindead easy to model, and you spend all your time just trying to make it complaint to a bunch of standards and requirements

3D printing is the last bastion of hope for people who actually want to make cool shit but right now it's only caught on in aerospace and a little bit of medical. my country is too poor so it doesnt even have those industries, and american aerospace companies all require you bee a citizen or green card holder

>> No.53433960
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You didnt fuck up OP. You were never meant to win

>> No.53434081

checked and true
OP Btfo

>> No.53434156

I've never entirely understood that question. I think in different ways depending on the situation. If I am on my own - absolutely. I will think through things and even walk through hypothetical dialogues. It's kind of annoying actually.
If someone is talking to me I reckon the internal monologue is still active but I'm sort of so focused on their input (unless they're boring) that I'm not really noticing my own monologue as much.
Hmm fair. On the other hand: if 3D printing interests you and it hasn't caught on in many industries (it seems to be just coming to fruition in construction) then you could see that as an opportunity. If the path was obvious someone would already be walking it anon. If you're doing something genuinely interesting, or requiring ingenuity by the very definition you'll be venturing into the unknown...
From what I've seen: boomers do not understand 3D printing/AI/augmented/virtual reality and therefore shit talk it and cannot adapt or use it. It's basically up to us. Or you know possibly they're right and it's a load of Bollox, but if that's the case at least we tried and weren't fucking boring like the Google NPCs.

>> No.53434224

Just to try to capture what I mean: as I walked away having typed out my answer I started to think. In my head I repeated "Do I have an internal monologue?" in my head and started to think about how I would answer that verbally.
Does that count? If that isn't what an internal monologue is then no I don't have one and also I don't know wtf it means.

>> No.53434251

I want to bash in the heads of everyone who talk about their salary in gross. Like why the fuck is it so hard to say how much money you really take home? Are you trying to fool yourself and cope or what. This is worse than people telling you they own a house while having paid off 20% of their mortgage

>> No.53434346

Blame europoors. They are taxed so highly their net pay looks like shit.

>> No.53434365

Exactly, for shitty tasks they pay 10k/yr pajeets. The people bagging quarter of a million dollars are the ones who decide the architecture and make sure services used by millions of people run smoothly without interruption. It definitely takes a fuckton of responsibility and knowledge in your field. I'm an europoor and I have a salary similar to OPs - I can make close to 3k eur net (which is still almost triple the avg wage here) but I have very low responsibility and sometimes fuck around for half the day. We are pretty much cheaper workforce for Germans. The bottom of the barrel are pajeets in India

>> No.53434414

We are on verge of new industrial revolution.. who the fuck know what the next attractive jobs will be. A lot of work will be replaced by robots or AI. Unless you really specialized then good luck.. And in case there some moron who belive that UBi is the solution then remember that you will be seen as parasite by the people on top and they will get rid of you as soon as possible.

>> No.53434438

lots of people got filtered out of engineering and it still got cucked

>> No.53434443

>the solution
More pandemics until the population is reduced to a manageable level.

>> No.53434630

Because different countries tax differently

>> No.53434659

All the more reason to state it in net??

>> No.53434698

So if some nigga told you he makes $10 per year you wouldn't be interested to know he's taxed 99,999%?

>> No.53434727
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>> No.53434743
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>> No.53434764

do it again I like the funny :O faces

>> No.53434793
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>> No.53434836

$300k SWE at Google, AMA.

>> No.53434990

>AS in Mechatronics and Automation systems
>been 2 yrs at $21/hr at a factory, was my internship and they claimed to have ez mobility to their engineering and controls department
>no such progression path exists, they just hire people with 10 yrs experience and keep the grunts they get from the tech college internships as perpetual assembly and operator bitches.

I want to switch jobs but I've gained no experience. All I do is press buttons and wire panels, don't want to start over again as an entry level bitch somewhere else.

>> No.53435217

I would suggest some basic IT certs about networking or security from a local community College, but I know working like 60 hrs a week that's going to be hard. If you're smart you could maybe talk about how your experience in automation amd PLCs translates to a deeper understanding of networks or something. Worth a shot, anyway.

>> No.53435234

stop saying "FAANG", it's FAGMAN

>> No.53435263
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>Bachelors of Science in Mechanical Engineering
I just wanted to build racecars, bros. That's all.

>> No.53435848
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Don't feel too bad, I did an MA in Geography. Everyone told me that the degree didn't matter because you should DO WHAT YOU ENJOY. What they fucking didn't tell me was some degrees completely fuck your career prospects, and now I'm stuck in a dead-end admin job working for a local council earning just slightly above minimum wage. It is so fucking soul destroying and it's all because I fell for the DO WHAT YOU ENJOY meme. I'm not enjoying this, that's for fucking sure. And to make it all much worse, I've lost 75% of my life savings to crypto. Absolutely fucking great.

>> No.53435889
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I'm sorry to hear anon. Whats the gameplan from here on out?

>> No.53435963

>BA in math from top tier university
>26 y/o
>tech in SF, not google but post-IPO
>290k TC, likely >300k after next review

feels good to not be a moron

>> No.53435976

I'm still holding my crypto and haven't sold, so I've not lost it exactly yet, so I still have hope. Other than that, I'm just trying to stop spending more than I need. I know it's a meme, but I put Christmas on the credit card so it wasn't complete shit, so between that and the debt for energy bills, I'm probably in a £6k hole at the moment, although I'm a bit afraid of opening the scary letters that keep coming because they make me sad. All-in-all, I'm absolutely fucked, so will probably end up with an IVA to get out of it. When the crypto goes back up then I stand a chance and I can probably pay to do another degree, but in something not shit.

>> No.53436284

I miss the time when I could only worry about what new shit was being listed on dextools so I could buy it, now I have to work 2 fucking jobs to pay for those expenses, the medical degree didn't help me at all

>> No.53437105

Only Jews and minority pets get those jobs

>> No.53437197

Get to god-tier skill-level at GeoGuessr and try to get an analyst position at MI6/CIA.

>> No.53438208


It might be the median salary, but it's nowhere near the average salary. Most Google engineers make between $130k - 180k in salary, the rest of it comes in the form of bonuses and stock grants.

Yes, you do have higher up principal architects who make a much higher salary, but that's like 1 out of every 50 engineers.

>> No.53438435

absolutely not?
Seems like that is his issue. People should only care about what goes to their pocket unless explicitlynaskrd.

>> No.53438510

300k is not that much

>> No.53438576
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They better not run on fossil fuel

>> No.53439435

Me. Pure software in any case seems extremely dull to me, however I do a lot of coding as part of my job anyway. Just annoys me that zoomer retards get more money than me coming out of school than what I make with several years of experience. The saturation of software is inevitable though. There are far too many new grads entering the market each year relative to demand, and it's been apparent for awhile how much money gets wasted both by big tech corps and VC-backed startups. This decade will unironically see the regression of SWE earnings to the engineering mean, or lower, other than for a few niche specialties.

>> No.53439588

im a jack of all trades but kick myself daily for not just going full retard in software 20+ years ago and sticking with it. i'd be rich and wouldn't give a fuck. i do a lot of cool mechanical stuff now with the software just being an interface tool mostly. neet to be able to do CNC and run a machine shop and build electrical cabinets and make real things. but the sad fact is that I could be making 2-3x as much as just a software fag.

>> No.53439616


And here I am making 22k a year as an account manager in fucking latam. 3 months into this company.
My degree weighs so little, and it is my social skills that pay me, at the end of the day.

Rent = 0, expenses minimized.

Just need a better job I guess, Any ideas?

I also play piano/website dev on the side, but both hustles are paying shit right now, and net about 2k extra a year.

>> No.53439749

Do you ever regret spending the most productive years of your career at a large, bureaucratic, and societally-harmful corporation instead of starting your own company or doing original research?

>> No.53441268
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>Say you're a poorfag without saying you're a poorfag
Nobody has their net income off hand, do you realize how fucking annoying that would even be to calculate given pre-tax withdrawals to tax-advantaged accounts?

>> No.53441301

>central bankers above big bankers

>> No.53441346

First AS """"degrees"""" are less than a meme, second, you make $21/hr you ARE entry level bitch, fuck, you're less than entry level, fucking waiters make more than that

>> No.53441493

UPS pays their techs 33hr starting and two year progression to 42 in my area.

Good luck passing the test though. It’s not necessarily hard it’s just either you know it or don’t

>> No.53441625
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>BS in ChE but I live rural/suburban midwest

Stop trying to out-jones each other, boners.

>> No.53442021

pure kek

>> No.53442110

Not really. You can hit 120k easily with your license, move into a comfy govt job with stable income, pension, and benefits with stress free work. Just move to cheaper areas.

>> No.53442488

The more evil, the better the pay. The only thing mor evil than govt jobs are big tech jobs. The people that I know who work for Google are know it all liberal faggots. I’d be broke then some liberal faggot anon.

>> No.53442530

I do, and everyone I know here. There are lots of non NPC people here, they just hide it very well. In my case, I come from a literal shit hole and this path to such money would never be imaginable otherwise, but there's a huge huge feeling of emptiness.

>> No.53442579

Lol idk I turned them down kek

>> No.53442592

Fucking brainlet. I turned jewgle down when they offered me a job. Kek

>> No.53442604

300k in SF is like 150K NYC or 170K SEA

>> No.53442866

That's a very honest and wise take. I hope that some day the money you earn grants you the freedom to care for yourself and your loved ones and do fulfilling work all at the same time. Best of luck to you.

>> No.53442923

what level are you? and what area are you based in?

>> No.53442932

Not even that matters.
I got a 400k job in FAANG just because I knew a guy on the inside and he liked me.

>> No.53443130

L5 in Switzerland

>> No.53443143
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>business administration

>> No.53443246

>average is 3x higher than I was supposed to waste my life on, happily

>> No.53443426
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>> No.53443628

Unironically AI based 3D printing machines are in the works at some companies

>> No.53444899

>food, $300
>t. america pigu

>> No.53445028

You don't make a lot of money as an IT guy in Sweden.

My friend went 5 years in Chalmers in computer science and makes 32,000 kronor before taxes.

>> No.53445226

My friend went into some training program (2 years long) and is making 55k SEK (~$5500). He’s been working for 3 years

>> No.53445423

No one in the modern economy does things because they're fun. It's a fundamentally purposeless exercise. You exist to consume. You work to consume, you take on debt to consume, you make so others can consume, and someday the lights will go out and that's your life.
That's why we're all trying to make it, because the rat race is utterly pointless, and nothing in the 'economy' will make you feel any better. Work until you don't have to anymore.
AI could be a blessing but it won't benefit this economy, because it would destroy it since it's built on slavery and not being a slave means you will get nothing.

>> No.53445525

Anyone gonna point out how these jobs are in places like San Jose or Seattle?

>> No.53445797

Okay you pointed it out. Now what?

>> No.53445816

Crashing this economy

>> No.53445817

But are you a stuck up yuppie? Very important question.

>> No.53448104

Ticket to getting sued, you mean? Yeah, I'll get right on that. Enjoy your $50m liability insurance policy, grandpa.

>> No.53448172

>be me
>actually kind of tried and worked hard in school
>make less than useless HR roasties
Why is the world like this? Christ. Uncle Ted was right.
Bro, I need to know, how much mental propaganda and horseshit do you have to deal with? Did a reasonably grounded and right-wing guy like me ever have a chance there? Or would I be filtered by the mindgames?

>> No.53448381

You only get sued if you use your license to stamp plans. You don't stamp plans in government because you don't design. :)

>> No.53448558

as an ex google employee I can confirm many of the engineers I worked with were dumb as shit. however they would all without a doubt say they have 140 iq, so youd probably fit in

>> No.53448736

Training for what? What does he work with?

>> No.53448805

Would you mind taking a moment to complete our poll?
>And how many survivors do you intend to allow in this Economy Crash?
>Some survivors
>No survivors
Thank you

>> No.53450423

Software engineer of some type dont ask my specifics. He works as a developer for länsförsäkringar which is a big insurance company

>> No.53450440

Appreciate it brother, world needs more love and understanding, I hope you find what you're looking for as well.

Honestly, there's no horseshit in day to day interactions, there's lots of newsletters and initiatives but that's why GMail filters exists. I filter out everything not directly affecting my job very aggressively, 0 inbox policy. Yes you won't go around praising Trump and throwing insults like here or saying "kek" or even acknowledging chan or Blind. Lots of eastern euros and Russians who grew up in the 90s, believe me they have harsh words in their language for this shit but they don't care, the job itself is OK, free food is great, you feel pampered all around (medical, phone, internet bills paid, literal helicopter incident "we'll get you outta anywhere" insurance etc. etc.) and I make 3x what a president in my country makes. If I'm laid of it's fun while it lasted, nothing bad to say about this company.

>> No.53451543

I ruined my life, I studied agronomy and here the salary is the same as a bus driver, I wanna kill myself for studying this shitty career.

>> No.53451620

Damm drain 4chan post, thought I was the only one still listening here.

>> No.53451712

How the fuck do you make $3400 as a student

>> No.53451846

You're telling me.
I'm smart, scientist in quant field. Make 120k.
Gf makes 200k in tech. She's smart so I don't care. But the idiots on her team also make that, like total fucking idiots raking in 180k.
Shit fucks me up badly

>> No.53451853

Niggers in America get double that doing 1/10th of the work your friend does.

!00k for doing shitn

>> No.53451881

joke's on you, i earn maybe 18k€ after taxes in the shithole where i live

>> No.53451889

Oh please. People at FAGMAN aren't paid so much because they're smarter, they're paid so much because they're a necessary part of an extremely profitable business. Software engineering in reality isn't any harder than any other type of engineering.
Hot take: same goes for "data science" compared to other hard sciences.

>> No.53452003

Appreciate the reply, anon. Also happy for you. Happy trails, it's nice to know one of our guys made it.

>> No.53452407
File: 425 KB, 1080x1080, 1565556229336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Social Engineer

>> No.53452445

i'm somewhere unironically just below that .75, just scratching the very bottom of the 7. i'm trying to go back down to everyone else.
it's hard to maintain that level of discrepancy in society today without teetering either way while not letting yourself become complacent in the lower class lifestyle.

>> No.53452519
File: 129 KB, 1024x720, 9E8DE4FC-200B-4C87-B8A1-CE7858472CCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and they get laid off and out of work now that the economy is shit while engineers remain

>> No.53452620
File: 196 KB, 955x969, 4D87D81C-ADA1-4303-BA41-77F2B0D95161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dual majored IT and accounting
At least I came to terms with the fact that life is ass when I was a kid.

>> No.53452653

That's barely upper middle class in CA.

>> No.53452674

300k now is pretty much 140k 10 ten years ago with the way home prices and inflation are now.

>> No.53452765


No, brother, all you need is LeetCode

>> No.53453024

Fun isn't how I'd put it. Meaningful is better. Nobody's work is truly meaningful in the sense that it will impact society or further human technological progress. It's more along the lines of 'how to sell more pet food' or 'make yet another meaningless social media app'.

>> No.53453604

Lol qualchads win again

>> No.53454739

Fix the damn highways. No I don't know where the money is.

>> No.53454780

That's been the goal all along. Business leaders want to saturate tech to destroy the high compensation and consolidation of tech in SV.

Free high quality learning material for a CS degree and adjacent sub disciplines seems plentiful nowadays. Biotech and engineering, bioinformatics, genetics research and standard practices, chemistry, law, finance - that stuff doesn't get the same official level of support and those fields are government regulated. You cannot practice law or engineering or medicine in an official capacity in the US unless you have an active license, with extreme barriers to entry, or the government arrests and levies criminal charges.

>> No.53454791

Nobody cares how you solve simple code monkey problems.

>> No.53454837

software development and middle management in tech really is more a blue collar skill when you think about it.

>> No.53455117

>That's barely upper middle class in CA.
I'd go as to far as to say it's solidly not upper middle class. mid af in the urban areas

>> No.53455907

And if you were here you would be complaining about 220k at apple instead of 400k at Netflix

>> No.53455928

Not a very good list. Missing:
- professors / academia
- journalists
- Hollywood

>> No.53455952

If you can't be successful with a master's degree, then nothing will make you succeed. People do a lot more with less all the time. You're just a loser and expect things to fall into your lap.

>> No.53456028

Incorrect, there are ways to practice law without passing the BAR. You will just likely end up in corporate law, where you never see a courtroom and basically just assess and analyze different legal documents all day

>> No.53456050

Also, I think bio-hackers will be the next big thing. Genetics equipment, chemistry equipment, is both very very cheap right now, and the tech to complement it is getting cheaper and more accessible every single day. I can 100% see hobbyist medical/genetic/chemist types that make their own home brew viruses, cells, ect popping up in the next 20-30 years easy. I think it will become a huge hobby

>> No.53456113

99% of those people will be fighting for frontend and data science roles, if you're in literally any other specialisation you'll be fine.

>> No.53456201

I’m no longer a student

>> No.53456482

The recruiters do

>> No.53456574

>civil engineering technician
>fat uneducated HR roasties make more than me
I fucked up worse

>> No.53456588

I’m in Management Information Systems right now, is it worth finishing?

>> No.53457425

Kek. Try social fucking sciences. Ended up in crypto looking for a better financial life. Started during the DOGE hype, of course BTC was the most reasonable after that and then QNT and partners like ALBT only for the bear market to come along.

>> No.53458947

Are you a future roastie, troon or pajeet? If not...

>> No.53461852

What about electrical engineering ?

>> No.53462456

Coders are literally a year or 2 away from total obsolescence

>> No.53462578

Take the government pill
T.civil engineer 120k at 6 years exp

>> No.53462591

You in cali?