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55468796 No.55468796 [Reply] [Original]

I didn't realize how good I had it. This whole paying bills thing kinda sucks.

>> No.55468810

kek welcome to hell enjoy your stay

>> No.55468813
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>> No.55469017

kek what an idiot
let me guess, you thought you would move out then you would suddenly be getting laid 24/7

>> No.55469045

Don't listen to these neet incels in their momma's basement. Moving out is mentally liberating, the important thing is to always be saving money while doing it. You don't want to be renting with nothing to show for it, you have the opportunity to earn more and see more.

>> No.55469089

How is it mentally liberating if you move in with room mates and have a smaller space?

>> No.55469181

You move in with a roommate that is sexy that you can fuck aka a female girl

>> No.55469205

As a landlord I spend 90% of my time here ridiculing and shaming those who still live with their parents. It's a doggy dog world.

>> No.55469221

I moved out in February 2020. It was the biggest fuckup of my life. For the next 2 years of lockdowns I was doing the exact same thing I did at my parents house except I had to start paying for rent/food/energy etc.

>> No.55469224

>what is a studio apartment

>> No.55469314

How do i get an apartment that comes qith a sexy female??

>> No.55469398


Women literally do not want anything with average males and would rather share a successful Chad.

>> No.55469451

Wow, so liberating to save less money because you have to pay for rent and basic necessities, surely the pussy will be worth it, surely living with your parents is the reason you're an incel.

You shouldn't need to be "mentally liberated" in the fiest place because living at home is literally a gift and shouldn't be affecting your mental negatively at all.

>> No.55469556

No one said anything about a smaller space or (((roommates))) you projecting cuck

>> No.55469916

Right? Well bringing women to your house is even better. I lived with my parents til I was 32 and developed a drinking problem cause I was miserable. The only way I could stand it was to spend most of my free time away at other people's houses, which never lasted very long cause people with their own place don't want you chilling unless you have booze or weed at the least.

>> No.55469929
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hate to agree. Having your own place is a meme if you're an average or even above average guy.

>> No.55470015

Living alone or in a good sharehouse is great, if you have enough money and aren't retarded. If you don't have a job (or money), well then yeah you should probably keep suckling on mommy's teets

>> No.55470053

If you can't get a loyal woman now, it's not going to change. I did the whole /sig/ thing been through periods of life with lots of money (still have most of my Crypto) and it never changed anything. Just out there spending everything I make for Chad's leftovers? Literally enslaving myself for used pussy that won't even settle down or have a family? I just moved back into my moms house. I still have my money if the right one ever comes along (I doubt it the way the dating market is because I'm not going to settle for a used up single moms and that's about all I can snag these days). My main point, it's retarded to take out a mortgage to live in a house by yourself or give your money to some landlord Jew. If you have a reason to move out (loyal woman that will give you children) do it. If not don't fall for the psyop.

>> No.55470055

If you have good relationship with your parents, moving out has only one advantage
That's it.

>> No.55470074

Bills on my own $2900 a month with the majority going to rent.

Moved back home to mommies, bills at $700 a month. Fuck what people think, I’m gonna buy a house in cash at this rate.

>> No.55470350
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I made a stupid amount of money holding XOR in 2021, so I bought a department and I'm living alone since.
I kinda miss living with my parents, but there would be no difference at all

>> No.55471278

Look on the bright side. Now you can finally make money from fuck prostitute

>> No.55472414

There you have it everyone. The jew admits his game.

>> No.55472459
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so strong independant alone living chads who dont need no roommate,

how much money have you collectively spent on rent in an effort to get laid?

>> No.55472560

I just got my own flat too. It's a studio so no roommates (couldn't stand them), and my job pays well enough I'll still be able to save.
I got little choice as I got a job in another city.
Tbh I'm looking forward to being fully independent.

>> No.55472620

NEETs be coping in this thread. Go wash the dishes. Mow the lawn. Stay perpetually a child forever. Either do the chores or leech of your parent's disappointment

>> No.55472648

It's quite nice anon. It took maybe a year or two for the mommy and daddy stockholm syndrome to wear off. I moved away when I studied, it was only a few months then. I guess being older made it worse.
I hope you're into /sig/. Automate your payments. Keep your place clean (minimal stuff = less cleaning).
This unironically happened to me

>> No.55472660

Grass is greener I guess.
I would love my own comfy flat and freedom.
Being with parents as they turn old, toxic, and mentally abusive is hell.

>> No.55472829

Oy vey, pay zeh landlord goy, do zeh wagie shuffle.

>> No.55472843

if you are attractive women dont care if you live with your parents

>> No.55472848

paying a jew landlord $1500 a month doesn't make you a man.

t. paying a jew landlord $1700 a month

>> No.55472907

Living at home is a sweet deal if you have a good relationship with everyone living there. My brother and mother are like nails on a chalk board, I’d gladly pay the goy toll to escape them.

>> No.55473280

I've been living with my mum for 6 months. She and her partner are nice and I do a lot of stuff to help them, but honestly it's still a huge pain in the ass and I can't wait to move out again. Living with your family subjects you to the chaotic and retarded consequences of all their life decisions, even if they are OK people and you like them.

>> No.55473740
