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File: 1 KB, 510x255, Flag_of_the_United_Kingdom_(1-2).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
54471222 No.54471222 [Reply] [Original]

>Rampant inflation which is not being controlled by the central bank
>daily strikes as people aren't getting paid enough
>Real estate overpriced for mostly everyone forcing them to rent for the rest of their lives
>Cuts to public spending such as the NHS causing longer wait times
>Capital gains tax being cut from 12k to 6k
>Lose access to the EU economy through brexit

>> No.54471231

brown genocide is the only solution

>> No.54471250

i moved to Japan just before the pandemic started.
Went home to visit last October and found out how fucked things became. although i miss the UK it was shocking to see and hear.

Apparently people literally compete with each other out bidding for rights to rent a room in a house in London now with like 7 tenants. shared bathrooms/kitchens/toilets and paying $1500 a month with people paying even more to secure it if multiple interested.
It went fucking dystopian on the short space of time i left. what the fuck happened? London rent wasnt nearly that bad before i left.

>> No.54471258

London has always been scummy

>> No.54471271

also wanted to visit my nhs dentist when i was home. tried to get an appointment and the wait was 4 months. Wut. it was not that bad before.
Went private. was greeted by some absolute durbrain women who stared at me. i said "i have an apointment at 1pm, for anon". started at me without saying a word. looks at other woman like im a pest, they tap on a computer and whisper. she then says "sit down please".

fucking hell. idk if im just used to Japanese service now but what the fuck mate

>> No.54471289

Tokyo where I live always had a reputation for "small homes and expensive". its literally a better deal than London now lol. ridiculous.
I rented a 20M room. small kitchen, bathroom/toilet separate rooms, all small and a living room. it cost me like £300 a month, in the equivalent of like Ealing in London.
You wont even get that in London now for less than £1500 and still have to share a bathroom/kitchen/toilet.

>> No.54471489
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I'd just live in a van at that point.

>> No.54471495
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>>Capital gains tax being cut from 12k to 6k

>> No.54471504
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>i moved to Japan just before the pandemic started.

So you went from one shit economy to another? I agree that affordable rent in Japan is great but if you're living on Jap wages you're on the verge of poverty

>> No.54471512

I'm >>54471504
Also Jap real estate is fucked because land value goes down instead of up unless you're in Tokyo then the value stays stagnant while the yen drops lower and lower

>> No.54471513
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leave while you still can
also good morning sirs

>> No.54471566

call it a shit economy if you want(bigger than UK by far though), i get way better standard of living here for my money and in the end thats all i give a shit about. do i really give a fuck about GDP and debt ratio if im getting more for my paychecks? no

>> No.54471576

land value goes up, homes depreciate like crazy. same everywhere. why talk about shit you clearly dont know anything about? that was probably true in early 2000s.
Average Japanese wage goes much further than average UK wage. people dont have to spend 60% of their wage on rent here.

>> No.54471592

>bigger than UK by far though


This isn't true at all and is not the same everywhere. You're talking out your ass. And wages haven't gone up at all what're you on about.

>> No.54471608
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I voted for Brexit then left the country

>> No.54471617
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>unfathomably based

>> No.54471626

>>Cuts to public spending such as the NHS causing longer wait times

>> No.54471635
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based retiring to france boomer

>> No.54471638

its very true. the buildings generally depreciate, and the land price stays the same or goes up in basically all urban areas of japan. that wasnt the case 20years ago when it was correcting still.
Japan has a much larger GDP than the UK. what the fuck are you even smocking you massive stubborn retard.

>live in London
>average wage 40k
>take home 31k
>spend 1500 a month on rent(thats conservative)
left with 12k

live in Tokyo
>earn 5m yen
>take home 4m
>spend 50k-100k a month on rent id say 80k-100k for CITY CENTER. good luck finding that in London under £2.5k lol.
>left with 3.4m yen - 2.8m yen

pretty simple maths. you get much more for your wages in Tokyo than the UK at this point. yeah its sad how much changed in 20 years.

>> No.54471641

me too lol, ironically I'm in Japan as well

>> No.54471659

More diversity is the only way to fix these issues.

>> No.54471661

london is the only place you can find a job that isnt factory grinding for minimum wage.

>> No.54471667
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Based accelerator and consequence avoider.

>> No.54471677

my sister seems to be having luck in Bristol

>> No.54471683

how well does professional lesbianism pay these days?

>> No.54471684

>>left with 3.4m yen - 2.8m yen

You forgot taxes and it depends on the job not everyone earns 5m yen. Same for London but you're obviously being biased against good ole blighty but you can end up with more than 12k living in London a year and rent doesn't need to be 1,5k at all stop bullshitting.

I know Japan has more GDP but that doesn't mean shit because we're not talking about selling shit we're on about living

>> No.54471695

Same, moved to Japan in 2013
Paying 0.77% mortgage for a 62m2 apartment in Shibuya, around 125k yen per month
It's even better. 5m yen is less than average salary in Tokyo. Average is above 6m and all people I know are earning more. Unless you're talking about being an English teacher

>> No.54471702

I voted for brexit and stayed to watch it all burn
>muh travelling

>> No.54471706

yes bristol is how people can cope when not in london. its the city of copes and dreams. me? i fucked off to taiwan. voted for brexit then exit. im going to short UK PLC to the floor. come back after the civil wars over and buy up a country estate

>> No.54471717
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Us Japan anons fleeing the UK, what do you honestly think of Japan? I cant stand this place and am leaving to fucking SEA for a while

I also did >>54471608

>> No.54471720

I put the high end of average wage for London(40k) and the same for Tokyo. fucking melt. not everyone earns that much, same for London. why are you only using that rhetoric on the figure for Tokyo? You are one stubborn idiot. You even tried to say Japan has a smaller economy than the UK

>> No.54471725

>You even tried to say Japan has a smaller economy than the UK

GDP =/= economy dumbass

>> No.54471726

I dont think teachers earn 5m, but i really have no idea. the average is 5m or so though for Tokyo. where are you getting 6m?

>> No.54471731

The average isnt 6m its like 3- 4m. Minimum wage is pittance so take your averages from there.

>> No.54471741

I would not stay if i wasnt married to be honest. Its more comfy here to a point, but i do miss my family and banter.
Im not gonna stay forever. cant see myself being here full time when im old. I speak enough Japanese to handle all life affairs so gave it a good effort.
one thing that would tip it into Japan favour for me is if they made Crypto tax flat 20%. nowhere on earth that isnt a bannana republic will beat the UK for crypto neeting when it comes to taxes but Japan is just fucked.

>> No.54471748

Yes it does = economy size. you complete fucking cretin. go home

>> No.54471764

Shut the fuck up faggot retard

>> No.54471770

Health of an economy cant be measured solely by its GDP are you fucking stupid

>> No.54471774

you are mentall ill kek. did the NHS stop giving you your meds because a paki jumped the queue?

>> No.54471775

im working in for a crypto exchange in taiwan and making about 1.5 million taiwan dollars a year. pretty good when our rent is £350 a month and my wifes working as well. but the lifestyle here is also better, can eat out every day for peanuts, good weather, all the best places in SEA are a short flight away. im saving about 85% of my income.

>> No.54471784

Total average is 5m but for men aged 30-40 it's closer to 6m. As an expat you should be earning more than japs anyway
I'm getting around 7m with 50% WFH just doing SQL database stuff

>> No.54471785

Lmao how old are you

>> No.54471794

i wanted to try Taiwan but doubt my wife would to be honest. what is it like working for a crypto exchange? i was thinking of going for one, or crypto company. I do freelance web development atm and am starting to learn solidity after all these years being in it. probably gonna do the chainlink hackathon for a crashcourse.
are they super picky with devs?

>> No.54471802

i speak pretty fluent mandarin so your mileage may vary. i got my job through linkedin.

>> No.54471824

heh. yeah. in taiwan i just go to any doctors surgery, plonk like a tenner down on the desk and im out of there in 30 minutes either cured on the spot or have the cure in my pocket.

>> No.54471841

>in taiwan i just go to any doctors surgery, plonk like a tenner down on the desk

Do you need a GP for this?

>> No.54471867


>> No.54471873


>> No.54471965

I'm curious how things develop there once the BOE starts cutting rates. They are already laying the case for cutting them sooner than planned.

>> No.54471974

thinking of medical tourism? go for it. hospital stay is like £60 a night if you dont have insurance. medium level surgery is probably about £1000 (most of the cost is anaesthetic) CAT scan costs about £100.

major dental work is anything from about £300 to £1000 depending. obviously you can choose to pay way fucking more if you go to fancy hospitals or fancy cosmetic dentists the prices im quoting are for normal average ones frequented by normal taiwanese people.

if you have a job and national health insurance you can get some of those things totally free. (except hospital room fee and anaesthetic)

>> No.54471986

>>Capital gains tax being cut from 12k to 6k
in germany it's 1k, because nobody is allowed to get out from poverty in this socialistic shithole - "muh, it will be social injustice if you are richer than ahmed? what you say, you work more? PAY TAXEX"

>> No.54471990

inflation will run rampant and a dogshit will be worth more than £100 its not possible to run an economy off importing pakis for the task of listening to drum and bass while smoking weed in council flats. the uk is about to learn an important lesson

>> No.54472001

Worst that will happen is mass protests and maybe labour winning. Then pound falling slightly as the gov is forced to get inflation down and respect the public sector

>> No.54472014

One of the comfiest images I've ever seen.

>> No.54472052

inflation going down would necessitate the value of the pound going up. from all the posts you've made previously i can tell you have a tenuous grasp of economic concepts at best. probably stick to uk peasant grinding its more your speed.

>> No.54472061

>Implying banks wont panic for no reason other than the status quo being changed

I know that would happen you fag

>> No.54472082

what grade did you get for GCSE english and maths?

>> No.54472086

>>daily strikes as people aren't getting paid enough
Nurse and Dr's do get paid enough, they just like complaining and get away with it too easily. You'd be surprised how shockingly shit the NHS actually is if you're unfortunate enough to have to use it, and that's not due to a lack of money.

>>wait times
See above. Loads of them are jeets that just sit in the office all day on 150k not doing very much. You could easily automate a lot of what they do because it's already all written down for them in prescribing codecs. Doesn't even need any AI since it's all boolean style a to b to c stuff.
>if already taking .....
>try .....

You could womp millions out of it and actually make it better by forcing them to stop dicking round on their phones and get out the fucking office, onto the wards.

>t. Insider

>> No.54472095

Shut up boomer im literally right

>> No.54472099

second question, how many books (without pictures and over 300 pages long) would you say you've read from cover to cover over your lifetime?

>> No.54472104
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>still have to share a bathroom/kitchen/toilet.
Not all bad...

>> No.54472110

>>Capital gains tax being cut from 12k to 6k
I'll be interested to see how well / long that goes on for versus the typical conservative boomer

>> No.54472116

Scheduled to be cut to 3k next year too. the annoying art is, the UK is still one of the best options for crypto neeting despite that. only 10% tax up to 55k then 20% on the rest... it was just perfect with the 12k allowance before.

>> No.54472129

>unironically saying shut up boomer
I can tell your under 20, probably underageb& too. Get out of this thread retard and get out of this country too.

>> No.54472138
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>good morning sirs
Good morning
>rhondda, obba

>> No.54472144

I have to get up and move then.

>> No.54472146
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Why are you so angry about my youthfulness ?

>> No.54472152

There is young, and then there is retarded. im afraid you have the retard attribute.

>> No.54472159
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>do i

>> No.54472169

If i'm retarded then you're brain-damaged. You're investing way too much emotion into anonymous web posts

>> No.54472175

>omg this conversation is gay anyway!! mum what is for dinner!!?

>> No.54472179

Has anybody actually seen a doctor in the last year? I made an appointment recently for tonsillitis and they gave me a nurse even though I told them I had just come back from North Africa, had several mosquito bites that had reacted angrily and were swollen, and was worried I might have dengue fever. Feel bad for saying this because it's not her job and she's probably doing far more than she should but it was obvious the nurse didn't really have a clue. She checked my temperature, looked at my throat, made some non-committal statement about inflammation and sent me packing within 2 minutes with a prescription for a course of antibiotics which she told me NOT to take unless it got much worse. If that isn't hedging your bets and a clear indication that she had no idea what was wrong with me I dunno what is.
Both my parents have had several appointments in the last few months and neither have been fortunate enough to see a doctor, mostly they get told to come into the pharmacy so some straight-out-of uni trainee pharmacist can ask loudly what's wrong with them in a busy pharmacy among other people.
Do we even have doctors any more? I used to get annoyed that I couldn't find a White doctor but now I can't find any whatsoever. It's a sad state of affairs, what do I pay my NI for again?

>> No.54472180

thats probably the only sensible observation you've managed to come out with this entire thread. So anyway, tell us about life in the UK in 2023, what are your hopes and dreams, what do you want to be when you grow up?

>> No.54472184
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I broke you

>> No.54472191

I'm going to use an extension to hide your ID

>> No.54472197

>zoomer can't stand the slightest provocation, needs to censor others so he can have a safespace
hahaha true to form

>> No.54472199

NHS is a political weapon. a cult. they just have to say do it for the NHS to get the lemmings to obey. remember mid pandemic when they ordered everyone to go outside every night and clap their hands to the sky to thank their NHS? was a good wake up call lol.
I didnt like the idea of paying some of the bill at first, but in Japan its 30% basically. its never all that expensive and i get to go basically anywhere and get seen immediately. lots f shitty clinics, many good ones.

>> No.54472205

>what do I pay my NI for again?

thats money to pay unaccountable ugly evil fat women to do not much so that they write pro government comments online and keep everyone in line. what the UK government is practicising is something known as "biological leninism" its the stage beyond bantu bolshevism and just before all out anarcho tyranny

>> No.54472213

i just changed my ID so good luck with that

>> No.54472243

When this thread dies you'll be thinking of me and I would have forgotten you. How does that make you feel?

>> No.54472246
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yes. mawkish cringefests like that was one of the primary reasons for me leaving the UK. when i heard about government mandated clapping for the NHS it confirmed for me that it was pic related

>> No.54472260

i for one will miss your salient economic analysis and your patrician takes on current affairs.

>> No.54472262

Get a wfh job and live in Poland bro. The women here are friendly and not fat, the quality of food is great, and rent is cheap. I have to fly back to the UK every now and then and even my local church is full of Indians ffs.

>> No.54472265

The NHS has replaced christianity as the state religion of the UK. Instead of worshiping god we now worship nurses.

>> No.54472276

More, keep it going faggot

>> No.54472297

Honestly bro I just went for a piss and when I came back this thread was open on my monitor. I read the tab and remembered what it was, refreshed it, saw your post with the (you) on it and I had to take a second to recall who you were, so it's pretty safe to assume that once this thread dies I'll never think about you again.

>> No.54472306

>remember mid pandemic when they ordered everyone to go outside every night and clap their hands to the sky to thank their NHS?
Checked. Fuck me I had totally forgotten about that. I never did it. The woman across the road doesn't like me anymore because she's a nurse and I never once came out and slapped two pans together like a sycophantic, retarded walrus. She gives me shitty looks now, kek.

>> No.54472308

How is the west so fucked in comparison? I live in Australia so not even as bad as the NHS and here people are still dropping dead on waiting lists and everything costs a shitload

>> No.54472309

Cope reply. A cry for help in two lines

>> No.54472310

I don't know about the others but I can't stop thinking about you since I read your post. I've closed and reopened the thread 8 times now and I find myself wondering what you look like, your smell and how I can get closer to you. There, i said it.

>> No.54472313

Its impossible to rent anywhere. My landlord is planning to try and take me to court because I cant find anywhere else to live and he wants to sell. He can try.

>> No.54472367

like I said before, the anglo west practises biological leninism. if you're a fat blue haired butch lesbo karen or a low IQ evil niggeress that stinks of BO and nobody likes you are put in charge of schools, hospitals, the local council on a fat wage in the name of "diversity" where your main task in life will be to hamstring and harrass any normal young white male thats actually trying to achieve something in life. they do this because those biological rejects will have unquestioning loyalty to the elites who installed them in those positions because they know deep down without the government artificially boosting themand nature was allowed to take its course they would be worthless societal rejects. in other countries around the world you'll have actual competant men in charge of schools hospitals and the local council and fat evil women are where they belong out of sight and out of the way.

>> No.54472385

Here the landlord will just complain to the police who will kick you out anyway illegally with no repercussions because the wait time to see a court is more than 6 months

>> No.54472395

Of course. But what about the issues raised by OP?

>> No.54472453

the nhs is probably the main reason we're in such a mess
too big and too much of an expense

>> No.54472483
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The Brits will soon clean Polish toilets.

>> No.54472513

be careful, if you post about this stuff in the west you can be jailed for inciting terrorism now too

>> No.54472518

just import another million pakis for extra diversity strength. that'll solve it.

>> No.54472541


Does the 55k band take into account all income, or just capital gains income? e.g if I earn 55k from my job but sell some crypto, will I instantly pay 20% capital gains tax? (If I sell more than the allowance)

>> No.54472552

All income. Kinda obvious no? Why would they allow it to be just capital gains income? You’d make 6 figs and pay nothing overall.

>> No.54472574

That's wrong, I think. Capital gains and Income are taxed differently. They are each subject to their own tax rules and bands. You can earn 1 million a year in wages and still take out 6k tax free from capital gains.

>> No.54472594


Damn, I may have been willing to pay 10% since I want to cash out soon, but at this point I may start buying gift cards with monero and just live off crypto without actually cashing out

>> No.54472597

Its not because I literally did that before.
If you earn 30k from job, and make 70k in capital gains from crypto you pay:

>0% on first 6k crypto
>10% on next 19k crypto
>20% on next 45k crypto
>regular income tax on your salary

If you were a crypto neet its just nothing on first 6k, 10% on next 49k then 20% on the rest.
You also cannot use the 12k regular income allowance on this in that situation.

>> No.54472602


Yeah, I understand everyone gets the allowance, but I meant about paying 10% vs 20%

>> No.54472614


20% is still good. Why would you resort to such lengths like limiting it, using gift cards, constantly having to worry about HMRC later over 20%? Faggot.
Try moving to most other countries with way higher capital gains or crypto tax.
Im literally going to have to move back to the UK to happily pay those rates because Japan will tax me 55% otherwise…

You complain about browns but act like them. If we were talking 30-50% sure its worth evading somehow.

>> No.54472637

imagine voluntarily handing over even a single penny of your own hard earned money to the government like some kind of cuck

>> No.54472669

Because im not some nigger? Imagine living a life on gift cards and relying on weird exchanges and meeting strange people for on ramps and not having much liquidity to actually live off of it like buying a home or having 50k+ a year, constantly wondering if HMRC will audit you just because you dont want to pay an extra 5k in taxes? Makes no sense. Its nigger behaviour.
If it was 50% then yea. Strategise.
Uk has one of the best crypto tax policies and it makes me seethe when faggots choose to act like niggers over it

>> No.54472670

Britain was the sole looser of WW2, since then it has seen nothing but socio-economic and political deline. Imagine a country so pathetic whose men imported subhumans to rape their women.
They deserve Endless Misery.
Read this article
Use this paywall remover
Britain has NO future.

>> No.54472702

you dont even live in england so you're immune from the HMRC. you can pay your living expenses in cash just dont KYC anywhere and save your salary up for a house. i pay all my rent, phone, bills and food and travel in cash the HMRC doesnt have magic powers to attach your identity to your metamask

>> No.54472705

good it needs to fial, then all the non white males will cease to exist.

>> No.54472707

Shouldnt have left EU

Will be kino to see the suffering thats about to come

Leave while you can bongs

>> No.54472718

Remember when they were told that we heckin need le immigrants for economic stability and growth? How did that turn out lmao, Brits are such cucks.
Pakis move to England for 2 reasons
1. Gobermint Gibs
2. Underage White Pussy
Most of them are unemployed, turns out shitskin inbreds didn't have enough IQ to function in an advanced economy.

>> No.54472728

You’re talking about pittance gains then. 10k here 20k there.
People actually act like they’d prefer to do that shit then cash out big

>> No.54472729

Hypothetically if I bought all my BTC in KYC exchanges over the years, then I swap to XMR and cash out, am I still screwed?

>> No.54472731
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>> No.54472734

They aren't going anywhere, they will live in gutter but won't remove their dick out of that underage white Pussy,

>> No.54472749

You’ll get audited one day when you are seen to have a home under assets and they click the “audit button” and you need to show a rough trail of how you purchased it. Good luck.

>> No.54472756

Reminded that Britain still hasn't recovered from 2007-08 GFC and likely won't.

>> No.54472758

Don't forget the Pakistani grooming gangs.

It part and parcel of the UK now.

>> No.54472801

your salary in your normal job is for houses and cars.

crypto gains are converted to cash for food, clothing, fuel and 6 months in thailand banging prostitutes

>> No.54472819


I am just worried that since I bought BTC in KYC, I'd get screwed even if I used a privacy coin to cash out, since they can still see BTC leaving my wallet

>> No.54472854

>You complain about browns but act like them.
Probably because he doesn't want his tax paying for them.

>> No.54472870

>Read this article
>"When the UK voted to leave the European Union, the purpose may have been to stop itself turning into the next Italy"
It was always about the fish m8.
We know what it's about. Just a shame fok alls actually been done to rectify that innit

>> No.54472874

>They aren't going anywhere
They'll end up moving back to Paris and Berlin as London becomes
>too shabby
For a literal finger arse wiper

>> No.54472879

Pard and parzel I think you'll find

>> No.54472895
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Some fat karen exec probably wrote this letter thinking it would be funny

>> No.54472905

I'm 25, with >30k saved (regrettably, a lot of that is stuck in a Lifetime ISA)
Don't own a place, probably don't intend to either.

Should I move abroad? Where is good if you're from a tech background?

>> No.54472913
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>Cuts to public spending such as the NHS causing longer wait times
>Cuts to public spending
>causing longer wait times
The NHS has no price discovery mechanism, faggot. It will never work properly. It will always be inefficient and stupid.
What a waste of trips.

>> No.54472921
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Based. I plan on moving to Dubai first thing next year.

>> No.54472927

I remember accidentally being outside at 6 bong or whatever time everyone was supposed to come outside to bash their pots and pans. I was with my cute Asian girlfriend. A woman, foreign (maybe Portuguese), was leaning out the window of her ground floor flat. She looked at us as we stood on the pavement in bewilderment and said, in a dreamy fashion, like something out of a Disney film, “aren’t we so lucky to have r NHS”. We both gave her a dirty look and distanced ourselves as quickly as possible. It really happened like that. It doesn’t sound like a big thing but for me it was basically peak Covid disassociation. I think if my QT Asian gf hadn’t been there it would have totally broken me.

>> No.54472942

just dont open the mail. you're dyslexic and can't read letters. envelopes trigger your anxiety. anyway thats not your address. you didnt ask to be born and you never signed the social contract.

>> No.54473017

How do you not know this is all intentional?
>digital currency
>closer ties to 'merican
>eu literally falling apart due to losing access to cheap russian fuel
>want nhs to fall to bring in a new model

>> No.54473067

trust the plan

>> No.54473087

It's going to get so much worse. Read this: https://london2050.wixsite.com/miscellaneous-musing/post/uk-prognosis
>Tl;dr: you'll never collect a pension

Would normalise the property market and eliminate the worst of the slumlord rentier capitalism and general stabbiness of modern UK, but the White underclass has accumulated generations of welfare-fuelled dysgenics. Good luck with that.

It's fun. I just turned down a STEM lecturer role in a major city (as in, they reached out to me, because no-one qualified will take the role) because it wasn't worth my while after I investigated rent/commuting costs. Better QoL working in an amazon warehouse part-time in the Midlands.

Hard-working boat wogs need those appointments more than you

Wait till Starmer comes in and equalises with income tax. Dhimmi tax to pay for all the new, better brits that are replacing you

British people think rnhs is wonderful because their only experience of foreign healthcare is breaking a leg whilst fucked up on booze in Spain and without insurance, then having to pay €1000 for a cast.

Pigs happy to wallow in their own shit m8

Trussnonics, for all her personal failings, was the last chance of anything other than Peronism. Pajeet Sunak will keep the shell game running for a little while longer, then fuck off with his Green Card to California, leaving Starmer and Rayner to anally rape the tattered remnants of the Middle Class. UK is going to repeat exactly what Argentin did last century, only quicker and with ethnic cleansing.

>Should I move abroad?
Depends if you want to ever retire. Depends on how you feel about having your property and rights stripped from you as the country you live in speedruns 20C Argentina with Woke Characteristics

>> No.54473108

Didn't the Dutch invent stock markets?
The Dutch.
>Damn, dirty Dutch.
// https://smallbusiness.chron.com/stock-market-started-whom-14745.html //

>> No.54473113
File: 1.65 MB, 4000x3000, 9uhr2z6tb2la1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you comparing the UK to Argentina

>> No.54473132

Your story made me laugh which is nice considering I'm suffering from this fucking tonsillitis, thanks bro. I think I might have told her to shut the fuck up, honestly, and then walked off quickly in case she had a scary big nig boyfriend or something.

>> No.54473137

>How do you not know this is all intentional?
Based Morgoth agrees.

>> No.54473144

LOL I was on your side until this

>> No.54473161

>country goes retarded
>all smart people collectively realize the country has gone retarded
>brain drain
>country is now clinically retarded beyond redemption
>collapse imminent

tale as old as time

where we heading, high IQ expat chads?

>> No.54473173
File: 538 KB, 642x655, EM9AH_-WoAAbodg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The UK is looking at an Argentina-style fall from a high income country to a middle income one. It's rare enough to be remarkable. Few other countries have managed such a feat.

Argentina was one of the wealthiest countries in the world one hundred years ago, with so much going for it, a real 'yours to lose' situation, then somehow managed to fall apart. The conditions for this: a rentier capitalist overclass, masses voting for unsustainable nation-destroying welfare programs that sucked the productive middle class dry whilst leaving the oligarchy untouched, the open invitation of the mass immigration of unproductive low IQ foreigners as a means of suppressing the middle class- all there in modern UK.

I'm convinced the UK will independently invent Peronism, the politics that destroyed Argentina, then speedrun 20th Century Argentina (with Woke Characteristics)

I can't prove it, but it just feels right. The mix of growing socialist sentiment and patriotic arrogance, obsession with redistributive justice amongst the young juxtaposed with the protectionist sentiment of the property-owning old. General lack of productive industry paired with a small number of highly-profitable, nepotistically-gatekept enterprises. Ethnic tribalism and class division. I don't think anyone post-Truss will try and square these circles- or (very) charitably politicians have been trying and failing for the past forty years- and so we'll just attempt to pander to all of them at once, drive the currency into the ground, and force the middle class out of the country, emigrating to Australia and USA.

>> No.54473180 [DELETED] 

This is a much more effective tl;dr of what I wrote: >>54473173
. Good job m8

>> No.54473181
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>The UK is looking at an Argentina-style fall from a high income country to a middle income one.

>> No.54473189 [DELETED] 

Good job mate, this is a much more effective tl;dr of what I wrote: >>54473173 (You)

Not An Argument

>> No.54473197

Not An Argument

>> No.54473198

Hardly tinfoil hat tier. It's a cogent viewpoint shared by many other sensible people. Peter Hitchens has spoken about it many times, I think he's probably more clued in than you are.

>> No.54473205
File: 70 KB, 600x400, Tin-foil-hat-cat-spy-conspiracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hardly tinfoil hat tier. It's a cogent viewpoint shared by many other sensible people. Peter Hitchens has spoken about it many times, I think he's probably more clued in than you are.

>> No.54473206

Oh wait you're the zoomer who can't handle different opinions. You're fucking clueless mate, come back in 10 years when you've had time to formulate your own ideas.

>> No.54473212

Take note, zoomie.

>> No.54473213
File: 74 KB, 750x747, ElgYYGWWMAE4w7Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh wait you're the zoomer who can't handle different opinions. You're fucking clueless mate, come back in 10 years when you've had time to formulate your own ideas.

>> No.54473220

I agree that the UK is fucked but I like roiling boomers on /biz/ than having any useful discussion about it right now

>> No.54473222

I wish, 6k is just a step down on to way to there being 0 threshold at all.

>> No.54473245

I'm hoping that somewhere undergoes a genuine political reversal before Starmer's budget comes into force and asset strips me. Keeping an eye on Australia, USA, Denmark, and Ireland. Worse case would be UAE for asset preservation, but really not my thing.

>> No.54473252

Sorry to hear you have tonsillitis m8. I had it recently and it is very unpleasant. I’ve been shitting water all morning personally.

>> No.54473254

Covid saved me because it let me move in with my parents and work remotely instead of renting in London.

I've just got a higher paying job and will be living with my parents and saving a lot.

But the UK is going down the communist 3rd world shitter so fucking quickly.

>> No.54473259
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I had a trip to A&E last year for lawnmowing my toe, and the GF had once for an allegic reaction where she was struggling to breathe. She couldn't even sit down in the waiting area and eventually her symptoms disappeared during a 3 hour wait so she just left. People were being sick and bleeding on the floor and she said it looked like a third world hospital.
I was in a total of 3 hours and it wasn't as bad as she had it, but still pretty busy, but they did stop the bleeding and wrapped me up, all the follow up appointments at GP's were spot on as well.
My local hospital is one of the worst in the country though.

>> No.54473269

It's only going to get worse: >>54473173

>> No.54473282


That guy's maths on London living are wrong. It's worse than he says.

And quality of life while renting on less than £1.2k in London is SHIT. Either you have a long commute or live in a fucking cupboard drawer with 3 other people.

>> No.54473292
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>> No.54473296

RNHS isn't there to treat you, silly. It's to provide sinecures for our pajeet-bantu-gynoid Kakistocracy. The only solution is more immigrants and pay rises for obese WFH middle-manager girl bosses: what's the question?

>> No.54473302

>Company starts a share scheme where funds can be taken straight from our wages to buy shares at a discounted rate for a 3 year period.
>sell at end of 3 year period if you like, easy 10-20k
>capital gains allowance will be gone by this time and the whole amount will be taxed
I fucking hate this country. I'm in my 30s now and my whole life has just been a case of
>x has been the case for decades, but now we are changing it so you don't benefit from it and you will be financially worse off for it
Only saving grace was that I bought my house just inside the Stamp Duty holiday.

>> No.54473309


Based Spandrell reader

>> No.54473314

Lolol don't look up Scunthorpe Hospital reviews on Google maps:)))

>> No.54473335

All young Britishers, and Europeans should migrate to North America (US+Canada).

>> No.54473339

Can you get paid to sword fight in Japan?

>> No.54473345

how much time have you spent in argentina?

>> No.54473349 [DELETED] 

>All in BTC
>Move country
>Cash out elsewhere and fuck the UK gov

>> No.54473355

I’m a burger living in Japan at the moment and I can’t wait to go home. Japan is a beautiful country and it’s pretty good quality of life wise but the little things start to drive you absolutely insane after awhile. The incessant rule, constantly being stared at because gaijin, the complete lack of English speakers outside of gaijin hunters or young people that did college in the us/uk/aus, the food even after awhile. Japan is an amazing vacation but long term living as an expat kinda blows imo

>> No.54473361

>muh Labour
Why is everyone so afraid of a Labour government when the tories have spent the last 10 years utterly ruining and looting the country beyond any sort of repair?
They are building boat mirgrant ghettos near me now because they cant even control the English Channel, and all people can say is that 'Labour will open the floodgates!'

>> No.54473364


>> No.54473370

I spent a long weekend in Taipei over the lunar new year and absolutely loved it, had so much fun. People were so friendly and a lot more outgoing than Japanese I found, and I don’t speak any mandarin

>> No.54473373

I'm in lincoln, half hour from Scunny, and you genuinely are better off going to Scunny than Lincoln at the moment.

>> No.54473379

They will make us even poorer more quickly, making it harder to build the wealth needed for an escape

>> No.54473382


Is Lincoln that bad? I was thinking of moving there since housing is a lot cheaper than other shitholes like Leicester, and the Cathedral is kino

>> No.54473383

Because its the truth. If this is what tories are doing imagine labour lol. They’ll make everything public sector again, squeezing the last industry out of Britain

>> No.54473384

I think UK is an unprecedented case of a Nation that invented Industrial Revolution and built one of the biggest Empire, in world history decline to such utter disgraceful state, this fast, it almost makes the past sound like a fantasy.

>> No.54473392

Hahaha, at least houses are cheap there.
I had my appendix removed in Lincoln hospital. Good times.

>> No.54473406

Lincoln City is okay, but it has its shares of shitholes and issues like every city. If you can find a nice estate or a place in one of the villages on the outskirts then it can be alright. Just don't rely on the hospital or get private healthcare.

>> No.54473410

Lincoln is nice. Sure the locals are a bit nuts, everyone smokes weed, and there's a homeless problem, but if you're close enough to town you can get by without a car at all.
Student town so there's a lot of youth - not that they seem to stay. I've considered returning for a while.

Under no circumstances should you move to Scunthorpe

>> No.54473412

You pay 10% on the portion of capital gains that would bring your total income+capital gains to 55k or whatever. Then 20% on the rest.

If you are already on 55k salary then all of your capital gains are charged at 20% (after the free allowance)

>> No.54473413

Again, 'just imagine labour!'
Someone else potentially fucking up isn't a reason to let the current people carry on fucking.

>> No.54473430

I'm not, you're completely right. Tories are cynically ransacking the country with utter indifference to it's decline. Labour will just be a slight acceleration to the timetable.

BUT, relevant to /biz/, Labour will go after asset owners hard. If the Tories stayed in power it may be possible for someone with crypto assets to do just fine under 20% CGT: live in countryside, private healthcare, kids to private schools, etc. Even that won't be possible under Labour.

>> No.54473440

Labours fault for making a generation of people feel that extreme about them lol. They need to repair their image big time if people are still willing to cote tory after tue last 10 years

>> No.54473443

Lincoln is full of niggers and drugs- it's only good in comparison to other cities which are full of even more niggers.

>> No.54473449




>> No.54473456

those shitholes are on the same trajectory. implementing socialism and importing millions of pakis.

>> No.54473464

You’ll pay £1599 on rent to share a home with 5 brown people and be forced to clean the toilet and kitchen as nobody else will. You’ll then pay to commute an hour to and from work daily and save £5k a year

>> No.54473471

two arms of the same body. they work together as opposition. the leaders are not those who actually lead/define the parties. neither represent your interests and will lie until they die to exploit you in any and every conceivable way. it’s all a fucking pantomime. stop playing along

>> No.54473473

You don't have to imagine, anyone who remembers Toby Blair's Government knows how it would turn out, atleast to some extent. It was the Labour Government that allowed pakis to mass rape British girls.
The Tory Government offers slow death by peronism and Labour Government offers an immediate Final Blow.
The Fate of Britain was sealed when Edward VIII was forced to abdicate. Hey but atleast the Bongs aren't speaking German.

>> No.54473474

Arguably something analogous happened to Spain. The truly shocking thing about the UK is the decline in intellectual/institutional/cultural continuity that accompanied the loss of Empire, not the loss of Empire/power itself. It's shocking because the UK has, of course, not actually been invaded or subjugated (although the USA perhaps occupies that role).

>> No.54473476

It's fine if you don't go out in town past 11pm. Countryside is barely a 10m walk from anywhere. Cathedral quarter is nice for a Sunday jaunt.
Art hoes galore bc university

>> No.54473481

string them on like you're about to accept the offer and then make ever more bizzarre requests until finally ghosting them. then leave a bad review on glassdoor plz ausbro

>> No.54473487

The increase over the last 2 3 years has been noticeable, dont knkw where the fuck they've all come from. They all live in the shitholes though so interaction with them can be kept minimal.
White chavs and druggies are the biggest issue IMO

>> No.54473490

Nope, first of all these countries are huge and economically they are way better. Britain has no future.

>> No.54473500
File: 278 KB, 1700x1137, 1651635956237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work in Financial Services
>Some senior woman in our commercial team convinces the boss we all have to go to a 'motivational event'
>40(!) of our team spent 9 hours(!) hearing brave womyn say you "you're perfect, love yourself!"
>She's since put 3(!) hours into the diaries of numerous directors and heads-of to "share the wisdom" of this shit event

No wonder the economy's in the fucking toilet. This sort of shit is the antithesis of productivity.

>> No.54473514

doesnt take much to be economically way better than the UK. i think you're mainly coping because those countries speak your language. there are other completely nig nog free countries that have even better economic prospects than cucknada and the jewSA

>> No.54473521
File: 22 KB, 993x359, ekonomiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.54473523

unironiclly i've done this - i've delayed them by months I shan't be going when i can collect 100k AUD for the same work

whats the point of even existing there srs.
is it muh LANDAN experience, fuck that I can just fly over annually with the extra money saved

>> No.54473530

Now do GDP per capita

>> No.54473537

are you the "biggest economy" retard from earlier?

>> No.54473539

Money isn't the problem for the NHS - it's the uncontrolled and extremely inefficient bureaucracy. When I go on ward, there's so much paper work and requisition forms you have to fill in to get drugs; middle management is CONSTANTLY and I mean constantly in your ass - Diversity and Inclusion agents are constantly skulking about to make sure you don't call a colleague retarded. Medical schools are disintegrating and the medical students know less coming out than they do going in. And that's just the start of it.
t. Medical Student

>> No.54473550

Even if all the shitskins in England, disappeared tomorrow, it will still remain a shithole, the native britishers have declined too, both as individuals and as a community.
They have entered this seemingly endless stasis, full of socio-cultural nihilism. This can be verified by the fact that in last 4 decades, nothing innovative has come out of England.
Compare this to US, and you will understand. Peter Hitchens is right when he says, Young people have no future in Britain.

>> No.54473565

US is an Economic powerhouse, All big and innovative things happen in US. No other country even comes close.

>> No.54473569
File: 41 KB, 788x874, percapnocap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GDP per capita
Oh shit, turns out countries with lower populations rank higher, America excepted. I wonder what 'per capita' means?

>> No.54473577

What made you decide to go to med school? Geniunely curious, I was thinking about it for a while but then I got offered a job paying £30k straight out of uni, then got a new job off the back of that making £58k. If I went into medicine, it would be at least 10 years, probably longer to make that kind of money, and working a much more stressful job on top of that. You planning on moving somewhere better?

>> No.54473594

Now do the shut the fuck up

>> No.54473598
File: 15 KB, 400x321, AreYouSerious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a lot of anger for someone who doesn't understand what they're talking about

>> No.54473601


I was on a graduate scheme a while ago and over multiple years we had many training courses. Every single one of them boiled down to some roastie psychologist leading an AWFL group therapy session with last week's non-replicated trendy NYT psychology results.

I switch jobs and it's the same elsewhere.

I think only senior managers and people in alpha type jobs (high level investment banking, etc.) have the privilege of avoiding this stuff. It seems like everyone else is led in to some sort of lobotomising station to become a piece of interchangeable corporate goo. It parallels how governments treat their citizenry.

>> No.54473609

> monaco
> lichtenstein
> Luxembourg
These are all Gorillionaire havens.

>> No.54473631

Yes, that's the point. Doing GDP per capita will skew the data but that's what this moron wanted >>54473530

>> No.54473647

Stay faggy

>> No.54473702

Whether it's /biz/ or /pol/ or whatever board. My bong brothers always doom post and I simply ask; if not here, in Blighty, then where? Every single western nation is suffering from the same types of issues mentioned ITT. Where they might not have some of the same specific problems, they have their own fucked up versions.

If any of you think for one second that living with jungle bugs in Thailand or Slavic dogs in Eastern Europe is better than any western country then go jump in front of a train.

>> No.54473732

> Passing around fiat debt for the same houses for two decades
Why are we poor?
Euthanize the rentier.

>> No.54473744

Bit racist, ennit but I do agree with you about doom posting. I love U.K most when I'm away from it. There's a lot fo bullshit in the country but these things can be sorted with consideration and time. The nation has been through things much harder than whats going on now and we always prevail. Stay strong lads. I'm RARELY patriotic but there is much to love about the U.K

>> No.54473748

> Essential good gets cheaper
> Says that's bad
You retard

>> No.54473756

>Essential good gets cheaper
>Essential good goes to 0

>> No.54473762


>> No.54473774

They are raising in May

>> No.54473782

Thanks for the You's

>> No.54473794

Your NI funds boomer largesse.
Get back to work.

>> No.54473798
File: 132 KB, 600x600, 1680665145058358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first day this happened I was out on a walk, and didn't know it was a thing because I only read /fit/ at the time.
I went down a street and noticed everyone was standing outside their houses on both sides of the street, some with pans, watching me walk by. Then they suddenly all started clapping and I thought I was having some schizophrenic hallucination.

>> No.54473803

lobotomised bugperson detected. the UK is morally and intellectually repulsive to anyone whos spent any time considering the issues

>> No.54473805


Within Europe/EU: Scandinavia (high-trust quasi-ethnostate despite the /pol/ memes), Netherlands (merchant country and extremely pro-capitalism), Switzerland (self-explanatory)

Asia: UAE (Dubai is becoming a business hub for Asia/Africa/ME, but not everyone's cup of tea), Singapore (common law jurisdiction, highly advanced etc.), Malaysia

Americas: USA (only certain parts and I'm 50/50 if it being a nice place rn is a temporary phenomenon or not), UK overseas territories (Caymans etc, pretty self-explanatory but zero tax and highly efficient governments with very little gibs), Mexico (resource-rich country with good work ethic, CDMX is slowly climbing the city rankings).

For me I will be going to Argentina. Enormous resource-rich country, produces more food than it ever needs etc. Shit economy but people are fed up of peronism and socialism, I think people should pay attention to the elections in October and if their libertarian candidate wins because if he does it is super-bullish for the country.

>> No.54473811
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> How is the west so fucked
Confusing rentier activity with real wealth creation

>> No.54473823

Fuck off

>> No.54473828

Looking at Switzerland Denmark, Taiwan and Australia atm. Maybe Korea.

Personally I'm almost looking forward to England becoming a third world country so the cunts can see what they've done. I warned people. I'll try to get my loved ones to consider leaving.

>> No.54473850


>> No.54473867

i did already knobchild. enjoy living in the ongoing collapse

>> No.54473897
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Japan has a much bigger industrial output. If you're one of those guys saying GDP is a bad metric because it values meme financial economies, then UK has the biggest meme economy out there, way worse than the US even.
Anglo model capitalism is dying within this decade, England will probably be below Portugal, Greece or Poland in living standard pretty soon.

>> No.54473909

Do your research on Canada, huge housing costs, high taxes, shit healthcare, very expensive food, immigration that is far higher than the UK.

>> No.54473910
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>> No.54473912

If it wasn't for my wife, I'd already be gone, problably Croatia on a digital nomad visa. Eastern Europe is a shout too, although I'm not sure of the tax situation in most places.

>> No.54473916

>I think only senior managers and people in alpha type jobs (high level investment banking, etc.)
Some hyper-productive turbo autists - like the Russian genius you've got running dark pools in the basement - might get out of this shit because they're too valuable to bother. I know for a fact the heavyweight traders at big firms have to sit through it though. It's hell.

>> No.54473917

Who put the cunt in Scunthorpe?

>> No.54473927

Conservatives are useless. It's possibly the worst government this country has ever had. Problem is who are the alternatives? Labour? Fuck me. This country had a real brain drain. Or more like politics doesn't pay and the smart people all went corporate.

>> No.54473931

>in last 4 decades, nothing innovative has come out of England.
Yes it has lol

>> No.54473933

You're not wrong, but pain of UK decline is exacerbated by a few factors:

One of the most densely populated countries in the entire world. Particularly the parts where the actual jobs are. Everything and everyone is always right on top of you. One million New Brits a year is that much more painful because of it.

It's harder to see it happen to your own country than somewhere else. I'm sure Australia, USA, or whatever are also shittier than they were in the past, but it doesn't hit me in the same way.

Centralisation of the UK political system and absence of checks and balances (such as US Supreme Court and Constitution), means that painful changes can happen very suddenly and quickly. As occured under Blair and even before. This can and will happen again.

The biggest one: No real natural resources (yes, coal, fracking, potentially, but not much particular as North Sea runs dry) and also an island nation. The UK really lives and dies by it's intellectual capital and the strength of it's institutions. One of the (admittedly many) reasons that the Industrial Revolution and Empire happened here is that it had to- UK couldn't live off the fat of the land like say historical France or USA. It couldn't retreat into isolationism. Modern day US can completely fuck it's education system and still get by from mining, oil, agriculture. We can't. The only other nation comparable is Japan- historically, particularly in modern era, they've always been 'better' than their neighbours, because they've had to be to survive.

British people have this parochial attitude which seems to allow them to accept shocking levels of decline- goggling at anti-White BBC dramas (paid for by the fucking state!), worshipping a dreadful NHS, etc.

I know other countries have aspects of these, but it's a particularly lethal combination for the UK.

>> No.54473941

My friend told me yesterday that there are some large Jap / Korean firms investing in Podkarpackie (South East Poland), but they don't have enough workers there so will import Indians to work the factories.
Nowhere is safe. She was parroting the same talking points (immigration is necessary for our pensions etc) until I pointed out to her that 40% of pakis and bengals are unemployed, and are a net drain on the economy.

>> No.54473948

Nu labour were all about ramping asset prices. How do you do that?
Massive uplift in credit supply.
Massive uplift in mortgage applications via immigration.
Blair was not Labour.
When he dies, wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, whatever time it is I'll stop and toast him burning in hell.

>> No.54473949

name 1 thing thats provided some utility to mankind that wasnt just a further development of a previous innovation

>> No.54473952

Scandi is doing well. Yes even Sweden despite the /pol/ memes if you stay out of the capital. Good pay, incredibly high standard of living, ethnostates, bennies and you can actually afford to rent an apartment on minimum wage. I'm eternally jealous of my Scandi friends who off-hand mention things I can only dream of. Renting while unemployed? Free college? Not having to run into smelly brown people who give you the evil eye?

>> No.54473955

Thats tue scary thing. Everyone views tories as labour lite. They are afraide to vote labour in STILL lol, because everyone knows that tories just give a watered down version of what labour will do and everyone prefers to drink the watered down shit milkshake

>> No.54473964

Denmark, Malta, Italy, Spain, Austria are all better alternatives.
People meme about southern Europe a lot but they have less income taxes and if you're qualified you'll earn the same or eveb more (after tax) there than in France, Germany or the UK + life is cheaper, the countries are whiter and the people friendlier.
If you're a factory worker you'll suffer everywhere you go, but less in Germany than Spain or Italy for sure.
If you have a solid CV southern Europe is far better.
t.frog that moved to Spain and already bought a house on 1,2% credit

>> No.54473963

I work in finance in a big company.
Looking to leave as the woke stuff is insane.
We are forced to do "voluntary" work.
Forced to hire women over better qualified men.

>> No.54473977

Labour doesn't have an answer. I look at them and they're a bigger bunch of fucking idiots than the Tory scum. Which is tragic because the Tory lot don't have a brain cell to share between them. It's exactly as I said. Politics doesn't have smart people. The smart ones are all corporates who are telling these idiots what to do so they can make major bank off the economic rape of this country.

>> No.54473978

> Money laundered through the city
> GDP!

>> No.54473986

>BBC dramas (paid for by the fucking state!)
Lolwhat? Are you sure you're British? Anybody from here would know the BBC is not state-funded.

>> No.54473989

>Blair was not Labour
But Starmer is Blair. Only difference is that he can't play that financialisation card again (one-time only), so he'll have to look elsewhere for to fund dem programs...

>> No.54474000

yeah, it’s called ‘lobbying’. or legalised bribary. this is why we’re fucked and red vs blue does not matter for shit

>> No.54474003

Lmao same thing happened to me, down to thinking I had gone crazy, except I was indoors. Thought it was rain at first.

>> No.54474011

The UK education system is shit and you're proof.
Why extrapolate to the extreme? I hate how stupid the average person is.

>> No.54474016

You're just being boringly pedantic, without being clever enough to pull it off. TV Licence is a state-mandated de facto tax. Would anyone pay up if the BBC didn't have the backing of the state? Also they get funding direct from the Foreign Office and others.

>> No.54474028
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>>he doesn't know

yeah mate, you can live like a FUCKING KING in Kuala Lumpur
$1000 a month luxury apartment downtown, cheap food, easy women, $40 plane ride to singapore any weekend

>> No.54474039

True starmer is a plant

>> No.54474043

Practically every invention since fire has been an iteration of a previous thing so your challenge is impossible for any country over any timeframe. 38 years ago the first Arm CPU was designed and its descendants now power basically every phone and the lion's share of other devices.

>> No.54474060

Those are not /pol/ memes, IIRC Sweden and Norway do not even officially count/track ethnicities but they both have <80% ethnic Swedes/Norwegians etc (although in Norway's defence, I understand that they have quite a few Europeans living there). Both countries have astronomically higher taxes and cost of living than the UK (Oslo is more expensive than London, and the UK has more options for living/work in other, cheaper areas). Ironically, despite having spent time in Denmark I actually know less about it with regards to these points. My understanding is that it is similar.
Less than 3/4 of the country are Dutch. Their government just tried to reduce their own food production... 100% reliant on the EU around them. Half of the country will be underwater in 50 years and Amsterdam is worse than London in every way except cost of living; where it is slightly cheaper. The country has little in the way of interesting nature and is tiny. Dutch as a language is horrid, although I know they have excellent English.
One of the most expensive countries to live in the world. Beautiful nature but would love to know how an average Brit would manage to move there and make a success of it. Nice place to be homeless during the summer maybe.
I don't even need to go into this one, it's documented all over this website. The best is way better than the UK and the worst is FAR worse.

The best of your options have sky-high cost of living and would be futile for the average Brit to try and move to.

>> No.54474080

oo wow a design. and did britain capitalize on this wonderful design by investing in production facilities for this wonderful chip so laboriously designed thereby providing thousands of high paying tech jobs? no they didn't and they sold off the IP to china

>> No.54474095

I moved to FS from publishing and stupidly assumed there would be less bullshit. In reality, because publishing is such a weak industry, very few companies have the resources to waste on this sort of shit. Because FS is swimming in cash, inefficiency is rife, and you have whole departments who seemingly spend their days thinking of ways to strangle productivity. Most of the men are hen-pecked are encourage this shit too.

>> No.54474109

No it's not lol. I've never paid it. All they've ever done is send me letters which go straight in the bin.

>BBC didn't have the backing of the state
They only have "state backing" to the extent that everyone else has it i.e. they can take you to civil or criminal court. You can also take people and businesses to court.

>> No.54474126

>did britain capitalize on this wonderful design by investing in production facilities for this wonderful chip so laboriously designed thereby providing thousands of high paying tech jobs
Well Arm do employ about 2k people in the UK, but I never said the government capitalised on it, I only set out to disprove the claim that the UK hasn't innovated for 40 years.

>they sold off the IP to china
No they didn't. Arm China doesn't see Arm IP. I'm not sure what they actually do but I know for a fact they can't see any IP. I used to work for Arm.

>> No.54474165

I've been to New Zealand a few times and have family and friends there, I would say that's possibly the best place you can escape to. But the housing market there is worse than the UK's if you want to live anywhere that's no very remote, and they have some awful infrastructure.

>> No.54474171

It's literally just poorfags competing for the cheap rooms and getting themselves into a bidding war. If you have over 1k for rent a month then the game gets much easier.

>> No.54474216

A girl at our workplace is looking for somewhere to live, and recently saw a single bedroom in a shared house (3 others) for £1650pcm, excl. bills. She's currently staying with a friend outside London and commuting in, but it's not looking good. How is all of this going to pan out? Literal exodus from the capital? I can't see prices coming down anytime soon.

>> No.54474224

If you can get a job in Straya or New Zealand before you go that pays well then you're sorted. Fucked housing market maybe but it's still cheaper than here.

>> No.54474232

I pay under 1k for a massive room in Zone 2 with only one other flatmate. I don't know why you're lying on the internet when we can look up prices:

>> No.54474233

The exodus from the capital only pushes up rent and prices everywhere else too. More so than it currently is. Shits fucked unless you want to live in the ghettos of Blackpool.

>> No.54474251

You know Japan's GDP hasnt budged in over a decade right?

>> No.54474268

Theyre all doomer bongs deluded by media and think the UK will turn into Mad Max after the next election

>> No.54474282
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absolutely nothing except immigration has caused this. Oh but questioning that would make neoliberalism look bad and you're still clinging to mommy thatcher's rotted corpse

>> No.54474292

Britain was dire in the 70s. Its going back

>> No.54474351

I'm in the military and that shit is pervasive even there. Multiple and yearly presentations on Anti bullying, diversity and inclusion, thriving in the work place, just culture, health and safety.
It's relentless and an utter waste of time.
It's solely down to everyone being able to sue the company itself because 'they fostered a hostile worl environment' when someone calls them a fag

>> No.54474371

Close to 1k for a ROOM is a fucking joke blud.

>> No.54474394

Kek. That was my point earlier. In Tokyo i can get a room by myself, with a toilet and bathroom and kitchen for £450.
What a joke. Tokyo had this bad reputation 20 years ago but it’s completely flipped now.

>> No.54474397

Yeah currently planning either US or Australia - but that’s assuming the NHS doesn’t collapse and go private by the time I finish med school.

>> No.54474417

Meanwhile UK's is bound to recede for the next decade.
They managed to keep the same GDP as their population has been going down. Pretty good controlled landing.
England has filled up with pajeets and muslim pajeets only to still eat a recession in the end.
Great economy.

>> No.54474418

This is slap bang middle of the city too. Outer city(45min commute to center) you can get it for like 250-350gbp

>> No.54474436

he lives in a room. a room. in some zone 2 ghetto probably and paying nearly £1000

>> No.54474437
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delightfully devilish.

>> No.54474457
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>he lives in a room. a room.

>> No.54474470

You live in your childhood bedroom waiting bc for mummy to cook you dinner.

>> No.54474496

Whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.54474504

>Meanwhile UK's is bound to recede for the next decade.

Not really. Japan's been stagnant since the 80s

>> No.54474551

Yet somehow still people get more for their wages there. You dont have to pay 60%+ of income for some crappy housing in a ghetto waiting to get robbed or stabbed surrounded by chicken shops and middle eastern barbers.
The UK is rapidly reducing in quality of life compared to the 1990s.
Your posts reek of a know it all child who has absolutely no life experience at all. You couldn’t even tell me the price of a bag of salt without googling it

>> No.54474557

>Yet somehow still people get more for their wages there.

This is relative , same as UK

>> No.54474566

More importantly the native British cultures are in full blown collapse.

>> No.54474570

>for some crappy housing in a ghetto waiting to get robbed or stabbed surrounded by chicken shops and middle eastern barbers.

And you sound like a bitter faggot with a chip on their shoulder . Why the fuck would I need to know a bag of salt? I don't use salt in my kitchen

>> No.54474571

I live in a huge room with a large balcony, en-suite bathroom with a shared kitchen and living room.

Have sex.

>> No.54474618

What is relative you retard? You arent even making sense anymore. First you tried saying gdp doesnt = economy like a retard. You speak for japan endlessly and seem to know nothing about it in reality other than whatever meme youtube videos out of date opinion you have, and to top it off you are too young and inexperienced to even know how things have changed aged in the UK.

Rents were dramatically more reasonable 30 years ago. Even 20 years ago. People didnt have to spend 60-80% of their income on rent and utilities to live a commutable distance in London for a white collar job before. It has got “relatively ” worse, while Japan has got “relatively” better compared to the UK or “relatively” the same/ compared to itself in the 1990s.

>> No.54474630

Life quality is far better in Japan than England by all metrics.
GDP of Japan > GDP of England.
Same for GDP/capita.
Same for GDP/capita PPP.
Japan has close to 0 migrants, almost no pajeets.
England is 1/4th pajeets and other foreigners by now, 1/2 in the big cities, >50% in London, the capital city.
Japna has better weather.
Japan has lower criminality.
Japan has higher wages PPP.
Japan has less taxes.
By what metric do you consider England better ?
It's not even the meme financial capital of Europe anymore. Paris overtook it two years ago.

>> No.54474643

Oh my gooood shut up lmao

>> No.54474648

you literally pay £1000 to live in a room

>> No.54474655

>Japan has less taxes.

Lol. Life expectancy is better in Japan yes but I'm not saying UK is better than Japan or vice versa I'm saying they're both just as flawed as each other

>> No.54474709

I live in Japan. You are so fucking full of shit. Where the fuck did you come from? Do you usually stay in TA threads being a faggot? Biz is small and i haven’t encountered you yet.
Tue only thing Japan is worse than the UK for is crypto tax and bureaucracy. Every other metric, especially the mapt important ones(what you get for your wages, not being surrounded by people who want to rob and stab you, and quality cheap healthcare) are miles ahead. Whether that stays the same idk. It used to he that the average person could have all this in the UK but those days are gone.

>> No.54474761

>I live in Japan.

Same here bozo. Yes Japanese bureaucracy is shite, same with Japanese politics which is much worse than the U.K. You seem to think I'm arguing that one country is better than the other but i said already that isn't the case you dingbat i don't even know why you keep replying to me

>> No.54474788

If i get one more you from this faglord I'm going to scream

>> No.54474789

Japan realizes that inviting unskilled third world trash in to invade your country and collect welfare checks is a bad idea and for that reason they are superior

>> No.54474806

>they're both just as flawed as each other
No they're not. What do you base this on?
I might say that England is as flawed as Philippines.
Unless I justify my position it's a meaningless statement.
England wasn't better than Japan in the 80's, let alone now.
Reminder that Italy had a bigger economy than the UK before the adoption of the Euro slowed them down.

>> No.54474818

No you dont. You are the cringiest underage fag i have ever seen on biz

>> No.54474823

>same with Japanese politics which is much worse than the U.K.
Japan has a pajeet capital city mayor and prime minister?? I didn't know that!
Unless that's the case they cannot be worse.

>> No.54474851

Lol, lmao even

This tells me you don't understand Japanese politics at all. It also tells me you probably browse /pol/

>> No.54474867

>I might say that England is as flawed as Philippines.

Now you're just being silly

>> No.54474875

post hand nigger

>> No.54474909

Japanese politics are lockstepped in bureaucracy, and dominated by high ranking families. This has troubles but it has at least produced stability.
Meanwhile what has the government in the UK done for the average man? Made life worse. If the UK was not technocratic it would be absolutely living hell, and its the last thing saving it from falling apart and all industry leaving London

>> No.54474912

>the /pol/lutants are here

>> No.54474938
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You're being even sillier by comparing little India to fucking Japan lmao. China is better than England at this point. It has higher highs and probably higher lows as well. Even the capital city of the uyighur province looks more decent than Liverpool or Newcastle.
Oh, you're a pajeet, got it !

>> No.54474967

>Japanese politics are lockstepped in bureaucracy, and dominated by high ranking families
Bongs literally have one of their two parliament chambers dedicated to child fucking old farts from the "nobility" (whatever being "noble" means in a shitty island with no noble legacy where traders and low life scum that became rich can be knighted like its nothing).

>> No.54474969
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I was looking last time I was there, my job is on the shortage list bit the wages are bascially the same as here once currency converted over. But I wouldn't be able to afford a house as nice as I've currently got, but the quality of life there is so different, and I love the wilderness and how empty the country is? But my work would mean I need to be near one of the larger cities. I don't know how expensive Christchurch is to live in, last few times I left been in the North around Auckland where it it just ridiculously expensive.
It's a moot point anyway, I don't think I can take the move and I've made a decent life for myself here.
In some ways I hope the country gets a short, sharp shock that jolts it awake and makes people realise we're on the brink. People are too retarded though and both cheerlead their optical team as if more tax dodging mega corps or trannies on the street wil help things

>> No.54474971

>China is better than England at this point.

That i agree with

>> No.54475151

It’s already lower than Slovenia

>> No.54475179
File: 440 KB, 2012x2048, GDP_UK_Japan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan's GDP grew from 1.4T in 1985 to $5.5T in 1995, then for more than a decade until 2007 it stagnated and declined, after that it started growing at peaked at $6.27T in 2012, since then it has declined to $5.5T in 2022.
UK's GDP peaked in $3.1T in 2007, since then it has declined and stagnated and is around $3.13T in 2022, that's 15 years of almost no growth. UK is basically poor that Japan.

>> No.54475182

And in a couple of years 0

>> No.54475198

People need to realise just how shitty the UK is getting, mirgrants especially there is nothing for them here, they all live in the shit parts of town and look utterly miserable all the time.
Every time I go to the continent and see how nice they keep their towns and cities (and themselves) its makes me sad to be home. Yet boomers will constantly rant on about Great Britian and world war 2 like it means anything anymore

>> No.54475222

>the continent

You act like every European nation is spotless .Are you hearing yourself?

>> No.54475250

After Boomers die out, which they will in next 2 decades, Britain will look very different, the culture has already changed, no one will remember theese things, boomers did all this, they are the ones responsible. White British children only make 63% of the total children in UK today.

>> No.54475265

I live in an nice place, but they’re doubling the size of the estate now. Of course, it’s going to be shitty newbuilds that are given away for free. Really gonna shit up the place, thinking of emigrating, since this country is dying.

>> No.54475293

Why do they risk their life on rubber boats including their kids when the european countries will take them in? I seriously dont get it. Is it like some pervasive myth among third worldera that UK is a utopia and you get way more there? Or are they willing to risk it all for an extra £3.20 a month in gibs? Or is it as simple as feeling home in large ghettos in the UK which have built critical mass?

>> No.54475295

I know it's an incredibly mixed bag, I've been to places in France that are as big as shitholes as the UK. But on average I've found they can be far better than our best.
Even shit like road surfaces are universally wank in every UK town city and village, go to Holland Belgium r Germany and its smooth black surface everywhere

>> No.54475297

None is worse than England. Paris or Brussels are still 70%+ white for instance.

>> No.54475315

Even if you discount the small nations UK is still below USA, Canada, France, Germany and Australia.

>> No.54475316

Working in the black is easier in England and almost impossible elsewhere. Dealing drugs too because London is very degenerate.

>> No.54475369

It's easy to live under the radar in the UK, and now we've pissed of Europe they won't take them back off us or even really try to stop them crossing here. Which is why we've got this retarded plan to send them to Rwanda. English being the common language is a big pull too.
Why we can't just physically block the boats and tow them back to France is beyond me, they do the same to us.
Once the message gets out they will simply not be allowed to land here they will stop doing it, but we let them so they do. The gangs running the operation are pissing themselves laughing at how incapable of stopping them we are.

>> No.54475379

Umm, based?

>> No.54475382

The rapefugees still believe that Britain is a rich country. The 2 primary reasons for rapefugees coming to Europe are
1. Free Money
2. White Pussy (preferably underage)
An afro-arab rapefugee convicted for violent assault and theft, himself told me this, in France.
And if you guys want to see how BAD things can get, visit Ile de France region sometime, specially the inner parisian departments. I don't think French people even live there anymore, almost 70-80% of the teenagers and young children here are all Afro-Arabs.

>> No.54475458

You are retarded lmao, have you ever visited Paris? And Brussels? It is probably the most DIEverse region in all of EU.
> in 2020, taking into account the nationality of birth of the parents, 74.3% of the population of the Brussels-Capital Region was of foreign origin and 41.8% was of non-European origin (including 28.7% of African origin). Among those aged under 18, 88% were of foreign origin and 57% of non-European origin (including 42.4% of African origin).

>> No.54475468

The next hitler has already been born hasnt he.

We’re fucked. Why did it come to this

>> No.54475481

I will be leaving this shithole too, I will go to Japan or Singapore.

>> No.54475541

Hitler Lost, sadly and no there will be no another Hitler, this is the END of Europe, the culture, civilisation etc, darkness lies ahead.

>> No.54475573

I dont want another hitler. Why would i? But the policies that created this mess is bound to result in hatred because why the fuck wouldn’t it? It is the fault of the last 30 years of politics not handling this correctly.

>> No.54475582

Not fucked beyond tax repair. The PAYE still active desu. Since Binance imposed 2% on EU cross border payment, CryptMi app is my only hope for shipping money.

>> No.54475599
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>this is the END of Europe, the culture, civilisation etc, darkness lies ahead.

>> No.54475613

The shills are getting creative
>buy my poo sor

>> No.54475653

Like it or not, that's the truth. It's over for Europe.

>> No.54475702

he's right tho. the colonisers have become the colonised.

>> No.54475894

That is conceptually correct. The long term goal of the American foreign policy establishment has been the annihilation of Europe.

>> No.54475984

>island with no noble legacy
What does that mean?

>traders and low life scum that became rich can be knighted like its nothing
They can be knighted and get life peerages (what I think you meant to say since knighthood is literally meaningless) but they can't actually become nobility (hereditary peerage). Becoming a hereditary peer is impossible AFAIK. If you impregnate the only-daughter of one, your child can inherit the title, that's the closest you can get to joining the nobility.

>> No.54476181

(((American))) you mean

>> No.54476467

I live in Paris and regularily travel to Brussels for work.
I'm also italian so not shilling for France or Belgium.
They're absolutely whiter than most if not all 100k+ cities in England. Only Oxford and maybe Brighton seemed comfortably white when I visited England.

>> No.54476521

No english nobility has ever exported himself to another european country meanwhile most english nobles are from France, Netherlands, Italy, Scotland or germans.
England was an irrelevant shithole with no true well respected nobility prior to the industrial revolution, when the traders made it relevant, not the nobles.
The most known english noble, Richard Cœur de Lion, was franco spanish and spoke only french and catalan.

>> No.54476909

>No english nobility has ever exported himself to another european country
Norman conquest of Sicily?

>> No.54477470
