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53690865 No.53690865 [Reply] [Original]

>think a female coworker is into me because of the way she treats me
>find out she was just being nice and has a loving bf, and has no affection for me beyond being a friend
>has happened to me multiple times in my life

How do I kill myself in the most economical fashion possible?

>> No.53690869

based and autism pilled

>> No.53690874

Throw yourself off a bridge where barely any cars or people pass by. Economic for you as you use gravity to off yourself and to others as they don't have to even find your remains.

>> No.53690884

women in relationships still look for work husbands, its a sexless relationship where you still support and care for each other emotionally and look out for each other at work

my old work wife was this chubby blonde PAWG, she had a live in boyfriend but we would still flirt with each other and buy each other coffee and donuts some days or whatever, this is probably what she was attempting with you

>> No.53690896

at my last job a woman coworker made a joke about a dead body being in the trunk of my car, when i got roped into driving people to a team lunch. several months later a cute mid 20s girl was hired. she admitted (to the women coworker in the previous sentence, who told me of this exchange) that she was afraid of asking me questions.

>> No.53690941

>think a female coworker is into me because of the way she treats me
>she actually is into me and sends very clear signals
>hate woman and have to come up with a plan of rejecting her
its all so tiresome

>> No.53690965

this situation also sucks because you think "oh is she just trying to fuck me to advance her career" or "oh is she just trying to rope me into a sexual harrasment case so she can make bank off a lawsuit" or "oh she's really just that into me and we can fuck in the janitors closet every afternoon without consequence" it's a real balancing act thats for sure

>> No.53690998

I can already imagine your smell.
learn to groom urself you filthy nigger

>> No.53691010

>accidentally reject her the wrong way
>she gets extremely butthurt to the point of sabotaging my work and bullshits other coworkers against me

one of these roasties from a previous job was stalking me for 4 years because I told her I wasnt interested in her.

>> No.53691031

i shower every day and lift weights 3 days a week. i actually have a gf. i just don't go out of my way to talk to people at work, although i am friendly if they talk to me.

>> No.53691113

>A female talks to me
>That means she's attracted to me, and owes me sex

Lol, lmao.

>> No.53691127

Rape her for leading you on

>> No.53691176

yes, exactly

>> No.53691205
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>> No.53691268

>girl says she really likes me and wants me to be her bf
>Have a couple nice intimate nights
>Cold shoulder and friend zone
>Gets extremely jealous and cries when she sees me with another girl
What the fuck is wrong with the female brain

>> No.53691288
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>What the fuck is wrong with the female brain
This image should help explain.

>> No.53691291

I feel like my kinda fat single boss is into me. What would biz do? I hear it never really ends well

>> No.53691304
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>think a female coworker is into me
The ONLY way to find out is trying to fuck her. if it works she was actually into you, if it doesn't either she wasn't or you fucked up somewhere along the way.
if you passively wait for more signals nothing will happen(or you get friendzoned as you noticed)

>> No.53691334

ask soon if the next girl has bf and stop fantasizing like a pussy

>> No.53691342

it probably means that you're a nice guy but brutally ugly. this isn't so bad, when you're around 40 you'll realize that this combo is the real cheat code in life because you will still have relationships to other people but never got divorce raped.

>> No.53691366
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>A woman is actually being nice to you

You pathetic piece of shit. What's wrong with you.

>> No.53691369
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Hi anon....
she probably is in love with me...

>> No.53691422

All women have bfs. They upgrade when they want to. If she likes you she will let you know and will never mention a boyfriend. Most do it with how they look at you and will position themselves to be near you or make themselves available to be talked to by you. Flirty ones will lay it on real thick while shy ones get all nervous around you but can't keep her eyes off you. If she does none of that and tells you she has a boyfriend without you asking then its ogre.
>t. knower

>> No.53691495

My Nigga in Christ, keep work strictly professional. You don't want to get put on your file that you are a sexual harrasser, and ruin your career, and job hunts forever with this.

Seriously not worth it, find women outside of work. One of my cousins tried dating a women from work and the moment she was not happy she basically said he was sexually harassing her, and sabotage his work, and pretty much got him fired and his job hunting was 1000x harder.

>> No.53691525

>ask if she has a bf
Never do this. You'll find out when she is your girl and you have an angry ex you have to deal with. Women use bfs as a weapon to dissuade men they dont like from making advanced on them. Its their trump card in the early stages. If they don't like you they will mention to you that they have a bf even if you didn't ask. They'll say it where you can here it. If they like you then you will never hear the words "my boyfriend" from them and their friend group will be on the same page. Jesus Christ, don't be an autist and fucking ask the girl if she has one and force the conversation.

>> No.53692034

Side note but what’s the deal with dog loving roasties?

>> No.53692318
File: 95 KB, 640x774, 7AE3EA03-E04F-436E-9B3F-852AA5A5C575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I met a based real life Asian waifu grill at work that hated ((them)). Was falling hard for her, then told her I had a crush on her. She rejected me but we are still super cool to each other. I kinda spite her sometimes for the rejection, and I’m really trying to get over those feelings. It’s never easy but I believe I’m making progress. I strongly advise staying away from those feelings at the work place.

>> No.53692360

They love the male attention, but don't want the actual relationship. Happens a lot. Don't feel like you misread the signs, because most likely she gave them. You just got played into giving attention.

>> No.53692380

>another virgin fantasizing
ok schizo

>> No.53692436

Stop asking questions and over thinking. She probably would have fucked you before you made it weird.

>> No.53692466

If you want to fuck her then you should.

>> No.53692489

You have to be an extroverted and constantly talking in the office (but ONLY about acceptable topics like Netflix and sports ball) or else you WILL be labeled creepy.

>> No.53692514
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knife to the heart
I unironically did that when my wife left me but thank God I missed and only punctured my lung. I'm still single but am happy to be alive now. It's just like a good meal I guedd. You eat, go to bed and the next day you want another good meal.

It could be worse
At least you have people who are interested in you as a human being and care for you.

>> No.53693001

does it hurt a lot?

>> No.53693028

this. women have no loyalty and the tiniest bit of excitement will drive them to abandon all oaths

verification not required

>> No.53693031

a bit wild we let men over 45 take most important decisions when they're basically as unhinged as teenage girls

>> No.53693045

good, you're dodging bullets left and right. If you think being with a bitch is a good thing you're out of your mind.

>> No.53693072

I'd like to see the same chart back when women were only housewives.

>> No.53693290
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Based, WAGMI fren

>> No.53693403

if recycled tiktoks are to be believed, its the ones giving you the cold shoulder and short, casual greetings that like you

>> No.53693454

>knife to the heart
>I unironically did that when my wife left me but thank God I missed and only punctured my lung


>> No.53693486


Yes, and it will keep on happening up until you find meaning in your life at which point it will be as interesting as a fly on the window

>> No.53693498

you're her work hubby
she uses you for attention and if her bf fucks up she might use you to get back at him

>> No.53693558

You could of taken them girls if you wanted. Women who work aren't loyal. You respected men you never met

>> No.53693589

H-how do you know they are trying to do this or just be nice?

>> No.53693628

people don't buy people food "to be nice". there's always an ulterior motive. It may be mutually beneficial, but there's always a motive.
What's your IQ? Your holdings?

>> No.53693799

>be sad for me because someone treats me nice but i feel it's not enough

>> No.53693841

faggots like you is why I tell my gf to be mean to every guy

>> No.53694121

Stop thinking about fucking your coworkers sperg.

>> No.53694157

They were addicted to barbiturates and booze.

>> No.53694303

What kind of shitty sedan do you drive

>> No.53694688

women like options and potential plan b. boyfriend or husband doesn't mean much to days when horny thoughts take over. onion boys dont initiate sex or escalate flirting often hence nothing happens and threads like these are filled. it's not complicated.

>> No.53694782

>not being bothered at job by fucking normies because they think someday they may be laying in your trunk
sounds pretty good to me you fucking wannabe normie. shared driving with coworkers is one of the worst and annoying things ever created to torture the wagies

>> No.53694865

>Woman is indifferent
Foids are a scourge and should be enslaved
>Woman is friendly
She wants to fuck me but neither her or I have directly expressed romantic interest.
>Woman is mean
Roastie's egos are out of control. Everyone past 12 years has hit the wall.

Why do you all do this to yourself? Stop overthinking every encounter and adding nefarious intent to them all.

>> No.53695400

Yeah, a girl tried to do this to me when I first started my career. She was single too, and would ask to hang out, and then flake every fuckin time. I I ghosted her, and she called me a few weeks later asking why I don't talk to her anymore and I blew her off. Fuck these social parasites.

>> No.53695488
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>>think a female coworker is into me because of the way she treats me
>>find out she was just being nice and has a loving bf
Every time!
>How do I kill myself in the most economical fashion possible?
A shotgun blast to the roof of your mouth might help with that, unless you're too poor to afford a shotgun.

>> No.53695500

>my old work wife
No anon, she was not, you bought her food and drinks like a simp hoping for sex.
Bald, ugly, fat, short people are gross.

>> No.53695520
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>I can already imagine your smell
I imagine you're fat as fuck and talk about homosexuality all day, making normal people weirded out by you.
Based as fuck, anon.
>or else you WILL be labeled creepy.
Be more attractive and taller.

>> No.53695528
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Yeah man, most men are faggots and cry babies.
I guess working all the time, being ugly and not getting any puss tends to make people depressed.

>> No.53695537
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>only housewives.

>> No.53695560

Chad fucks, beta bux.
Basically that anon was a simp and still didn't get any ass.
Yeah don't do anything for people, when you're trying to be "nice" it seems like you're trying to barter for something.

>> No.53695648

So tired of modern women it hurts. I hate dealing with them at work, all these retarded “college-educated” pains in the asses who just babble some feminism bullshit yet are single moms and can’t understand how low on the totem pole they are no matter how much the media praises them.

>> No.53695826

with work relationships like this you're supposed to play into their flirtation 1/3rd the time and stay aloof/dodgy the rest of the time while flirting with other women in the office. NEVER acknowledge that she has a bf even when she deliberately brings him up as a means to dissuade your attention, or to make you jealous. eventually she'll hit a low point or have a fight with her bf and she'll come on to you a bit stronger than the usual banter and that's when you escalate the innuendo but never explicitly "make a move." again, completely blow off or minimize any mention of her bf or references to social consequences of any sort. if anything is actually to happen between you two, she will play into your escalating innuendo and go out of her way to manufacture situations where you're alone together. if that doesn't happen, she's not into you.
note, this only works if you can prevent yourself from indulging the delusion that you "like" her beyond potentially wanting to fuck.

>> No.53695850

mazda 3
it was gay but also funny because i ran up the tab on my boss's personal credit card kek