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File: 105 KB, 1546x869, titanic4-flares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55327814 No.55327814 [Reply] [Original]

During the first hour after hitting the iceberg many thought nothing serious happened and that it was a drill or a minor accident. Nobody was aware of the danger they were in. The SEC is the iceberg.

>> No.55327858
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Feel free to abandon ship at any time.

>> No.55327884

You're a fool that is going to sink with the ship and the fishes will eat your flesh.

>> No.55327951

>he thinks the boat hit an iceberg
Anon, I...

>> No.55328188
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, titanic hull damage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Recently there was a very detailed 3D scan done of the wreck and "historians" and "experts" are now in full damage-control and COPE mode, changing their story trying to explain away the lack of evidence of the ship hitting an iceberg. Until now the narrative has always been "ummm well it's there but we just can't see it because it's so difficult to make things out due to the low light and poor video quality etc and it's very expensive and difficult to dive down there and film stuff so you should be satisfied with the footage you've gotten" and now that that excuse isn't possible anymore they've changed their narrative to "w-well the reason we can't see the evidence is because a-actually the damage was never there b-b-b-BUT an iceberg totally did damage and sink the ship, but it happened differently than what we've been saying all this time and you just can't see the damage because it's lower and hidden in the mud... y-yeah, that's it..."

Related: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0OOq_SsYd5Q

>> No.55328201

the ship is you and you've hit the cope-berg

>> No.55328241

My ship is a privacy coin. An iceberg-proof submarine

>> No.55328268

>titanic deniers

>> No.55328272
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It sank and people died. It didn't sink from an iceberg impact.

>> No.55328305
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>> No.55328330

"iceberg field" lol never heard that term before.

>> No.55328376

>it was ((them))
jesus fucking christ LMAOOO

>> No.55328389

And then creating a blockbuster film to cement the narrative in the head of the normies, very jewish

>> No.55328704

I don’t know about this conspiracy however the Titanic did go straight into a large iceberg in brainlet tier fashion

>> No.55328741
File: 164 KB, 806x352, crushed and killed by the shattered timbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very few of the people on board saw any iceberg. There were just a few guys who ran around screaming "we've hit an iceberg!!" and spread that rumor around to the other passengers, and later to the media. Think of that 1 guy on live TV on 9/11 who looks like he's acting out a well-rehearsed script and says "And then I witnessed both towers collapse, one first and then the second, mostly due to structural failure because the fire was too intense!": https://youtu.be/hxQ2-DcZuR4?t=29 -- Similar guys were present on the ship, doing the exact same thing; setting the "official story" in motion.

Most of the passengers had no idea why the ship was sinking unless they had been told it was due to an iceberg. It was all hearsay, 99.9% of the people never saw an iceberg with their own eyes and the few who "saw" an iceberg were lying. Even after the survivors had been rescued, when later they were questioned/interviewed in the immediate aftermath, very few said they had seen an iceberg. Many DID however report they'd heard and felt a large explosion. Also there were reports in newspapers at the time like picrel: "Many of the men asleep in the forecastle were crushed and killed by the shattered timbers" (go check where the forecastle is located!) which is much more consistent with an explosion from a bomb, rather than ice tearing through the metal under the waterline on the side of the ship. And such an event ("crushed and killed by the shattered timbers") wasn't depicted in any of the films, they all just ignored those reports.

There were Titanic films made already in 1912 and the later years just after. The iceberg narrative conditioning/programming through the entertainment industry was in full swing from the start.

>> No.55329004

The sinking of the Titanic is a big deal because it lead to the Federal Reserve which in turn lead to WW1 which lead to WW2 which lead to the modern post-1945 globohomo world that we live in.

>> No.55329025
File: 34 KB, 479x589, NetburnRoastSEC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Judge in the Ripple case already called the SEC a rogue agency. The judges in the other cases will almost certainly reach the same conclusion leading to Congress needing to pass crypto specific legislation meaning all this FUD is just part of the bear market and the bull market afterwards will be glorious. But, as always, DYOR

>> No.55329032

This is schizoid thinking and unhealthy. Please seek help. There is medication available.

>> No.55329060

if it had hit head on, it would not have sunk. frontal collision would have crumpled the front and broken 2 compartments at most.

>> No.55329089

Cool cool but if you jump out you freeze to death anyway so what's up with this metaphor exactly? I'd rather be cozy on the boat fucking some hot chick before I die than jumping out into the ice cold ocean like a retard and giving myself zero chance at survival.

>> No.55329128


>> No.55329144
File: 702 KB, 967x873, titanic icerberg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seek help, chud

>> No.55329209
File: 52 KB, 353x353, EygpnBxe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit screenshot

>> No.55329221

>they didnt see the iceberg
I love fake schizo conspiracies but I feel compelled to let you know that they would not have seen any icebergs in the middle of a fucking dark night. Thats why they had guys up in the crows nest. To see the icebergs. Which you couldnt see from the deck.

>> No.55329222

You make no sense at all.
It looks better than ever. What is wrong with you?

>> No.55329228
File: 22 KB, 384x384, 1681784689653809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they would not have seen any icebergs in the middle of a fucking dark night. Thats why they had guys up in the crows nest. To see the icebergs. Which you couldnt see from the deck.
So you're saying 99.9% of the people on board didn't see an iceberg. Got it.

>> No.55329344
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>> No.55329365

Perfect analogy. The worst part is they have no idea how bad it's going to get.

>> No.55329376
File: 37 KB, 405x406, 1681075362315885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It smells like chutney in here.

>> No.55329389
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>> No.55329419
File: 46 KB, 700x427, bes04ade5jaa1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this anon so much right now.

For you, my king.

>> No.55329422


>> No.55329431

Sec doesn't control price however they are some whales who are gonna mind rape goys real soon. 26 during this bear has never been standard BTC price and alts are in the shit

>> No.55329467

No one cares about your faggot fud.
What does matter is, wether it was even the Titanic that sank of was it the sister ship the Olympic?? Did these people realise all this time later neets on the interwebs would be unravelling their whole web of lies?

>> No.55329480
File: 414 KB, 512x640, 1685851390459557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Unsinkable ship"
911 WTC's were pre-wired, somehow prepared for demolition during construction.

Planes did hit the towers and it was a plot to make a fuckton of money, or get war and oil etc. False flag insurance/stock scam/manipulation. If you knew where to have money during that time you could have profited bigtime, and people did. Plus the US has an excuse to wage war for oil against terrorists. 5dchessplay

The towers were detonated, they probably would have withstood the impact. It was an insurance call, have the towers come straight down or fall over into the city? Maybe it was a pre agreed condition to even get insurance, or cheaper insurance on the buildings. (Which paid out nicely).

To save money they decided to detonate the towers, avoid lawsuits etc something like that.

>> No.55329484
File: 35 KB, 460x451, amP45Do_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55329504
File: 3 KB, 210x194, 1459913289205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>red streak
>as seen in this black and white photo

>> No.55329607


>> No.55329738

The "it was actually the olympic, the ships were switched!" is a psyop distraction from the simple fact the Titanic was sunk by the jews so they could create the Federal Reserve (how it was sunk is less important but most likely it was a bomb). It serves a similar purpose to the "no planes hit the towers" or "directed energy / scalar weapons / nukes destroyed the towers".

>> No.55329961
File: 2.20 MB, 1163x1884, Futility_Original_First_Edition_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Similarly to how with 9/11 there was "predictive programming" in movies and TV shows for many years and even decades before Sept 11 2001 (see the series "911 Hidden In Hollywood", here's a compilation of the 31 or so parts that it's made up of: https://seed151.bitchute.com/gnLBryY3s6wP/R3pKaxBef3cd.mp4 ), with the Titanic there was a book published 14 years earlier named "The Wreck of the Titan" (aka "Futility").
>The fictional ship was named the Titan
>the Titan was the largest ship built
>the Titan was commonly thought of as unsinkable
>the Titan sank hitting an iceberg
>in April
>in the North Atlantic Ocean
>400 nautical miles from Newfoundland (same distance as the Titanic)
>the Titan didn't have enough lifeboats for all the passengers
>it was the worst maritime disaster in history (when it happened)
>the book says the Titan would have survived a head-on collision with the iceberg
>but it sank because the iceberg tore hole in the starboard side of the ship (same side as the Titanic)

>> No.55330024

You're a fool jumping out of a ship that isn't sinking.

>> No.55330088

>crypto specific legislation
great i can't fucking wait for the dump that will cause

>> No.55330618

As opposed to the SEC holding the sword of Damocles over every crypto project and dropping it on random exchanges and projects? It's the "regulatory gap", as the SEC refers to it internally, that causes these massive crypto dumps.

>> No.55330662

spooky book. Im gonna track down a copy of it to read.

>> No.55330686

I get your point but there is pretty clear evidence the planes were superimposed.. that or they somehow pierced the other side of the building whilst taking zero damage to the nose. How I do agree it's not too relevant to the larger story of, the Jews.

>> No.55330779

Your mom is the iceberg, because she's Fats and jewish

>> No.55330788

I'm not going to buy rasp now kill yourself juden