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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53954553 No.53954553 [Reply] [Original]

Wallets are being drained and the foundation now recommends "rekeying" as a preventive measure.
How are we coping today, algo"""chads"""?

>> No.53954626

I’m done coping and sold everything for AVAX and ARB. Stay poor Algobaggies.

>> No.53954681

>sold everything for AVAX and ARB

>> No.53954684
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should have bought AVAX you dumb algoniggers

>> No.53954746

They're all myalgo wallets. This is a myalgo exploit not a protocol exploit.

>> No.53954777

gee whiz it's almost as if basing your protocol on EVM architecture leaves you wide open to the billions of dollars in hacking losses those protocols suffer from. Fucking retards.

>> No.53954821

Don't you Turkroaches have another false partnership to lie about?

>> No.53954865

Token was never sneeded. Cardano exists

>> No.53954955

Checked. This is why CTSI is gonna be shitshow.

>> No.53955077
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all Avalanche partnerships are REAL partnerships, Avalanche is nothing like the ghostchain garbage you are used to.
any more questions Nigger?

>> No.53955096
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>> No.53955117
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>> No.53955366

Come back when Algo has GMX or Pancakeswap or I can do anything on this shitchain other than getting hacked or freezing my coins in some fake governance vote I give 0 fucks about. Algorand baggies are the lowest IQ in crypto.

>> No.53955532

This is why I ain't loosing focus on Prifi and DiD projects.

>> No.53955639

>It's ethereum's fault a wallet generates a seed in plain text
Nice take retard, tell me about your bags and how they're so great lmao

>> No.53955663
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AVAX roach army fully in action again today.

>> No.53955873
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shoud have bought HBAR you dumb algoniggers

>> No.53956099

PAW, MANA, BNB and ORE. Life's getting easier

>> No.53956531


>> No.53956753

It's all the same MyAlgo issue. No reason to ever use that shit.

>> No.53956775

> no reason to ever use that shit
Yep. The point of algo is to buy it and let it sit on Coinbase. The future of finance.

>> No.53956791

>t. MyAlgo dev
You fucked up

>> No.53956881
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i wish that laundering money in bike clubs, drones, sailboats etc.. would be enough for them.

>> No.53959382

i told you this was going to turn into a scam token related to ftx tier shit.
called it a mile out..

algo was just another project to steal.
same with hbar too.
and xrp.
there is more i just dont pay attention anymore
cause i saw that the entire market got kiked.
and it was over then.

>> No.53959440
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awesome I'll never get that money back
no exit ramp anyway cuz of the faggot irs so whatever

>> No.53959527

Clearly the foundation is behind the hacks. The fact that they immediately come out and tell you to rekey sounds like a blatant phishing attempt.

It's over for Algo Chads.

>> No.53959563

it has to be. why have a physical multi phrase key if it's worthless. I had my balance stolen and my key written on a fucking notepaper in my desk drawer. no other way that shit could be taken without an internal compromise.

>> No.53959736

Vote against the foundation every time

>> No.53959853

Only niggers use MyAlgo anyway. Defly is the way to go, also got 51k DEFLY staking on Algofi for ~5%APY. In for the long term, still adding to my stack everytime I get my hands on some DeFi rewards. Imagine when they release the Desktop wallet. Imagine 2027. I can only get so hard.

>> No.53959882
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dont care
not selling

>> No.53960646

You are a complete faggot. Kys

>> No.53961088

That's it i'm out of crypto, buying savings bonds

>> No.53961137
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it was one of the UNOFFICIAL WALLETS that got hacked you fucking retard, not the protocol OR THE CHAIN.
Also this hack increased my governance rewards by a lot lmao people are moving funds and cancelling their governance.

>> No.53961346
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>this hack increased my governance rewards by a lot lmao people are moving funds and cancelling their governance.

>> No.53961859

i just rekeyed, pretty great feature imo, something no other chain has. i hope this will drive automatic rekeying developments. the incident sucks, but if it results in more demand for regular rekeying and security measures, that's good

>> No.53961933

how does this work? cant be arsed to look into it right now

>> No.53962287

i used the java sdk to do it manually, but you can just import your account to pera web and do it from there. you have to keep both mnemonics though (original and new one) or you can't import them in pera web. i don't understand why you would need the original mnemonic, maybe they'll fix that someday

>> No.53962321

and the mechanics are pretty simple. every account has an authorized account that can sign transactions for it. by default that's the account itself. rekeying means changing that to a different account. that transaction has to be signed by the currently authorized account. from that follows infinite rekeys at the cost of minimum tx fee (i.e. basically nothing). elegant system

>> No.53962339

docs are here: https://developer.algorand.org/docs/get-details/accounts/rekey/

>> No.53963181
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>> No.53963832


>> No.53964274

Don't be a loser aon, lowcaps with based talking point are your best bet. ORE ENS might just do it.

>> No.53964281

Our perception is key to our decisions about any crypto gems right now, because the market is unstable.

>> No.53964290


>> No.53964350

Fags need more of web3 and defi projects

>> No.53964374
File: 115 KB, 960x720, tylersbullshitiamjackscallingyouonyr (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gary Owens: Ladies and gentleman, Moonscam and friends!

Moonscam, (/biz/): We're... (we're) ready... (ready) to... (to)

All: Party!

/biz/: We're ready to party, we're ready!

Moonscam: I hope you bring lotsa spaghetti! (That's payment!)

/biz/: Come on in, come to the place where fun never ends! (Let's go!) Come on in, it's time to party with Moonscam and Friends!

/biz/: Dancing!

Moonscam: Fiesta!

/biz/: Romancing!

Moonscam: Siesta!

/biz/: Samba!

Moonscam: La bamba!

All: Dos Semanas!

Moonscam, (/biz/): Disguises! (disguises) Surprises! (surprises) And pies of (and pies of)


/biz/: Come on in, come to the place where fun never ends! (You bet!) Come on in, it's time to party with Moonscam and Friends! (Ayy ayy!) Come on in, it's time to party with Moonscam and Friends! (Ayy ayy!)

All: Moonscam and Friends!

Moonscam (appearing in logo): I heard the vig is 20% of the pasta in your estate.

>> No.53964531


>> No.53964584

These are bots, right?

>> No.53964634

Yeah anon, most especially web3 DID management projects.

>> No.53964706

I'd diversify to get more gains. ALGO EGLD ORE could be a good combo.

>> No.53964729

thanks I just bought more

>> No.53964876

Check out sparks (sparks.dev). The site is outdated and being reworked, so check the Discord since that’s where everything is being done atm

>> No.53965226

Seeing the dump and max user exodus on this already dead chain, your “governance rewards” won’t be worth much

>> No.53965235

Play stupid games, you know the rest.

>> No.53965545

>the future of finance

>> No.53965570

algochads member when yieldly did the redesign and it leaped several stages backwards as the price continued to drop

>> No.53965618
File: 111 KB, 960x720, sprangbraksprengbrek4eva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's prince bot to you, turdherd. first we feast, then we felony

>> No.53965630

member when tinyman made an oopsy booboo and had return a bunch of money

>> No.53965665

I have been on this board for years screaming for people to avoid Algorand, feels like. Just one anon, I suppose.

>t. former Algorand employee early days

It's all Jews and scammers there, but I repeat myself.

>> No.53966148

It's amazing how self custody is now recognised. Cheers to DiD management.

>> No.53969127

Well shit. No point in this anymore since they got rid of the 6% APY.

>> No.53969158


This. Algo will do well next bull run.

>> No.53969681

>next bull run
lol, lmao even
Crypto is dead you dumb fuck

>> No.53969698


>> No.53969865

>I'm an insider trust me
timestamp, proofs, or you're another pajeet faggot shilling some trash L1

>> No.53970048
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>> No.53970086

>Crypto is dead you dumb fuck
So we will use the same economic system forever? Right, crypto is the future of technology

>> No.53970737


>> No.53970771

I now use privacy wallets like stashh and railway wallet to prevent these shitty events.

>> No.53970874

Based. Especially now there's a lot of improvement in privacy of transactions in the space.

>> No.53971571

Only retards and fools for victim of hacks these days. I means there are better wallets to safekeep assets even ones that are privacy enabled for that extra security.

>> No.53971663

Depends on the protocol or [rpduct you are using, Railway wallet is a privacy enabled wallet that is EVM compatible.

>> No.53971713

Algorand is dead

>> No.53971715


>> No.53971958

I see why polygon built the polygon ID. To prevent shit like this. I'm slurping it.

>> No.53971976

Based. Bought this on MEXC.

>> No.53972022

An unfortunate but avoidable incident happens and yes its the entire cryptospace fault, fucking retard. There are tons of security and privacy protocols available for proper asset security.

>> No.53972210

> browser wallet hacked

When will people learn?

>> No.53972643

DiDs are the bluechips now

>> No.53972661

I had this on Bitmart when it was one of the highest gainers few weeks back.

>> No.53972821

So what ecosystem is worth diving into?Atom, Ada?Arbitrum?

>> No.53973828

each one of those "got hacked" in the same fashion, i.e. some app got hacked, not the protocol. if you want to try something new, maybe learn reading comprehension

>> No.53973870 [DELETED] 

Algo dapps getting hacked is worse than the same happening on any of them lmao. There's barely any community or ecosystem to withstand it relative to the others.

>> No.53973886

is that why everyone just switched over to another wallet? is it the deadness that causes the abundance of options?

>> No.53973894

Good bag anon. Waiting for some dip on ORE.

>> No.53973897

Algo projects getting hacked is worse than the same happening on any of those chains lmao. There's barely any community or ecosystem to withstand it relative to the others.

>> No.53973910

is that why everyone just switched over to another wallet? is it the deadness that causes the abundance of options?

>> No.53973912

Good luck getting many new people to enter the ecosystem after all the fumbles

>> No.53973934

I'm not talking about the options. I'm taking about anyone being interested in your shitcoin. The crippled sentiment simply cannot withstand all the blows with the tiny community you guys have

>> No.53973935

can you name one?

>> No.53973950

Fifa, accelerated vesting

>> No.53973972

MyAlgo, Nike, tons of money wasted on headscratching deals like DRL and bikes

>> No.53974042

>accelerated vesting
it's pretty embarrassing when you posture online like you have a clue and then when you have to deliver, it's something that's been over for almost one and a half years
pretty cool, right? worked flawlessly, but the world hates qatar so no pump. next time

>> No.53974094

Meanwhile xrp is pumping.

>> No.53974115

>it's something that's been over for almost one and a half years

It's a fumble. It hurt your coin massively.

Also, you can't have insane inflation for years, fail to build a community, and then think that's longer plaguing you the second it finishes. Ask people outside of your bubble about Algorand, and many will talk about the shitty tokenomics.

>pretty cool, right?

What part? The overminted drops? The lack of effort in getting anyone's attention? The shitty UX that took forever to get filters? The data leak?

>> No.53974156

maybe you should switch ids now, you embarrassed yourself enough with this one

>> No.53974173

Nice argument!

Keep trying to convince yourself that Algorand is doing everything right while they tumble down the ranks and the tiny community of paid shillers keeps dwindling.

>> No.53974403

Interoperability is my focus and that's a big deal. Thanks to DiD, thanks to web3.

>> No.53974579

man algorand is fucking dog shit. lmfao

>> No.53974727

Always been a scam using Silvio's credentials to raise money. Laundering it out since day 1

>> No.53974745

Thanks for your very organic concern for my financial well being. Looking more and more like this hack is backed by a competitor given the massive fudding.

>> No.53974784

A "competitor" would target L1s that people actually use, not 40th ranked Algo. That's not exactly competition that you have to get past lmao