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55265647 No.55265647 [Reply] [Original]

right now I am 20 and I live with my parents. No college, no gf, i feel behind my peers in some aspects. I'm a mailman in my hometown

I am wondering what advice you have for young men in regards to finances (or life in general). Is college worth it? Is moving out worth it? Is wagecucking worth it? I have so many questions and I'm not sure how I am doing for my age. My friends are studying at good colleges, even ivy league ones, and majoring in engineering and math related fields meanwhile I almost dropped out of high school during covid. Not sure how I compare

This is how i'm doing right now: I have $11,500 in a roth IRA, $4,700 in checking, $2k in a 401k, $1k in bitcoin, plus my PM stack seen in the picture

>> No.55265676

You should be worrying about roth ira or anyotber finacial bs untill you have a large enough stack in fiat. You have tike and a strong body on your side. No gf is a plus because more time. Find a job that pays good with advance potential or get into construction and learn a skill with the goal of starting your own business to hire other to do the work for you. Then grind

>> No.55265698

I was a NEET for 3 years and just lived off my parents and played vidya and smoked weed all day.
Then when I turned 21 my parents made me get a job or go to school or they were going to kick me out.
Went to community college for 2 years, transfered to university and graduated with BSc in CompSci and got a six figure salary programming job.
Never had a job before graduation.
30 now and have 100k in my 401k.
You just need to do something, OP.
Don't waste time.

>> No.55265700
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It's already over for you.

They have been watching you for weeks Anon.

They are getting hungry.

Don't leave your windows open tonight.

Don't fall asleep tonight...

>> No.55265729
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since we're on 4chan i don't feel embarrassed to admit this but i've dropped out of the local community college three separate times

I may try it again but I would need a specific goal in mind before registering or else it would end up the same as the other times. What kind of school did you transfer to? Did you incur any debt?

>> No.55265759

Your portfolio is not bad for 20, keep that up and you’ll be in good shape by 30. Live with your parents and stash as much money as you can. Spend a little on traveling with a friend. Europe used to be fun but it might be muzzed out now. Don’t spend any money on girls, they will bleed you dry. Most important is owning a paid off home, that way you never have to worry about making mortage payments if you get laid off. When you eventually meet a girl you want to marry and gave kids with, make her sign a prenup. She gets 1% of your assets for every year you’re married starting after seven years and you get 50/50 custody of the children. Make it iron clad with lawyers. If she doesn’t want to sign it, she’s not the one for you, otherwise everything you worked for will get flushed down the toilet.

Get a degree in something only if it directly leads to money. Certifications in management go a long way if you don’t go to college. Enjoy your life along the way.

>> No.55265785

I transferred to a public state university 30 min from my parents house, so didn't cost much in living expenses.
Two years at community college cost 10k and two years at university was 20k, so 30k in student loans.
Was worth the investment since got a six figure job.

>> No.55265787

>Spend a little on traveling with a friend.
waste of money. my ussr immigrant father managed to own his 2 story house before his 30s because he didn't waste a drop of money

>> No.55265798

John Goodman speaks the truth

>> No.55265813

>waste of money
Having a little fun when you’re young isn’t a waste, life is worth living.

>> No.55265817

You're doing fine, bro. You have a fair chunk of assets and a job. Start lifting and get swole because that is an investment that always pays off.

>> No.55265828

if you want to travel, your own country has enough interesting things to see. you don't need to go across the ocean to look at castles or something and spend a couple thousand dollars on it

>> No.55265871

I’m 31 and moved back in with my mom 3 years ago. Ca fag so rent was ridiculous. Living on my own I was check to check and moved back at 28 with 15-20k of debt. I made about 55k-60 a year back when I was living alone. Since moving back I have 70k liquid cash and saving more every day. I made 80k last year. Im not bad with money, when rent is over half your take home there is no life. Don’t move out unless you have to, if I would have done this from 18-25 and then moved out I would own a house by now.

>> No.55265876
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Anywhere interesting works. Doesn’t have to be expensive. If it has beautiful scenery and a few good places to eat the better. Sloggin it on a castle tour is definitely a waste. Doing something hilarious like watching spaniards get gored from your hotel room is kino when you’re 20.

>> No.55265882

What are you good at? Any hobbies, skills, interests? I'm not saying that you should "follow your passion," which is generally bullshit advice, but it's wise to pick a direction in life where you already have some advantage. No one's good at everything, and everyone has some strengths and talents. Think about what you can do well, or what you are able to spend a lot of time and energy on, and see what jobs might be related to that.

>> No.55265884

i'll admit that italian coastal towns look very nice, i wonder if i'll ever be able to visit one

>> No.55265887

To add on I am a high school drop out, never did college, and work for the government. Is college worth it? Some make a lot more than me, others work under me with degrees they are paying for. It’s a gamble. My job is safe but I will never be “rich”. Others are scary but you might make something of yourself. My goal right now is to move to a cheaper state and buy a house with my fiancé. That’s about it right now

>> No.55265888
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Meant this pic

>> No.55265894

>Is college worth it?

>Is moving out worth it?

>Is wagecucking worth it?
Yes, no one is giving you capital for free

>I have so many questions and
Ask anyway

>I'm not sure how I am doing for my age. My friends are studying at good colleges, even ivy league ones, and majoring in engineering and math related fields meanwhile I almost dropped out of high school during covid. Not sure how I compare
This isn't a race, you have your own pace.

What's important is money, If you visit /biz/ regulary, you'll know how to make money easily.

>> No.55265897

>moving out
Not worth it
Uniro worth it, just remember you luve with your parents so don't take any bullshit from your employers, you have the luxury of quitting. Stack up your money and invest it into sage diveden/broad market indexes
Most relationships end, most marriages end in divorce, I wouldn't say they're not worth it but man don't force yourself to get into a relationship. Most importantly I was in your shoes not to long ago, you're only fat behind if you spend your money like a dumbass. Once again save up your money and go back to school only after you know for a 100% fact you want to be in that field for the rest of your life anon. Wish you nothing but the best

>> No.55265928
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You will lad, it’s a nice visit if you can get there.

>> No.55265956
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Don't take advice from anyone.

>> No.55265959

Since you wanted to compare yourself I’ll post my baseball card stats now.
> 22 with two degrees. One in finance one in Analytics (basically CS/Math/Statistics hybrid). I am a Midwest fag making 70k a yr (not Chicago). I graduated top of my class in college so that helped. I paid for myself to go to college with scholarships and working. I live with my parents now debt free. I have 9k or so in a Roth IRA, 7k in checking, 20 k in savings that I’m looking to throw in short term CDs to roll and pay for grad school with. I have about 3K in a traditional 401k since I just got a real job 2 months ago.

>> No.55266415

1. Sell all your "investments" and go 100% into cash.
2. Reduce your living expenses as much as possible. Since you are living with your parents that shouldn't be hard.
3. Quit your dead-end wagecuck job and live off your parents/savings -- ideally, you should only be spending money on food/transportation at most. If you are lucky your parents will cover that.
4. Fix your health problems. Quit all video games, social media, drugs/alcohol, fix your diet, start exercising, get your sleep schedule right, etc...
5. Ghost literally everyone you know besides your parents/blood relatives.
6. Choose a career path you want to pursue. This could be as specific or broad as possible. Usually the more specific the better.
7. Find people who went down that path and are extremely successful and reverse engineer their career trajectory to find the path of least resistance.
8. Grind

>> No.55266425

What shitty college did you go to where you are only making 70K a year and at the top of your class?

>> No.55266456

>since we're on 4chan i don't feel embarrassed to admit this but i've dropped out of the local community college three separate times
You probably didn't address the other issues in your life or didn't have a clear trajectory of what you needed to accomplish to be successful.

>> No.55268384

>I am wondering what advice you have for young men in regards to finances (or life in general).
You have been born, sad to say, during a bust in several overlapping boom-bust cycles, I'm afraid to say.
>baby boom cycle (1945-2030): the boomers caused social upheaval in the 60s, then inflation in consumer goods in the 70s, then a stock market boom in the 90s, a housing boom in the 2000s, and an index-fund-boom in 1990 to 2020. Now they're retiring.
>industrialization cycle: starting with the industrial revolution in the 18th century. Productive capabilities made a jump, but resources did not. Urbanization lead to the collapse of birth rates, industrial manufacture to the depletion of natural resources, the demands of work and mass culture to the exhaustion of cultural capital. All stocks have been depleted.
>interest rate cycle: Interest rates in gold used to be ~30% a thousand years ago, reflecting expected return. They are near 0% now, reflecting the lack of opportunities in ventures. The expansion of the last 1000 years was driven by technology and expansion of civilization, over Europe post-Rome, and into the Americas. The world is settled now.

>> No.55268455

>sell everything and ghost everywhere

>> No.55268513

Try to get a younger girl
Never show your stash to ANY woman

>> No.55268754
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is this a joke

>> No.55268766

what is a large enough stack?

>> No.55268771

Finally an advice post where the person isn't a moron. Good job dude. You're gonna make it. Keep saving and stacking those metals. Thanks for the hope pill.

>> No.55268786

Start at community college and work your way to college. Do something that requires math and science, these course wil be hard. If you really want a cush job go into finance. It's hard but it's one of thenhighest owning degrees and nobody goes into it because it's under the radar and hasn't been oversaturated by worthless high salary chasing faggots like engineering.

>> No.55268830

At 20, your biggest issues are probably that you don’t actually know who you are yet and also that you don’t know what is even worth doing let alone what you want to do. So your job is to uncover those. Whether you do that by going to college or by traveling or by just working a series dead end jobs in your home town/state, it doesn’t really matter.

>> No.55269221

ok that sounds promising because that's probably what I would end up doing if I start at a community college

hell yes i've been lifting and I'm swole

>It’s a gamble
that's how I feel and why I've shied away from jumping in head-first to university. i know people who are already 6 figures in the hole at age 20 and I have no doubt they'll be fine, but I would be freaking out if I had that amount of debt.

do you agree with the sentiment that only computer science and other STEM degrees are the only ones that are worth it? desu I would prefer to study literature but I know that would just be a debt trap.

>go back to school only after you know for a 100% fact you want to be in that field for the rest of your life anon
it's such a menacing concept. I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life

is that not a great starting salary for a new grad?

I think it was mostly me not having a clear trajectory, or a 'reason' to go

pretty reassuring thans

>> No.55269384

When it comes to prenuptial agreements, you can only arrange distribution of premarital assets. Anything earned during the marriage is still up to the court to decide during divorce settlements. No prenuptial agreement is "ironclad," and if you don't want to get it thrown out by the court for being fundamentally unequal, it should aim to be as egalitarian as possible: she keeps her premarital assets, and you keep your premarital assets. Anything gained after marriage is a whole separate issue. Same thing with custody. Not a single state in America will allow you to decide custody in a prenuptial agreement. All that is decided during divorce proceedings. You cannot determine how much you will pay in alimony, or child support. If your financial situations change drastically during your marriage (e.g. you become a multi-millionaire) basically any financial agreements made in a prenup can also be thrown out by the court as they don't reflect your current financial situation. If you want to protect future assets, the allocation has to be very specific and reasonable, like specifying your future 401k as an individual instead of a marital asset (although situationally this can also be thrown out). If you don't have a significant amount of premarital wealth, there's likely very little a prenup can do for you, so only pay the immense lawyer fees if there's a great disparity in wealth, or you see one in the future. If your spouse suddenly wants to become a "stay at home mom" sign a postnuptial agreement. Communicate all this before your marriage. And of course, you can consult with a marital lawyer to see if a prenuptial agreement fits your situation. But it's not a silver bullet, and no amount of paper is going to stop you from getting keeled over during marriage, having your wife take the kids, and paying child support and alimony. This is all an inherent risk in a state-bound marriage.

>> No.55269423


>Is college worth it?
It's only worth it if there is something you really want to do that MAKES MONEY and you have the aptitude for.

>Is moving out worth it?
generally no unless you have some serious $

>Is wagecucking worth it?
No, but you have no chance to make it if you don't cuck at the beginning

>I have so many questions and I'm not sure how I am doing for my age. My friends are studying
Don't compare yourself to others. I know it's hard, but just mind your own shit.

>This is how i'm doing right now: I have $11,500 in a roth IRA, $4,700 in checking, $2k in a 401k, $1k in bitcoin, plus my PM stack seen in the picture

based, keep stacking. You don't need to do money in retirement accounts, worry about that shit later. Stack it all into crypto. You're young so you can have a high risk tolerance.

As a young man you have plenty of time for financial fuckups. You can lose it all 2-3 times and it really doesn't matter. If I were you I would be slamming every cent of spare change into med-high risk altcoins (not bitcoin). My picks are ETH and GNS. Keep it up for 2-3 years and you might get manage a 10x next cycle. That would put you at 2-300k or more net worth by age 23. You can leverage that into all kind of shit, including being a landlord, or starting your own business of some kind.

Fucking chicks: it's really hard man. I personally can say if you're not a born Chad you might have to take what you can get. Women will eat you alive if you don't redpill yourself: look up "alpha male strategies" on youtube, that nigga funny and tells it how it is.

Another piece of really important advice is not to underestimate the power of KNOWING people. This is the biggest mistake I made when I was really young: not getting myself out there. You gotta get out there and meet people man. ThThese dayse network effect is fucking POWERFUL and multiplies your value EXPONENTIALLY. Make an effort at it if you can.

>> No.55269586

>alpha male strategies
he's a real one, I used to watch him when I was 16. although desu I think I might technically be a 'chad'
>I would be slamming every cent of spare change into med-high risk altcoins
how would someone know when to sell?

>> No.55269646

>how would someone know when to sell?
when you get a 5x sell half when you get a 10x sell the rest

when you sell, take your money out set the tax aside and don't reenter the market for 2 months

>> No.55269818

I'm 28 and never had a girlfriend or sex. The closest I've ever been with a girl was standing next to a stranger on a train and smelling her shampoo scent. I immediately rushed home and masturbated while her face and scent was still implanted in my brain. The one advice I can give to you is - stop chasing money and women and live life naturally. One day you will have the luxury of standing next to a beautiful woman and masturbate at the thought of her.

>> No.55269825

Is this bus only stopping where the Jews poisoned the food?

>> No.55270202

literally me

>> No.55270264

Continuing leeching off parents while working and invest in things that aren't memes.

>> No.55270393

Computer Science degree is worth it, the possibilities are endless. You can make your own apps / games later and generate passive money income from it. Although of course, you can learn all of it with self-study.


>> No.55271487

>you can learn all of it with self-study.
is it really true that you can learn ALL of it with self study? like enough to get a decent job out of it?

>> No.55271615

I am low income and undereducated because I spent my teens and 20s consuming drugs, playing in bands and fucking pretty girls
I have 50k liquid and a beautiful wife. My in laws are leaving us a cattle ranch and a massive farm house her grandfather built.
Have fun with your youth bros, you have the rest of yr life to do the sisyphus larp as long as you prioritize your health

>> No.55272163

You have a job which is good but you need to go to college. If you feel like you are depressed or not coping with life, get therapy

>t. 24 yo, I was like you at age 20. life is not about just surviving. I felt like facing a wall and the youth years just passed by
Have friends, have a gf, don’t close yourself off. I beg you don’t make the mistake

>> No.55272605

some states dont give a fuck about prenups. just dont knock anyone up and dont have her live with you.

>> No.55272952

what did you do to change over the past 3/4 years? did you go to school? I haven't had time to be depressed after starting my new job but previously I was extremely depressed

>> No.55273029 [DELETED] 

I’m 30. Is it worth it to stick around for a while to make more money? I have about $50k cash right now and net income is about $40k. I have no expenses, but I help my mother with stuff. It’s nice to save money, but I feel like I’m wasting my life and I really hoped that my mother would be able to depend on me by now rather than the other way around. I feel like such a failure, man.

>> No.55273570

>I haven't had time to be depressed after starting my new job but previously I was extremely depressed

i can relate man, this worked 1 year for me.
regarding your question i went to school from 20-22 and dropped out, after that i worked at a sales job until 24. i learned a lot and made actual 1
-2 friends which is actually a lot, if there is actual common shared ground

all i can say is that the type of depression you experience from 18-20 is very limited. you can snap back out of it fast, by just going to the gym consintently. when you get to 23-24, you may get jaded, more neurotic, more numb
how would you describe your previous depression symptoms and what drove them? you cant not drown depression in work, it will just scar you
you are not lesser of a man if you go to a doc 90 min a week. i did not so i have to start from 0 again at 24
20 is such a great age man, just pick a trade or degree, or become a fire fighter

>> No.55274456

Don't fall for the comparing yourself to others meme. The average <30 is so fucked that just having a job and a car makes you "doing fine." Find some career to get into, I don't care if it's a trade or college, but get into something that'll pay you at least $60k a year. From that point you'll have enough money to support yourself and save money, and if you're more ambitious it will give you the capital to start your own business or pursue another career. Quite frankly you're still pretty young and even a modest amount of effort is going to set you up for a good future. Most people don't get the "What am I going to do with my life?" itch seriously until they're approaching 30.

It's not your current situation that matters. It's your future one. Find the better future and seize it through will and struggle.

>> No.55275493

don't reenter the market even if you're selling a single coin that 5x'd? Just trying to follow through

>> No.55276019

quit drinking
keep stacking
buy more bitcoin
get a better job + work from home, 5 years, stack up, buy your parents something nice then retire.

>> No.55276071

>keep stacking
should i keep going in on silver?
today I ordered some PMs and bought more crypto

>> No.55276088

dont start piling on credit card debt when you are young just because you see other people you know/knew when you were younger/think might be similar to your age on social media spending cash they dont have. you will see tons of younger people driving bmws/mecedes/teslas/etc just to flex on instagram when in reality like >90% of their paycheck each month is going straight to car payments. when you are younger maybe travel around or try living in a different country for a while if you can get a student visa.

>> No.55276113
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not bad; 20 is young. fuck college; buy some milwaukee or dewalt tools and learn to use them or work on cars. your portfolio diversification is good you just need more money like we all do

>> No.55276217
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>heres some advice

>> No.55276260

>like enough to get a decent job out of it?
They'll check your degree. Anyway, learning computer science alone is like learning Japanese. You'll most likely get burned out. It's better to study with other people in better environment (college).

>> No.55276417

People must be larping about the six fig job out of college. How the fuck do you do it. I have a 2 year degree in Mechatronic Technology, a 2 year degree in manufacturing engineering, and a technical diploma in Industrial Maintenance.

The best paying jobs I can find / get are high $30s/hrs maintenance jobs but the catch is they are on third shift, or you travel a fuck ton and are never home.

Been at a shitty dead end factory job for 2.5 years because they let me do super odd hours to do my classes, but its a dumbfuck company and there is no opportunity there. I grinded class and full time work for 70 hour weeks for 3 years and I can't get interviews from places offering 60k salaries.

Someone in manufacturing explain what the fuck I'm doing wrong. My Dad's friend demoralized me by giving it to me straight that since I went to tech college to get the degrees and not a University places will throw my resume out because its from tbechellorhe freaking bumpkin tech college and not a bachelor degree from UWM or some shit.

Stem fags how are you supposed to do this.

>> No.55276490

You need to get in a field where the governments prints unlimited money and pays for the data. All the shit you rattled off may be high level shit, but who is buying whatever you are making? 10 to 20 people/businesses? Nannies make $30 an hour.

>> No.55276694

Hey so I was a controls eng for 4 years out of school. Accidentally fell into that line of work actually and it turned out to be both interesting work but also not the kind that you chill for 5 hours and work for 3.

My recommendation for you is to get into PLCs if you haven't already, it is possible to find positions that aren't 40%-50% travel. Go after end users. Don't go for rovasys or bechtel, go for Nestle instead if you get what I mean What's your location? You should be able to find something around 70k. OR what you can try is going right for project management. I know at Cummins I saw some fresh out kids managing projects that were winding down.

NEVER accept 2nd or 3rd shift. I got offered 2nd shift at blue origin doing controls design on the shop floor and rejected it. You are a glorified stop gap until the real deal 1st shift eng team shows up. and you have no guidance from senior guys and nobody around to work with. sometimes you need 4 hands instead of 2.

I eventually moved to OEM doing design work there, and then moved on to doing design work on some related systems. That was pitching some strengths and niche experience, and a bit of fibbing about how much I used some software in a professional setting (i only used it in school and for hobby).

Let me know if you have any questions

>> No.55276758

replying to myself as I am not sure if Ill get back to this. Im about 8 years in and at base pay of 120k. Ive hopped jobs 3 times. Yes I did get an EE degree so its a slightly different deal and my current position doesn't involve PLCs much anymore. Find a company that will take you under their wing on the maintenance team, suck up the salary (at a either a system integrator or end user) if you want to stay in manufacturing as you do not have a Bachelors, and gain the skills. Get them to sponsor a Bachelors for you perhaps? I've seen it happen. Unironically check out r/PLC. Plenty of guys in your situation making decent money.

Play the LinkedIn game as well, get the right verbiage going, clean up the CV and resume, etc.

If your not into manufacturing, I could see you trying out for technician roles at OEMs. Much less stressful as you are selling a defined product, and youll likely be doing technician work on the floor - comfy for someone with your experience.

Also one word of advice if you have aspirations of becoming an engineer. Do you know what they do with the 40-50 yr old engineers who really know theyre shit? They take them out back and put them down. The money is in management, instead of being an individual contributor. Any chance you get to prove yourself and earn leadership skills, try to take it.

>> No.55276787

Before you sign up look through all the credits and check the state schools nearby to see what transfers that way you have a clear road map of what you need to do to not waste money and motivation.

If you have a hard stem degree in mind protect your GPA and knock out the classes like calculus or Chemistry at CC and perhaps even do it with a lighter course load if you are worried

>> No.55276815

Literature isn’t going to guarantee anything unless you want to be s highschool teacher, if you really want it double major with stem or gun for lawschool or a MBA after

>> No.55276830

look at those perfume large bottles, this pic owner must be some gypsy or a nigger.

Really, most gold/silver hoarders must be niggers.

>> No.55276917

Invest gold and do nothing

>> No.55277090

Thing I agree with here is the word "Grind"
Choose anything and go hard. If you are intelligent and over deliver you will be fine. You'll figure out out as you go. The wagecuck meme is retarded and for losers. Make a start, work hard, keep your eyes and ears open. And one day you'll die.

>> No.55277097

Be as Machiavellian as possible. The people ahead of you will never let you win. It's a predatory jungle with flashes of benign kindness. Forget about the shit you learned as a kid and be covertly malicious to every one of your peers.

>> No.55277331
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What advice is good for an anon than security and privacy of their assets? For me, I've moved my assets to a Decentralized and user centric SSi ID wallet

>> No.55277427

Monk mode is always good for a few months or even years
No gf no friends no family no tv no internet no greasy and sugary foods no fickle expenses no sex and nofap
Just healthy food healthy thoughts sport and meditation
Even better take a vow of silence too
Is all much easier if you live alone

>> No.55277457

College is worth it but think of it as a race with all your colleagues and whoever has the best resume after 3/4 years whatever it is wins. You need to treat it somewhat seriously and especially if you are in a competitive field you will need to work harder than your colleagues to get a competitive job

Live at home as long as possible and find a smart women who is good with finances to move out with when you do. Fuck renting as a single person you will go backwards. The most successful people I know married early but not retardedly early.

Keep investing and be able to take advantage of opportunities. Have a metamask wallet, have a robinhood account etc, you will get opportunities to buy cheap crypto/stocks like GME before it mooned or Pepe before it mooned etc but you need to be prepared to be able to take advantage of these opportunities and be READY

tldr: work hard, invest and be ready

>> No.55277558

>Most important is owning a paid off home
In a low property tax state only*

I own a home in Texas and the tax is brutal.

>> No.55277583

Normies have an instinctual reaction when they see and hear gold. If you're all about that asset protection and privacy game, then you gotta peep Railgun and or BrillionFi. They're the real deal when it comes to keeping your assets safe from those pesky hackers.

>> No.55278417

heavy autism detected, don't listen to this

>> No.55278875
File: 662 KB, 852x726, 1649618061018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you probably smell bad and have greasy hair