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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54497441 No.54497441 [Reply] [Original]

What is the biggest problem in your life at this moment? (Business & FInance related of course)

>> No.54497474

That I'm ugly and socially awkward and shy. Same problem I've had for over 20 years now. If I could some how be handsome and charismatic and outgoing, or even just one of those, I'd be rich. But I wouldn't even need to be rich, I could be poor and everyone would still like me.

>> No.54497489

stagnating inflation

>> No.54497517

heh, that would be my wife *sip*

>> No.54497519

You literally just want to be me, which is creepy af you ugly little weirdo.

>> No.54497572
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It seems like no matter how much better I do, things don't change. I doubled my income last year, but my standard of living is exactly the same. My commute time was cut to zero, but I still have virtually no free time. It's like some outside entity has designs on me that whenever I make it a step up the ladder, another step is added. I feel like if I won the lottery tomorrow and become a billionaire, we'd hit hyperinflation the very next day and all my money would be worthless.

>> No.54497578

I'm seriously considering cashing out of America and fucking off to somewhere less pozzed and more pleasant. I would miss my parents and friends but there's just so little benefit to living here for the taxes I pay and the nonstop psychological and cultural warfare.

>> No.54497608

Fuck the sec, fuck gary the goblin, fuck all the old kikes in the government like fucking yellen,

>> No.54497647

My girlfriend is pressuring me to marry her but I’m terrified of the future of my children with the advent of artificial intelligence and I don’t want t to get raped financially if it doesn’t workout with her. I’m perfectly happy remaining unmarried, she is not

>> No.54497648

Various serious health issues making my life practically not worth living as well as being dirt poor and completely wasted my 20s. I am ngmi

>> No.54497708

My parents (upper middle class) fucked off to live in Vietnam right after I moved out kek. Apparently its pretty good. If you have sufficient capital I would definitely recommend, just make sure you are properly informed

>> No.54497714

But money would solve the people issue I think
Money it is

>> No.54497715

I burn every bridge and wind up having to start from scratch with almost everything. The scenery never changes as I'm always at the beginning again.

>> No.54497736
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The lazy hag cuntface bitch served my chicken tenders cold (again).
I just want some respect, is that so much to ask for?

>> No.54497737

Getting married Saturday. Planning is a bitch.

>> No.54497768

I’m once divorced and now after a few years of being single, I’m finally in a serious relationship again. I’m scared I willl commit and the same thing will happen. Scary.

>> No.54497790

>What is the biggest problem in your life at this moment?
I’m black.
Yes, that’s a financial issue.

>> No.54497813

gf is pregnant and i own nothing lol

>> No.54497832
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honestly I'm just pretty sick of being a type 1 diabetic. Been one for 19 years now...19 years of monitoring my blood sugar, carrying insulin & juice & snacks and shit with me everywhere I go, having to be very intentional with what I eat. I'm good at it, I exercise frequently, my bloodwork is all good and I'm in relatively good health besides being a diabetic, but sometimes I just want to eat a giant burger with a fuckton of french fries and wash it down with an ice cold sprite or something without worrying about how many carbs are in all that bullshit and adjusting my boluses for the next like day. I'm tired of it bros.

>> No.54497845

Does fasting help with that or is that only with type 2?

>> No.54497893

Crypto won't go up, it won't go down. Im positioned on both sides for whatever happens, nothing is happening and it's starting to piss me off.

> Bank run was a farce
> Ukraine and Russia's at war
Israel and Palestine are going to war
> The USA is a failing state
> Fucking China
> Impending recession, inflation, rising interest rates.
> The projected price of oil

People should be panicking, the crypto price should reflect that. Fact of the matter is I'm missing something. It's gotta be rigged.

> Inb4 my mum breakout
It's not going to happen
> Inb4 Bobo the fag bear
It's not going to happen

I think too much, few entities could successfully manipulate the price. They know I know that. Do they want me to sell or buy more? It appears to be neither. Why? If it dumps they'll lose too much money. If it pumps, they haven't accumulated enough.. but then more people would sell off. Take the money and run.. who doesn't want to lose money, who doesn't want others to take the money and run? In exchange for their crypto coins.

Who benefits from a long term crabbing, the fed? The platforms? Are they secretly working together?

If crypto pumps, the fed gets more tax money. If it dumps the platform makes profit on the offramp. The platform makes money either way. The platform doesn't benefit from a crabbing. The fed doesn't want rich people, the fed wants workers. More so then taxes gained from a crypto pump. What does that mean?

>> No.54497902

i need some investments to pay off quickly. I'm always worried about this sword of damocles over my head about getting kicked out because things aren't going well between my parents and me. I have debt i could easily pay off if i would just stop DCAing but it seems so obvious to do that because I truly believe in my choice. If i need to i could probably appeal to my father to wipe out my debt but i haven't talked to him in years so i would feel scummy. I just hope my investment pays off to the point i feel worthy speaking to him because he's a very successful businessman

>> No.54497906

Who inherits America's debt, and how? The working class or the upper class?

>> No.54497909

i'm poor and can't escape the wageslave life which is copypaste the same shit as most people here.

>> No.54497934

>meet girl who lives far but we get along very well
>don't have to pretend to be interested when talking to her
>idk what to do bros

>> No.54497957

Also, I see patterns in the posts on biz and pol. There's definately agendas at play because people don't follow rule 20.

>> No.54498054

Working class people can't afford to leave the country.

>> No.54498055
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I get tons of matches on dating apps but I don't have the energy to pursue them all and manage all these bitches

>> No.54498072

i don't see a 20 anywhere in da roolz

>> No.54498086

What I've found is that marriage doesn't really change your relationship, but it does change how *other people* perceive your relationship, and that can have a pretty large impact on your life.

When my wife and I first married, the biggest change I noticed was how our friends began treating us like the adults in the room. Every decision was "cleared" through us, whether we asked or not. I couldn't tell you why. It's not like we changed. Our relationship was the same. But it was like something finally crystallized in the minds of other people which was previously just an idea.

>> No.54498099

My obsessive perfectionism perpetually delays all of my projects for two weeks. Permanently. I'm always two weeks away from finishing something.

>> No.54498126

none at the moment, my parent's are currently supporting me while I self study a few things. They're cool with me not trying to get a job screwed the economy is. I'm most likely going to inherit a couple million, regardless if the studying works out

>> No.54498140

I am poor but am told that I am tall, handsome, charismatic, and outgoing. Am I just a weedtard?

>> No.54498249

>29 years old in a third world country
>Only 9k USD to my name

Mostly that and I'm about to turn 30 in November. I'm a complete noob about crypto and investing and I'm really tempted to buy and hold for a year a coin to see some gains. Can someone give me some good recs?

>> No.54498595

I really want to move out and live alone. But the market is ass and whatever decent looking place that is for sale right now has one thing or another that is wrong with it to break the deal.
I also only make enough to get an average 2 bed condo, or a small townhouse without an HOA. Not that it really matters to me as i dont need that much space anyway. But it does make me consider having to find a roommate so i have more breathing room to throw money at investments. I just have a hard time trusting people.

>> No.54498660

Huh, well most friendships are fake and gay, just a matter of convenience (especially for women). But you make a good point it’s funny how retarded normies are. Essentially the state must validate your relationship before they take you seriously. Kek

>> No.54498665

I work for Satan and hate it

>> No.54498688

im very poor with time whether it is something quite technical like coding or some sort of financial analysis or even something simple like building a wooden shelf or just eating a meal i always end up being the slowest person to do it. in a world where you just have to constantly be moving 1million mph just to keep up there is no chance i can survive.

>> No.54498704

That actually sounds like a a nightmare.

>> No.54498764

The fact I live in a shit blue state for my 100k job forcing me to be a rentcuck for about 1500+utilities+tip a month and cant find a similar job in any decent state right now to leave this money pit hellhole

>> No.54498790

>1pbitd time wasting depression inducing thread
Just ignore.

>> No.54498798

>Pushing a boulder up a hill
>Complaining about being wealthy
You have no idea what struggling is holy fuck.

>> No.54498937
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Have to leave USA to avoid the draft, but none of my family wants to go. They will probably want to once the big one happens, but I worry it will be too late.

>> No.54498947

Kek we won't draft, will be a civil war before that happens.
How old are you?

You could easily disqualify yourself by talking about 4chan a lot during the draft medical review.
If that ever happened which it wont.

>> No.54499053

What "medical review"? Have you seen the shit globhomo does? In jewkraine they literally send the military police in a van to your house and they abduct you from your home in broad daylight to send you off to the meat grinder.
I would assume the federal government would do the false flag in Texas or Florida because libtards are already dipshits that do whatever the government says but they need to try to get the dissenters riled up for the war. For this reason, I don't count on the mass disobedience that would be required.

>> No.54499061

I had to put my dog down a month ago and I miss him so much bros :(

>> No.54499080

They always do medical reviews in any process, this isn't eastern europe they know if they grab a bunch of private pyles they are gonna just get shot by their own men.
The government is corrupt but they aren't retarded.
>t. my dad avoided the draft in the 40's because he was illiterate
Couldn't have him dragging down the crew never being able to read shit.

>> No.54499088
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I just hope you’re not alone wherever you are :/

>> No.54499114

Im poor, I have no job and I dont see any sign of change in the horizon

>> No.54499152
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my mother is ill and if i dont take care of her i feel disloyal and if i do im out a lot of money and/or time in varying degrees based on how much i choose to be a caregiver and get my hands dirty. on top of all that, i still get emotional manipulation and abused and yelled at.

>> No.54499163

My biggest problem at the moment is wanting to move. Looking at Maine, WV, or Tennessee. Can’t decide, and even if I could, finding a job out there before I go is annoying, and they always want an in person interview or for me to live out there first. What am I supposed to do? Stay in a hotel and hope I get the job?

>> No.54499189

I have my entire meager life's savings tied up in memestocks and have been ignored or denied on more than a hundred job applications in the last few months making me seriously wonder if I'm blacklisted due to the last two jobs I've had ending with me shitting all over management and basically inciting worker behavior that demanded better pay and fairer treatment like I'm some sort of commie when in reality they were fucking people over harder than capitalism should reasonably allow. Staring down the barrel of just getting a CDL and driving a truck for a living and hopefully not dying to an accident I could do nothing to prevent due to user error in vehicles around me or terrible maintenance practices in the name of saving a dollar.

>> No.54499205

>wonder if I'm blacklisted
If the management has an extensive network of associates with the field, chances are you’re blacklisted. If it’s for jobs totally unrelated to your field there’s places that will call them and report to you exactly what they said, and send you the transcripts. If they said anything defamatory in nature, take it to a lawyer.

>> No.54499211

Vent thread? I’m 2.5 years out of uni with a STEM degree and still jobless. Nephew is 5 yrs old and can’t talk, diagnosed autism, his dad ran out. Therapy centers are bleeding my parents dry so my inheritance is getting slashed significantly.

Mostly worried about my CV gap. I could get on my feet easily if someone just took a chance in me. Applying for a masters in the meantime.

>> No.54499219

What degree

>> No.54499239
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i hate my job with all my soul, i hate my mother, everyone forgot today is my birthday except my grandmother, I'm financially justed and all my remaining funds (30k) are all in in crypto. I'm going to kill myself in 2024 if I don't reach 6 figures within this year

>> No.54499251

I have half an octopus left in the freezer I have to eat

>> No.54499254

Civil engineering. I’m not in the USA so there’s not a lot of work for fresh grads in it.

>> No.54499256

Are you me? Looking at moving to Maine in a few years. I'm betting everything on doing it. If I have to start over again, I swear I'll actually kill myself. I can't fucking take it anymore, bros

>> No.54499259

Thanks, makes sense. I regret none of it because I know it provably got people paid better for the bullshit they have to put up with. No ragerts. Probably just gonna get a CDL and drive a truck for as long as it takes until memestocks take off and I can mog everyone that doubted me.

>> No.54499265

Try to do project finance or machinery valuation advisory. They love stem broke boys like you

>> No.54499266

Money ofcourse
Clients not paying. Dues piling up.
(Dad's company)

>> No.54499268

I never earned enough to move alone or had more than 3 days to spend at night, Im in my 40s and I feel like I never been young, I feel sad.

>> No.54499275

You either don't list previous employment or call previous your previous employer impersonating another employer for "reference purposes." They're by law only allowed to give the dates you worked at the company and if they're caught doing otherwise you could sue. A petty power trip is not worth the potential PR fallout/lawsuit

>> No.54499286

Go full yolo, you should have enough pain inside of you to power through the shit parts. Do cool shit, make money for doing dangerous shit, fuck all the bitches. Don't smoke or drink too much so your dick still works like a champ. Save money and invest wisely and be the type of person to tell someone to do a fucking flip to their face if they deserve it. Suicide is for pussies, God saw fit to give you another day and it's up to you to get as much out of it for yourself as you can and make it everyone else's problem.

>> No.54499288

Applied to something like that and was told my profile is “on hold” whatever that means. I’m just going to study an msc in statistics and try to pivot into data sci.

>> No.54499300

Get a cfa level 1 and you’ll be extremely competitive. These jobs I’m talking about pay 80-90k entry level in the us.

Data sci isn’t bad I guess I don’t know much about it desu.

>> No.54499301

I feel you. Sick of this shithole state. Me and my fiancé are trying to get out asap. Problem is finding a job that pays the same. And scouting out a good area. Not trying to move to Nigsville, Tennessee, or Methberg, West Virginia.

>> No.54499318

I have obtained a new fetish of becoming fat. Got 15kg this year and can’t stop eating. The problem is not physical, as I don’t want to eat that much, I put food into my mouth by force. I mentally can’t allow myself not to eat.

>> No.54499333
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i feel like i'm just ngmi, lloyd. i remember getting a huge raise last year, but ever since then inflation had killed all my gains in both wagiedumb and crypto. the cost of groceries skyrocketing, interest rates on my cc's going up a few percentages, gas prices creeping back up. the irony is that i'm more responsible this year than i ever have been as far as just trying to be a good goy, paying back my debts, trying to clean up my life, saving for emergencies, etc. but the god damn, greedy politicians just want more money to pay off their yachts, country club memberships, mansions, luxury cars, and high risk investments by funneling funny money from the daddy "fed" warbucks. never have a felt more like a slave to it all than i do now

>> No.54499346

I like the idea but I'm not gonna do all of that. Seems very gay. I'd rather just get off the weed long enough to pass a piss and follicle test to go drive a truck for a few years and then start applying for real jobs again. Already got a wife and kids so that side of being comfy and having something to work for is taken care of, just tired of getting shot down for every job imaginable because I like to shitpost on the chans about how the current economic system is completely fucked and retarded when it actually is and nobody has any real defense for the absolute state of things. I don't even hate folks of a different color or sexual persuasion, which is the real kicker, I just think the moneyed class does a lot of gay bullshit and that's irrespective of them being semitic or not to boot. Luckily I've got some connections I could possibly fall back on, otherwise it's just going to be a few more months of suffering and everyone hating me and me spiting them by not blowing my head off until I can verifiably get a job that pays above poverty wages. If I fall ass backwards into a pile of money I just wanna play vidya and do some gay shit in my private time while smoking the occasional hog leg. I don't actually hate anyone or anything I just want to be able to love myself and provide for the people that depend on me without being a faggot and going after people with lawsuits.

This website is my only friend and I don't even give a shit if admitting as such makes my profile even worse to google and everyone they sell my information to pilled. It's the fucking truth. I've pushed everyone but my wife and child away and only by the grace of God even though I'd end myself for their lives to be better.

>> No.54499374

> just tired of getting shot down for every job imaginable because I like to shitpost on the chans about how the current economic system is completely fucked and retarded when it actually is and nobody has any real defense for the absolute state of things. I don't even hate folks of a different color or sexual persuasion

Do they really pay people at federal agencies to post here? If not, take your meds and take a basic networking course

>> No.54499449

They really do, DHS has a ton of people actively posting here every single day and google monitors every single post and ties it to your identity via their advertising profiles. It's the whole reason this place still exists at all. Fuck networking and being a computer janny, that shit is gay as fuck, I'm just gonna go drive trucks and hopefully not get my brains blown out by a load of pipe for a drilling rig having to slam on the breaks for some fatass slampig with her kids in the car at 3am on a highway.

>> No.54499474

>their advertising profiles

Ok mr. glow, here's your opportunity to do good, make a real difference. Our tax payer money at work. The reason for someone like you to actually matter. If you don't seem like a schizo, I'll never post here again, or at least cut down significantly (idk this place is randomly addictive.) Elaborate "their advertising profiles". Potentially provide some sort of evidence backing up your claims. And what if you're using anti-tracking measures?

>> No.54499498

Anti tracking measures don't matter when the US has every VPN under their thumb and your hardware ID never changes, the way you type is identifiable with simple machine learning and subpoenaing your ISP (which they cannot ignore) and all the evidence is on wikipedia which you can look up yourself. Anti-tracking helps but not as much as you'd like. Go be a nig elsewhere. Give me a fucking job assholes.

>> No.54499514

They can't subpoena my ISP without a reason. It doesn't work that way. They can't just get my web history because a certain IP is known to shitpost on various boards on 4chan and then tell prospective employers. I'm not convinced

>> No.54499524

dont putin and xi have western social media influencers on their payroll?

>> No.54499543

please terrorize me harder daddy, say it isn't so that YOU ARE A WASTE OF TAX PAYER MONEY
I have no idea random anon

>> No.54499578

You are the gayest nigga that has ever lived, please keep being retarded it makes you easier to track. Never reply to me again or I will personally make it impossible for you to renew your vehicle registration.

>> No.54499584
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>> No.54499608

Based retard glowie outing themselves, abort thread

>> No.54499747

It's when all my crypto savings got liquidated fuck. I invested luna

>> No.54499762

people always shit on me when i say this but i have an annoying 6 figure wfh job and id rather not work so my biggest problem is getting my side project up and running and making money

>> No.54499770

you do realize you have to pay taxes globally

>> No.54499778

the beginning is unironically the best part

>> No.54499795

are you gonna do anything about it

>> No.54499972

All in? The Luna case wasn't anticipated, yet it's already there. Several projects have already been a failure. The issues affecting crypto are being addressed by MNI Corp but let's see how it goes. I'm still observing the market move right now. Next bullrun might be massive.

>> No.54500162

Give up

>> No.54500205

I'm a loser at work and nobody will listen to my ideas, even though I'm confident I could automate 90% of the company I currently work at, and do it with half the amount of code.

>> No.54500369

How can it be addressed?
How do you make it?

>> No.54500474
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What? Are you insane?
Its distinct DeFi model and ability to secure revenue from legitimate firms speak for themselves. They increase liquidity in any case anon.

>> No.54500483


>> No.54500505

not having my own place

>> No.54500646

I make it myself but I can't create a competing business, my contract forbids it

>> No.54500676

I've been doing job interviews. They're positive, but it takes forever for them to start the next phase.
I need income. Fast.

>> No.54500793

battling my crippling porn addiction, I've managed to quit cold turkey but the memories and fantasies keep pestering me

>> No.54500862

I bought a house but it needs more repairs than expected. I already dropped around $19k

>> No.54500883

I need to make a 10k/month completely remote cash flow business as soon as I can. At the moment in the information paralysis, what do I focus on?

>> No.54500918

I need to give up drinking in order to live the kind of life I want but I am too much of a fag. I get away with it for now but I’m only getting older and fatter while life passes me by. Financially I’m the most comfortable I’ve been in a long ass time so it’s a bit of a trade off. Just want to get completely out of debt, buy some property up north and move on

>> No.54500950
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My bosses are kinda assholes, but it’s all good. It’s Friday and I just got a nice beefy paycheck. Plus this nitro cold brew is bussin.

>> No.54500967
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I was considering doing this for a few days a few weeks ago. My senpai is south of the border. All of them. Was thinking about taking a 100k loan and just bouncing from this zog ass country. All the signs that show the USA is going to collapse any minute now are all there. At least when everything goes to shit, and I go through with my great escape, I’ll be with my family.

>> No.54500988
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I inherited a house that is slowly decaying and in need of repairs, which I do not have the money to finance. I do not want to sell the house either due to it's sentimental value and my emotional attachment to it. Also I am afraid of renting it out to anyone and don't even see how that would work since doing yard work there every weekend calms me down and gives me something to do.

>> No.54501008


haha, just wait till the neighbors know about them and that they're americans. Vietnamese won't accept them because they're american. Once a few years have passed and they're stuck there, that's when the gangsters come out and fuck them up. I won't even get into the horrendous medical care system over there.

>> No.54501022

find a good agent and sell it as-is, retard. anyone agent will do. Find one of thsoe "platinum" agents if you're scared.

>> No.54501032

Im practicing daytrading. Started 5 days ago with $200, now Im st 750 dollarinos.
I feel like Im just being lucky with my analytics

>> No.54501074

This bartender is a jew