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54319826 No.54319826 [Reply] [Original]

It won’t be XRP
GG33 has spoken and is never wrong
Numerology says xrp baggies get the rope

>> No.54319852

How would their bags "disappear?"

>> No.54319879

he probably means in value
ripple can't go on forever on absolutely no fucking product
sure you can keep milking retards until the last drop of liquidity, but at some point before that you're already dying from boredom

ripple failed

>> No.54319896

Ripple created a stable that works just because you don’t make money on it doesn’t mean it’s bad.

>> No.54319927

Literal who

>> No.54319931
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Oh no, not some mystical twitter riddler faggot. Let me guess, he has prediction rate less than chance, just like the rest of them.

>> No.54319935

Oh, dear anon, the sheer magnitude of your imbecility in relation to XRP is nothing short of awe-inspiring. It's not often we have the privilege to witness such a world-class display of dim-wittedness. You've truly redefined the concept of low IQ – congratulations on this rather dubious achievement.

XRP, a groundbreaking digital asset, was designed to enable swift, secure, and cost-effective cross-border transactions. This innovation has the potential to revolutionize the financial landscape, leaving antiquated systems gasping for breath in its wake. And yet, here you stand, foolishly flailing about in a laughable attempt to spread disinformation.

It's a travesty that someone as thick-skulled and feeble-minded as yourself cannot comprehend the potential of XRP and the broader Ripple ecosystem. While the rest of us are on the cusp of a financial revolution, you continue to fester in your own cesspool of ignorance.

What's truly pitiful, my dear cerebrally-deficient compatriot, is that your woefully low IQ will likely condemn you to a life of wage slavery. You'll never break free from the chains of mediocrity, forever toiling away like a mindless drone, as you remain blissfully ignorant of the transformative technologies like XRP that could have altered your financial destiny.

As XRP continues to reshape the world of finance, we'll be sure to send you mocking reminders of your glaring ineptitude. Who knows, maybe one day you'll manage to claw your way out of the intellectual gutter and grasp the true value of this game-changing technology.

Until then, do try to keep up, won't you? After all, the world has no time for those who cling to their outdated and moronic viewpoints. Best of luck on your journey toward enlightenment, dear anon. May you one day rise above your current, pathetic state and escape the wage cage that binds you – although, let's be honest, the odds are not in your favor.

>> No.54319986
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>Xrp pumping. Fud starts to appear
It's already being used. The product is called odl and ripplenet. Last year their business grew +800%. I wonder how much it will grow this year

>> No.54320033

Product being used but no change in price. Token not sneeded

>> No.54320269

>It's already being used
it isn't
1 cent in fees paid to 8 is an 800% increase
they have no userbase, ODL is an idiotic idea because it fragments liquidity, when that's the last thing you want for settlement

>> No.54320298

this reads like a gpt4 crap
you have no data to back it up, as always
enjoy sliding off the top100

blockchains were made for BFT without TTPs, that's the only reason to ever use one
brad will learn this the hard way, if he hasn't already

>> No.54320330

>some random made up crap
Time to load up on more xrp lads

>> No.54320339

Imagine listening to a gay bald freemason.

>> No.54320364

Don't waste any more time, and join Starzz, the trusted solution you need for revolutionizing fan interaction and monetization, allowing fans to shape Champion decisions, and adopting an innovative DAC concept for democratic sports governance.

>> No.54320385

Kek what a bunch of faggots. JPM is the reason the lawsuit started, they only mention JPM because of a document where they acknowledge Consensys systems aren’t being adopted because of regulatory clarity and of Ripple wins the lawsuit there would be “major institutional adoptio”
Cope and seethe linkcels and bitfucks, cope and seethe.

>> No.54320545

biiiig facts. gary is the best in the game fasho

#GG33 is a legend

>> No.54320679

Pascals wager, Ripple and xrp is the only project deep into a lawsuit for clarity while others are years behind should the SEC sue. The funny thing Ripple is in a no/lose situation. Worst thing that can happen is retail is legally barred from purchasing xrp in the US while Ripple Labs can easily relocate since they have offices globally and xrp still fulfills its goals.

>> No.54320709

I have 300 xrp will I make it?

>> No.54320728

Who is this faggot and why should I care?

>> No.54320876

Seeing how you have more XRP than the vast majority of people, probably.
As per usual, sit down, be patient, wait. Don't FOMO, don't panic, chill the fuck out.

>> No.54320988

He’s nigger who scams half wit schizos. He is not nearly as enlightened as he thinks he is. I don’t make money off my premonitions, but I have them frequently. Xrp will fucking moon and every person who didn’t buy early will regret it for the rest of their lives.

>> No.54321075
File: 279 KB, 1284x832, 87E913E2-C85D-4D11-8F17-BC7C7E26B44E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be over soon
Kek baggies will rope

>> No.54321182

In the context of XRP, the fragmentation of liquidity could occur if there are different exchanges or trading venues that offer XRP trading at different prices or with different trading fees. This could potentially lead to market fragmentation and reduced overall liquidity for XRP.

However, Ripple has taken steps to address this potential issue through the use of its On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) product, which enables cross-border payments using XRP as a bridge currency. ODL can help to unify the XRP market by facilitating the movement of XRP between different exchanges and trading venues, thereby reducing the potential for market fragmentation.

>> No.54321233

Literal who?

>> No.54321326

>JPM is backing Ripple
Bullish if true

>> No.54322121

>doesn't do anything in the real world
The value is obvious to anyone making or taking payments in an actual business.
Way to out yourself as a neet faggot with no value in the world.

>> No.54322139

Who got rich off XRP though?
Like 35 people in 2017?

>> No.54322221

that's irrelevant imo
at the time that ripple came into being, the blockchain space was a drought, things were still on the drawing board and there was much of the dunning kruger around "blockchains not bitcoin", not realizing why and how a chain comes into being valuable

just from zk rollups you already have projects light years ahead of ripple/ xrapid
even a tendermint fork would work better
ripple is a dinosaur tech, nothing to show but a couple benchmarks that lose to solana

>> No.54322232

llamapay alone has more payments and business than your project ever will

>> No.54323024

lmao never thought i'd ever see #gg33 posted on /biz/ , i follow the schizo for the laughs

is there any truth to the numerology shit hes always talking about?

>> No.54323658

It's not my project. I sell 3 million online every year and have to eat 3% plus all the fees for my import transfers.

>> No.54323728

You have no experience whatsoever in the actual business world do you?
You could have just said that.