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File: 268 KB, 2000x2000, 104507147-Jerome_H._Powell-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54015138 No.54015138 [Reply] [Original]

He could literally instantly fix the entire global economy right now and prevent the total collapse that's about to happen by uttering one single word: PIVOT. It's like he has a magic power. Why the fuck doesn't he use it?

>> No.54015201
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> Keep the ponzi going by printing more money will save the world

MMTards, everyone.

>> No.54015231

fed easing won't solve the mass financialization of the world. everybody and everything is in debt to everybody and everything, and there doesn't exist enough solvency on earth to pay it off, meaning your interest rates are ultimately fucking irrelevant and purely nominal in the grand scheme of things. 1%? 2%? 4%? 5%? 6%? what difference does it make when your debt has been repackaged into securities that every financial institution and half the governments on earth have played hot potato with. you took out a loan for ten grand and suddenly that's now billions owned by jews to jews, and ultimately the burden is on you and every other tax payer. finance is the death of capitalism, no wonder there are so many leftoid capitalist plutocrats

>> No.54015230
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>He could literally

>> No.54015261

yeah just keep the sham tumbling along, youre not very smart are you OP?

>> No.54015271

That ponzi scheme is what the entirety of western civilization is built on. If it's allowed to collapse, civilization will be set back 500 years and it will most likely never recover because the white man is vastly outnumbered by low iq subhumans now who will never allow civilization to progress in this way again. What we have right now is literally a once in a universe event that must be preserved at all costs.

>> No.54015290

it's the lesser of 2 evils though, anon. We need different solutions, it can't just be raise or lower rates, we're too fucked for that. It's better to inflate and make people feel good about spending than deflate and people stop spending and tons of businesses shut down and half the country is out of work, because then we have to print for UBI anyway or we are truly fucked, and then you're in a system of way worse inflation than if we just let it go because we've now added so many trillions into the money supply again.

>> No.54015294

Because "muh US Dollar"

>> No.54015297
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>> No.54015309
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>your brain of 15+ financial substance abuse

>> No.54015324

Yeah, pass
See you all at the white man compound
Heavily armed guards, well tended fields, verdant pastures
No technology, no academians, no journalists, and especially no jewish tricks
Enough with this gay shit

>> No.54015380

No, the only way it continues is through mass migrations into the west. Thats why in Canada the government is trying to double immigration while there is less than 1% housing vacancy is cities and 1/4 of us can't get a family doctor.

It is better that it collapses now while we are the majority and the outlanders are confined to the cities. In 100 years we won't have that luxury.

>> No.54015406

Bois, I feel you. Really.
But you have to let it go
There's only 2 futures ahead of you.
One is full jew-technocratic control, you will own nothing, every single thing you cherish in life will be gangraped in all its orifices and you will have to watch that happen every single second of whatever life you still have left.
The other is... who knows? Probably horrible as well. But not the above.
You choose the second when you allow this jewish system to fail and embrace the civil war that will come after its fall.
Just embrace it. Enough of this gay shit.

>> No.54015413

>we must preserve the white man by destroying the white man
neoliberal pilpul

>> No.54015414

>the fish could fix the nuclear powerplant meltdown oozing radioactive water into the ocean

>> No.54015447

jpow is at the end of the line, and he very well knows that
If he turns on the printer again, hyperinflation
If he does not, everything fails
There's no option 3

>> No.54015459

ur retarded bro or read too much Francis Fukuyama

>> No.54015469

what are you talking about? they can't the interest payments are too high and the money supply too great. they cant raise the rates quickly without TANKING EVERYTHING and they can't print more money. we are unironically fucked. WHEN NOT IF.

>> No.54015545
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>Mr. Powell. We so graciously accept your presence here deep in the heart of our nations capital. Troubling times seem to be the thread that binds us all in this moment. It would be against my constituents bests interest for me to approach you and walk away knowing you are doing more to help the economy. I will list off everything the fed has been mandated to do to, let me remind you this Mr. Powell, serve the American people. Afterwards you will have a chance to address each point and lay out the framework for in which you expect it to be done. And Mr. Powell you will have our support through and through.

>how will you go about adjusting your long term terminal inflation rate to 5% yoy

>how will you get this economy back on track so that you can go about lowering interest rates back in to the realm of realism

>Climate change is a constant fight here on the hill. What are you and the Fed going to do to best fight the change in our planet's climate

>we are seeing mass adoption of electric cars away from combustion engines. Is there anything congress can do to help the Fed hurry along this transition.

>There is an obesity epidemic sweeping the nation. Does the Fed have any tools in it's arsenal to finally bring these numbers down? Or will we have to find a new chair?

>We are currently in the year 2023 and STILL the Fed hasn't even been able to come up with a SUGGESTION, Mr. Powell. On how it's efforts in finding a cure for cancer are coming along

>Racism is a plague built systemically in to our very foundations. What is the Fed doing in our to adjust the ammendments of this country to better include the rights of the people of colour who built this nation

>> No.54015561
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>> No.54015610
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>1/4 of us can't get a family doctor
FREE HEALTHCARE ladies and gents. You get what you fucking pay for.

>> No.54015627

No person living in the 21st Century actually has the ability to exercise virtue.

>> No.54015631
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First Crash?
Mine too!
I read this thing called a history book though.
When the Fed Pivots, the Market ALWAYS drops immediately by 50%.
Why you may ask?
Because when the FED capitulates. The people that control money. Everybody tried to flee the system at the same time.

The global system isn't collapsing because of interest rates. Nor is Western Civilization built on the crap you espouse. This is just your first market cycle MooMoo. Everything will be fine, you'll simply have to respect the poors again. Banks do this ALL the time after a crash. Offering very Sweet CD's to the poors, so that they can retire comfortably with boats and shit. By buying back into their system. So the banks can stay in control.
After a crash, comes the bribe.
Chill out, ride the wave. Get a spicey CD once we hit the bottom and the bankers get desperate to gain back their lost control.

>> No.54015772

Every time the FED changed course a big financial crisis happened. Same will happpen here. After the FED starts cutting again there will be a crash.

Also you need to see the big picture
>dollar dominance is on decline, no matter what the FED does
>China, Russia, India trade without the dollar, USA fucked up with their proxy war and sanction regime
>Saudia Arabia and Iran started diplomatic talks again thanks to China (this is bad news for USA and their dollar)
>USA is in so much debt that inflation is part of the solution to lower that debt pressure
>I could be wrong but China and Russia become more active in the economic war as soon as USA shows weakness

I am fucking scared guys, because the conditions are so bad that only a huge war could save this fucked up debt system.

>> No.54015821

so what's the answer, is he gonna pivot or not ?

>> No.54015873
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He would bankrupt the US if he didn't.
2023 - 2033 Congressional Budget has interest expense at $640 mil in 2023. We closed out Q4 2022 at $852 mil, higher than 2026 forecasts not including the extra debt load associated with the persistent deficits.

>> No.54015952

>China though
Is collapsing
>Russia trades without the USD
Considering we literally cut them out of the USD, that was the point.
>SA and Iran started talks again
For the 7 millionth time?
>USA is in so much debt
So is everyone else?
China literally had to seize the paychecks of teachers to stay afloat 2 years ago. Now they are cutting retiree benefits by 2/3's.
Russian economy is fine for the poor, cheap shit. Probably pretty nice if you can find work.
>I could be wrong....
You are, Russia and China are making big moves that they never would have tried to make when times were GOOD for them. These are the strifes of a changing world order.
The US, Russia, China are all collapsing right now financially.
We'll all get over it soon. The problem is if our populaces need the ole reliable jobs fair bloodbath to stay distracted.

>> No.54016255

In a decade there will be talks about selling Alaska to Russia to pay off some debt.

I'm not a fan of China and see them collapsing too. The question is just when. The whole shift in terms of geopolitical strategies worldwide seems to me favoring China. People quote Peter Zeihan and his analysis, but in my opinion this dude is just way to certain in his predictions of complex systems.

The whole US system is based on the dollar dominance in global markets. They need the world to be reliant on the dollar, which means having debt in dollars. Oil trade in dollar is therefor existential to USA. Last year Russia, India and China arranged trading between eachother without the dollar. You have some oil producing countries in talks to join that club. Iran and Venezuela for example. Iran and Saudi Arabia, which are pretty big enemies, started diplomacy again. Syria is sure as hell to follow in normalisation in that region. A new big club is forming that gives eachother stability and Europe and USA are not part of it because the world is just fed up with them.

Of course almost every other country is in debt. But the question is not about debt but the ability to pay it in the future. And right now big moves are happening that seriously threaten that ability of USA. We'll see in the upcoming years who is going to succeed. Right now I'm slightly leaning towards the BRICS-Club, even now with South Africa collapsing.

>> No.54017639

>"fix the entire global economy"
>PIVOT and start cutting rates again
this is your stupid bull brain on low interest rates

>> No.54017949

This. Just let the system collapse on its ugly head. It’s gonna cause massive chaos but we’ll come out better after the dust settles.

>> No.54017994

>inflation goes up again and asset bubbles are pumped to extreme highs

There is no easy fix here. We're entering the end stages of our MMT

>> No.54018060


No he can't, but keep being a retard, it's amusing.

>> No.54018403

>Threaten the ability of the US
To manage the entire planet.
Not to function anon.
That's the difference. Our "collapse" will be going back to being a Great Power, not the Supreme Global Power. Russia and China are collapsing back to Major powers. Same with the EU.
Whole planet is just getting a downgrade.
With the demographics, there is no supreme power in the near to mid term future.
Multi-polar world.

>> No.54018532


I know I am seeing bandwidth being spent on pivoting, but I feel I really need to push back and raise some red flags here.

Having an pivot is foundational to our ability to drive efficiencies in a corporate landscape. It is in our DNA. Sure, there is no 'one size fits all' or silver bullet and some are just boilerplate solutions, leveraged to the hilt and really only keeping us at a 30,000-foot-view of things. Pivoting, however, really allows us to get better granularity, find better directional-indicators, or loop back and dive deep into some critical issues on a go-forward basis.

I think if you all start spending more time pivoting, you'll find yourself trending toward the positive, but you'll have to keep an eye on the puck. Gut through it, reduce thrash, and let's stay in lock-step on this. Yes, we will synergize!

What's the root cause of the hatred of pivoting? I'll put my layman's hat on and guess that it comes from movies such as Margin Call and The Big Short. But we all know that these are fictional spaces, and real markets allow us to touch base in a much more efficient manner.

I have to time-box this comment, as I have a hard-stop in a moment when I will have to jump onto a call. So, just one more point that I want to cover-off on: let's socialize the idea of having more pivots and loop back to see whether we're being more impactful. From a management standpoint, I think that we can get the traction to do it.

So, net/net, ignore the naysayers, sidebar the folks that are stuck in the weeds, and don't waste cycles or bandwidth on folks that don't align strongly with this mission. Try it out, and we'll have another touch point in a little while to see if we've moved the needle. Remember, our north star hasn't changed. We're still championing our core values remotely and we will only do it better in person.

If you need me, I will be online again in a bit.

>> No.54018643

I have my doubts that your decline will be "controlled". It is just too complex and way too much players involved. The collapse of the Soviet Union was suprisingy "controlled", but at the same time Russia was hit so hard they life expectancy dropped a whole decade or something. The 90s in Russia were brutal. My guess is this dynamic will also happen in the USA because I assure you foreign interests will plunder what is left of the empire.

>> No.54018896

>Other nations will plunder
With what? Remember, they are also collapsing?
>I doubt your decline will be "controlled"
No collapse is, only armchair historians believe stuff like that. It's physics, and we've studied it. Have the general picture. Can invest accordingly.

Here's why the U.S will be fine.
Trusted Well, even during it's collapse in the 70's.
Supremely abundant, low to zero inputs needed
Most were never used and full as mining ores, it became cheaper to export that work during our peak industrial/modern revolution.
>Diversity of Biomes
Immense variety for all kinds of factories, plants, chemicals, etc

The U.S just on it's land is fine.
China is REO starved, almost out of coal and oil
Russia has highly limited farmland, unless they take the Ukraine. Given their population size though, it is already sufficiently abundant for specific types of crops.
Brazil is entirely unstable, even now when nothing has changed for them.
India only cares about it's own interests, as it has for 12000 years
BRICs is for convenience, two of the 4 nations are either there for purely economic reasons(India) or resource dependence(Brazil)
China is soon to be one of the most aged nations on the planet with dwindling resources, labor, and an incredibly uncertain future given how much trust they've lost globally.
Russia has always been hated by it's neighbors, including China. They've had multiple limited wars, and Russia looks weak to China right now.
Again, India doesn't care.

>> No.54018977

Like Supreme Court justices he lives in a tiny secluded bubble and only cares about his job and what is right in front of him. He is an autistic retard who doesn't think about the implications of his decisions.

His role is to control inflation by adjusting the interest rate.

However, a market crash is a massively deflationary event, so yes the Fed would pivot immediately if that happened.

>> No.54019087

China's market bubble makes the United States look like a joke. Their entire economy is based on useless printing and development.

And they have no bankruptcy law to make it more manageable. They are truly fucked.

>> No.54019100
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Why the fuck would he want to fix the economy? So you could suddenly be not poor?

>> No.54019193

Stop putting on that stupid good goy mask just because they tell you to. It's fucking embarrassing how quickly the boomers all rolled over & capitulated, letting Big Gov steamroll us all into submission.

Shame on them.

>> No.54019219

He doesn't give a fuck about inflation, never has.
If they did, they never would have mandated the vax, never would have destroyed the supply chain in the first pla

>> No.54019271

There are a few wrong assumptions in your thinking. For example Russia and farmland. There is a huge private agriculture within Russia where people have their own small farms. This is also something that is not included in the GDP math for example. In USA on the other hand the agriculture is way more centralised which makes it also more vulnerable due to chokepoints (big machinery needed, logistics, maintenance...)

What you are also describing is theory. But reality will look different especially when it becomes hard and people start to become tribal. States will compete with eachoter. Companies, cities and ethnicities too. The United Staes of America will be tested, especially the "United" part.

>> No.54019296

This. MUH INTEREST RATES is the biggest fake news red herring that has ever been psy-opped onto the American people as the reason for the system turning to shit.

Interest rate hikes are a mere tiny piece of the puzzle, merely a scapegoat for powell, biden, and the kikes to get away with looting the pockets of the american middle class.

>> No.54019391
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if CURRENT YEAR hellscape is what our system ultimately produces, then i think it NEEDS to collapse entirely and be destroyed down to every subatomic particle that constitutes it

>> No.54019725

There are people here that think it's MORE likely the system collapses after they take everything away from you via Great Depression 2.0?

Bros - having whites down and out due to economic depression is precisely what they're hoping for. Inflation that makes mortgages easier to repay - that's what scares the Jews.

>> No.54019833
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interest rates are just a kike money laundering scam since banks don't pay taxes on them like retailers do

>> No.54019901
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You could toss the fed into the bin and use Us02y rates

>> No.54019962

literally newspeak without meaning

>> No.54020381

Yeah, exactly. He's actually doing the correct thing here.

>> No.54020443
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>That ponzi scheme is what the entirety of western civilization is built on
What a fucking lie, only some brain dead zoomer would believe this revisionist bullshit

>> No.54020504
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I literally used this pasta at work once and actually got commended for my "leadership stance", fucking retards

>> No.54020526

Crashes happen after the pivoot. His pivot is your signal to exit all markets.

>> No.54020570

>people stop spending and tons of businesses shut down and half the country is out of work

congratulations, you described what happens with runaway inflation, dumb fuck.

>> No.54020607

It can't not collapse and printing more money won't get you out of the current hole because nothing will. You have passed the tipping point of the financial system, there is no solution to the equation that doesn't end in financial collapse.
When people said that flooding your nations with unskilled third worlders would destroy the economy it turned out they weren't just 'being racist' they were trying to warn people about cause and effect. You cannot have open borders and a welfare state open to all, you have effectively been invaded and conquered.

>> No.54020655

You are an unequivocal idiot.
The welfare state is the reason your country has failed, your 'solution' of UBI is like pouting gasoline on a raging house fire.

>> No.54020664

They pivot after the crash moron. A pivot is always a reaction to something breaking po. 2018 it was the repo markets, before that the entire financial system in 08.

>> No.54020676

Do you think Powell is stressed out by this? Do the jews have a ride to another planet?

>> No.54020715

> Fix
Print more money, transferring wealth from workers to rentiers

>> No.54020962
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his potions are too strong for you traveler

>> No.54021808

My gut tells me the whole ponzi scheme is going to violently collapse, and soon. That's not necessarily going to be a good thing though, especially not in the short term. TPTB, illuminati super jew reptilians or whatever you want to call them, they could just wait it out in bunkers while 90-95% of the populations starves to death and kills each other. By the time they came out the survivors would be too weak and focused on surviving to put up any meaningful resistance, then they'd end up right back in control again. Then it would be time to rewrite history again, indoctrinate a new generation again, and start the ponzi schemes all over again. I honestly can't imagine any realistic way out of this anymore. You could write me off as just blackpilled but I don't think so. I'm pretty successful and happy with everything in my control. The things out of my control don't really even bother me because of this, if that makes any sense. It all still looks pretty bleak though.

>> No.54021861

the suicides would rival the tranny suicide rate

>> No.54021915

He's crashing everything so Blackrock can buy up all the cheapies and we can all own nothing and be happy.

>> No.54021926

inflation needs to be at 2%

>> No.54021993

Get ready for deflation.

>> No.54022065

It needs to happen, people consume far too much, they are so obese as as consequence.

>> No.54022185

Just use Bitcoin, its debt free money with a fixed volume.
It has value because it converted real world energy and work into the digital space.
The USD cannot compete.

>> No.54022506

theres a new nftb collection available for you to purchase.

>> No.54023006

>civilization to progress in this way again


>> No.54023089

>welfare state
welfare to capital? Federated networks that are too big to fail? Or 'welfare' to a min-wage wagie that can only afford to eat one GMO celery stick, tomato, carrot or EGG and some yogurt or GOVERNMENT cheese per day?

>> No.54023287

He says the dollar is "strong". Has he gone shopping in the last year? Evidently not. He must be wealthy enough to pay someone to do that for him.

He should pivot out of office before he does any more damage.

>> No.54023390

>you took out a loan for ten grand and suddenly that's now billions owned by jews to jews, and ultimately the burden is on you and every other tax payer.

Top Kek

>> No.54023427

The roman empire actually became whiter when the imperial ponzi collapsed. You don't realize how many of those "low iq subhumans" are reliant on white gains being redistributed to themselves and depressing white birthrates in the process. Once America is broke, a new white age can begin.

>> No.54023544

>they are destroying the supply chains of the alphabet now too
We are so fucke

>> No.54024903


>> No.54024925
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>> No.54024939

>No technology
>Heavily armed guards
pick one. you need cnc machines to make firearms. if there is some post appocyliptic refuge it will be run by non-cumguzlling technologists, the 1000 or so that still exist

>> No.54024961

Because he's the hero the market deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

>> No.54025600

the german horde literally INVADED prime roman lands.

america will just get triple invaded by spics you retard

>> No.54025894
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Central banks should be abolished.

>> No.54025971

>prevent the total collapse that's about to happen by uttering one single word: PIVOT
Wouldn't happen. It would appear to happen for a while.

>> No.54026002

>Central banks should be abolished.

>> No.54026133

what do you think the timeframe is before you die storming bakhmut

is it two weeks or maybe you think you can hold out until the end of the year

>> No.54026193

you realize that would just kick the can down the road and make it even worse, right?