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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53524627 No.53524627 [Reply] [Original]

Buy high, sell low

>> No.53524661

he didnt sell you chud

>> No.53524681

But they're still holding it you retard. They haven't sold anything in 2022. Otherwise btc would've tanked if tsla said they sold their btc on the earnings call.

>> No.53524715

what happened to the tessie stock shorting sissies...

>> No.53524720


>> No.53524806

Nice fud nigger

>> No.53524847

this isnt even the same article fag

>> No.53524918

I don't care dude, I'm still holding my BTC as well as XMR ORE MATIC SHIB.

>> No.53524934


>> No.53525171

>2021 Feb
>telsa buys $1.5B in BTC
>price 40k

>2022 July
>tesla sells 75% of its BTC
>price 23k
>44% loss


this is who you are browsing this board with

>> No.53525188

The best part is that if tesla sold the bottom it would be bullish, not bearish. Elon cock too far down their throat to realize.

>> No.53525195

dont quote me saying fud fag. i am a seasoned investor and your greentext is purely opinion fag

>> No.53525265
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>i am a seasoned investor

>> No.53525281

140m vs the billion dollar market cap. Nice FUD faggot, very low iq post.

>> No.53525305

this information contradicts the op. you are a fucking retard

>> No.53525348

ask yo mama :D

>> No.53525391

Sell all your cryptos as the government is now after it.

>> No.53525427

OR he can just lie to not pay taxes from profits, just like he lies about his own company.

>> No.53525957
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>Buys high
>Doesn't sell
>Makes more money with rewards
Am i doing this right bros?

>> No.53526021

140m to elon is literally nothing

>> No.53526295

Money isn't everything to musk. I sure he got something out of buying Twitter, ever since he bought it the media has turned on him. That should tell you something.

>> No.53527228

Aaaaand of course it's Bitcoin's problem, he is just too smart to make a mistake.

>> No.53528031

Never, I'm going to keep buying, low caps especially, ORE and ENS.

>> No.53529878

More energy on the ppTORN vault.... it comes with a real world utility value, A Re-staking and auto-staking vault. Now let's watch how this affects CVP's price

>> No.53529899

>libtard jewrnalists calculating "alleged losses"

>> No.53529999

Never miss out on MATIC

>> No.53530039

Only if consistency can be added to powerpoolcvp road map....

>> No.53530062

No they confirmed they sold in investor reports. Too bad you wouldn’t know that retard. I hope you feel as stupid as you come off.

>> No.53530076


>> No.53530129

ooooh so edgy, how's your day going tranny? Did you bleed more than usual?

>> No.53530984

These are ID management projects are the stuff.

>> No.53531015

Security is our fundamental rights and government ain't coming for Privacy and DiD projects because it's becoming a necessity and Defi is getting more adoption after the CEXs shitshow.

>> No.53531080

>listen man i was there with with you, we all lost money together. don't hate the rich. we're just like you.

>> No.53531081

Retail cope, this is why you wallstreetbets left-wing idiots lost hundreds of billions last year in the stock market. Keep giving us your money though by all means.

>> No.53531735

Not so many of them around for now as web3 is still young. I know ORE network does this.

>> No.53531786

Don't think ENS should be called a low cap. kekk. Well, I'll research ORE.