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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53887741 No.53887741 [Reply] [Original]

>Basic Information

>Real-Time Trades
>Current Trade Halts + Short Restrictions

>All other news/DDs/etc

Blackrock 14% stake in BBBY

10Q Filing

>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Completion of Public Equity Offering and Provides Strategic
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Pricing of Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and
>Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Announces Proposed Offering of Series A Convertible Preferred Stock and

>> No.53887755

New 8K's


>Carol Flaton - Carl Ichans appointee in Xerox take over

Latest hires
>David Kastin - M&A Specialist board member & CLO
>Shawn Hummell New Snr VP

>Temporary alliance with reddit and jews to take down other jews, we can go back to hating each other later
>reddit DDs don't take them for fact use your brain
>Check your broker and clearing house to ensure you're not rugpulled

As always:
>Sneed hedgies
>Reminder to filter the spamming shills

Last time in BBBY

>> No.53887778

niggerfaggot got cooked in that last thread god damn

>> No.53887868

Baggies unite

>> No.53887917

Kek baggies

>> No.53887951
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Nothing to see here, move along

>> No.53887992

WAGMI baggie bros

>> No.53888027
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We need a new sacrifice, bring in the shills. Their virgin blood will be a worthy morsel for Kek.

>> No.53888030
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just bought 6 million shares. Thanks for the dip

>> No.53888050

Who here 5000+ shares? 5300 here, hope it’s enough for what’s coming

>> No.53888061

That sounds like a made up number

>> No.53888094
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Fudfags furiously fisting f5 for first footnote on Finnish Fan Folding Forum


>> No.53888118

bought more calls, really needed this dump today my funds were late.

>> No.53888155
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Is bankruptcy 100% off the table? Doesn't this whole thing hinge on BBBY not going bankrupt? All of the shorting and FTDs won't matter if the hedgies end up being right about the company.

>> No.53888168

Yes. Next question?

>> No.53888263

Honestly just buy shares. I closed out my May calls at a small loss because shares make more sense here.

>> No.53888321

No I'm just here for the squeeze and I want to be leveraged

>> No.53888408

It's delayed because of the dilution, but in terms of outlook, they're in no better shape than they were. The one and only thing that will save this company is a buyout and that just became much less likely because of the way the dilution was structured.

>> No.53888451

price action so gay, i cant even kek hedgies anymore in good spirit. Wen green frens?

>> No.53888477
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I just don't care if this prolapses the entire rest of the market when the merger news hits. I do not, not one fucking bit. I actively look forward to some of the worst people alive ending themselves for being on the wrong side of this, and every time I see an article about some reptillian billionaire or other UHNWI shooting themselves or jumping off a building I cackle like a madman about it. One time I even jerked off and came to the article while imagining I was having my way with their limp body before yeeting them to their death. It's the funniest thing ever, and I literally cum to the idea of golems killing themselves for being completely degenerate cowards that bet against humanity. There is nothing any of you can do to stop this behavior. I'm long thousands of shares.

Go fuck yourself. That's the punchline.

>> No.53888541

allright, this gave me hope, ill cope then til the green hits the fan.

>> No.53888576

Wheres the Icahn announcement people were talking about last week? Wasnt it due yesterday?

>> No.53888629

Can someone fill me in on hopium thats still active?

I waited some release yesterday, that supplementation shit or w/e that was supposed to be given Feb 27. Now what? The level of cankicking with this is insane.

I anticipated this running long ago. Gimme a list of coming happenings and stuff, this getting slow.

>> No.53888638

Hello, based department?

>> No.53888681
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>cohen isn't selling guys
>dilution isn't happening guys

>> No.53888787

>you are never gonna be a real woman

>> No.53888865

it's not even hidden, israel is 50% non-middle eastern, quite normally on the Mother's Side.
You're not a Jew.

>> No.53888978

Okay bros so the strategy is that we just need to buy more than we ever have. We need to get all our friends and family to buy this. We need to take out loans, sell property, work overtime, anything that is necessary to raise the funds to buy more. This is it bros, this is our epic tale that will one day be told, but only if we all buy more.

>> No.53888996

This is going to $30 minimum even without a squeeze. People should just be buying on that alone if nothing else.

>> No.53889029

isn't that considered a squeeze? or do you mean shf just closing their ftds?

>> No.53889042

30 x 900M = 27Bn
You think Bbby is a 27 Bn mcap company without a squeeze?
Lmao you are potentially the most delusional baggie

>> No.53889056

Is 300 shares enough to wagmi? I just want to sell at $5,000 or $10,000 and roll enough profits into GME to get 10,000 shares or so. Maybe buy some nice food and a gaming pc too

>> No.53889069

>shills can't count shares outstanding
kek shorties

>> No.53889077


Only that there arent 900m BBBY shares.

$30 is like a historical median during days they were trashed by BCG people. Where we are going, its either BK (appears off table) or a functional company. In that context $30 is nothingburger.

>> No.53889090

fair value when you factor in how profitable BABY is, you get at least $30
NASDAQ must be notified within 10 days of >5% increase in outstanding shares and that hasn't happened. You need to ask your boss for a new line punjab

>> No.53889103

get a job
each check save as much as you can
no junk food no fast food no weed

>> No.53889228

Nasdaq has been informed. They dont have to make it public until next earnings
Kek baggies

>> No.53889288

Cite this.

>> No.53889292


That's not remotely how that works. NASDAQ if informed would be obligated to update the shares outstanding in their data feeds which companies like Bloomberg pay millions for...

Check your terminal, the shares outstanding hasn't changed all month.

>> No.53889361

if this was omae wa mou shindeiru why do they need to fud me?

>> No.53889427

ID changed because I was phoneposting. I have a job. I spend what I'm comfortable spending, and most of what I got goes towards GME if I want to buy more shares of anything. I only got 300 into BBBY because I wanted to dip my toes and roll over my earnings if I got into $1,000 a share (I'm only selling past 4 digits, I won't even sell a single share if it only goes to $999). I'm saving cash rn in case I get laid off due to the recession if my stocks don't go up as soon as we all expect it to.

>> No.53889463

Nice squeeze baggies

>> No.53889503

hahahahhaHahahahaAHAHA I got $500 in Monero from one of you fuckers to get me to "stop posting in these threads" jokes on you I will keep blasting your asses. What was that, 1 month of your pay for posting these threads? Did your supervisor have to approve this $500 monero transaction? Maybe it came from him HAHAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.53889638

Wtf is this cringe larp?

>> No.53889677


It's no LARP. Probably one of your supervisors in your scheme sent it to me, from how little pennies you make from these threads.

You know what, I'll GIVE BACK to the community! Go ahead, give me a message if you're part of this scam team and I'll give $50 in Monero for the first 5 to drop me their email addresses. I'll measure how many posts are in these threads. which I do daily on a spreadsheet, and if the posting rate drops after I give you $50 then I'll give each of you another $50 in Monero. ANONSWALLET (AT) PROTON . ME

>> No.53889844
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>roll enough profits into GME to get 10,000 shares

>> No.53889865

For which team were you posting?
Baggies or Shorties?

>> No.53889876

wagmi, fren. I just hope that GME doesn't squeeze before I can roll my BBBY gains into all those shares.

>> No.53889972

Some really weird cringe larping

>> No.53889984

Only 10k pr share ? Im looking for 1 million pr share. i just need 500 million.

>> No.53890028

WAGMI fren. GME will squeeze later in the year, either from some major announcement like a dividend, reverse merger, or from chads like you who roll their BBBY profits into GME and DRS.

>> No.53890031

Where is RC?
Why is everything so silent all the time?
No hypedates, no nothing?
What are they waiting for?

>> No.53890049
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COPE TIME: how many copes do you own?

>> No.53890115
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you thinkin’ what i’m thinkin’?

>> No.53890432

You've lost it, anon. They diluted with warrants for series A preferred shares, which are convertible into 99,822,986 common shares. There are another 95 million common shares they can sell, then the holder(s) of at least $75 million worth of Series A will get up to another 80,000 warrants that can be converted into ~400 million shares of common stock. Even without this dilution, the company isn't worth anywhere close to $30 a share. They're over their heads in debt, sales have been terrible, they're closing stores, and having to pay suppliers up front just to get some crap that they won't sell so the stores aren't empty. The company is done if they don't get acquired.

>> No.53890635

I just Nair'd my asshole

>> No.53890810
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cant wait for 50% some bed sheets, thanks baggies

>> No.53891536

today faggots fucked the stock price, but jokes on them, ive fucked daniels mom.

>> No.53891538
File: 316 KB, 955x956, 484B0182-C751-42C6-A5BF-4E13118A4B0E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’m going to slurp as much as i can tomorrow bathbros

>> No.53891705

Please do. Livestream your an hero for us when it's over.

>> No.53891716

sneed. it’s just money, mr. edgelord

>> No.53891783
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At under $3 per share, this opportunity was quite attractive purely as an asymmetrical play
At $1.39 per share, its a fucking no-brainer asymmetrical play
>muh bankruptcy
>muh dilution
>think of your finances, anon
None of that matters when the share price is this low. Risk / Reward, niggers. Risk a little and lose? No big deal. Risk a little an win? Win big - definitely at least a ten bagger.
I've got $5k I can throw at this and not give a shit. Company goes under? Darn. Company gets a buyout? I just 10x'd my $5k. Or more.
The fact that I get to stick it to a short hedge fund only makes my dick more diamonds.
In closing, fuck you.

>> No.53891823

He's projecting, he's basically telling you what he's gonna do if he loses all his money shorting this stock.

>> No.53891829

try 10,000x fren. shorts owe you what you want. it's that simple.

>> No.53891872

i don’t hate shills even if they’re troglodytes, but honestly it’s probably true. for some reason shills are more emotional than slurpers when they claim to not hold a position against it.

>> No.53891931

So I’d regret selling at $30?

>> No.53891953

you people need help and lots of it

>> No.53892009
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I am not mentally ill, but you are mentally ill prepared to deal with me

>> No.53892194
File: 185 KB, 828x1035, 283267653_10166247668725640_8040241176165232617_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone claimed to be slurping
>price has declined steadily for weeks
>no updated float numbers after convertible warrants release

Explain to me why I should be bullish here.

>> No.53892331

Because we’re unironically at the bottom

>> No.53892363

They were preferred warrants converted into preferred shares.

>> No.53892504

Still on reg sho.

>> No.53892516

BBBY is currently the most shorted stock in the NYSE kek

>> No.53892528

I don't even care to explain the whole how it's not actually dilution (yet) angle anymore, it's going to be even funnier when this is heading to 80-800$ and people get left behind.

>> No.53892533

Not gonna get off it unless they drop the volume, and if they drop the volume then this takes off.

They're fucked.

>> No.53892547

Being on reg sho also demolishes any presumption of dilution.

>> No.53892602

Is there even consensus on why is the volume so high? I know that the MM's algo or HFT are controlling the price but why do they need so much volume?

>> No.53892647

I think the algo just takes whatever the average volume was for the period and rolls with it. I noticed GME volume dropping from 12 million to 4 in the span of 3 months after the split (before split average volume was 4 million) like if the algo wanted to keep trading 4 million despite now being north of 200 million outstanding shares.

>> No.53892650

The bottom is zero baggie

>> No.53892665

not fudding but I'm trying to learn here. What prevents it from staying on the threshold list indefinitely without any change in price? Can anyone tell of some good examples of stocks squeezing after being on the threshold list besides GME?

>> No.53892675

It's not meant to be understood, and attempting to do so will drive you insane. Short version is it's basically the same principles of fraud that a ponzi scheme relies on, if you've got enough Peters to keep borrowing from to pay Paul then nobody finds out you've barely got enough money to go across town to drop it off. They stop naked shorting, price goes up, fomo kicks in, margin calls happen and yet another someone walks off a building or does a desk pop aimed at their medulla while the price reaches triple figures or higher so they can avoid a fate much worse than prison for losing billions.

Trying to get a more granular understanding than that is for people that get paid to do it. I'm just here to laugh at criminals and get rich off their hubris.

>> No.53892700

The high volume is cycling failures to deliver into forced buys while creating more fails by abusing the locate to borrow system and they can't stop and let it get off regsho because if they do the price goes up, which is why volume for the month is in the billions for a company with a grand total of 117 million shares in existence and tradable. Even lies about dilution, which has not and cannot even occur yet, can't explain 29x the number of shares in existence trading in January alone. That's where this is. That's why I tell people still short this ticker that they're fucking retarded and are literally killing themselves for having done so. So just sneed a fudder, cum in their mother, crack a beer and watch the show.

>> No.53892702

below 1$ is where the fun begins, hope you washed your penis fucko

>> No.53892716

cant go that low after bond payments are made plus institutions increased positions, SI is 99.85 percent and probably exceeds that now.

>> No.53892727

> did NOT wash his penis


>> No.53892744

>I anticipated this running long ago
But it did, if you didn't buy in at 5 after cohen was down massively and sell at 25 when cohen dumped his bags, your last chance was to average down to around 1.5 and sell at 5 back in feb.

>> No.53892764

And the funniest part of all of this is I'm probably going to get smeared as being a bad person for what I've said, that anyone still short is just as dug in on their thesis as I am long and will not change their mind, and that a bunch of literally not joking paid sentiment manipulators will seethe about someone explaining this and go out of their way to shit on me for having done so with any number of pilpul gish galloping firehose of fallacies tactics like they have for years now in the case of gamestop and basically a year now in the case of bbby. And this running will be the first domino in a long line of the unwinding of 60 years of insane fraud on a global scale, and the only reason I and millions of other people aren't literally fucking dead for knowing and understanding this and longing accordingly is because it's finally too fucking big a problem to ignore and threatens all of existence everywhere. It's this and a massive deflationary crash and tax revenue windfall and even more fucking pain to finally remove the tumor and save all our lives, or we might as well just start lining up in a neat row and see how many of us we can free from this existence with a single round of .50bmg - either deflate the population or the money supply or even a bit of both, but the amount of both is untenable. So enjoy the fucking draft in a year if this doesn't work out.

>> No.53892798

And the Preferred shares get converted into common shares. Those got bought by someone. They are also offering straight up almost 100 million shares of common stock, and more warrants, it appears to me to be in a way that incentivizes the buyer to hold the stock rather than dump it. Let's call it what it is, it was absolutely a dilution. They had no other choice though.

>> No.53892817

What fucking delusional horseshit is this? It's a failing bedding company and a pack of scammers trying to take fools money not a fucking revolution you retard.

>> No.53892899

I didn't know Stevie Wonder posted on 4chan, nice to meet you

>> No.53892924

either gme and bbby are going to squeeze at the same time because they're both in the same citadel short basket or the shares are going to get bought out at market value giving you a refund (maybe a small premium on top to encourage selling) or if they're really generous you'll get gamestop stock in exchange

they're not going to let you roll progressive squeezes into each other this is not cookie clicker and there isn't enough money in the market (or world) to allow you idiots to roll a moass into a moass squared it's a pipe dream like receiving a check for a gazillion dollars

>> No.53893104

Nah, one into the other. Giga mega squeeze squared. It's why they shouldn't have tried to kill it the first time around in 2021. Not my problem, not my fault, still going to be very funny when it unfolds. Prepare accordingly or don't, there isn't much time left either way.

>> No.53893340

Can anyone give me a good answer? What prevents it from staying on the threshold list indefinitely without any change in price? Can anyone tell of some good examples of stocks squeezing after being on the threshold list besides GME?

>> No.53893374

BBBY itself did in the past and so did CVNA

>> No.53893857

real women don't exist, if I can buy nfts from ai universe, then why not the love of a woman? do you know why? because again, it doesn't exist

>> No.53894044
File: 180 KB, 1170x529, 82F3C409-81D7-4685-9CD0-49860A0A301F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek bonds are paid :~)

>> No.53894155

Look at the Fucking scoreboard MotherFuckers! It's almost at its 52 Week low! What are you MotherFuckers gonna do while we continue to Fucking rain Dunks down on you!

Fucking Retail Lite! You young Millennial Fucks! What did I Fucking tell you MotherFuckers? Did you hear what I said? I heard what I said because I was standing there when I said it! We are gonna sell this Fucking stock's everything! We taking all the scrilla from you! You should have Fucking sold when you had the chance! You ain't gonna get no more Fucking opportunities MotherFuckers!

>> No.53894185

Kashmir belongs to Pakistan

>> No.53894214

I don't give a Fuck who Kashmir belongs to, in all fairness you Bridge and Tunnel MotherFucker. You wanna run kid? What you Fucking got? Come on Cletus. I gots the medicine for you, I'll straighten you out. Where the Fuck are you?

>> No.53894274

Is there anyone actually cringier than dunkqueer?

>> No.53894369

In America, in a white neighborhood where people have yards, decks and firearms.

>> No.53894498

Today we will close at BBBYs intrinsic value price of 23 dollars

>> No.53894555
File: 383 KB, 1656x1243, apuFishing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the announcement?

>> No.53894734
File: 276 KB, 680x458, bongBongBONG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan, this isn't a game, where is the fucking announcement?

>> No.53894758

Between 6am amd 10pm

>> No.53894852

Are you asking for the games... to stop?

>> No.53894860

What annoncement are we expecting exactly?

>> No.53894992

Yesterday was end of fiscal year for bbby. If they were going to be merged or acquired, announcing it wouldn't make sense until today at the earliest to have a clean start with the new fiscal year. I think it'll come later but nobody really knows but the people behind it all.

>> No.53895492

I agree with the logic, does this usually happen with aquisitions though? I imagine most companies fiscal year is around this time of year, are aquisitions weighted towards now-ish, too?

>> No.53895517

GME chad here
Kek baggies!

>> No.53895562
File: 134 KB, 976x850, it is pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this gonna squeeze or what

>> No.53895596


Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. Completes Interest Payment for Senior Notes


>> No.53895644

All they had to do was close down a country's worth of stores and sell a shit ton of preferred shares. I'm sure they can carry on doing that every month.

>> No.53895664

Based, all fudders should kill themselves

>> No.53895686
File: 8 KB, 245x206, TowelWipePepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bankruptcy pricing, #1 most shortest company in the universe, seething shillies, squeeze imminent

>> No.53895709

Shortbros, we closing at 1.30~ or waiting until 0.70?
I never hear much from shortbros (for obvious reasons)

>> No.53895740

How much regret will I have if I sell at $25-30?

>> No.53895741

>not showing the 40 cents 'he' made off of faggotbonds

>> No.53895747

how does 1 million dollarinos sound? because thats where this stock is going

>> No.53895754

they actually made the payment that was due a month ago, that they announced they'd be late on a few weeks ago? BULLISH

>> No.53895773

I keep hearing how bullish things are but number keeps going down. How can this be?

>> No.53895782

if this was omae wa mou shindeiru why do they need to fud me?

>> No.53895889
File: 113 KB, 500x500, Shillies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short hedgies are literally built for FTDs

>> No.53895900

Ask those who didn't sell at $25 last year.
Cause it's funny.

>> No.53895989

And prison bbc, kek
Checked and your violent jailhouse sodomy will be hilarious pilled

>> No.53896154

oh oh baggies how'd you get so red?

>> No.53896177

Payday is Friday and this entire stock is going to get slurped.

>> No.53896195
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>> No.53896196

Kek baggies looks like the diluting machine is still on

>> No.53896198

all 900m shares are getting slurped on a single Friday? I doubt that fren

>> No.53896212
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Love me some cheapies.

>> No.53896214
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>> No.53896236
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me too
go back

>> No.53896269

volume sussingly low compared to last weeks

>> No.53896326

All these red days.
I feel like Hitler in the bunker

>> No.53896347


>> No.53896402

Bought more ama

>> No.53896407
File: 12 KB, 229x220, REDEEM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is matter bbby hodlers? Are the do like dilution of 900 million shares? Now down $0.015 cents? Are mad? Tears on face and head full of rage? Sell now before zero. I try to do help and save you money.

>> No.53896415

>volume sussingly low
if it was high you'd say that was sus too. make up your minds

kek baggies

>> No.53896468

It's so funny that the shorts are desperate to keep the price red that they can only manage to keep it -$0.01. We all know when it is green the price moves parabolically higher.

>> No.53896478

sussy wussy baka desu

>> No.53896484

10 mil

>> No.53896506

Based volumeposter

This appears to be the bottom

>> No.53896723


>> No.53896725
File: 59 KB, 841x606, 1647326737253332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what shorts do you believe are under water?What shorts are desperate? If you went short at any conceivable point in the last 20 years you're sitting in some heavy as fuck green. How exactly do you think shorting works?

>> No.53896762

CTB gongo up.

>> No.53896776

They cant close though because reddit said so
Also I bought in 1992 so actually im green

>> No.53896786

>Also I bought in 1992 so actually im green
based boomie investor

>> No.53896798

This is the bottom right here

>> No.53896805
File: 70 KB, 1211x432, BBBY-FtDs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you not see the FTDs piling up? The trade is crowded and strong hands have been slurping up these cheapies. The problem for the shorts now is that if you stop shorting you actually don't have any liquidity. The price will move higher precipitously. I doubt too many people are willingly selling shares are these prices, especially now that we have confirmation that bankruptcy is off of the table for the time being.
We actually have data on borrow costs, and the percentage of sales being short. You are getting close to saturation on the short end, and without downward pressure supplied by the shorting, the price will revert higher to where it OBVIOUSLY wants to go. Without the algorithmic barcoding, this stock rockets higher by 15-120% per day. We RIPPED straight up to $7 several weeks ago and that, imo, is what natural price action looks like to an over shorted stock.
Shorts aren't profitable until they close. I'm personally content to sit and wait and slurp because your capitulation is a foregone conclusion, it's really only a matter of time. If they stock is $6 and I can buy at $1.30 I will do so every single time I get money. I'll have half a mind to go and roll up my pocket change to buy a few more shares that is how certain I am we are all going to wagmi.

>> No.53896826

Does anyone else get goose bumps? looking at the 1 minute chart and the algo's barcodes.

>> No.53896854


>> No.53896875

FTDs closed for the day
Now lets naked short some more

>> No.53896878
File: 1.08 MB, 300x300, Happening.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The time to wagmi is NOW

>> No.53896880

too early. this is rookie oo

>> No.53896892
File: 9 KB, 417x526, bopo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the price is just going to be shorted back down for the rest of the day like usual

>> No.53896894


>> No.53896903


>> No.53896906
File: 41 KB, 489x488, 1651258942801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your chance to exit baggies. Will you? Of course you won't, you think it will continue and hit double digits or something

>> No.53896907

20 mil

>> No.53896914

Wow, BBBY paid their back rent. Bullish!

>> No.53896921
File: 40 KB, 797x618, Ooo maybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53896939


>> No.53896951
File: 8 KB, 318x159, MarginBuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*laughs in margin*

>> No.53896955

it's 4d chess. they had a 30 day grace period to pay it late without consequences. this puts the payment in Q1 2023 instead of Q4 so they can be cash positive and sell buybuy baby.

>> No.53896972

don't worry fellow shill xister. These things happen. It's just a lower high. Like the $7 from a few weeks ago

>> No.53896988

Is it just going to run to 1.50 daily then crab?

>> No.53896999
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>> No.53897000

uh oh shorties

>> No.53897009
File: 1.48 MB, 6000x4000, Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's amazing how this stock just skyrockets higher. This stock is a pressure cooker.

>> No.53897055
File: 52 KB, 800x691, OOOO Thwarted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The big green dildo couldn't even be captured by the minute by minute

>> No.53897075
File: 96 KB, 1588x893, marge[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*also laughs in marge*

>> No.53897106

Wasn't today the day BBBY became 'unshortable' with certain brokers?

>> No.53897122

30 mil

>> No.53897138
File: 30 KB, 789x429, 16283629162343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me how you think you'll win by reducing the price without telling me you've over-shorted the stock and are in financial trouble and on the SHO list(s)

>> No.53897196

They were lured in via the promise of dilootion. The only thing they are getting is dilubtion when the bulls spot on their bears' buttholes.

>> No.53897231

I'm ready to distribute to the bears

>> No.53897237
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>> No.53897269
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>> No.53897273

>muh 100% utilization day 300
>nothing happens
>muh reg shoah day 6 gorillion
>nothing happens

>> No.53897285
File: 92 KB, 560x268, TopKekShillies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing happens? We just watched the shorts do a little test run of what happens when they turn off the algo.
Top kek!

>> No.53897305

>We just watched the shorts do a little test run of what happens when they turn off the algo.
>$30 to $1.50
Top kek!

>> No.53897341

My average is under $2.50 so it really is all a matter of perspective. The pent up squeeze is boiling over and we can all see it. The shorts dogpiled in hoping for dilution and it hasn't arrived yet. I bet what we saw just now was a short running for the door and a market maker being forced to short it back down again. Capitulation is happening as we speak.

>> No.53897471

>My average is under $2.50
no it's not

>> No.53897543

MACD cross on the 4h and almost on the daily. We going for some sort of run.

>> No.53897546

fr fr

>> No.53897569

So you're around 40% down on fucking stocks? Not even crypto or options but fucking shares? Kek baggie

>> No.53897577

I was a GME maxi until I started playing with options. I noticed BBBY in December and have been making a killing on this stock. It's a literal fountain of free money and my account has been ballooning at levels I never thought possible.

>> No.53897595

This place is for degenerates that buy the stock and hold it until it’s completely lost.
No one here cares about your profitable options trading

>> No.53897607

>mcdonald lines
has TA ever meant anything?

>> No.53897616
File: 1.82 MB, 250x250, DealWithIt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't care less. I hope it stays this low so I can slurp up this delicious stock even more. I think it's a good buy $3 you better believe I have no compunction about buying it for $1.40.
The second this stock trades normally it rips to $7+. We all saw it. We all know it. Even just today it gapped up 15%. That is what this stock wants to do naturally. Luckily I am patient and my calls have a fuckton of theta. I am more than happy to sit and watch you squirm.

>> No.53897624
File: 381 KB, 255x225, Cheesed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up nigger

>> No.53897625
File: 50 KB, 584x588, DB72F9F7-7B58-42FF-82B4-B381F745FE78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really don’t think there’s people here with a sub $5 cost basis? Lmao I’m riding this til $30 min

>> No.53897629


It has for the last 2 runs up to 6ish. But generally, it's trash. Won't have any confirmation until we close the day up 6-15% if so, we're probably going up again tomorrow.

>> No.53897812

It is useful for gauging trends and helping you with entry/exit points. It's not perfect but it can help give you a guide. Manipulated stocks/markets such as short targets, commodities, and forex it is not that useful.

>> No.53897841

That’s the funny part. A LOT of us have low cost basis. My avg cost is $2.72. These shorts are so fucked it’s beyond redemption. I’ve made a small deal with myself to purchase small chunks of shares every time they push it below $1.40.

>> No.53897846

40 mil

>> No.53897873


>> No.53897898

Shills are now on lunch, they'll be back within the hour

>> No.53897919

implying they can afford lunch

>> No.53897938

gay ass stock still crabing. Ive had enough of crabs. I want to see shills cry.

>> No.53897989

Why, did they do something stupid like buying BBBY?

>> No.53898006

bottom is in

>> No.53898012

daily reminder that you are not permitted to take lunch and must post here nonstop in order to keep morale high

>> No.53898037


>> No.53898039
File: 68 KB, 1024x695, 4AA5D774-05BD-4039-BD8C-7BB89C71CD0F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn they can push price down, let it run, or keep the circus going for all I care. I’m gonna keep writing puts AND buying shares over time. Also writing CCs against smaller portion of shares, because I don’t want to part with most of my babies before liftoff. kek shillies and ledgies.

>> No.53898057
File: 69 KB, 1451x1030, do not redeem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are going to break out today

>> No.53898068

unironically feels like the day when GME broke out of 40

>> No.53898070

no you're not

>> No.53898072

Your mother loves big black cock

>> No.53898075
File: 45 KB, 720x596, Screenshot_20230301-112021_Wealthsimple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reddit baggies lol

>> No.53898079
File: 2.44 MB, 498x280, 1659855927188951.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it doesn't

>> No.53898110

They eat parasite infested curry

>> No.53898191

this piece of shit failing diluting company with unenthusiastic shareholders pumped from 1 NOK to 10 NOK
even if BBBY only pumps to $10 i'll be ok
reminder that BBBY pumped to $7 just 3 weeks ago
i think it's going to squeeze to well above $30, maybe into the hundreds like GME did especially if/when the buybuy baby deal is announced

>> No.53898219

GME and AMC didn't have any catalysts. We're shooting up due to jewish market mechanics

>> No.53898220

$100 is not only likely but the bare minimum if/when a m&a goes through

>> No.53898251

we moona in ~20 minutes

>> No.53898268

>reminder that BBBY pumped to $7 just 3 weeks ago
reminder that BBBY dumped from $7 to $1.50 in just three weeks

>> No.53898272
File: 16 KB, 465x504, apujak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're wrong i'm sending you to the poop dimension

>> No.53898293


>> No.53898326

ryan cohen sneeded you all the way down from 30 kek

>> No.53898343
File: 217 KB, 1080x1043, Sonichu2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He sold us free money? Oh what a monster!

>> No.53898359

>Jan 20 $80 calls
free indeed kek

>> No.53898364

Why did a baggie bro tell me we were never going below 19 again? Why would you lie to me?

>> No.53898370

who? I know nothing about this stock other then you and your friends have been screaming at people to sell it for months now, so I grabbed 40k shares because it seemed like it would piss short sellers off

>> No.53898375

ryan cohen isn't actually selling he only filed to sell

>> No.53898386

I know nothing about this stock other then you and your friends have been screaming at people to buy it for months now, so I grabbed 40k puts because it seemed like it would piss redditniggers off

>> No.53898404
File: 313 KB, 717x436, f78.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks puts are the same as shorts
oof not sending their best

>> No.53898423

why do they eat on the ground? can someone explain that one?

>> No.53898430

where did i say that faggot

>> No.53898506
File: 22 KB, 480x360, 10658455-55D8-4342-912E-53C4D64C06AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m ready

>> No.53898515

buy moar

>> No.53898568

I think the upward price action is far scarier for the shorts than the slow declines are for the longs. The internet is capable of crunching too much information on this. Everyone knows to be long and I think the shorts were betting on dilution to bail them out.

>> No.53898601

He was wrong :(

>> No.53898633

then consider him pooped

>> No.53898677
File: 1.36 MB, 320x240, AwwSheeeit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53898874

well /smg/ my wife is divorcing me. We had $50k in stocks combined among our IRAs and my 401k. What happens to all of that? We did shit play once and I got way more into it than her and she got sick of it and now it’s over

>> No.53898893

>73.5% of trades routed through dark pools

>> No.53898911

It's the cheapest squeeze around which I'd reckon the poorest of us hold (no offense to anyone) but that would mean that any raise beyond the buy price would be tempting so if they just let it run to 20, most would bail for a free burger and a t-shirt but they can't even see that, they'd rather lose trillions then pay millions. How's the mentality on that level of greed? Trillion < million or how is the mindset of greed?

>> No.53898934

It’s out of principal. (you) goys are not allowed to win

>> No.53898945
File: 3 KB, 240x168, 1672016516224889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she gets 99% and you get enough to pay for a dick up your ass

>> No.53898954
File: 1.34 MB, 568x396, 9CC1F882-C00A-40C8-8874-2E8EDBB3EBB1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly you kinda deserve it that’s haram asf

>> No.53898967

This is why I refuse to have ANY join accounts with my wife. She doesn’t need to know what I have. Fuck women.

>> No.53898970

>they'd rather lose trillions then pay millions.
What this is all culminating to is the average citizens status as a tax-cow. The notion that we live in a free and just country should have us all laughing with milk shooting out of our noses.
People need to come to terms with that fact that high powered bankers all sit in a room and they carefully consider things like the cost of housing and whether or not the average citizen can afford to pay higher prices or not. They purposefully put us into the thumbscrews. They carefully protect high paying corporate jobs for shitlibs and non whites. They put in effort to funnel whites under the auspices of HR teams so they can give business ownership to immigrants. Everything is carefully orchestrated and NONE of it is the result of some fake and gay "free market". The elite would rather start a nuclear war with Russia than let the peasants get a taste of FU money.
Mark my words, a crackdown on internet speech and retail participation in markets is coming. If the same evil "philanthropists" maintain control this is what they need to do to stay in power. Believe it.

>> No.53898980

no woman would ever touch you anyway so there's not any real worry

>> No.53898998
File: 231 KB, 572x380, Wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus dude.
I heard a funny story about some guy who let his wife peg him and every time they had a fight after that she would call him a faggot and it basically undermined any respect she had for him.
Congrats, you fell for the porn-jew and it ruined your life.

>> No.53899035

Yes, it's the joint account that is the issue here, and not the poo.

>> No.53899038

I don't get you fucking retards
>I hate women so much it's unreal but I married one
That's like me saying I hate niggers then willingly move into a nigger infested shithole

>> No.53899065

I read other story about a couple trying swinging but the dude couldn't get hard and had to sit there with a limp dick hearing his wife getting fucked by someone else.

Keep your sex life vanilla or it will ruin you, fr fr.

>> No.53899075

We're pumping btw

>> No.53899082

Who cares, this conversation about dysfunctional anons is riveting.

>> No.53899089

Women are great. However there are a lot of bad influences on women coming from media that gives them all sorts of bad ideas about themselves. Go pick up a Cosmopolitan magazine and flip through the articles and it's basically telling women to sabotage themselves to live some impossible cosmopolitan lifestyle. Juxtaposing women from around the world and western women you can tell the impact that media has on them.

>> No.53899104
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>sub $2

>> No.53899170

>sub $2

>> No.53899181

My favorite story is some guy bought a lifesized sex doll and one day he came home to a massive box on his front porch. And once he saw it he was so full of shame and regret that he basically concocted a plan to cut the 100+ pound silicone doll into pieces and then slowly dispose of it. He likened it to him committing a murder and then trying to hide the body lol.

>> No.53899203

le jews will move them in for you, totally different

>> No.53899295
File: 29 KB, 200x200, sneedies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wagmi bros?

>> No.53899304

real shit?

>> No.53899306

We really are bud. It's happening. Has been a pleasure sneeding shills with you

>> No.53899308
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>> No.53899309
File: 2.32 MB, 443x498, ManyExcite.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it!

>> No.53899315

55 million

>> No.53899325


>> No.53899344


>> No.53899349
File: 138 KB, 680x686, 6452725487598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it happening bros

>> No.53899444


>> No.53899478


>> No.53899488

60 mil

>> No.53899526


>> No.53899708


It is with great speculation that bed bath and beyond could be the MOST SHORTED STOCK IN THE MARKET, LMFAOOOOOOOO 99% of the free float SHORT

KEK The Ledgening, I hope you guys don't resort to it. My hedgecucks and pajeets. Realize this, so long as there is hope, there is a reason to live. Often times you must be humbled before you can rise to exhalted heights.

Learn from your mistakes, and make the world a better place.


>> No.53899716
File: 55 KB, 625x401, Nothing2See.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, the hedgies are carefully walking the price back down. Nothing to see here, move along people.

>> No.53899727
File: 32 KB, 503x523, 2023-03-01 14_47_09-Book1.xlsx - Excel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im highly regarded, forgot image

>> No.53899822
File: 61 KB, 662x478, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizos in this thread look at this chart and somehow think it's bullish

>> No.53899839

thanks for being so concerned about my financial wellbeing, 1pbtid poster

>> No.53899885

jokes on you, i don't even know what that means

>> No.53899904

I bet you DCA into ETFs. kek

>> No.53899920
File: 48 KB, 465x720, 1496415529726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you got shat on physically and metaphorically.

>> No.53899938
File: 32 KB, 511x533, 2023-03-01 14_50_07-Book1.xlsx - Excel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

paid propagandists look at this chart and think it's bearish and not indicative of systemic problems/manipulation


Not that hard to accept.

>> No.53899948

what happened to stockmaster jay? it was funny seeing him mald

>> No.53899959
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1200, 1497774681314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In KEK we trust. Hedgies get Kek'd to DEATH!

>> No.53899972

what's a DCA? who is this ETF of which you speak

>> No.53899999

He is sperging out about ballons and China

>> No.53900093


>> No.53900109
File: 79 KB, 510x332, BA5EBF67-79FC-46C5-822D-25AD50C88B41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53900255

69 mil

>> No.53900351

Based anon volume poster

>> No.53900365

>that 2.3 million shares giga order

>> No.53900632

We closed at 1.50 so the board can initiate forced buy ins from the warrant holders

>> No.53900634
File: 44 KB, 319x236, you know it, kiddo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>above 75 million in volume
>closed on green
See you fags tomorrow

>> No.53900767

Don't call me a fag you big silly goose

>> No.53901056

Bullish or bearish?

>> No.53901094

bullish since it would give them more cash on hand and warrant holders would just convert into preferred shares and not common stock

>> No.53901151

so should I buy more or what
not looking for financial advice

>> No.53901257

yes, its still priced for imminent bankruptcy that the company avoided

>> No.53901281

any price below $2 is free money

>> No.53901345

I am praying to god it stays low in time for me to get money cleared. It actually confounds me how absurd this stock truly is. Something big is happening, and if I fall for some insane plot by short sellers to lure us into a chapter 7 trap then so be it. (that is not even possible with Buy Buy Baby being profitable subsidiary) When I look at BBBY I see whales in the background making moves and I feel like we are about to hitch a ride for something spectacular. It's the shorts that were lured into a trap, likely because they were already caught fucking over other stocks and someone wanted revenge? Who the fuck knows at this point. I'm young enough to spin the wheel of russian roulette. Do or die. Millionaire or bust. Wagmi or not wagmi.

>> No.53901361

I hope (while pressing X for doubt) that the people wake the fuck up when they'll try to make logging online to use your ID and all the other surveillance that they have planned.. I've read about it and it's terrifying what level of power they want, just to control the people.. I mean, we've had power hungry individuals throughout history but they could never claim the world as they'd never have enough time in their lives but here comes the digital world and suddenly a new dictator crowd wants to dominate the world. I'm not hopeful but I hope people see that before they lose all of what we see as freedom, even if it already today is a lucrative word to use.
I just want justice and all these plays is justice!

>> No.53901597

i really hope this is satirical at this point. if it does squeeze, sell between 100-400 usd or youre getting greedy and delusional

>> No.53901620

>that is not even possible with Buy Buy Baby being profitable subsidiary
It's perfectly possible when they have masses of debt and the rest of the company is burning money.

>> No.53901636

The scariest part is that consolidation of power for elite basically ensures that they need all of humanity to be young and dumb forever. Once you are past your working age they want you dead. They do not want people can read and think etc. They poison our food with toxic bullshit on purpose. They give you every opportunity to slowly consume yourself to death and then they can drain your bank account on your deathbed. This is the world we live in. Any and all human dignity will be destroyed for the sake of the owning class securing their tendies. It doesn't matter how miserable they make us, they'll just subsidize anti depressants, make alcohol cheaper etc. Anything to hand walk you from cradle to grave so you never rock the boat. Our children will spit on our fucking graves.

>> No.53901720

Is that actually realistic? Because I’m debating putting my sell order in at $30

>> No.53901740

If the shorts are forced to close then this could be like GME Jan21.

>> No.53901758

Anon I came to this board today to post the same shit. The ruling class never wants to be usurped. They're scared. The amount of shilling the amount of FUD its unbelievable. I don't think BBBY is going to squeeze anytime soon. I have a feeling with how the company has been feeding us information its also them toying with the hedgies. They know its coming and the fear, and anxiety are only mounting. Remember in 2008 they were begging and praying for just one more day. We can wait forever while all they can do is beg and pray for just one more day. How long can they prop up their collateral, suppress the meme basket, lie through their teeth every day while being drove crazy by a bunch of retards?

>> No.53901769
File: 59 KB, 1024x913, 1654013542596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't be surprised.
I made it to 1k shares today with a 3.2 average. It would be hard to hold past 400. I would be pretty happy and say, "sweet"

>> No.53901784

i wonder how many retail apes fomo'd in today thinking it was going to 1000

>> No.53901801

GME went from $4 to $400. (postsplit it shows as $1 to $81) I don't know how the float compares between the two stocks but we could presume that BBBY is carrying a similar %short

>> No.53901830

GME had a meme (Coomcat) though. What do we have

>> No.53901843

Kais pissed on the CNBC hq sign

>> No.53901862
File: 62 KB, 840x560, 90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the pump on my lunch hour and bought some $2 options.

>> No.53901925


>> No.53902385

$0 is realistic.