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54058321 No.54058321 [Reply] [Original]

There cannot be winners if there are no losers.

>> No.54058338


>> No.54058345

We are all running our own race anon
As long as you cross the finish line, you made it

>> No.54058356

I would make children with this phenotype

>> No.54058370

That's a perfect 10/10. Who is she?

>> No.54058444


Worse thing is, if I didn't know already, I would've bet my life it was a woman as well. It's insane how blurred the lines have become.

>> No.54058466

Checked but I'm not falling for this psyop. I would bet my entire networth that she's a real woman.

>> No.54058478

hint: it's always the jaw.

have fun fucking biological man moron

>> No.54058490

and if you haven't made it by now, you're the loser.

>> No.54058519

Proof that's a man?
I've seen examples of passing trannies but none this good. I think youre full of shit

>> No.54058530

She's a mother of two. YWNBARW.

>> No.54058589

i just know she's dating a black man
god i wish i was black

>> No.54058635

She’s an AI generated image

>> No.54058638
File: 975 KB, 540x962, 1559405916333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon they all are
and me too I wanna be black so bad

>> No.54058698

Some must lose so that others can win

Is that girl real? Looks so good she could be AI

>> No.54058706

Or even one nigger or gook powder puff girl. Racist much?!?

>> No.54059669

>have fun fucking biological man moron
I think the rule is to not make eye contact or have the testicles make physical contact, otherwise, it's not gay

>> No.54060172 [DELETED] 

This is how jews, pajeets, niggers think and WHY ALL THEIR COUNTRIES ARE ALL SHIT EVEN WORSE THAN THE AZTEC,MAYAN, ROMANS, SPARTANS. Do you comprende?
Gypsies together with lack of unity also have a lack of accountability and many many other things such as lack of shame, lack of humility, lack of effort, etc. which makes asians superior to niggers and gypsies/jews/arabs.

>> No.54060202

based positive-sum growth mindset abundance mentality
dog-eat-dog is for brainlets who are mentally incapable of innovation

>> No.54060235

A.I. imaginary waifu.

>> No.54060256

White economies are dying. You are wrong.

>> No.54060276

>not understanding symbiotic relationships, cooperation, the sum being greater than the total of its parts, or the notion of mutual gain


All you have to do is look at a rock band to realize that life isn’t a war between individuals, rather it is a cooperative effort towards mutually beneficial creation

>> No.54060281 [DELETED] 

>Lol look at how bad China is, anon xD do you want to be a pussy fag monk living like sheeple & cattle?
>Meanwhile townsville were already living like sheepl & cattle running off to their pastors begging for help
>Lol look at me preaching jewish lies like a drone
>There's no darkness without the light
>So why not let the gnome co-exist?
>Lol nooo it needs to be a mixbreed shithole, we can't have separate stuff
>So why not?
>am I not a biological being to you?
>uhh I meant it uhh meta--*PUNCH*
>sounds to me like you're the virus here, jew
>noo! goy i am totally bio. 500% bio!! look at how bio I am!!!
>Disgusting arab scum you jews are, now perish and let the plants thrive.
>Nooo you plants need the parasite REEEE
>Suddenly utopia
Oh wow who would have thought killing the parasite leeching off the planet & killing it would be beneficial, huh? or even THAT beneficial? jews aren't symbiosis, they're a parasite. Literal man drowning and dragging you down with him syndrome like a bunch of arrogant crabs in a bucket. I personally would not drag you down in the water with me, because I'm white. My instincts tell me to know my place and be humble. Jews are parasites who can only project and WANT & NEED to kill you after they torture you.
They give no shits that they'll also die because it's in their scorpion nature to be assholes, you'd have to 24/7 whip their asses and you know what you don't realize? jews are incapable of learning their place. Jews must be punished worse than Jesus. Jews think they're the good guys, that's why they're so determined to kill you. They have the same effort & drive as the hero of every story except in reverse, they're "worthy" antagonists at least drive wise, they're impossible to demotivate and change their ways. IMPOSSIBLE.

>> No.54060305 [DELETED] 

>"white" economies
>American banks are owned by gypsies/jews.
>Europe is constantly turmoiled by war
>Russians aren't even white.
Dunno, seems like Rome, Germany, Britain, France each did pretty well for themselves at least one time in history before the jew/persian/ottoman/arab nation attacked.

>> No.54060329

she's real and her pussy smells

>> No.54060342

Why did God abandon us for this to happen? Its like seeing an 18 wheeler smashing into a bus full of puppies and kids.

>> No.54060419


>> No.54060458
File: 81 KB, 1024x855, 6C7DC4FC-EBF3-4548-88C3-4EE10D6DDE4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only answer is that there is no god. The primordial truth is all that matters

>> No.54060490

I went on exactly one date with a girl this hit a few years ago. I was a gentlemen, but ultimately played my cards too close to the vest, and I think she became disinterested because I seemed boring.

I miss you Kelly. It’s hard recovering from dating a 10 and having to settle for some average match on the apps.

>> No.54060513

>claim she's a tranny
>get refuted
>claim she's dating a nigger
>get refuted
why are mutts like this? she's greek and she's married to one
insta: dutchesss_

>> No.54060520

>puts selfies of herself online
>perfect 10/10
lol the state of modern men aka simps

>> No.54060537
File: 410 KB, 800x639, TIMESAND___W-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with OP 100%.

>> No.54060575

that's not her, that's some random 34 year old roastie

>> No.54060595
File: 311 KB, 1464x1473, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciating beauty is simping now? I won't give any roastie a single penny of mine. Pic related is what I see every day in mutt land.

>> No.54060734

thats a man and he dates black people or as i like to call them 'niggers'

>> No.54062535

Ive seen this bitches face in a sissy hypno