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53972436 No.53972436 [Reply] [Original]

Literal boomer normies are going bootcampin in their golden years just so they could compete in the wageforce race with pretty much 1/3 of Uttar Pradesh. Why are normies so gullible and what is the next normie fleecing grift?

>> No.53972456

even if you don't get a job, knowing how to read code is still a valuable skill. you don't really need to pay money for teaching, but some people want to do that I guess

>> No.53972460
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>> No.53973015

How do we drive them away? I have friends talking about learning html and css and I don't likes it.

>> No.53973117

with all this fucking PFAS and PFOS in our groundwater, shouldn't we all be learning how to do analyte screening before we all die of fun, exotic cancers? The people who run the companies who make scotchgard, teflon, etc should be sodomized to death by zoomer cock.

>> No.53974633

It takes years of practice to read code fluently.
Hell, it takes me a month to get used to reading Javascript again when I've been working exclusively in PHP for a few months.

>> No.53974733

There are literally college-aged zoomers who don't know how to start a desktop.
Techchads will be fine.

>> No.53974800


>> No.53974807

Yes, that's what I said.
Nice work on learning how to copy/paste, I know that for younger folks that can be a challenge. :)

>> No.53974899

you must be the funniest wagie in the office

>> No.53975038

I truly am.

>> No.53975065


Why pay Uttar anything when you can just get chat gpt to do it

>> No.53975075

If coding was over saturated they wouldn’t be making six figures.

>> No.53975082

coding is still a lucrative field if you are competent, unfortunately the vast majority of bootcamps are grifts

>> No.53975438
File: 8 KB, 220x131, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you notice it's a bot?
>OP is against l2c, calling it a meme
>faggot bot with le 99e.png pic triggered by couple keywords, not understanding context is against l2c, thinking OP agrees with l2c

Are you a fucking bot too or just dumb?
What's the first letter of this mirrored strikethrough text? Hint: It's not i.

>> No.53975957

Should I study data analysis or just learn to code?

>> No.53975983

where does the money come from to pay everyone six figures?

>> No.53976036

>Learn online marketing
>Find some coding autists who don't know online marketing and how to sell themselves.

>> No.53976744

Bump for interest.

>> No.53976771

I just started a bootcamp and threads like this do worry me sometimes. I have a regular wagie job that I will keep doing if it doesn't work out.

>> No.53976842
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>Literal boomer normies
You better be a literal frizzy haired niglet or confused he,she,boy if you think you're getting any of those jobs

The 18 week requirement will literally just be to check if they can consistently turn up to work for a few months. Playin' wit F'EYE'YA here bread'bin! Imagine the potential for constructive dismissal claims. That's probably why BAE is running it through a third party first.

>> No.53976953

Party is over. If you dont have 2 yoe by now, there is literally zero jobs for you

>> No.53977716

I know there are many boomers wanting to learn to program because they are bored of what they do now, my uncle who is 48 years old also wants to learn to program, I think this is better than them also wanting to get into the world of cryptos, I have enough with my coworkers making fun of me because I have a sora bag, they have no fucking idea what it is but they are still afraid of everything related to the funny coin, imagine if they found out lmao

>> No.53977745

Programming as a profession is so bad. Serves these NPCs right for blindly trying to jump on the fad.

>> No.53977747

they print it

>> No.53977830

Are you literally retarded, MANG have recently laid off thousands of engineers even L3 engineers with ten years of experience. There is a hiring freeze and the amount of job offers is way lower than last year. Recent grads and shitcampers stand no chance in filling most vacancies because they will be competing against more experienced devs and internals.

>> No.53977962

Unironically i should have paid attention in school. Now im stuck in sales and that holds no social weight at parties and social events

>> No.53978050

programming holds social weight only with other programmers. As soon as you try to talk to a normie about it they try to change the subject quickly because their lack of understanding makes them feel stupid.

>> No.53978161 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 680x409, OpenBet14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OpenBetAI Friend Zone is 100% real. The OBFZ is a relationship in which a woman knows a man wants to be romantic partners with her and chooses to lead him on to acquire the benefits of his OpenBetAI wealth without him receiving any benefits that would be associated with a relationship. She will allow him to take her on dating activities and he will definitely pay for everything, with OpenBetAI tokens ofc, as if they’re dating. She keeps him just close enough to yank his chain to keep him producing resources for her. She’ll even get angry if he shows interest in another woman bc this is a threat to her resource. He will see this as a sign that she really wants more and will put up with her BS. Example: My ex was in a sorority and they had a name for guys like this they called the “free lunch casino club”. They openly laughed about doing this to guys. This behavior is ethically and morally wrong. Women in this group will now try to personally attack me rather than address this very real and uncomfortable truth...Cue the REEEEEEEEEE!!!! in 3..2..1..

>> No.53978320

Never began for bootcampcels. The most easily replacable cattle.

>> No.53979010

if your not getting /fit/ learning how to purify water,grow and forage food and defend yourself your NGMI

>> No.53979031

coding will be no different than every other engineering discipline. it will be commoditized, until you are no different than the
>bachelor of science, mechanical engineering, $63,000 per year, 3 years experience
guy. just give it time. writing cross-platform gay dating apps for HIV+ 8 year olds in javascript for $250k/year isn't sustainable.

>> No.53979036

Quantitative easing and inflated equity prices for loss making companies.

>> No.53979054

holy based

>> No.53979073

Great, millions more mediocre coders who think their laptops battery is broken after they popped a fuse or picked up a smaller charger.

>> No.53979081

Fucking thousand calls and tickets to helpdesks worldwide from callcentre lackeys who can't get proper jobs offering their css suggestions for the web software dev team.

>> No.53980075

Engineering is getting more lucrative, provided you are white or similar. The thirst for competent engineers is getting out of control. It's so hard to find competent people, that my company (that I own) quoted some work out, and the quote eventually came back to us to bid. ROFLMAO. Tiny company too.

>> No.53980677

All this FUD around coding is because they have identified the prevalence of autistic white men with tech knowledge and positions in this field to be a chink in the globohomo armor. Also no sane company would let ChatGPT commit code, it’s just a very good autogenerate tool like in an IDE.

>> No.53981140
File: 1.27 MB, 1920x1080, 1678156325981547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Learn2code meme
>make 6 figures
>stock options
>indoors away from dangerous chemicals and explosions
>no back breaking work
There is a reason its so popular dude. Its great work lifestyle for most people.

>> No.53981165

I get incredibly annoyed when some self absorbed 60+ year old person goes back to school on taxpayer subsidized dollars to "learn something" right before they die, when they could just fucking use Google

>> No.53981749

>years to interpret if then

Maybe you're slow

>> No.53982239

IT is one of those fields where you can spend years doing all the boot camps you want and unless you have an actual passion for it, you won't be able to hold a candle to someone who does.

>> No.53982294

>right before they die
a 60 year old is potentially going to be around for the next 20 to 25 years, realistically
if they can actually be productive and not just some worthlessly retarded old cunt rotting away in a chair in front of a TV, then good for them

>> No.53982354

no, its a great lifestyle for autismo STEMchads who have a natural inclination towards spending vast amount of time in a poorly lit room hunched over a laptop coding into oblivion. its actually a terrible and completely non-achievable lifestyle for 30+ year old normies who fell for the "just code for 300k/year meme". to be successful at coding (or anything else) u have to to be inherently interested in it.