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54583447 No.54583447 [Reply] [Original]

name jobs that dont need you to interact with people.

>> No.54583467


>> No.54583487

Anything you can work during nightshifts

>> No.54583496

Starting a night shift job at amazon tonight at 1:20.
I'm so fucking tired and I got a migraine the size of texas.

>> No.54583882

cattle fister

>> No.54583909


>> No.54583991

Specifically the frozen or dairy section on night shift at the grocery store. The rest of the store is a team effort but those sections are one man jobs usually.

>> No.54583993

Get over yourself. I literally can't imagine life being ugly but still just get over it. Man the fuck up and just deal with people ffs. You're not a shy middle schooler anymore.

>> No.54584011

i drive a forklift around a warehouse all day and make 32 an hour barely talking to anyone the entire shift

>> No.54584032

Night security, or security in general lol

>> No.54584096

delivery means minimal interactions beyond hi and bye
you sound boosted
>and I got a migraine the size of texas.
dehydration likely

>> No.54584599

They only give those jobs to sex offenders and people with learning disabilities.

>> No.54584605

I worked "night security" for a hospital and you have to deal with ppl literally the entire shift.
For min wage at that.

>> No.54584630

raising (you)

>> No.54584634
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>you sound boosted

>> No.54584681

It's not completely contactless but working a night shift as a apartment receptionist sounds nice. Talk to maybe 2-3 people over 8 hours. Basically get paid for fucking around on your phone or laptop and answering questions from a manual.

>> No.54584698

data entry. temp work. if you have half a brain should be easy, albeit boring. should be mostly remote too

>> No.54584709

So what you're saying is I need to act on my instincts

>> No.54584722

Where can I find a job like this?

>> No.54584731

railroad carmen
small groups of guys, fixing shit or walking tracks inspecting trains.
87k a year

>> No.54584769

Sure, if you don't mind jail time + never being able to get a normal job every again for the rest of your life.

>> No.54584838
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>Get paid to talk to rail workers, order parts, and look at trains
Meanwhile people with STEM Bachelor's can't even get 60k in even San Francisco.....

>> No.54584861
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I don't understand

>> No.54584938

don't believe everything you read about people's salaries on 4chan.

Everyone likes to chat up shit they know nothing about, and most of this thread probably has zero work experience in yet they are trying to give job advice.

>> No.54585420

Wrong. The answer you're looking for is jobs you get to interact with people who you get to hurt.

>> No.54586892

when i make it i will become a janitor and listen to audiobooks all day. sounds like a dream but it's a dream worth fighting for.

>> No.54587043

Ironically, isn't McDonalds becoming largely automated customer service wise? They must still need a couple of people at the back to make sure the robots aren't going to burn the place down.

>> No.54587068
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I remember when I worked night shift security I would just find a place to sleep and take a nap for a couple of hours, was the perfect job for roomers and people with no life aspirations

>> No.54587079
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maybe you should read a book, I personally fantasize about taking someone under my wing someday and teaching them things. Or maybe multiple people.

>> No.54587102

Thanks to new advances in torment technology we can elicit as much desperate self defeated frustration from just 2-3 middle aged workers as we used to require 6-8 teenagers back in 1970. (The torment makes it taste more authentic)

>> No.54587411

if you fear speaking to others you need a job where its ur job to speak to others, it will cure your autism

>> No.54587441

It didn't cute mine, just made me racist but found out cute girls are easy to talk to

>> No.54587750

truck driver, you sleep in your own truck.

>> No.54587759

Trading with max leverage on a perpetuals dex that is not geo-fenced yet.

>> No.54587784

All it did was gradually burn me out.

>> No.54587838

This, I just became even more of a hermit and got frustrated anytime someone tried to talk to me.

>> No.54588231

Mailman. Outside of 45~ minutes in the office to start your day, you're just doing your own thing on the street.

>> No.54588318

freelancer dot com. i didn't get a job there yet but i dont know. in fact, i am in 4chan for ask that specifically

>> No.54588536

Dont listen to this bootlicking, no-ambition faggot. Worked as a rural in '21. You are mistreated by your "muh veteran" manager who is literally unfireable bevause he was in iraq in 2008 for three months and has a pension and a massive wage boost over all non-military vets (most others at the post officr fall in this category). The post trucks are all built on the chevy s10 and are literally designed to flood the tin box youre rattling in all day with 87 unleaded gas fumes. There are no air bags and you WILL eventually grt hit by a nigger who will flee the scene in their silver chevy malibu. Absolute nigger tier job that used to be great and for proud white americans. Fuck the post office. Dont get me started an how they force you now to SORT the mail while you are DRIVING and at each stop. Fuck you. Kill yourself before a coworker comes in on a bad day.

>> No.54588787

oh cmon, because you had a bad experience doesn't mean that it's like that for everyone

>> No.54588840

it is. There is a reason why USPS is shilling on tv, youtubr and now on 4chan. Your company and future are doomed. You rural or city? How long you been there? My expereinces are universal. Fuck the post office, you guys are just as bad as feds. You also know WAY too much about your customers. I would know, I did the job. Bunch of government goon spies and bootlicking nigger worshippers.

>> No.54588888
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Gas station cashier here, 200k monthly. That includes free gas for life

>> No.54589463

>T. officer

>> No.54589489

tits almost as nice as those digits

>> No.54589975

are you implying the average anon isn't one of those?

>> No.54590012
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Go back commie
Checking my body or my digits sir

>> No.54590130
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>you mean people who do back breaking essential labour make more than my codemonkey dime a dozen ass, at some bullshit tech scam start up in an air conditioned office, sitting on my 700 dollar chair, working on a mobile game that bombards you with ads every 10 seconds
as they should be, my friend was making more than me "working from home" which actually involved clocking in and then playing video games and watching netflix after getting her assignment done in a couple hours.
>but mommy and daddy got me a degree that means I am above those peasants who have to do actual work.
Yeah how about no, anon's going to have fucked up knees and back by the time he's 40 but all you will have is a sore asshole from sitting on your ass too much

>> No.54590777

>makes about the same jacking off watching Netflix at home as a tradie working 80 hour weeks
>insists he's not above peasant tier tradies and wagies because he has a degree that affords him comfy WFH job
Anon you may think you're on the side of 'the people' here but let me assure you that you are most definitely not and come across as a bigger prick than that other anon. Let the tradies have their day in the sun by flexing their $100k salary working ungodly overtime and destroying their bodies in the process; someone's gotta clean the shitters after all

>> No.54591225

Damn, I didn't know posties were so based.

>> No.54591511

Talking to people is the only way to grow as a human and it's the only way to get laid

>> No.54591556

Digits confirm

>> No.54591636

The biggest griff the school system does is convince you that blue collar work is for losers.
The teacher warning you if you don't study you'll end up picking up trash makes $35k, while the DSNY guy starts at 45k and quickly makes double that if they have at least 2 braincells and move up.
Master plumbers, electricians, they all make 6 figurers.

People don't want to start off at the bottom of these jobs, which is why it filters so many white collar office drones. Also there's no HR to cry to when the crew chief calls you a faggot.

>> No.54591728

welfare NEET

>> No.54591775

Just wanna let you know you're based and it would be an honor to count out junkies change during 5-6pm rush side by side and dare any uppity bitch to mouth off with some sideways comment and find out how we lay down the facts on em. Uh anyway, do you smoke weed what drugs do you do buddy? Is this really you?

>> No.54591798

forklift driver, is it any good?

>> No.54592683

CDL Driving. Past your training all you'll do is drive alone and back into docks and parking spaces. If you constantly look for better paying gigs and specialize you can easily earn 100K+ after only 2-3 years.

>> No.54593266

All the based ones are leaving, left already, or work in a 3-person or less rural as fuck office. It is all "current thing" unwashed niggers and cracked out white losers (worse than niggers by far). Go ahead and apply if you want but my sperg out at the nutting truck when my manager (the Vet.) was sticking his dick in big tits Amber, the useless coworker who got hired along with me in my cohort. My manager was caught fucking subordinates at the Christmas party and they just moved him to the main branch. Veterans cannot be fored and they run the post office along with "current thing" woke nu-biz fags. Driving the truck was fucking awesome, but not on the highway. You have 7 mirrors on the truck and you use all of them .

>> No.54593532

I used to smoke weed but I realized I hate working post infinite BRRRR so I quit. I've quit weed at least 3 times now. If you need advice read mein kampf, go 3 days sleep a lot if you have to. After that you'll feel better. After a week you'll think back how much of a waste of money it was
And yes it's me. 1 sec

>> No.54593558

>I'm so fucking tired and I got a migraine the size of texas.
you got jetlagged.

>> No.54593566

I receive freight at night. do what I do or even be the trucker they make a lot more and basically the same job as me. I say 10 words total to my coworkers unless they want to talk

>> No.54593572

eat salt. headaches are a sign of dehydration.

>> No.54593620

The only thing about being a postie that appeals to me is getting some exercise. I work as a racist bus driver. It sucks but I get to run chinks over and pretend it was an accident.

>> No.54593647
File: 1.99 MB, 2944x2208, For fucks sake READ MEIN KAMPF FATS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go fren, now I've "screencap with ID" on 4 boards

>> No.54593701

>>eat stuff
Sounds like you need to eat a brain

>> No.54593703

lol okay larping tough guy state actor. I am not racist, I am just saying the PO will pay you $17-21 an hour to suffer and be exposed to real danger on the road. If you are curious, a PO worker dies about once a week on average in a driving collision, which is insane. Those trucks are not safe compared to what you are driving against and being forced to drive, sort amd deliver from these trucks is insane. You are exposed to real danger all the time. I cannot begin to express how bad those trucks are in temperatures of 90 and up. Driving in subzero or freezing was kino. Driving was 100% the best part but the scariest part and most stressful too. I hated sorting in the PO because my dickhead coworkers and managers bullied me but left the whores with big tits alone and the blacks alone. Wrong. They are the racist and sex crime committing ones.

>> No.54593741

None. Idea of job is to do some specialized work for society and get social credit (money) back. Eliminating human interaction is not impossible, but anticlimactic to this system. You can try to live in the woods. You can try to pull yourself together and learn to interact. You can learn valuable, hard to master skills and work with more intelligent individuals, who tend to be much nicer.

>> No.54593777

Maybe just get a driving job then you great big niggerlover.

>> No.54593797

kek checked, anon eternally gaped

>> No.54593838

>and work with more intelligent individuals, who tend to be much nicer.
This was my main motivation for getting a college education. Unintelligent people are simply not good company no matter how you slice it

>> No.54593868

The modified 1987-1996 Chevy S10 classic PO truck and the 1998-2003 Ford Explorer PO trucks are uniqur and ther is no othrr job you get the same experience as you in those. The Explorer models FUCKING SKRRRT. I drove so fucking fast in the middle of nowwhere, esily in the 90's which is so fucking stupid and dangerous but unreal. I was imagining I was driving away from a charging T-rex from Jurassic Park 1. Can't get that same high as a rink-a-dink uber or lyftie, I would NEVER drive with others. Way more kino alone listening to your own audiobooks flooring it through the country in a highly-tuned government-owned vehicle..

>> No.54593887

I work as an Amazon delivery wagie, drive the standard, commercial and electric vehicles around blasting my own music all day. I was considering leaving to the PO Bcs they don’t pay enough but I hate any sort of micromanaging/asshole managers. Thanks for your contributions anon, going to stay here and tough it out for the next 2 years

>> No.54593934

Have you considered applying for tardbux? You seen like a psycho desu. No wonder you couldn't get on with the other wagies.

>> No.54593945
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says the dehydrated retard lmao lol even

>> No.54593954

Tardbux in America is like $900 a month cash, ebt like $250. You make triple that working minimum wage after taxes.
Neetlife ended after covid

>> No.54593964

Do you have to talk to managers that much? Do they try and do corporate brainwashing on you or is it pretty much just drive and deliver? I would do that if your answer to my first two questions is a "no". How often do the trucks break down? What is the worst part of the job you have to do all the time? For me, as I said, it was sorting the mail with a dickhead manager over my back and giving me some whack new route.

>> No.54594002

How am I a psycho? I did the job I was paid to do and worked hard and efficiently. I QUIT my job because my manager was HAVING SEX with female coworkers. On CHRISTMAS EVE he made me do a dangerous run in the deep country until 9pm (I was there since 6 AM) while HE HAD SEX with a coworker who should have been helping me....And you call me a psycho?

>> No.54594034

That is insane. How do poor blacks and whites survive? Milk is like $4-6 a gallon depending where you are. Gas is $3.89 on average...Nuts.

>> No.54594038

>Fats tries to finish work
>chud bangs woman instead of helping Fats
lmao at your life

>> No.54594040

My condolences. It's not much better in my country but at least we have a semi-socialist system where you can do the bare minimum at work and claim bennies. Basically I work four days a week and my wife stays at home with our four kids.

>> No.54594065

If you have like 5 kids you get insane amount of ebt. Then you go to a foodbank where all the volunteer are soi men or old white women, which give you plenty of food. That's how

Also if you're a nigress single mom or the ex is a junkie, you get bumped up the section 8 list

>niggers drinking milk
Excellent bait, genuinely made me mad

>> No.54594091

Ya neetbux in America is pretty shameful. They'll finger wag hard and act like you're a jackass if you even think about trying to find work. Constantly wave "muh benefits" in your face
I think it's something ridiculous like under $700 a month or they reduce your benefits next to zero

Apparently the trick is to work 3-4 months, then once social security gets mad you quit your job and go into office and do the "oh woops haha" shit and they turn it back on, then repeat. But fuck that life

>> No.54594105

We have a 5 minute zoom call as a team in the meeting, load up our trucks right after, takes 30 minutes tops then it’s all you the rest of the day driving and delivering. No talking to managers or anyone at all unless you fuck up on the road, running stops, red lights or dumb shit like that. The worst part is having to rescue dumb coworkers who don’t pick up their slack after finishing your route. And the pay isn’t great, i make a little under 40K a year. I used to get overtime every single day but that was gone with the change from hourly to salary

>> No.54594109

In the coming Sunless days, when a lone crow overhead would seem a feast, a sudden slaking and overwhelming thirst will descend and the crow will not satiate the bones.

>> No.54594129

Sounds like your boss did the cumming

>> No.54594131

I dont fear to speak to people I just dont want to talk to people.

>> No.54594140

Hey fed bro why did you ask if it was me and what drugs I do and then ghost thread? Wanna blow up federal buildings with me or not?

>> No.54594141

Oh fuck, it is salary? Fuck that.Thank you for the rest of your answer. I wish we could do personal delivery working for ourselves or something but all I have is a bike I ziptied a plastic crate onto. Maybe cities will go towards bikes more and more, I would not mind that. I lile biking.

>> No.54594150

jesus christ, thread getting unhinged now.

>> No.54594174

We have to do something while waiting for our bags to pump, may as well shitpost.

>> No.54594188
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First time fren?

>> No.54594225


For once, for actually one time, I would like a thread on biz board to be honest about what they are talking about because I was being honest tlking about my job. This whole thread is poo because only me and amazon bro actually talked about real job shit. Rest is angry teenage or neet cope posting.

>> No.54594248
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>be honest
Found your bathroom

>> No.54594270

Back room admin. Make it look as if everything you do is difficult so you can breeze through the day uninterrupted.

>> No.54594340

all the skullduggery just to get a paycheck sounds actually stressful. Why not just do penny stocks on your couch all day?

>> No.54594391

Because its risky.

>> No.54594481

Contracted small delivery services or trucking

>> No.54594662
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Just start a cult bro.

>> No.54594703

I work as an entry level programmer. It's very stressful. I want to buy a motorcycle and work as a delivery man, is it worth it?

>> No.54594712

Cleaning airplane cabins in between flights

>> No.54595450

i can't be chill just don't expect to make a crazy amount of money doing it.
Also alot of your pay is going to be in tips, and what you make goes to maintaining and repairing your vehicle otherwise you can't make any money

>> No.54595491

I'm a data engineer, no one knows what the fuck I'm ever doing and leaves me alone. My only interaction are some meets where I get presented with some need and I tell them I'll do it. That's it, then I'm left the fuck alone.

>> No.54595608

sniper assassin paid via bitcoin

>> No.54596001

I only understood the "trading with max leverage" and "decentralized exchange" parts.

>> No.54596294


>> No.54596878

I’m late to the thread but do grocery delivery with your own car.
Trust me on this.

>> No.54597363
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>name jobs that dont need you to interact with people.

4chan janitor... just randomly select someone and delete all their posts.
Ban people for posting any images of objects that begin with the letter 'J", etc.

>> No.54598076

Now name jobs that don't do it for free

>> No.54598083

I'm calling the 4channel police

>> No.54598288

yeah my job has me dealing with people all day with things people can get really aggressive over
I still dread it all of the time and hate doing it
I think it's unavoidable dealing with people so life generally is just suffering

>> No.54598307
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>> No.54598313


>> No.54598505

>Starting a night shift job at amazon tonight at 1:20.


>> No.54599126

you look like steve gomez from brba if he white ngl