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53592804 No.53592804 [Reply] [Original]

Was the most fiscally irresponsible traps you see people your age fall into? Pic rel is mine

>> No.53592848

Not investing in a Roth IRA, or in retirement. If you start early it really can snowball so much, and it means you don’t have to be as diligent later in life with it. I spend my money on whatever the fuck I want, after I pay myself with savings and investments I blow it all.

>> No.53592866

>fiscally irresponsible
you can easily grow it yourself and you can even sell it for a profit.

>> No.53592892

Literally not a single person in my life who smokes weed regularly has even a goddamn dime in savings.

>> No.53592901

I don't think weed is really that financially irresponsible in itself. It's expensive some places, but most stoners who smoke a fuckton usually just grow a plant or two or have a friend who does and gets it dirt cheap.
It's a mental trap. It makes you content with being lazy, it makes you okay with being poor. It makes you stop trying. It's fine for weekend smokers or whatever in moderation, but stoners almost always end up just wasting a decade doing nothing before they finally quit and move on and find that they are 25-35, no house, and work a shitty job and will have to do this until they're 70 unless they do something, and they have no headstart in retiring early which people who didn't party or didn't sit at home smoking weed and playing vidya all their youth does. Of course some people make it work, but it really just makes them dumber and don't make lasting memories.

Main issue is inflation, but you're right you gotta work save and invest to retire early. When you retire at 40 people are mad jealous and angry so best to just tell them you're taking a break but will totally get back to work next year or something so nobody feels bitter they partied instead.

>> No.53592923

your network is your net worth

>> No.53592956

Damn faqs ngl, frfr, no cap

>> No.53592974

This post is more about stoners who smoke before work everyday or go to every college class high to the point they need it to function. I have a couple friends like this but they never really change anything even if they know they should

>> No.53593066

I've been there. I kept telling myself every now and then I was smoking way too much, but that I needed it because obviously you gotta smoke every 3 hours to be a normal functioning person without memories mindlessly consuming entertainment and avoiding anything that requires using your brain. I definitely did not need it and glad I quit by force eventually as it was slowly killing me on the inside so I had no other option, otherwise I'm sure I'd be a broke dumb loser today. It's damn hard to quit when you're that deep in and all your friends smoke 24/7 too. Lost all my friends when I quit smoking, but it was the right choice.

>> No.53593147

Stfu , if your not vaping hash rosin(solvent free) your retarded I spend about 80$ and 1g last me 3 whole month .

I make about 7k a month so 320$ a year is something I can live with .

>> No.53593164

my retarded?

>> No.53593177

Yes yours , ever heard of anglish ?

>> No.53593214

Exactly - weed is cheap as shit. I have so much in my safe it’ll take me months to go through it all and I barely paid anything for it. I guess maybe for people who earn 6k a year it is expensive?

>> No.53593249
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Strip Clubs.
>$25 cover (and those are the cheap ones)
>2 drink minimum @ $10/drink, every hour
>$100 lap dances that only last for the duration of one song
>Some places charge for parking, and it's mandatory. So $15 plus tipping the valet

I've lost a few friends to this bullshit. It's typical in the real estate business when you're selling or renting commercial property to take the male client to a nice strip club, and I've known at least two guys that get "attached" to some of the girls and keep going back, or they'll call me to go have lunch at the club. Unless you're in Tijuana, avoid strip clubs like the plague....and even in TJ, just remember that nothing is free; they're just cheaper than here in the states and you have more range with the girls.

>> No.53593278
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Singapore Sling bros... We got to cocky

>> No.53593283

If anything the problem is weed is too cheap. $60 a month is enough to get totally blazed every single day if you know the economical ways e.g. cape carts or edibles. If weed cost as much as cocaine I probably wouldn't have become a pothead

>> No.53593294

The main traps I’ve noticed on a consistent basis were eating out instead of cooking, costly vacations, and clubbing/ bar hopping every weekend. Most people I see do all three, and it’s a death blow to one’s finances.

>> No.53593413

>Singapore Sling

I've never had one but based on that description in your picture they're either amazing or a recipe to induce vomiting.

That's the thing with gin, you have to be very very careful with it.

>> No.53593429


>> No.53593445
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>eating out
That's the one that'll really burn a hole in your wallet, and at the same time it's the most difficult to avoid, especially if you have family. To those of you that might have a wife/gf+kids you should know all to well that you just HAVE to take them all out to eat at least twice a month, and the wife to a nice restaurant no less than once a month. That's over $1,000 for me right there.....and I've known some to use those outings as tax deductions, but that would be illegal, so don't do that.

Also, super fancy Mexican seafood restaurants for the win!

>> No.53593456

> especially if you have family. To those of you that might have a wife/gf+kids you should know all to well that you just HAVE to take them all out to eat at least twice a month
What? Our family has never gone to eat out other than on birthdays. Less than once a month for all of us. Not poor either.

>> No.53593485

>most stoners who smoke a fuckton usually just grow a plant or two
There is a zero percent chance that a heavy stoner is making so much as a DENT in their addiction with "a plant or two". Not to mention all the labor involved in that. Assuming they remember to actually tend to the plants often enough for it not to just die before it even flowers. Cmon fren.

>> No.53593519

weed is the sneakiest drug there is, wont wreck you physically but you'll slowly watch yourself become a complete fat, broke loser as the years pass by and you feel good the whole way down.

>> No.53593525
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Yeah my girlfriend is a bit high maintenance and I think I'm trying to make up for the fact that my dad never really took my mom and I out anywhere and was always pinching pennies. I also work 7 days a week so I have to fit them into my schedule, otherwise what's all of this work for? I mean, I'm working right now on the other screen.

I just have this ever-present fear of ending up like pic related.

>> No.53593528

Gateway to depression

>> No.53593591

Your attitude determines your altitude

>> No.53593600

It's the kind of shit that makes a man run off to the other side of the country and become a plumber.

>> No.53593669

Buying expensive cars with no savings while living at home or being a rentoid.

>> No.53593676
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>> No.53593709

I only go to strip clubs for breakfast. Legs and eggs is a pretty good deal and the chefs at good strip clubs are pretty good.

>> No.53593836

Who would have guessed that elevating your dopamine levels with a plant 24/7 would make you feel like shit when your dopamine levels fall back to levels that were once normal, but now make you feel like you're in a pit of despair.

>> No.53593842

I feel like every time someone starts working for real they buy a new car

>> No.53594160

>the 30k millionaire
>palm angels
>leased brand new German car that’s a hatchback so still won’t pull bitches
>anything left over goes on holidays and meals out, tattoos
if this normie is really smart maybe they will save some left over and pay 20% over value on a new build house to live amongst the other new build livers, they can finally enjoy home ownership as they sit in the back garden listening to kids screaming on trampolines in the 5 adjoining gardens of their neighbours who some of which happened to get their places as part of a government benefits housing initiative
>it’s great to live in a diverse community

>> No.53594202

my lifestyle determines my deathstyle

>> No.53594370

That's right, give your money to Jews! ((Roth)) is the way to go.

>> No.53594422

Eating out and overuse of food delivery apps. One of my coworkers ate out for every meal and only after 2 years realized he had barely any money. Doing it occasionally is OK but that cost sneaks up on you.

>> No.53594426

Eating out I mean, never use those delivery apps. Delivery is so luxurious I have no idea how people can justify doing it.

>> No.53594436

you stuttering pothead

>> No.53594453


>> No.53594515

Delivery is expensive, use delivery apps for discounts, promos and always pick up. Fuck service fees and tipping the driver. Combining BOGO deals and X% off promos are a blessing.

>> No.53594533

or just grow ur own instead of being a faggot

>> No.53594554

I grew some plants once a year and got a couple ounces of them. All natural and the bud lasted me about 4-5 months. All I had to do was water then daily and they grew themselves. It was actually really fun, like maintaining a bonsai.

Would do it again but I’m in an apartment now and they smell too much.

>> No.53594629

I haven't smoked in many years, how did you get the idea I'm a smoker?

>> No.53594718

we are the only two people on biz right now, you fool. you stuttering potheaded ghoul

>> No.53594731


>> No.53594789


>> No.53595535
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This, and they still manage to have more money than I do.

Also, buying retarded shit like ridiculous sports cars and trucks (when they have no use for them).

>> No.53595599

Am I in your life? if so I'm up $200k and smoke weed although not daily.

>> No.53595604
File: 39 KB, 640x427, images (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For any Ausfags these things are what will fuck people out of any chance of making it. For the rest of the world you really have no idea how bad the gambling culture is in Australia

>> No.53595629

Buying new cars that they can't afford on finance, and homes too big for their needs.

>> No.53595640


>> No.53595832

nothing sadder than strolling through one of these places on pension/dole day
>yeah nah mate gotta play me pokies don't worry about feeding me kids she'll be rtight

>> No.53595849

>best to just tell them you're taking a break but will totally get back to work next year or something
good idea actually. I've dipped my toe into telling people i'm thinking about retirement and the reactions are always a bit nosy. I could see it becoming an issue if you clearly have no money issues but haven't worked for a few years. Just lying and say you do consultancy when you like sounds like the way forward

>> No.53595881

>There is a zero percent chance that a heavy stoner is making so much as a DENT in their addiction with "a plant or two"
You don't know what you're talking about and I can tell you got bullied in school

>> No.53595952

>Not investing in a Roth IRA, or in retirement.
You really think you are ever getting that money? Its a literal ponzi scheme

>> No.53595987

every non-essential consumable or convenienceable
the mindtrap aspect is usually more detrimental to your finances than the initial consumable/convenience because once you start thinking that it's appropriate to spend money on consumptive leisure or convenient processes it can, and usually does, become habitual
this is the cause of, or at least the biggest contributor to, most mental disorders as the habitual thinking of consumption and convenience redefines itself and consumption itself is perceived as quality of life while convenience is perceived as necessary to achieve and when these two perceived needs are not met it is not a return to normal but rather that the perceiver has been stripped of an essential contributor to their quality of life and/or is being inconvenienced
while consumption itself becomes a primary goal, and convenience a necessary to achieve said goal, the mind is can be woefully underused but rarely inactive leading to compulsive thinking and stress over nothing of real import

>> No.53595989

Take away food, ubereats, deliveroo
It's so expensive, such a waste of money and watching all the prices creep up recently it's incredibly expensive for what you get.
My favorite place all but doubled their prices so i've cut it out completley, even though I used it a few times a month, the savings I've made in the last few months are crazy
Same in the UK, multiple betting shops "bookies" on every highstreet, every single fucking shopping area in the UK will have these (all of them or some combination)
>William hill
Filled with sad, desperate souls. If someone in your life says a "yeah I'm a gambler, I love a punt" you should treat it the same way if they casually told you "yeah I'm a meth / heroin user"

>> No.53596009

Because you're Scandinavian, most likely Norwegian.
It's your country's culture to do that.

>> No.53596444

Unexpectedly deep post

>> No.53596478

>A bunch of meaning words with no punctuation is deep
You're an idiot

>> No.53596541

Burgers would save a lot of money if they didn't participated in this type of consoomerism, but I guess their economy would fall apart then.

>> No.53596542

Just grow your own
My setup gets ~20oz dry bud per grow
With all expenses considered an ounce costs me less than £22 and that will last me 2 weeks.
£11 a week to smoke clean weed is not bank breaking

don't smoke after midnight or before midday
I've smoked daily for nearly 15 years and kept my shit together, less can be said about my retarded colleagues who stronk gang weed 25/8 nigga, their minds are fucked and they don't have a penny in savings
Oh, and stay the fuck away from concentrates. No dabs or edibles, you may as well just shoot heroin or snort meth, it will rape your mind
>inb4 edgy teens
get fucked, no one cares that you're an addicted mess and how many forests you smoke daily
Boomer rant over

>> No.53596560

fast cars / modding cars.

>> No.53596565

Did you have brain fog when you were smoking daily like that? Stoner Friends talk about that but they are also just unhealthy people, like I can't imagine them eating vegetables

>> No.53596566


>> No.53596570

Grow weed if you wanna smoke it.

>> No.53596583

>you'll feel good the whole way down
doesn't sound so bad

>> No.53596584

a gf

>> No.53596605

It's not meaningless (assuming that's what you meant to write) unless you're dull.

>> No.53596616

Never had brain fog at all, I have a job that keeps me active (engineering) and go for plenty of walks with dogs/kids/wife. The depressive effects are probably the only things you can't escape imo, but to be fair daily alcohol use gives me the same effect. Main things that will keep you sane are smoking organic flower only, with daily 12hr breaks and make sure its medicinal herb (Jack herer, masterkush, basically stay away from 20%+THC and stay away from pure sativas)
Like everything in life, moderation and prioritising your chores is the key to being long term happy

>> No.53596627

what is considered keeping your shit together?
what's your daily routine like? if you smoke weed from 12pm - 12am, how are you still functioning?

>> No.53596672

Weed smokers = low test pussies
Alcohol enjoyers = high test retards

Both = losers

>> No.53596747

I dont normally smoke from 12 to 12, that's just a bare minimum rule
Work days I'll wait until I'm home and have done my jobs then I'll have a smoke until 2330 at the latest. Weekends I will smoke 12-12 but I never roll a gorillas finger with 7g in it. I forget that a lot of people don't smoke 50/50 weed and tobacco, here in England that's standard, no-one except try hard niggers smoke blunts
I never smoke more than 2g a day
I find it easy to learn (and retain the knowledge) whilst high, I find myself well motivated when high. Maybe I'm an outlier, maybe it's because I don't play vidya. Either way it works for me, I'm relatively successful, dont get ill and have never had any "manic" episodes or whatever. I just struggle with depression, never taken meds for it and never will, the world's breddy fucked and I worry for sons future, so lets put it down that

>> No.53596766

thank you, this is helpful advice

>> No.53596793

No worries, anytime mate :)

>> No.53596934

>i'm massively responsible with this one jewish trick, dudes!
>and as a result of that, i'm not responsible at all
social class truly does exist in genetic makeup, not the bank account.

>> No.53596962

new cars

>> No.53597013

I take Kratom but at least I quit drinking.
Still cheaper and feel a lot better mentally and physically, lost a lot of excess weight.
Still is an extra expense.

>> No.53597779

How did you know?

>> No.53597863

Thought so.

I'm a bong, we go out for dinner... intermittently. I've lived in America, Americans eat out several times a week.

I had a Norwegian girlfriend, spent time in your beautiful country, your expensive beautiful country. No one ever wanted to go out to eat, ever, except for Birthdays, ever. She explained that it's just not the done thing. Always made me wonder how your restaurants stayed in business. It's really the only country in the world where I experienced this phenomenon.

>> No.53598233

What if I don’t pay for weed?

>> No.53599198

I smoke weed every day past 6 years and I have a little over 300k in crypto. I started with $1200 2 years ago that I made off selling weed lmao. Was making like 30k a year before I got into crypto just selling weed. And I get ounces of gas for about $40 and I smoke about an ounce and a half a month, so it barely costs me shit.

>> No.53599292

I can buy weed cheaper than this in USA clean stuff. Indian reservations start at about $20 an ounce.

>> No.53599467

I would rather retire in my early 30s than pay into something I can’t feasibly cash out until my 60s. I won’t be around by then anyway, my body will either be preserved on ice until they cure death or my mind will be uploaded onto a piece of hardware.

>> No.53599587

Car loans

Also, I never understood how people can spend so much on weed. I spend maybe 200 a year and smoke a lot.

>> No.53599606

HOW DO YOU SMOKE AN OUNCE IN 2 WEEKS? That's a year worth of daily smoking for me.

>> No.53599644

Thats only 2g a day or 3 small joints/2 joints/1 big joint. If I smoke weed in joints I easily smoke like 2-5g a day. Thats why I use a bong with a small bowl and a dry herb vape lol

>> No.53599658

how do you smoke an ounce of the course of a year with daily smoking that is literally 0.07g of weed per day.

>> No.53599670

>I would rather retire in my early 30s than pay into something I can’t feasibly cash out until my 60s

roth ira is literally tax free gains after a couple years retard. You should max it out until you make too much money to use it

>> No.53599732

>Not investing in a Roth IRA, or in retirement
You're a fucking retard if you think that money is going to be worth anything in 40 years. The world is going to shit and pretty soon only tangible assets will matter. Real estate, precious metals, natural resources, food, guns. These are the only things that matter.

>> No.53599989

yup, the rosin or wax is the way to go.
here 1g lasts me a month so its 80€ a month..

>> No.53600342

Personelle is policy.

>> No.53600368

>I have a little over 300k in crypto.
so 0 dollars

>> No.53600394

With the rate of inflation 1 dollar will soon equal 0 dollars as well, fiatnigger.

>> No.53600530

Not speed running accreditation status is by far #1 biggest mistake, 90% of wagies are literal 2nd class citizens compared to what it unlocks

401k, Roth IRA, Index Funds, Mutual Funds, Pensions all are mistakes

Your money can not only make more money elsewhere but also could reduce your taxes on your net depending on type of investment and how you are personally structured. Which is Double efficient

>> No.53600555

Wow anon, which cryptos do you hold?

>> No.53600583

Delivery services are often brown suck grift ops. Private delivery from a small business, butcher once a month say, can be mutually beneficial for customer and business. Larger less frequent orders and lower dependency on in-location customer presence. Anon butcher tried switching to a jeet delivery service and had problems. One or a few regular accountable in-business deliver drivers is good.

>> No.53600718
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Lolberts won't pay for roads now I have to buy one of these Ruskee jobs to get away from the all new lines of brown and brack credit.

>> No.53600731

thanks for enlightening me anon

>> No.53600742

In terms of time put into it? absolutely. I wouldnt say its expensive though, atleast after you get a pc/console. A $25 game could easily occupy you for 100+ hours if its made right. $25 doesn't even cover you going out for drinks or something with friends for a night. Gaming is ultimately a waste of time but atleast you get good value out of it looking from a $ cost perspective.

>> No.53600759

whats the fastest way to get accredited?

>> No.53600786

Eating out and used luxury cars.

>> No.53600848

If you have PC you can pirate. Depending on the age of the game you can even do with shitty old PC or laptop. But besides the waste of time most games are also boring and pozzed.

>> No.53600924

>high test
Every person I know who drinks alcohol daily has bitch tits, gtfo

>> No.53601030

I dont even know what this means. Accreditation? Are you running a university?

>> No.53601127

90% USDC since November 2021 been slowly scaling back in.

>> No.53601240
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>> No.53601603

"remodeling" perfectly functional parts of a house, expensive versions of electronics and appliances that do the same thing (electric toothbrush, wireless headphones, air fryer), nice-looking cars and clothing, hobbies like woodworking or gardening or making your own beer, creating a game room in the house, gym memberships, "going out", resort vacations, graduate degrees, buying physical books

>> No.53601796

Yeah, weed is not a fiscally irresponsible trap unless you're a giga stoner retard. There are retard stoners who literally smoke multiple joints per day of high quality bud, or they smoke blunts all the time, extremely wasteful. I smoke flower and at most I go through an 8th every two weeks. Lately it's more like an 8th lasts me a month. But even if it's every two weeks, that's $80 a month absolute maximum expenditure. In terms of how fucked up it gets me for how long, it's way cheaper than cheap beer.

>your retarded I spend about 80$ and 1g last me 3 whole month
>yup, the rosin or wax is the way to go.
>here 1g lasts me a month so its 80€ a month..

you guys are getting ripped off. I'm in a legal state in the midwest and even here at dispensaries it's like 60-70 a gram. Street price is more like 40 or 50 a gram. In Colorado and out West even at dispensaries a gram will only be 40-50 tops, often more like 25-30.

Cannabis is so easy to grow and process. If the taxes and regulations weren't insane, it would literally be as cheap as any other leafy green agricultural product. With proper legalization we should be able to get an Ounce of good weed for like 10 or 20 bucks, that's what it's actually worth

>> No.53601947
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>> No.53602027

how so?

>> No.53602428

>That's the one that'll really burn a hole in your wallet, and at the same time it's the most difficult to avoid, especially if you have family

damn, some people live totally different lives. IMO going out to a restaurant is moreso for singles and young people. Growing up we rarely went to restaurants and when we did it was usually a special occasion. Birthdays, get togethers with family friends, etc. Something we did as a family maybe once per month tops but even that sounds like a lot.

You really don't have to eat at restaurants all the time. Doing so was not seen as normal until maybe the last 30ish years.

>> No.53604059

Anything past that doesn't increase the high for me. It's like I hit a wall. Do you just keep smoking over the span of a few hours or something? I can't imagine smoking 2g in a week much less a day.

>> No.53604114

that's ridiculous
as a bonglad i have never paid more than £20 a gram and i consider that getting ripped off
i don't smoke anymore but i used to buy it at £180-£220 per ounce and would never pay more than that

>> No.53604251

>Go thread
>It's basically spending money at all.
What is your goal here? To just hit a high score to get some woman to spend it for you?

>> No.53604288

In the jewnited states in order to divide the goy from the jew you are not allowed to invest in many things unless you're already rich.

>> No.53604660

>financing cars
>financing smartphones
>personal loans/credit cards @ 15%+
>happy hour/bar trips multiple times per week
>restaurants+delivery instead of cooking

>> No.53604829

first post worst post. biz is so fucking dead

>> No.53604833

I get blazed quite regularly… just about to finish working 12+hour shifts for the last two weeks. I get blazed on the regular and I call bullshit on weed making you lazy. If your a lazy fuckwad your gonna be a lazy fuckwad wether you blaze or not. It’s you, not the weed.

>> No.53604853


Depends significantly, starting from scratch with no degree fastest way by being a wagie is slave mode tradie in oil fields 2-3years, or lineman apprenticeship 4yrs + 1-2 years slave mode storm chasing.
Finance guys have other options, Having a series 7, or other certs can get you there too, The regulations changed recently.
If college degree and already at ~100k+ but can’t scale to 200k rapidly then marriage.

If you’d done well crypto to be 1m in assets congratz, but generally you’d have to take the cash out hit unless you can be handheld through the maze of loan dancing

Once youre an accredited investor that saves like a /biz/man, max amount of working you will have to do for the rest of your life is 10-12years. Closer to 5-7

Old money and lawyers/docs/engineers that are in the know pay almost nothing <20% to literally zero in income taxes on high income 330k+

It’s a deep black pill that I still struggle with, The vast majority of people truly are cattle, even high IQ professionals waste their lives working.

>> No.53604856


Yeah it's super easy to grow, just use $500 worth of electricity And another $200 worth of water for half a months worth

The savings already started!!!

>> No.53604857

The only way the US dollar would become worthless is if WW3 happens and the united states gets completely buttfucked.

>> No.53604902

Instant revulsion seeing a fp like that , wish I was active enough back it the day to get into the OG big players discords. Hanging out with plebs is no fun

>> No.53604905

Late 30's here. Life style creep.
>Oh boy I'm a senior now or middle/upper management now and make $100-$200k+. I can finally afford that $80k car I always wanted
>Oh boy I can join bjj/muy Thai/yoga
>I can finally afford to eat more steak and micro brew beer
>Oh cool Im going to use that bonus to install a home theater system
>401k remains under funded
>No 6 months emergency plan
>Making absolutely no head way on paying mortgage off early.

>> No.53604920

Working shifts isn't about laziness, that's a need for survival. Do you learn new things? Do you keep your house clean? Fix shit up? Probably not, because you're probably content with not improving your life and just getting high and playing video games whenever you're off work. If not good for you, but you're probably lying to yourself.

>> No.53604949

Don't be retarded anon, you can get thousands of dollars worth of weed. Some people resell whatever they don't use to cover cash for all their grocery shopping too. Weed is not hard to grow. I don't smoke anymore, but any idiot with a guide can grow it and make 100s of grams as long as they don't live with their parents.

>> No.53605001

>I don't think weed is really that financially irresponsible in itself. It's expensive some places, but most stoners who smoke a fuckton usually just grow a plant or two or have a friend who does and gets it dirt cheap.
>It's a mental trap. It makes you content with being lazy, it makes you okay with being poor. It makes you stop trying. It's fine for weekend smokers or whatever in moderation, but stoners almost always end up just wasting a decade doing nothing before they finally quit and move on and find that they are 25-35, no house, and work a shitty job and will have to do this until they're 70 unless they do something, and they have no headstart in retiring early which people who didn't party or didn't sit at home smoking weed and playing vidya all their youth does
you contradict yourself: your goal is to retire early, which is exactly what stoners do

also you admit that toners contribute to society after 35, whereas you are a passive cuck at 35 when you retire to do nothing

>> No.53605066

Well, you’re stupid.

>> No.53605098

you're stupid
America literally controls the world, if you think inflation will devalue the dollar to other countries that rely on America for military support you are fucking retarded.
Unless America is shown to no longer be able to protect a fuckton of countries, the value of the dollar will remain.

>> No.53605216

elaborate. I qualify, but all I can dig up is platforms for getting in on VC, SMB, real estate crowd fund stuff etc. Seems like a bigger gamble than just going leverage on well established companies or industry trends. How do you find private offerings that don't blow up in your face?

>> No.53605224

What superpowers rely on the US for protection? Shithole African and South American countries don't count. And Europe has its own set of problems.

>> No.53605240

nigger did you not see how we handled Afghanistan?

>> No.53605261
File: 42 KB, 387x417, 4chan in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna keep smoking weed and all the Smuggies you post and the seethe posts you post will not change that.
>Muh hecking dead beat job.
All jobs suck.
>Muh doing nothing.
Neets do nothing and managers do less.
Fuck off.
>Muh house!
I am not buying a house in the US, Not my problem.
>Muh content with being bored.
You sit on 4chan all day upset other people are doing stuff.
>Muh hecking money.
Gonna keep growing weed, gonna keep buying cheap zips off the Dark Net.
>Smokes all day and 2/3rds of my paycheck.
No, lol.
If you look like Borat or are morbidly obese, fuck off.
This is the United States of America, Freedom, Seethe more you fucking cucks,.
I think when I get done growing my OG kush I will bring a bunch of it out on a hike and smoke a ton of it.
You can sit here and type about ass mad you are.

>> No.53605279
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It used to be 100 bucks on ounce where I am from.
USA mutts are getting ripped out left right and center.
>Just drink.
Yeah, I brew and grow my own shit.

>> No.53605298

>Dude weed

>> No.53605305

Or just grow it outside in a flower pot. It's a plant you fuckwad.

>> No.53605313
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>save and invest
Yeah? You can also grow weed, invest money and save money.
All you're negative attributes to weed is some metal gymnastics you faggots come up with either as projection or baseless assumptions.
It's like those "former" alcoholics who barely drank enough to justify the title drunk but they have to go around and project that everyone is hopelessly addicted to booze like himself.
Sorry, not sorry, but you faggots have the dependency issues.
Now, if you excuse me, I have to go lift some weights and listen to P H O N K.

>> No.53605340


It's not a daisy you retard

>> No.53605341
File: 94 KB, 1080x1349, 1617153351136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stoners who smoke before work everyday
Oh, Gonna keep smoking weed before work so I can keep working longer hours, you can seethe more about, fattie.
>I have a couple friends like this
No the fuck you do not, fat boy.

>> No.53605353

over 150 countries rely on the United States for Military.
Did you ever wonder why the United States spends a fuckton on Military?

>> No.53605366

Yeah like three of mine friends are line cooks who smoke before ever shift lol. Have you ever met anyone who's a restaurant server construction or landscaper? It non-stop smoking with them sheltered anon

>> No.53605387

Right now I'm a software dev, making good money but I probably can't hit 200k in my area. I'm considering geting a series 65 since you don't need to be sponsored for that.

>> No.53605406

You've never been in the same zip code as a weed plant faggot

>> No.53605442


I use your mom's vagina as bong water fuck outta here

>> No.53605444
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New clothes every season
Seeing over half-a-dozen concerts a year
Traveling to some random shithole for vacation
Going out to bars/clubs every week
Buying movies/television and music subscriptions
Ordering delivery more than once a week

>> No.53605459


Huh, why would anybody obfuscate elite financial structuring…. Exclusion is extremely valuable.

I am disincentivized to publicly discuss this in depth. What can you offer me?

There are no truer statements than these when it comes to wealth

Network=Net Worth
Knowledge is power

>> No.53605501

Mobile phones, masturbation, cheap friends, trash family

>> No.53605514

hey sounds like me

>> No.53607171


>> No.53608078

Duuude weed bro

>> No.53608581

Why tf would it be for singles? Lmao just cook one plate and call it a day. Cooking a single meal for a family with 2+ kids is hell. There is a reason a housewife (or equivalent) becomes mandatory the more kids you have

>> No.53608610
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>Buying weed instead of growing it yourself


Maybe you're 19 or something like that

>> No.53608644

new cars
take out food

>> No.53608790


Lol my buddy got a stripper pregnant 8 years ago and his life has been hell ever since. He still pays child support even though they have a 50/50 time split.

>> No.53608802


>eating out
>going to college
>getting married without a pre-nub

>> No.53609314

>Dude but Weeeeeed

>> No.53609392

being a simp for a materialistic woman.

I have a friend that makes 300k a year. he has a 6/10 girlfriend and saves nothing because shes a deadbeat with no job, no skills, no education, and no plan to get a job or skill because the expectation has been set that he will pay for all her shit. he even funded her failed business i shit you not.

>> No.53609568

>he even funded her failed business
Every rich simp does this. I had an ex-NHL player open up a café (how original) for his wife across the street from my work. He even worked the counter and made me a cappuccino with lifeless, dead eyes.
They folded within two years.

>> No.53609604

You're delusional.

>> No.53609643


everyone i smoked weed with in college was an A or B student. i have a friend group that most of them smoke weed making 200k. some of them make less, maybe 75-90k, but they're all reasonably successful. u just hang around people like that

>> No.53609646

Fuck I’m tapped out on this post. I do not like cooking but I get fucking starved and need something quick. Even if I’m not eating out I buy a bunch of frozen meals that are more expensive. I don’t even know if I could start cooking, every time I get motivated to make and freeze meals I just imagine how that will take up my whole weekend and get depressed. It’s fucking bad too because I have to buy my girlfriend food too since she’s a child so it’s like $20-30 out my wallet every time I go get something

>> No.53609647

You should get off that shit. Hard to quit and turns you into a soicuck

>> No.53609667


>> No.53609669

its called weed cus it literally grows like a weed retard. I worked on a commercial grow op in oregon for about a year and we'd constantly find super healthy plants randomly growing in the compost pile. Yes its hard to grow super dank 36% weed but its even harder to completely fuck up and kill a plant. Literally sunlight and some water in miracle grow walmart soil and youll get at least 2-4 ounces per plant without even trying

>> No.53609744

Yeah it unlocks the wonderful world of OTC equity, get on a single fucking DST or PE mailing list and be prepared for every shitty salesman in your closest 5 states to call you up offering shit stocks and trash multi families

>> No.53609792

It could be a nice side gig, it’s very hard to break into PWM. The majority of successful PWM firms have at least 40-60mm AUM by 5 years in, be prepared to fucking grind unless you happen to have loaded relatives. As with any business you will do better if you have some edge, PWM is my backup plan if my career doesn’t pan out because I know I can handle most of the compliance and account maintenance myself, as well as some deeper pocket connections, and even then I couldn’t see myself cracking 100aum for a while. Most of the firms ive worked for and with have been doing this 30 years and don’t have above SEC registration levels.

>> No.53609810
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I'm a grown man with wife and kids and a full time job. I live in the real world where adults do adult things. I pay taxes and have responsibilities. I'm accountable. It's a boring life to some but it's a happy one, one where chaos is kept to a minimum and that suits me just fine.

My acquaintances who smoke pot are generally depressing folk who never left their high school mentality. They're constantly on a nostalgia trip for an era when they were 15 and life was meaningless because a teenage boy's actions have zero consequences. A few of them still live with there parents. The ones who aren't would be better off living with their parents. At least then someone could clean up after them, something none of them seem capable of doing themselves because why mop when you could just be high. All they ever do is eat garbage, play video games, and watch capeshit movies made for idiots.
Every now and again they come up with some "business idea" (probably while high) and blow an insane amount of money on startup capital. Gumball machines, t shirts, baked goods, 3D printers, etc. They've got loads of this shit but did they ever made any money off it? No, because it's easier to just get high and watch the SyFy channel all damn day.

I stopped associating with them because frankly I don't see a value in hanging out with people who just exude low energy loser bullshit all the time.

I'm sure this isn't everyone's experience and there's probably plenty of people who smoke pot daily and lead normal lives. When drunks do this we call them "functional alcoholics." I've only met one of those but frankly he's a time bomb waiting to go off. But I still haven't met a daily pot smoker who even remotely had his shit together. It's partly why I'm convinced pot causes mental illness. Most other drugs destroy your body. Pot destroys the mind.

Anyways, thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.53609827


ur friends are losers. has nothing to do with them smoking weed man. i make 200k, i have multiple friends who are physicians who make more than me that also smoke weed. some live in colorado, california, or other places. again, you just live in a shithole full of losers. sorry. not smoking weed isnt the key to making it

>> No.53609843

Learn to make a stir fry it takes like 10 minutes max

>> No.53609936

The problem is the individual, not the weed.

My favourite highs are post workout. I'm actually in the best shape now than I've ever been in my life.

>> No.53609965

It would have to be my friend, who suddenly decided he was going to buy a house for his son. It was ridiculous, but they smiled in the end.

>> No.53609973
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>I have to buy my girlfriend food too since she’s a child
Nigga what

>> No.53609989

>Most other drugs destroy your body. Pot destroys the mind.
Ok now i know youre 18 because only an 18 year old would think weed does more damage to your mind than any other drug kek
You've obviously never met a meth head or a junkie, even people who get too into acid and mushrooms are way more retarded than the biggest stoner ever.

>> No.53610097

keep seaarchiiing

>> No.53610172

Expensive cars. Double so now that everyone wants a cool "EV" that usually costs $20-30k more than an identical ICE vehicle.
Car loans aren't the worst thing in the world but families will always have 2 or even 3 of them and it is insane.

>> No.53610300

at 300k a year you could have a stay at home wife and still save plenty hes just s retard

>> No.53610410

im guessing his money goes like this

150k to taxes
48k to rent/internet/utilities for them
20k on vacations for them (he does one every 2 months)
18k on food/restaraunts for them
10k on car costs
10k on other living costs
10k on his nerd hobbies
10k on her

then a paltry amount saved over like 2k a month. always complains he has no wealth despite making so much

>> No.53610434

Having a social life is such a waste of money when you could stay home and browse /biz/ to lose all your savings at the shitcoin casino.

>> No.53610485

>48k to rent
this nigga rents on 300k? Needs some priorities NGMI. I hope youre doing better than him anon

>> No.53610561

>Having a social life is such a waste of money when you could stay home and browse /biz/
I can be more entertaining than inane and costly normalfag bullshit
anon lists here.

>> No.53610573

What makes men so weak? I would not tolerate this shit, but then, no woman seems to want me anyway.

>> No.53610671

Schizo Reddit spacing
Literally just read those google links and ignore this fag

>> No.53611057

I'm far from being accredited investor. But where would you go to look for more obscure esoteric investments that are open to accredited investors? I'm not asking for an individual investment advice so much as I am asking for a general mindset advice, so far most of the accredited only investment opportunities I've seen are tied to real estate.
>Old money and lawyers/docs/engineers that are in the know pay almost nothing <20% to literally zero in income taxes on high income 330k+
How? I should probably stop going to the h&r block at the strip mall for my taxes, I've spent hours trying to research tax credits/write offs and all I've been able to find so far are mostly basic advices like "brooo avoid short-term capital gains" "bro you can donate to charity to reduce the taxes you pay" very surface level and often times untrue tax advice. Do these people just hire a CPA or something?

>> No.53611384

Now see, they said the same in the 70's, 80's, and 90's. Nuclear destruction by the USSR. Acid rain. Global Freeze. Global warming. Y2K (every computer shutting down after the year 1999).

We have survived so far. There's a great chance we will survive more. So as smart and good your advice is, you might not want to put all eggs in that basket. You might want to put some money in an all world etf or a roth etc. Things has always cost something. Trade, pm coins, paper money, digital money. You'll need it in the future too.

Now that being said, you can never have too much Guns and too much food/farms.

>> No.53611711
File: 182 KB, 1174x719, boomers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazy boomers fucked our generation over in every single way they possibly could, and shit on us for smoking weed.

The extreme superstition over some mundane drug making or breaking your entire career is a trap. It's the same concept as my pic rel, but replace jocks with boomers. Were the boomers autistically over-optimizing their life and hating themselves over every little bad habit? No, they pissed themselves drunk their entire careers and lived the most comfortable lives in human history.

Weed has lots of drawbacks but too much self blaming is how we get cracked out Gary V types "hustling on nights and weekends" and tech workers taking Adderall just to keep pace.

>> No.53611752
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I want to try out weed for the first time from a dispensary, but I am paranoid that I'll get drug tested the next Monday after I get done smoking.
Even in an office, construction wagie rules still apply to us.

>> No.53611830

I’ll be eligible for accreditation this time next year and have a friend who’s CTO at a startup. He offered to sell me some shares after their B round, how can I get access to more deals like this?

>> No.53611929
File: 177 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20230205-075245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ultimately the (mis)conception that one has to remain ever-sober so as to maximize labor efficiency for Shlomo is a rise perpetrated by your owners in society.
Imagine being so naive as to imagine that success is born from sobriety. Farcical.
In reality those of us with the fortune of being born wealthy or intelligent (in my case both) find that success is already a given at birth. When life is so easy already, why not choose to enjoy it? God, the stinking drunken coke addled boomoids that wind up ceos would shock you with their liberal ivy league coddled minds. Unsurprising their vice is usually sexually perverse. I myself dabble in weed, in hallucinogenics, and the occasional ecstasy binge with roasties. It hasn't seemed to slow me down.

T. Last year's passive income, about an hour of work a day tops.

But yeah brothers, drop the joint and get back to cleaning that toilet you lazy shit.

>> No.53612379

>You've obviously never met a meth head or a junkie, even people who get too into acid and mushrooms are way more retarded than the biggest stoner ever.
Yeah I've met people like this. You know what they all have in common? They were all habitual marijuana users before they did any of those things.

>> No.53612802

He's saying she's childish.

Or he's a pedophile

>> No.53614782

your network is your net-worth
how did you find that deal?
how would you find similar deals?

>> No.53615390
File: 169 KB, 1800x1125, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your network is your net-worth
I really hate this cliche phrase that was undoubtedly coined by some Dave Ramsey worshipping boomer

>> No.53615685

Coffee, hundreds of dollars every month

>> No.53615981

Honestly I just randomly talked to him at a bar...but it was a high end bar, like one you pay a yearly membership to be able to get in

>> No.53616110

This is based

>> No.53616117

Driving anything but a shitbox until you're on your way to making it.

I get it if your car is your hobby and you are already upper middle class on your way upward - I have my hobbies I treat myself to as well. You need to live here and now at least a bit once you reach your mid-twenties.

But when I was a middle manager I saw tons of barely-above-minimum-wage retards buying 1 or 2 year old cars on credit, taking loans for the down-payment. For some time I and another manager were driving the two oldest, most beat-up shitboxex there. Still boggles my mind.

>> No.53616196
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Having a gf and kids BEFORE even getting a mortgage and a decent job, the amount of retards who I grew up with and did the opposite is nuts. Now they are all stuck with 2 milestones and will be renting like retards for the rest of their lives

>> No.53616236

*2 millstones, aka a grumpy greedy ho and some screaming demon

>> No.53616288

Honestly you’re probably going to end up just being anxious and not enjoy it at all if you’re already worrying about being tested for it. My first time being high was weird, but I was 16 and was smoking out of a 7-Up bottle and bed spring coil with foil at the top with holes poked to hold the weed

>> No.53616456

I bought 5k worth of silver and gold instead of putting it all in crypto

>> No.53616694

now go reread your posts and THINK

>> No.53616766

That's based though

>> No.53616894

Fine, I'll bite. What do you sell? Aliexpress shit that you mark up or what?

>> No.53617071

There are hundreds of millions of lazy non weed smokers. If anything it's always made me do more or have fun doing it.
But the stuff is too strong these days. The kids are fucked.
You should be forced to smoke rag weed until you are at least 20 years old otherwise I think it does fuck a developing brain.

>> No.53617964

Buddy you’re just plain wrong. My first grow I got 3 ounces from two plants. Second grow 1.5lbs from four. That’s with minimal effort. Only 3-4 months for each one plus curing and drying. I don’t pay for weed anymore

>> No.53618082

I start smoking usually around noon and just hit my bong as I feel the need throughout the day. My parents are both also daily smokers and smoke about the same amount as me, yet are both millionaires of their own making. I think alot of it has to do with genetics, people like me can smoke everyday and be fine if not better than not smoking, and some people smoke everyday and they become lazy and ruin their life. Its really a person to person thing I think. And it depends, sometimes the bong just randomly gets me very high, but usually just keeps me level. Its kinda a medication for me since I also got IBD

>> No.53618113

No you do need to know succesful people to get in with them, but you can also know a bunch of pot heads and heavy drinkers to have fun with. Also just makes you a much more well rounded person.

>> No.53618209

same here,

i wish you streght and perseverance in persisting this path. It's hard to not give in in "just a little tug"...

>now actually saving all the money andusing to invest (boring boomer ETF funds) where I would otherwise literally burn it all.

>> No.53618271

>2/3rds of my paycheck
Kek, 7 grams costs $25 CAD and lasts me a month

>> No.53618351
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Not investing and saving a portion of your check. I know my roommate makes probably a similar amount that I do after I invest in my 401k and pay my private loans. They have more health expenses than I do granted but they are constantly low on money.

I don't think it is inherently wrong to not go full autist and try to hit seven figures and retire and just live your life. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed so if consooming makes you happy and you're fine with the future that could await you, so be it. But you should always have 3-12 months of expenses saved up. Probably 6 months cash, 6 months in other stable investments, then just always set aside like 10% of your check to other ventures. For most people you should be able to get a good little nest egg in a year of just "okay saving" and then go from there assuming you have a college degree. It boggles my mind to find out that my roommate is always financially struggling. I made a lot in crypto so I'm not one to talk but I am generally investing ~120/week comfortably (and another ~110/week into my 401k). I could get really hardcore and probably double that if I was so inclined. Frankly, you don't need to get too crazy beyond that. We all have vices.

So I guess the mistake is people need to make a budget and stick to it. I started using YNAB in college and honestly worth every penny to me even if I don't stick to my budget super hardcore but it helps contexualize my spending. Mint does the same I think for free.

>> No.53618355


>> No.53618639

I've worked at a number big 4 consultancies and large asset managers whilst vaping bud daily for the last 7 to 8 years.

During lockdown, I was spending whole working days high, with no real issues.
I've got enough accrued wealth to maintain my current lifestyle for at least 2 years if I needed to. I could triple my weed spend without it really affecting my financial life.

I don't know how common I am because I don't really talk about it with anyone other than my girlfriend. That said, I recently got diagnosed with ADHD and I first used weed to make accountancy interesting enough to actually study so I'm probably not representative.

I've also drastically cut down for the past few weeks because I haven't really had any real goals other than acquiring jobs that pay me better the last few years and I partly attribute that to weed making me too content and comfortable (by my standards).

>> No.53618810

It’s always old people in these places, wasting their entire savings so their kids/grand kids end up with no inheritance

>> No.53620264

any good papers on this? would love to read into it