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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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54535976 No.54535976 [Reply] [Original]

What are the business implications of one of your biggest public facing employees trooning out badly? There aren't many situations like this where a person can change so drastically and the business has to roll with it. Imagine if George Clooney tried to troon in the middle of a movie shoot

>> No.54535991

Geroge Trooney

>> No.54536003

Easiest shorts of our life in about 2 months when this clown world shit peaks.

>> No.54536020


>> No.54536022

It's good PR if you spin it right. Otherwise, give them so much work and responsibility that they go nuts and quit.

>> No.54536023

2 more months

>> No.54536290

Why do you think so?

>> No.54536394

the classic
>my dick is little enough so I can wear almost female level tight jeans and swimsuit without cutting off my dick
just like that swimmer troon. let's see a man like me or bigger try it and wear our normal jeans (the only ones that fit our dick) or how about i wear a banana hammock to the beach and claim troonness

>> No.54536402

Is that sergey in the profile pic?

>> No.54536528

link to vid or webm?

>> No.54536561

Corporate dress code that's as professional and masculine as possible.

>> No.54536582

That’s a man>>54535976

>> No.54536644

There are dozens of tiktoks just search "Chris Mr beast"

>> No.54536665

But Mr. Businessman, I'm 6ft4 and women's blazers don't fit on me! Can I wear a pretty dress instead?

>> No.54536689

Woman up and hire a tailor bitch.

>> No.54536713

Are we expected to believe that this has always been the case, and there have always been people like this? Like, are we expected to believe that a non trivial percentage of men on the frontier, or toiling in their fields, were all thinking to themselves
>my body is a man but my brain is a woman and if I could just act like a woman all my problems would be solved
I find it incomprehensible

>> No.54536749
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Yes. It could be anyone. Maybe your best friend, maybe your brother. Maybe your son. Being a man is cursed

>> No.54536779

I'ma get your heart racing in my skin-tight jeans, I'll be your shemale dream tonight.

>> No.54536817

>Are we expected to believe that this has always been the case, and there have always been people like this?

Yes and no, people in this situation always existed. BUT I doubt they were as many unless in places where degeneracy was frequent, but still, I'd say 1:20000 were fags/queer throughout antiquity

>> No.54536952

men weren't oppressed back then so no probably not

>> No.54537013

i dont understand why chad white boys troon out...

my guys you have a great face and the frame for muscles. why are you taking fucking HRT to turn into a bitch? you'll have at most 10 years left of looking like a caked up slut before it all falls apart. If you just stayed a man you would have 50 years of looking fantastic...

>> No.54537042

to some living a more authentic life is an out of reach luxury
but yeah gender bender shit has been around forever
just look at the romans

>> No.54537065

Oracles confirm this goon Troon will never be a woman.

>> No.54537080


We know men are under great unique pressure in the feminized West. These are just weakminds capitulating to it.

>> No.54537082

Mr. (Markov) Beast

>> No.54537102

I will never not believe this isn't the result of childhood sexual abuse.

>> No.54537119

The heart wants what it wants
t. Ex-brad who turned into a gigahon

>> No.54537122
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>authentic life

Nah, it's just a fetish that people mistake for their "identity" in this debased century. In reality they're just ultra-masochistic autogynophile coomers.

>> No.54537140
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Can you imagine the stench of those HRT farts

>> No.54537173

>xenoestrogens in water
>cultural shifts and technology disrupting existing male/female role dynamics
>tech induced reality dissociation
>wider sense of malaise and dysphoria without many 'accepted' channels to funnel it into beyond the growing gender meme
There have and always will be some amount of trans-like gender-nonconforming people but it's massively overexpanded right now and has weird memetic momentum.

>> No.54537256

Yes there was a huge number of trannies out there

>> No.54537294

I thought about this for another reason but basically for your company you could design uniforms which look like suits but with exagerated wide shoulders and v taper or something like that

I think the only reason most white collar doesnt do that is because of cost since they would have to foot the bill for these custom suits

>> No.54537352

>Life on easy mode
Need to feel special so they troon out to be part of something. Social media is the end of humanity.

>> No.54537422

you're free to maintain your ignorance i guess
why you would choose to do so when this website has an lgbt board that can dispel it is beyond me

>> No.54537645

Based. Can't wait to see Chris on his knees sucking a BBC. This is the destiny of all Tiny White Penis havers.

>> No.54537652

>ugh i'm just too busy and enlightened to capitalize anything

The fact you all adopt this faggy passive agressive manner of communicating is all the evidence I need to know you're all mindfucked by the same cultural sickness. Besides, there's nothing to learn. Any time I've ever heard any leftist try to answer "what is gender" it amounts to "it's all a social construct just do whatever you feel like UwU". It's literally impossible for transexuals to be "authentic", they're all pretending to be a social construct, which they know to be a social construct.

(Btw people were their "authentic" selves for years, and we had words for it: tomboy and tomgirl)

>> No.54537678

all this to derail the occupy movement

>> No.54537771

i hope chris is attracted to men because yeah then some guy will definitely take a vid of her sucking dick

>> No.54537834


>> No.54537869


>> No.54537873
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theoretically speaking how easy would it be too murder them and make it look like suicide? I mean can't you just blow their brains out with a shotgun and put the shotgun into the hands of the dead tranny so it looks like they killed themselves? then you can even capitalise on the death of that disgusting creature by making up a fake charity that donates towards combating suicide among trannies and just pocketing the money.

>> No.54537877

A parasite medication might help him

>> No.54537994

grow up manchildren, you're going be posting those responses for the rest of your lives

>> No.54538071

Cold war for the next year starts before the actual war starts in 2025. Everything now is saber-rattling to manipulate economic markets going into the global recession that will only end when the world war in 2025 begins.

>> No.54538098

yeah, that's one of the nastier implications of economies getting ugly. good 'ol war typically is what pulls us out of it. it's basically like shorting a bubble, and weapons manufacturers are like gold miners mining the gold that is violent warfare. Honestly, I expect more and more of this stuff to be drones, but they'll surely throw people into the meatgrinder before it becomes fully automated.

>> No.54538113
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Don't those fucking retards realise that dressing like this only highlights their masculine features? Not that they're overly masculine, but the contrast and the uncanny valley effect makes you go "holy shit look at that absolute lad, look at his shoulders! That's a man right there!"

Fucking retards, the lot of them. At least in that way they are like women, can't get anything right.

>> No.54538463

>my body is a man but my brain is a woman
imagine being an ugly stinking, balding monkey and a mental retard at the same time.

>> No.54538749

He was forced to by his Jewish overlords. All celebs including really big E-celebs have to bend the knee to the jews and make a pact with the devil, in exchange they get riches and fame. They are blackmailed into doing what the jews want under threat of death or having their initiation ritual leaked (E.g sex with children). My guess is he did something that angered his overlords so they told him to troon out. It’s a humiliation ritual, the humiliation rituals are very common. Lebron James was forced to wear a dress recently and also John Cena. Forcing somebody to troon out though is the next level if you really piss them off. Ellen page was forced to troon out, every pic of her as a man she is really sad, but these are the things that happen when you make deals with the devil

>> No.54538857

yes, this is why i trooned too. please don't get mad at me, I literally had no choice the jewish overlords were going to destroy me unless I trooned. please focus on hating them instead of me

>> No.54538962

Have you not notice how jews are no longer involved in these? It's just white leftists doing it to themselves. Jews have already escaped to Israel and Singapore.

>> No.54539007

>Lebron James was forced to wear a dress recently and also John Cena.
Same thing with people who own important imageboards.

>where did you find that picture?

>> No.54539016

damn this sucks i kinda liked mr beasts videos, now they're gonna be unwatchable

many such cases

>> No.54539025


>> No.54539030

>people on /co/ are defending trannies shooting kids
Should not exist.

>> No.54539039

Is this a psyop? How many kids are seeing this and thinking it's normal??

>> No.54539040

and you're crying about it on /biz/

>> No.54539092

they do that so they can stare at tits and ass retard

>> No.54539234

Is it too late to invest in MIC stocks?

>> No.54540523
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>> No.54540543

ok retard u win

>> No.54540604

Low T, unironically. If we treated this like a real medical condition guys like Chris would be given male HRT and it would help tremendously

>> No.54540609

I did this but in an office of 200 people

>> No.54540671

lmfao its fucking real

>> No.54540673
File: 68 KB, 868x871, 1681130700548428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Budweiser is now a fag drink.

>> No.54540695
File: 39 KB, 512x512, 1649270544891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please cut your dick off responsibly

>> No.54540698

Is this legit or is he just being a massive troll?

>> No.54540713

female characters often have different stats. in fighting games theyre often faster, or more tricky.

>> No.54540718

they are rewriting history to make it such.
>bro the romans and greeks were all fucking TONS of little boys and having sex with each other and cutting off their slave balls trust me bro it's always been this fucking cursed

>> No.54540758

It's all because of fucking autism. Autism is destroying society. All of these trannies and incels are all autistic and the rate of autism is sky rocketing every year.

It's the fucking vaccines. I don't want to admit it but there's no other explanation. Humanity is terminally fucking finished. We have poisoned ourselves to slow death.

>> No.54540771


>be christian woman
>marry man
>have kids
>he becomes 'bisexual'
>he troons out


>> No.54540809

You are also right but its also the goyslop. High carbs + sugars + sneed oils + processed garbage causes massive inflammation in the body/gut microbiome. It's been proven that a low carb ketogenic diet can cure this crap.

>> No.54540947

in a shooting the cops would dust the victim for gun powder residue
if there is something off about the pattern it left or the angle of the shot, the police would suspect foul play
you'd be better off hanging them and putting a stool on its side next to the corpse

>> No.54541064

Yes but it's a tranny the police would phone it in and call it a suicide

>> No.54541100

depends on how good the cops are at their jobs

>> No.54541773

did his wife divorce him and then he trooned
or did he troon and then his wife divourced him?

>> No.54541785

in a 3d game I choose a sexy female
can look at sexy ass all day
controll it
distract other male players while i cough *rail* them

>> No.54541836

i feel so bad for his kids, it's so sad

>> No.54541850

lot of upset troons responding to you, but no, you shouldn't be expected to believe that. No sane person believes it has always been like this. Social pressure, pornography/technology addiction at early ages, absentee parents and extreme (forced) acceptance have led to this perverse and abnormal sexual mental illness. Accepting a mentally ill person's fantasies does not make them real.

>> No.54542036

totally not a fetish guys

>> No.54542066

This anon is right about the autism. Early childhood trauma is a major factor in autism and both vaccines and circumcision (popular in the tranny epicentre of america) can cause it. Vaccines are actually a lot worse for young children then most people realise. There's also the issue with cleaner hospitals creating kids with terrible immune systems which leads to even further trauma in young children, from things like allergic reactions and sicknesses. It's really bad in the UK too, not with trannies but with just weaker children.

Just to clarify, most of the trauma is both physical and mental.

>> No.54542110

I dont watch Mr Beast,
is this guy a popular reoccurring character? If so this will probably mean the end of the Tran

>> No.54542188

>i have chris 100 grand to pretend to be a woman for the rest of his life, chris how are you doing?
>please mr beast, i'm very uncomfortable
>haha chris has no choice, i recruited him because he was in massive debt and would do anything. well alright chris are you ready for the next challenge i'm going to have you cut off your penis
>sir please no

>> No.54542214

he was like the main guy's right hand man from what I understand

>> No.54542222

Chris made it so Mr. beast isn't allowed to fire him. Chris runs that show now.

>> No.54542236

Fucking kek

>> No.54542523

This. Chris is now the absolute princess of the Mr.Beast set

>> No.54542531

you have to be 18 to post here

>> No.54542695

Everyone watches Mr. Beast. His uploads get like 100,000,000 views

>> No.54542731

100 million indian 12 year olds

>> No.54542754

not even once..

>> No.54542927

To a small degree sure, these people existed. But there are two factors that are making this become as widespread as it is now:

>legislation being passed to benefit their fetish
>science evolving to the point it at least makes it less revolting to the untrained eye

I’m sure this is not going to end very well for us allowing it to get to this point. You want your own part of a town? Great, let it stay there and the everyone can live and let live. Once it left the privacy of a bedroom between consenting adults it went downhill really fucking quick. That’s what you’re seeing now, a generation of young adults having grown up with all this normalized and it’s side effects later on in life.

>> No.54543227
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No, sugar and carbs get the blame for toxic chemicals that are often alongside them. Cereals are usually prepared in tap water which concentrates toxic chemicals like fluoride. Bromide is used as a dough conditioner in america. Processed foods have all kinds of chemicals thrown in and then they blame sugar lol. People cut out a lot of shit by switching to just meat but eventually a lack of carbs will ruin you. Fruit and other carbs prepared with distilled water are very good for you. Sometimes it's important the food is organic too. We live in a toxic world and you need to cultivate awareness of what could be poisoning you.

>> No.54543390

It was never the case. There were always freaks in funcitioning societies but they were quickly identified and executed to avoid rampant degeneracy. Now that our society is fallen these freaks are promoted instead of condemned because the people's heart is toward wickedness.

It all comes to an end though when God uses less degenerate societies to punish the more degnerate

>> No.54543490
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if you show even the slightest bit of discomfort with it you'll be fired and unpersoned

>> No.54543529
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Fucking faggot zoomer normie, GO THE FUCK BACK!!!

Not even once....so glad this happened so anyone not a faggot normie such as yourself has a reason to hate that cuck ugly beta faggot.

>> No.54543594

Notice how it's not just a "trans"formation into a "woman", but it's always a Sexualized one?
Always acting like whores...
Hmmmmmm I wonder why that is

Peak demoralization.

>> No.54543610

10 years ago you would think this video was either fake or a person doing a character. There's no way you'd even begin to believe this was real.

>> No.54543634


>> No.54543635
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>> No.54543707

Microplastics, xenoestrogens, phytoestrogens, trace birth control and other pharmaceuticals in drinking water, atrazine in drinking water, sedentary life lowering testosterone levels, experimental food additives, lower quality beef and poultry, söy lecithin in virtually every food, söy protein in many foods, sucralose and sugar alcohols used as sweeteners rather than natural cane sugar, everybody on mind/mood altering drugs, people drinking estrogenic beer, widespread gay & tranny propaganda campaign in virtually every form of entertainment, etc

>> No.54543723
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It definitely underplays the seriousness that many people have to face as a cold harsh reality being aired out on the mainstage. Yes, I've seen stopthehate for the jews. Yes I see the bud lite. No, I do not see a mental health campaign.
It's a hairsplitting argument anywhere you look at it and I think it's more than that, it's not worth the publivization it is getting in both support and hate.

>> No.54543781


Glad I stopped vidya before I troomed.

>> No.54543933

> Yes, I've seen stopthehate for the jews. Yes I see the bud lite. No, I do not see a mental health campaign.


>> No.54544164
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Don't forget the final piece of the puzzle, the degenerate access to free porn ---> to troon pipeline.

10000% if there wasn't all this free access to porn the number of fucking troons and trannies would drop by a factor of fucking 10!!!

These morons ALL are porn addicts! Their only denial to what I am saying is in classifying porn as an addiction.

My current working theory of why all these corporations and governments are placating 0.001% of the population and angering entire generations to the point of civil war is that everything you have listed is 100% the reason for all this and they know if we all stopped and arrived at the same conclusions they would be lynched in public at the very worst and sued into the poor house and toppled at the very least. So instead they push globohomo acceptance because they have already ran the numbers the amount of troons and trannies will only go up from here so to scapegoat any blame and accountability to creating these genetic mistakes they are rolling this mass acceptance thing to distract regular ppl into fighting with each other over lynching them and the companies that have been polluting generations of young men for decades all in the name of profit.

Cannot wait for the docuseries in 2070 that explains everything that the global corporate and political oligarchs did to create a generation of fucking retarded trannies. Not to mention the midwit enabler liberals who allowed this to happen right under there cuck beta noses.