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53573163 No.53573163 [Reply] [Original]

>make 90k
>not rich
So... how much do you gotta make to make it?

>> No.53573187

I don't think you're rich unless you make over $500,000, and even then you're not really that rich. You're not going to be buying super cars or a private jet anytime soon, you just live a more comfortable version of an average life.

>> No.53573190

Yeah, well.
No shit.
90k is not even 40k in 1990.
You are doing better than alot of people but you aren't rich.

>> No.53573210

500k is probably on the bubble. At that point as long as you are not extended out the ass on loans for to much house and to many expensive cars, you are doing good...ie...you can eat out as much as you want, consoom pretty freely without worrying about making next months mortgage payment, take a couple vacations/long weekends evey year, etc...

>> No.53573213

people who make $90,000/yr should be rounded up and thrown in a hard labor camp
marx was right

obama was also right
nobody making $90k/year built that.
they were born rich and fast tracked into nice white collar jobs; or the government gave them loans. none of these faggots got there with hard work.

>> No.53573223


>> No.53573229

you ever try opiods?

>> No.53573233

90k now is the 42k of 2015

>> No.53573234

The Number™ is half a million a year, doesn't matter how you got there. That's what 100k, the original Six Figures™ was in the 80s when it was popularized, but I've seen the date go as far back as the 50s. To be fair to them, a half a million American dollar salary is about as difficult to achieve as six figs was back then, rich lifestyles were always extremely uncommon by design.

>> No.53573236

You're not rich if you "earn", since this implies wagecuckoldry aka slavery.
A neet who gets 700$ a month (from the jewish printed shekels loaned to the government for interests, paid back by that slave who "earns" 90k) in gibs is richer than any wagie.
Rich means resources, if you pay taxes on your house it's not yours, to be rich you have to own things and have slaves, the way to do it for example is own a charity today, you get gibs aka slave wagies pay you indirectly, own a bank, own some ESG thing to get the Blackrock gibs, etc.

>> No.53573288

I know 90 is significantly higher but I make $65K and feel like a poorfag.

>> No.53573317

When you said loaned to the government and all that, you were referring to the bonds the government issues?

>> No.53573328

I have a client in a child custody case who makes over $90,000 a year. She’s filing for bankruptcy due to debt.

>> No.53573352

I made 103k last year and I still can’t comfortably afford to eat hibachi every day. I hope this answers your question.

>> No.53573362

I remember reading a study years ago that showed people's happiness level didn't improve at all after a certain salary, which was $75k. With inflation that's probably around $90k now. Anything over that level is just extra pocket money, it won't make a significant difference to your life.

>> No.53573371

my friend makes $90k with a fake resume, anyone can do it.
except me

>> No.53573372

90k is cuck territory, you end up getting the shit taxed out of you, especially in NYC or similar areas.
You also qualify for 0 benefits so you end up paying for your own health insurance etc.
Really you end up taking home like 40k, and then you need to pay rent and bills
The only way to live comfy in america is to be a welfare queen or make 500k+

>> No.53573379

90 has a take-home of around 60.
65 has a take-home of around 45.

Not a huge difference.
Taxes make it tough to get rich.

>> No.53573386

theres no such thing as needs. you only need food and shelter because you WANT to keep living. its your choice to work for minimum wage. just die if its too much for you to handle, nobody will care, its your choice.

>> No.53573401
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I make €95k in Austria, but there'y 55% tax. If you got a kid and a mortgage, it isn't really anything.
(I also make 4k in stocks per month, again before taxes, which I buy my shit coins form. It way 30k per month during the 2020 bullrun, which trivializes the wage at that time)

>> No.53573440

"feeling rich" has much more to do with how addicted you are to consumerism. Just NPC's who have been programmed by marketing firms to spend more money than you make. My sister's ex makes 3x the money I make and he still bounces checks and gets his utilities shut off while I haven't gone paycheck to paycheck since I stopped smoking weed 20 years ago.

>> No.53573729
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You can meet your Individual basic needs like food, clothing, shelter but you can’t do much else.
Good luck raising a family on that.

>> No.53573860

Faking it rich: 250k a year
Actually rich: 500k+ a year
In all seriousness, if you're not making this much, then you're just upper middle class.

>> No.53573872

Depends, I earn 80k but only spend 25% of my income, this enabled me to build up a massive amound of capital in the last 5 years which I invested mainly in Bitcoin, which I sold and bought back at the right times. My portfolio is around 1,1 million €

>> No.53573876

If you believe that, then you're a cuck.

>> No.53573893

rich is about assets, not wagie income

if your standard of living depends on an employer and not your own prance/business (middle class) or assets (upper class) - you are WORKING CLASS

>> No.53573903

Financial independence AND $200k/year or $5 mil net worth.

If you HAVE to wage full time, you aren't rich. So that's either $200k PASSIVE, or you need at least enough passive income to cover your lifestyle and then $200k total post-tax equiv.

>> No.53573920

>110k per y
>2 kids
>wife is stay at home
>150k in savings
>major NA city center
>lost 40 lbs due to stress
>can't wait to die to be released back to inexistence

>> No.53573955

Most people who earn that much live in very high COL areas and are taxed to hell.

>> No.53574026
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Wealth isnt defined in how much someone else gives you to do your job. Its defined in Assets. A person who has 5 million in a brokerage but makes 120k/yr is much wealthier than a doctor making 400k/yr but having nothing in assets.

>> No.53574047
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I was 14 in 1995 and both my parents combined only made about $25k. The median household income was about $33k then. $50k/year back then would put you in the rich category.

>> No.53574057

$90k is low, you'd pay like 13-14% federal tax or something, and 5% max in even the highest taxed states.

>> No.53574078

Were your parents also first gen immigrants from Central America?

>> No.53574168

Irish boomers

>> No.53574170

So almost 20% gets taxed, 30% go to rent or mortgage+property tax, 10% go to car. Add some other bills and you are left with 40K a year at best, which is nice but will never make you feel rich.

>> No.53574274

a family has two incomes.

>> No.53574287

Its not that simple really. First of all, a job that pays $90k in a city, that could be a waiter. Who may only make $40k in a rural area. Obviously its better to have $40k disposable than $40k gross. Plus you can spend 30% of $90k renting an apartment in a city, or a house in a rural area. But they are totally different lifestyles and not really comparable.

>> No.53574293

Rent alone is like $2000 a month just for a halfway decent apartment in the California Bay Area, so in parts of the country $90,000 won't get you far.

>> No.53574298

This. It's a middle-class lifestyle with more savings and you can blow off steam when you need to. It still takes time to buy and pay off assets like a home and car. You have hope that you can get comfier and comfier with the right investments and escape the debt trap.

>> No.53574309
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90k is nothing thats middle of the pack wages.

i make 70k and struggle living as single man. rent alone is half of my paycheck every month

>> No.53574312

>what is cost of living
why does this confuse poorfags so much?

>> No.53574317

dude 90k now was not even 15k in 1985

it's beyond poor

>> No.53574325

>rent alone is half of my paycheck every month
stop living in leftist shitholes kek

>> No.53574327

There is a progressive income tax on the middle ranges, so you have to make at least $300k to start getting ahead.

>> No.53574341

You can do this at $150k and up imo. It's all about your lifestyle. I make $200k+ now and 0 my credit cards every month regardless of what I did or bought the month before. I don't even think about it, and I have fat portfolios in stocks crypto and even iBonds cause I didn't know what to do with some of the money. My house mortgage is 2.5% interest with only 12 yearsd out of 15 left so there's 0 point paying it off early.
It's comfy. But even then I'm not rich.
Rich means I don't need to go to work imo.

>> No.53574381

This also is 100% true. 90k and you are gettig squeezed on every dimension, there is zero relief.

>> No.53574410


its either that or live with the niggers. i'll pay an extra 500 so I don't have to live in fear of my cat converter being cut in the middle of the night

>> No.53574417

I have a buddy in mil, getting moved to a new duty station and the housing in the area is totally priced out. 2k rents and mil salaries of 32k kek.

>> No.53574443

You are there cause you have a bunch of savings, you are wrong that 150 can do it, but 150 with 2 kids going to college, etc...its tight.
You are right, there is rich and then theres working rich.

>> No.53574455

You're rich when you're in the 1%. In US that's $4m in net worth

>> No.53574462

It’s even defined by how much you need. If you can live in a country or an island where 500$ last two months, you’d be wealthier on the same salary than living in Japan or Finland. Time is the ultimate asset.

>> No.53574522

I have a bunch of savings cause even when I entered 6 figure territory I didn't buy stupid shit. It's why i stress lifestyle more than anything. The parking lot at my previous place before I moved was always filled with shiny new cars and my old (but well maintained and not dirty) Civic with over 100k miles on it. I have since replaced it but with another Civic and it's already paid off and I plan to keep it till 2030 minimum. That's when the EV cucks are going to rugpull the price of gasoline.
I agree having kids all bets are off but when you're married at least the tax brackets are much kinder.

>> No.53574747

Military pays for your housing.

>> No.53574756

6 figs a month after taxes, adjust for inflation

>> No.53574767

Timing helps. I make 100k just barely and am pretty comfy with a stay at home wife and 2 kids. Bought a house back in 2011 when the market was only just recovering and interest rates were bottomed. No car loans. Getting close to hitting 7 figs net worth. That's plenty left over to fly the family somewhere once a year or so, eat out a couple times a week, buy the ~30k rounds/year of 9mm it takes to stay on top of my USPSA hobby, and stack some crypto. Granted, I stack a lot less now that I have kids, but I had been doing it years before the boys were born too.

>> No.53574776

I feel like 90k is a weird threshold because you're far above the average income but not in the six-digit club. So unless you have expensive hobbies or are devoting a lot of extra income toward a side business, you're likely spending more on excessive bullshit (like rent or a car note that's too high). Another factor is the COL. 90k in Jacksonville, FL will get you way further than 90k in NYC

>> No.53574794


Housing allowance is a tricky thing. When I was in the Navy I was able to pocket most of it plus my paycheck, but I roomed with three other people. YMMV

>> No.53574809


>Irish boomers

Literally the worst combination of factors

>> No.53574812

You will never have enough to be rich. Ever. It's not possible.

>> No.53574834

The only person I know who wasn't just a single guy in barracks then out asap is my brother in law. He's a 15yr Major going for that comfy pension so actually makes ok pay for a mil job but they also completely comp his starter home which is big enough for his four kids and that really helps a lot.

>> No.53574848

Yup. Too "wealthy" for any kind of assistance or help, too poor to make your money work for you on any scale other than loooooong term. The next leg up after ~$100k is $150k. Ideally, you should be investing everything you make over $100k and that $50k can go very far and likely be used pre-tax.

>> No.53574854


>four kids

That'll make anyone except old money feel poor lol

>> No.53574874

I dunno, they're pretty damn cute. I want four too but we only have two so far. My parents had five. Catholic gang.

>> No.53574880

$250k is middle class now.
$500k+ is "rich"

>> No.53574889

Good luck, kids are expensive and being a good dad is a huge investment of your time, but worth it. Just be prepared for the sacrifice that's required.

>> No.53574899

>marx was right
"Bourg is when you make over 90k a year" - Groucho Marx

>> No.53574906


I have two and we do well enough ($120k before commissions/royalties/dividends/etc.) It just feels like there's never enough time in the day but that's life I suppose

>> No.53574981

IMO with some basic back of envelope math it's like $400-500k total income.
Put your asses to work and stop spending money on dumb shit. Get your W2 income up, invest more, live lean. This shit is 100% possible if you work at it.
If you can read a Goosebumps book in the 3rd grade you're in the 1% in America, it's not saying much.
Ok? That's great in Midwest but it's not cutting it in the Northeast.
You can get by don't get me wrong. You just aren't going to be having a good time. I grew up poor, it sucks. I'm not looking to do it a second time with my own family if I ever get one.
>NEET using mental gymnastics to justify his $20k/yr in autsim bux.
I should make a bingo card for these income threads.

>> No.53574999

An entry level gov't job can pay almost $70k/year.

>> No.53575007

$90k isn't rich, it's acceptable unless you are making it doing something you REALLY love to do. That's like like $75,000 at most after taxes. You can toss another $25,000 at least (probably closer to $35,000, but we'll be generous) onto the fire just to cover basic living expenses, which leaves you with $50,000 to bank if you're lucky. Over time that will add up if you're really financially prudent, but you're still very much in the slave cages.

>> No.53575067

Try making $90k and living in California. It's lower class here, barely above the Mexicans living 12 to a house.

>> No.53575144

Everyone has his own definition of that

>> No.53575170

American females also don’t consider themselves privileged. It’s like a pattern or something

>> No.53575341

>earn more than 87% of the population
now compare this with how many earn less than 90k and the percentage left is the real unemployment stat
that is if they haven't already excluded the unemployed from "earners"

>> No.53575499

60k-200k is debt slave territory

>> No.53575695

How does he get around reference checks, or does he get lucky enough that they don't check?

>> No.53575706 [DELETED] 

What this really means is "Americans who earn $90,000 have no guarantees of being able to afford to live in a white neighborhood".

>> No.53575729
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>> No.53575808

The system is set up so that wagies never have excess money to put into passive sources. That way, they can never be in a position to stop waging or lose dependency on waging.

Work from home is ending because it allows wagies to make high incomes and not live in areas of high housing costs. When you start making close to six figures, suddenly you need a professional wardrobe, car, need to live close to your job, need to engage in hobbies that cost money like travel and sports to be perceived as normal, etc. Then you have kids and because you make x amount, your kid should have nicer everything as well.

It's a carefully engineered system of keeping everyone poor except a very small percentile. That's because the current monetary system only works to sustain wealth for the wealthy at the sustenance of the lowest paid wage worker making excess for someone else. That's why minimum wage is such a hot button issue. The fact that a wagie will trade his time for $7 an hour gives the US currency it's most base value. From there, everything extrapolates upwards to a point where simply holding money and assets essentially makes you a feudal king who never has to contribute anything but is entitled to the labour of everyone below. Then, the wagies are told this is fair because every once in a while, an exceptional wagie makes it to the top either by luck or skill.

>> No.53576172



>> No.53576251

Can confirm, I make $100k/year and my job is pretty much delegate to interns

>> No.53576308

>marx was right
>obama was also right
the liberal takes off his mask

>> No.53576361

probably the minimum household income to support a family with a reasonable living standard

>> No.53576372

I earn 220k euro / year and pay about 8-10% tax in a place where average sq meter price is 3000 euro.

Am 31 and will still be just a wagie slave until I am 40

>> No.53576511

Median income is a bullshit number, used mainly to spread this false belief that you should be content owning nothing, because there are so many people doing worse than you. Except its all a lie.
>It includes people who work part time.
>It includes people who work minimum wage jobs, putting zero effort into their career. People who didn't sacrifice 4+ adult years earning nothing (or losing money on student debt) in order to educate themselves and increase future income potential.
>It includes retirees living off some meager savings/dividends, plus social security.
>It includes welfare recipients that literally do not work.

Why would you compare yourself against any of those groups? If you're putting in any effort, you should easily be able to get a job that pays low six figs.
You shouldn't even begin to think of yourself as rich until you're making at least 250-300k, and you're not wealthy until you've built up savings that can passively generate a similar level.

Average hourly wage right now is $33 an hour, across the whole country. This metric is also flawed, but at least its a usable starting point since it correlates to real time and effort put in. That's 68k being the average annual pay for a full time employed individual (2080 hours). You should expect more if you work overtime, or work a salary that expects you to put in 50+ hour weeks.
Limit the hourly data to more technical career categories, and the average jumps beyond 90k. Limit to HCOL areas, and all these numbers skyrocket.

Don't fall for their tricks. Never become content, always seek more for yourself.

>> No.53576596

Don't forget the lottery system designed to sap more money from wagies for a 1 in a billion chance of not having to wage anymore.

>> No.53576602

>Never become content, always seek more for yourself.
idk bro im 24 turning 25 soon, and i kinda gave up on even pursuing a job or going back to college at all.
it just feels improbable to get ahead in life.
most comfy office jobs pay ~100k/yr is delegated solely in hcol areas like nyc, sf/la where you only get like 35% left over after taxes and col. and then if you decide to go to a lcol area, you get barely any decent jobs but more disposable income w/ respect to % terms, but roughly the same in nominal terms as if you were living in the city.

and thats not counting having to look the part to even get the 100k job in the city or else you'll get swiped left by an HR roastee.

>> No.53576626

Thank fucking god I live in a place where wages are good and cost of living isnt that high for some reason. Maybe its because its not one of the trendy cities in Canada. I make $90k a year and save a $2.5k a month

>> No.53576646

like i don't get why wages in NYC are low for a swe compared to its col, but in texas, you get a slight decrease in wages but vastly more disposable income.

>> No.53576662
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I'm making 120K a year and I feel like I won the fucking lottery
the first time I received a one week check I almost came I wanted to do nothing but masturbate looking at the deposit
It was better than sex

>> No.53576694

There is a big difference between 90k before & after taxes. If I actually had 7gs to spend on bullshit each month, thatd be lit

>> No.53576723

I live in the midwest and earn 100k, my wife earns around 85k. We are comfy but between mortgage, medical bills and travel not really getting ahead. We will need to 2x income at minimum to save at a decent rate, otherwise working until normal retirement age unless we sacrifice QOL now.

>> No.53576734

90k is literally nothing

It's a poverty wage today

>> No.53576741


Wealth has always been measured in number of slaves owned. If you own no slaves you can't be considered wealthy.

Since slaves can't be owned, wealth is calculated as the cost to rent a person for 16 hours per day, 6 days per week. Low estimates for this is $100,000. You need passive income of $100,000 in annual passive income to meet the minimum standards for being wealthy.

>> No.53576836

I think it's important to compare your income to your cost of living, including taxes. A job that pays slightly more, but is in a high cost of living area is probably a worse job.
But at 250k you should easily break above and be able to start building real savings though, no matter where you live.

There are a lot of systems in place to really fuck over people making in the range of 70-150k or so:
Federal income taxes are almost the same from when it jumps to 22% at 40k income, all the way up to around 160k income. State income taxes in most states rapidly reach a 5-6% level on anything above poverty wages.
The biggest stealth middle-class tax is social security. Self-employment taxes are 15%, but this tax disappears above $150k income. If you work for a company, you see an 8% tax but the company pays 8% behind the scenes. You may think its irrelevant, but they all factor this into their total employment cost.
Property taxes are another big factor that hurts middle-class incomes because everyone needs a house. Even if you rent, this is effectively priced into the cost of rent. The poorer you are, the more of your money goes towards this, and property tax is a bigger slice out of your overall income.

Effectively, people making 160k+ actually pay less total taxes than those in the lower brackets, because social security is such a huge scam. Then there are other tricks, like long term cap gains on a portion of income which reduce the overall percent of income that goes towards taxes. Plus, when you breach those higher income levels, you simply no longer need to spend nearly as much of your income on daily living.

Then on the other end, there are welfare benefits that only apply to those making below 40-50k like free/subsidized healthcare, affordable housing, food stamps, etc. When combined with standard deductions, lower tax brackets, and more recently even some direct stimulus checks, you're actually a net beneficiary of taxes in this income range.

>> No.53577052

I make 115k in a low cost of living area and it still feels like absolute peanuts

>> No.53577073
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I've never made more than 14k in my entire life and I'm an american, I think I'm schizophrenic but I've got extreme paranoia about being restrained or confined so I've never allowed myself to be checked.

I think this is the year I finally die, wish me luck gentlemen.

>> No.53577089

I make $85k but also managed to buy a house last year and locked in a low mortgage. Salary feels fine for now. No children, no debts, no real hobbies, just save and travel.

>> No.53577095

I quit a 75k job because I felt poor and it was sucking up all of my time and energy. My jewish master really didn't let me go easily.

>> No.53577109

How much do you think it costs to fund and disseminate that study?
Probably over 100k I bet

>> No.53577207

>t. doesnt understand the definition of middle class
there can be several definitions but middle class = earnings between two-thirds and twice the median household income. in the most expensive part of usa (san fran area), middle class household income is between 77k and 232k.

>> No.53577258

that's the price of social peace. remove the wealth redistribution and you'll have a revolution

>> No.53577480

kek same, are you a 3rd worlder.

>> No.53577557


>> No.53577559

you have to be joking me.
I make 105k, I am underpaid senior developer who writes all the backend code for this startup. I do so much fucking work it's insane

I'm just trying to get them to the sale hopefully sometime this year so I can quit after when my options pay out.

>> No.53577565

it's all relative to where in the country you live

>> No.53577595

i make between $90k and 100k depending on bonus. i live in southeast pennsylvania. it's middle class at best. i'm grinding hard, trying to save for a home. i work remotely so i'll probably end up buying the sticks, 2 hours from the city. worst case is i get laid off and have to get a cuck hybrid job in the city 2-3 days a week. rather put up with a commute 2-3 days a week on 1 acre of land, than a 30 minute commute with niggers and heroin addicts for neighbors on a 7500 square foot lot.

things don't start getting comfortable until you hit $150k.

>> No.53577618

i work in financial reporting (accounting.) i got into this with absolutely 0 connections. my dad is a high school drop out who works as a industrial mechanic in a factory. my mom spent most of her working life as a secretary at a veterinary office, and then as a bank teller at a credit union. my sister works as a laborer in a factory.

>> No.53578504
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Depends on where you live and your standards/spending habits really, to me 90k sounds insanely good but I'm a yuropoor so I don't know how much the US government takes away from that and typical monthly bills in the US.

>> No.53578582

Make 90k Per annum
>ackshually I identify as poor

>> No.53578617

>t. earn equivalent to 38k usd P.A.

>> No.53578642

>90k sounds insanely good
it is, you're in the top 22% of earners

>> No.53578694
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>90k a year
>7.5k a month

I don't even know how I would spend all that money. These people must be retarded. Inb4 muh family. Kids really aren't even that expensive. If I made that much money I'd just invest most of it and give it away to charity and my friends.

>> No.53578727

You literally can't afford a house on $90k, fucking UPS drivers make $100k, what kind of pathetic poorfag thinks $90k is rich?

>> No.53578741

This is much closer to a useful distinction. The working, middle and upper class system is designed to pit the working class against itself so the upper class can obscure the fact there are really two classes: the working class and the owner class, or leisure class since while many of them work they don't have to with passive income.

>> No.53578757

you still have to factor taxes, health insurance, and maybe any sort of retirement contributions...90k really isnt all that much really.

>> No.53578786

>If you're slightly better off than poors ur rich
Statist bootlicker wageslaves are pathetic

>> No.53578843

Checked. This anon gets it

>> No.53578862

>but there'y 55% tax
That's fucking theft

>> No.53578886

>ie...you can eat out as much as you want, consoom pretty freely without worrying about making next months mortgage payment, take a couple vacations/long weekends evey year, etc...

I do this on $75k/yr. $500k/yr is absolutely rolling in money, they could retire after a few years and live their whole life as a vacation

>> No.53578887

I will never buy

>> No.53578890

Are people here retarded? You realize not everyone lives in NYC or some cucked out city. 60k a year is more than liveable in some place like Oklahoma. 1% of people make over 100k a year, and even then they live in areas where half of their income is toward rent or some retarded shit.

>> No.53578903

What do you convert cats into?

>> No.53578933

Ups drivers are unionized and strongly negotiate those wages and they put in a lot of hard fucking work/hours to get paid. Stop being disingenuous and acting like 6 figs is just handed out to everyone and anyone. Statistics don't lie, it's still a damn good salary.

>> No.53578955

No? Take a statistics course you retard. Median income is used because its literally more representative than mean income. The top hundred earning a gorillion pushes the number up so much it because meaningless as a measure of central tendency. There isn't some grand conspiracy to keep the working class down by using median income.

>> No.53578977
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>$90k ngmi

Depends on where you live. I Iowa or Indianapolis, you can live comfortably.
In San Diego you are a peasant driving a Honda Accord.

My and my wife jointly earn $300k/yr and we struggle to afford a vacation or nice things.
Granted we have 0 car loans or outstanding debt but we have a mortgage + property taxes that are $4400/month.
We both have to work and we don’t even have a kid (yet).

>> No.53578986

Pretty right on.

>> No.53579004

Protip: Stop living in cucked cities

>> No.53579016
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Pure slave mentally. $90k is fucking nothing, a house in small town Idaho runs over $350k, $90k or less is literal poverty-tier, might as well neet it up at that point
>durrhurr i's bought mes house in 2010 and I only makes $50k!
Pathetic bootlicking poorfag's income denominated in shelter costs craters and the dumb faggot thinks he's rich!

>> No.53579031

>Granted we have 0 car loans or outstanding debt but we have a mortgage + property taxes that are $4400/month.
That still leaves with around $100k a year (assuming income tax is 50%).

>> No.53579036
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>be high end interior designer
>live in Selma, Alabama

That isn’t going to work out too well.

>> No.53579071

Your market sucks. I can find a 3bed/2bath here for like 160k.

>> No.53579106

>the wagies are told this is fair because every once in a while, an exceptional wagie makes it to the top either by luck or skill.
You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control.

>> No.53579119

>Wouldn't be able to afford a house outside of Bay City MI
>damn good salary
Pathetic bootlicking poorfag.

>> No.53579126

It's my fault you have a parasitic profession?

>> No.53579128

Idaho got absolutely raped by Californians and Seattlefags bailing out of their shitholes during the pandemic/nigger riots.

>> No.53579139

I make 160k and own my home. I feel poor. Can't even use my heater or water or electricity the way I want to without the bill being over 1000. Can't even afford a BMW m3 at my wage. When I need work done in my house a fucking plumber sets me back like 500

>> No.53579153

What do you do and where do you live? I live in the UK earning £70k and my marginal tax rate is about 33%.

>> No.53579165
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>Literally Where, ID is a HCOL area! All 70m millennials should just live in the dozen $50k Bay City cucksheds!!

>> No.53579198

90k is jack shit after taxes, retard

>> No.53579223

Anon, either you're wealthy as , in which case wtf are you doing on here.. or you're a poor demoralized 20 year old living with their parents, in which wtf are you doing here. Go get a job.

>> No.53579377

Made $106k last year in an average CoL city, $90k is literal poverty wage unless you live in Detroit or another shit hole, as per: >>53579016 even Nowhereville, ID is expensive as fuck.

>> No.53579601

That area prolly has like 5 houses for sale my nibba.

>> No.53579666

$90k is still paycheck to paycheck but just with higher bills.

>> No.53579688

i make 130k and i pay a shit load of taxes..... so its not like i get 130k.

>> No.53579701

Fuck off schizo, you make less than I do which is nothing you would murder someone in their sleep for a 65k salary you and I both know it.

>> No.53579703

who is tax man?

>> No.53579710

>nooooooo, you can't use that area it has too few people!
>nooooooo, you can't use that area it has too many people!
Why don't you stop making excuses for getting fucked up the ass? Median house price is $467,700 in the US, $350K isn't even expensive but would still be out of reach on $90k. $90k is poverty-tier, simple as

>> No.53579886 [DELETED] 

>90 has a take-home of around 60.
Maybe if you live in a high tax state and do nothing to reduce your tax burden. i took home 80 making slightly over 100 because I maxed my 401k and HSA.

>> No.53579934

>more comfortable version of an average life.

That actually sounds nice. You start getting too rich and everything becomes gaudy.

>> No.53579944

In which century lmao

>> No.53580039

I can live on less than 20k here in Kentucky if I had an apartment and reliable car. I'd gain so much weight...

>> No.53580051
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>> No.53580058

are you 12?

>> No.53580068

This image... anon, please...

>> No.53580084
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i m poor

>> No.53580101


>> No.53580108

>interview people in San Jose who make $90k
>Lol they think they're poor!
>boomers comes out of the woodwork to bitch about how they made $30k and had a house (in Phoenix)
>$30K in 1980 is over six figs today
So many holes it would trigger someone's trypophobia

>> No.53580291

What is Supply/Demand.

>> No.53580326

>Medical bills (what are they exactly?)
>No kids mentioned

Stop being a degenerate and sacrifice to get ahead, that's how this works for everyone else.

>> No.53580478

Plebeian propaganda for the coming slave class

>> No.53580530


hey everyone, this guy thinks people that make 90k are literally a capitalist class. fucking poor people are morons. you hate slightly higher earning wagies while the business owners continue to exploit your dumb ass. 50 iq. you are one of the few that deserves to be poor and exploited

>> No.53580632

I understand and accept that lifestyle creep is stopping us from saving how I would like to, this is why I mentioned:

>unless we sacrifice QOL now

To me "rich" would mean you can live the life you want and save how you want without noticeable sacrifice.

>> No.53580786

Lmao I make around 2600 a month in Vietnam. Rent 320 dollars, there is money to be made in the east.

>> No.53580837


>make 280k
>take home 14k a month after tax (168k a year)

It’s so shitty bros

>> No.53581592

Hourly wage isn't the same as mean income. It ignores all the side income sources of the ultra wealthy. It's literally wages earned hourly (or equivalent - for salaried workers).
The simple countrywide median is retarded for the reasons I already mentioned, which you've completely ignored to instead attack my credentials directly. If you cut out people who do not work then the median shifts. If you cut out part time workers then the median shifts. I get that medians are useful for determining the middle of the pack, but you need to adjust to have a reasonable peer group you're comparing yourself against. Otherwise what's the point?

Why would you count the unemployed in deciding whether your JOB pays well?
Why would you compare yourself to deadbeats on welfare working half the hours?
Why ignore all the debt taken on to get a good career, all the time wasted that could've been spent starting employment earlier?
Why would you compare yourself to a retiree who already owns their house and has medicare freely covering their biggest expense?
You might think intuitively that retirees should be comparable, but if you actually dig into the math they should only be expected to have around half the income, because they no longer need to put money aside to save up. If anything, they should already have a decent stack of savings they draw down on to subsidize themselves. That stash doesn't count towards annual income unless its a pre-tax 401k or some divvies.

>> No.53581953


they redid that study in like 2018 and it was already 120k. it's easily 150+ now

>> No.53582045

>I remember reading a study years ago that showed people's happiness level didn't improve at all after a certain salary, which was $75k.
Sounds like jewish bullshit.

>> No.53582085

First study was 2010, result was 75k
Redone in 2018, result was 105k for North America

>> No.53582094
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I can't even buy my childhood home with that.
the mortgage and taxes would be more than that per year.

>> No.53582645
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I live in a country with average salary close to $500 and I don't consider myself rich making $70k

If you have to work then you are not rich.

>> No.53582712
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90k is my annual salary, but take-home is closer to 70k after taxes. It is still a lot of money for me since I am bumming with my parents. I honestly don't know how my co-workers manage with the same salary with a family, groceries, health insurance, car insurance, rent, etc. SoCal resident btw.

>> No.53582756

90000 is the extent of my fortune in 30 years...
however doesn't really matter because being rich in IOUs is being rich in nothing

>> No.53582771

I made 50000 + 63000 in two customer service jobs from home last year. Got laid off from one but planning to fake my resume and get a product manager job that can net me even more this year.

>> No.53582800

this anon is right; if you spend 90% of your free time to get 90k you are shooting yourself in the foot; time is the only thing that matters

>> No.53582803
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>tfw paid 89.5k chadalry
You will never be this comfy 90klets

>> No.53582834

If you have to work for a living you're not rich, end of discussion

>> No.53582916

Why do Americans always talk in super gross numbers? I unironically thought that it was common in US to take home 100k. Turns out you are not much better off than Europe

>> No.53582992
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Being rich is a sin

>> No.53583112

I consider "rich" having so much money that you never have to work again if you don't want to.

>> No.53583123

90k is not middle of the pack.

look at median household income levels.

>> No.53583129

If you believe what everyone here says then yes everyone in America makes 250k base.
Also everyone is autistic.

>> No.53583148

we have like 1000 (((white ceos))) that make 6 gorillion which bumps the average up a few shekels

>> No.53583152

your logic is flawed. averages are more inaccurate and are skewed but outliers even more than a mean.

the average hourly wage is not $33 an hour. for no salaried jobs. you are just making shit up.

>> No.53583174

ups drivers dont make 100k

>> No.53583684

these are the same people who spend 10$ a day on a single cup of coffee

>> No.53583694

>marx was right
>obama was also right
giving internet to niggers was a mistake LOL

>> No.53583934
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53573213 (You)
>marx was right

>> No.53584054

Where did the money go?

>> No.53584085

What do you spend your money on?

>> No.53584142

That's also true. For me expenses would be food, utilities, internet, public transportation, some other shit like few hygiene items and clothes once in a while. Then once in x years upgrades for appliances and some electronics, but that can take a while since for example I still use smartphone from 2015.

>> No.53584359

Consoom less. Hobbies are wastes times that might make you feel good, that's about it. Get cheap past times.

>> No.53584410

>and travel.
I'm too lazy for that.

>> No.53584425

Those median incomes mean that two people earning the same ballpark money can have two very different experiences based on where they live which is exactly what you see in these threads.
When you talk to someone on this board saying their ~$90k job isn't cutting it they are probably someone from the Northeast or West who can't work remotely and is concerned about their job prospects in another state so they just deal with the high COL where they are.
People who talk about how much money $90k is are probably people who live in really cheap places but who also make the "Mechanical Engineer: $80k :(" threads.
Because only mongoloids use net income.

>> No.53584440


>> No.53584447

You need to consoom less, live leaner, and learn a secondary way to make income. Whether that means really improving your trading / investing, learning a trade, starting a side business, whatever it is you need to be doing something to earn yourself more money and not just rely on your W2 unless you have a job with crazy earning potential.
This country sucks for a lot of reasons but don't act like it's that hard to make money here.