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54615008 No.54615008 [Reply] [Original]

Engineering is dead, CS rapidly saturating and tech not hiring.

What else is there for autistic men in the US to become wealthy? Is the demand for technical skill gone?

>> No.54615261

Is it hard to switch to software?
I mean, you gotta be pretty smart for Eng. MSc's and stuff, but it's also a lot w4different I assume.

>> No.54615455

cant afford a house working 1 job? "work" 5 of them instead by throwing autoGPT farms at them

>> No.54615618

taking software classes right now
most people in them are fucking retarded
all you need is good logical/problem solving skills and experience
the classes are just a ritual

>> No.54615654

I work in normal engineering (not software)
It's pretty easy to make it from starting salary to six figures, I think I started at 67 and I'm making about 105 now. Bought a house a few years ago, I'll probably buy another next year.

Just get a job that you enjoy and save up your money simple as that ;)

>> No.54615719

any decent electrician is autistic.

>> No.54615734

the US is officailly dead kek

>> No.54615740

Get into field sales. In person. Force yourself to talk to people.

>> No.54615796

Electricians with a 2 year trade degree and apprenticeship are more employable than engineers.

>> No.54615900

yes but who wants to be in the field all day?
1 hours delegating cad work to new hires, 1 hour meeting, 1/2 hour answering emails, 1/2 hour answering calls from on the field tech pajeets, 1 hour lunch, 3 hours business golf outing.

>> No.54615933

Must be nice being a partner at your firm boomer. But engineering is dead

>> No.54616241

>hahaha there is no wage growth for engineers
literally the same for every other career.

>> No.54616352

I'm a dirt guy lots of things, making gps files from cad files, going to meetings, bidding, laborer, operator, truck driver. Just observing what I seen when dealing with civies.

>> No.54616761


Get in the right industry. 15 year experience and 200k comp. Also, develop a reputation for your work and you can pick your job

>> No.54617151

Does every other career keep the water and power flowing?

>> No.54617204

I do, I actually enjoy doing electrical work. I think trades are going to be the biggest short squeeze in our lifetime. Currently only 1 enters the trades for every 5 that leave. In 5-10 years time when all the boomers retire they’re going to be fucked. If you actually have the skills you’ll be able to name your price no problem. 3 years in I’ve already developed all my skills to be able to fuck off and work for myself when I finish my apprenticeship.

>> No.54617220

well duh.
nothing is made in the west anymore

>> No.54617252

>CS rapidly saturating and tech not hiring.
only at the entry level, especially if you dont have a cs degree

>> No.54617293

does drawing lines on a PC do it? 50% of the time its wrong.
The most important part of my job is convincing the engineer or an engineer tech to trust me so he can take his hands off of it so I can use his cad as guidelines and whisper into his ear about doing things that the budget can do vs what the specs call and finding that balance. Lastly its about telling the on field overnight stuck in hotel engineers good places to golf, fish, eat, drink in the area.

>> No.54617384

Ngl, after reading your post, i can tell you're one of the real ones. Thanks for keeping us young engies out of trouble. Guys like you have saved my ass more than one time.

>> No.54617388

yes it does seem in about 10 years the whole construction industry will collapse and wages will skyrocket. 50% of people are around age 50, 25% are around age 60. It's the fault of the industry owner tho, supply for back breaking laborers is low.
By construction I don't mean concrete, asphalt or roofing, plenty of mexicans do that.
construction wages going to skyrocket soon.

>> No.54617467

its typically fine unless you guys send a pajeet who knows nothing and is constantly on his phone to phone in what we are doing or a by the book/cad file late 50's guys
Everyone else is cool or the techs seem so overbooked on jobs(1 full time, 2 part time jobs they got to be at) they don't care.

>> No.54617500
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cyber security jobs are going to be the future once companies start outsourcing more and more coding to pajeets, most places and MSP service providers can't outsource security due to compliance standards

>> No.54617513


>> No.54617514
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Engineering is saturated, though you will still get paid somewhat close to SWE (~$200k) if you are not a draft monkey and don't slack on professional improvement (certs and tickets).
Also, coders that got laid off are losing their minds and scream about AI taking their jobs and the whole industry being dead are retards. In conventional engineering employees are tossed out as soon as contract ends and there are still thousands of jobs. You either become irreplaceable or make peace with the layoffs

>> No.54617654

>traditional engs making $200k
With two jobs or what? Where Im from the only way to make even close to that would be as ownership in a consulting firm, which means grinding out 20 years at $90k for 60 hour weeks

>> No.54617719

>oil&gas - process engineers with 8+ make $150k-$180k
>electrical (industrial automation, EV, hydrogen gen) 8+ YoE $150k-$180k

>> No.54617748

do you live in canada?

>> No.54617853

What's the angle for Cybersec? Cloud security? PCI DSS? I keep hearing that cybersec is going to blow up soon, but salaries are not quite there yet from what my research.

>> No.54618007

>become irreplaceable
It's a pain in the ass. I do things the things the three seniors can't, and have to handhold my colleagues with the most rudimentary stuff. The biggest problem is that I care too much about quality to just tell project managers to fuck off. My learning has stagnated, and I hate the work environment so luckily I was recruited and am now on my way out.

>> No.54618081

what about white collar construction/real estate wages? I am a first year student studying construction management and real estate finance wondering if I should just pursue pure finance and or comp science

getting into project/RE development role is my goal when I graduate

>> No.54618142

>Oil & Gas
I heard that comes with its own set of baggage
No, TX. Just young in my career though. Only 4 YoE. Spent it all at an infrastructure firm so far. I basically work to pay the ownership salaries and bonuses

>> No.54618167

Remember hearing same arguments 10 years ago. Tech jobs boomed in that time period. Trade wages have been stagnant for 40+ years

>> No.54618177

>What else is there for autistic men in the US to become wealthy?
Become a savant in an individual sport like tennis, golf or combat sports if you're more of an adrenaline junkie or some shit. Just make it your new autistic special interest. Bread and circus is eternal, so the plebs will always need a circus. Otherwise, it's over.

>> No.54618205

Correct the biggest problem for tradies is illegals and spics undercutting them at every turn, name any trade and there are 5 local business that opt for the Mexicans to get it done for 1/3 the price. Elimate the Latino problem and trades will start to make sense again, also have higher quality again

>> No.54618388

cloud secutity engineering is where a lot of the big salaries are at assuming you're not doing a CISO or director style role. I'm currently a security analyst

>> No.54618433

Comp scientist here. Anon is right, most of people in software engineering right now are code monkeys and roasties. If you can understand basic logic, you can learn to code. The only requirement to being above the media, is basically not being an NPC.

>> No.54618468

>Also, coders that got laid off are losing their minds and scream about AI taking their jobs and the whole industry being dead are retards.
No competent software engineer really thinks this. Unfortunately, only 5% or less of us are actually competent.

>> No.54618509

Construction managers need three things. Some experience in the trades just to understand the drudgery and odd things that may come up, the social skills to build a large network of people he can call at any time to fix an issue, building them through rapport with contractors and business functions, and great understanding of his jobsite by being able to read blueprints and CAD and digest them before the job commences.
This allows you to be decisive and command respect which is far different than blue collar meme bosses/foremen who are just loud and disagreeable to get their way.
With what you have with those three things, You need to become comfortable making decisions that cost 10's or 100's of thousands dollars because no one else will

If you can do all of that you can rise quickly.

>> No.54618549

I have a cert roadmap I want to accomplish for myself in the next few years to pivot into something cloud related. I already have a few years as an IA analyst as well as Security+ and CASP+ under the belt. CCNA, AWS Solutions Architect and CISSP are next on the list. Maybe I need to update the resume, I feel like I've been stuck as a sysadmin for too long.

>> No.54618737

kek, they'll just import another billion Third Worlders.

>> No.54618764

Even with a billion muds, you still need white men to fix their mistakes

>> No.54618837

and tradies will still be poor and low status

>> No.54618875
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>Get ME degree
>Can't find job out of college
>Settle for CAD job in the middle of nowhere
>Have no relevant experience for an engineering job and can't find CAD jobs because its all outsourced to Pajeets
I think I fucked up a bit. Where do I go from here?

>> No.54618953

Trade wages are stagnant for really only bottom of the barrel shit like residential. Find specialty shit that scares away the browns, like RF/fiber/low voltage systems and big integrators will pay out the nose for you to fix all their fucked up shit.
t. traveling contractor that is on track to make 140k+ this year with only 8 hours OT per period

>> No.54618958

I got in through nepotism, it's brutal out there

>> No.54618975

Have to be a citizen to join the union

>> No.54618977

Who pays for ur tools and vehicle...

>> No.54619015

Mech eng here. started at 65k three years ago and now at 100k. most engineers go into management or become private consultants. thats where the actual money is, its not in solving problems

>> No.54619038

im aware of a large pipeline company that outsourced its IT last year. coincidentally the recent pentagon leaks mentioned a pipeline company that had been hacked... its only going to get worse

>> No.54619082

did you get an internship

>> No.54619090

yep, also the amount of CVE's/exploits that are reported has started growing rapidly the last few years. I think it was nearly +20% in 2022

>> No.54619333

anyone in trades knows residential is for druggies and illegals. its a job for transient nearly homeless people.