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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55508941 No.55508941 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.55508958


>> No.55508969

>T: you TARDED

>> No.55509025

I was just thinking to myself "man haven't seen a bat thread in a while, they must be down bad."

>> No.55509038

Parker is an XMR mountie glownigger child trafficker. Basically a broke Canadian Epstein

>> No.55509060


>> No.55509176

Even if Brave decided to finally use pay with BAT after 6 years it’ll be half assed, gingerly and too late. Just like self serve ads. Nobody gives a fuck about self serve anymore. They ruined everything. This company is so fucked it’s unreal. Why can’t they just admit they’re too retarded to run a business and have no clue wtf they’re doing.

>> No.55509356

As you said, thewhole bat concept got retarded, they delayed, fucked up everything and didnt deliver a fucking self serve for 6 fucking years...... Its like vitalik and the frens of technology, but for gids sake you are a fucking internet vrowser bot a decentralized blockchain!

>> No.55509570

yea... but check out his fucken huge frontal lobes
HIGH lols
true but web3 dude web fucken 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we still post them but just for laughs really... as that's all we have left

>> No.55509597
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can someone give me an update on what brendan and luke have been posting on twitter as elon has personally blocked me from looking at their feeds thanks all

>> No.55509650

They’re both coofposters bullshit pubmed studies from 2021

>> No.55509666

I stopped following them a little while back
the coof posting never bothered me but the crypto memes and the web3 shit is the ultimate cringe

>> No.55509683

That's right anon. Eich is a clueless boomer leading Brave and BAT into irrelevancy. You're very smart and observant of all contextual evidence.

>> No.55509692
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thanks satan and anon
but i mean what big revelations have they dropped on there about brave or bat that will pump it to $40 (minimum). since non twitter account holders have been blocked from lurking, they must have been dropping some information about brave/bat. where is themis? did they give an update on that yet?

>> No.55509721
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Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him. Because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

>> No.55509728

they don’t talk about bat. theyve both shifted into virology. sometimes I forget they even work at brave

>> No.55509882

>fuck you Parker
Why? I told you it was a bad hold way in advance, when the rest of the team was still shilling you their bags. Not my fault you're stupid.

>> No.55509987

Last time I invest in something based off the size of the guys head

>> No.55510163

whats the problem? it went to over a $1 in the bullrun. only a fool would hold after a 10x

>> No.55510809
File: 23 KB, 525x275, BasedHeadGROWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, its time you fucking faggots listen. See this man right here. His name is Brendan Eich, he fucking INVENTED Javascript, you know, that language used in literally every website everywhere.

Take a moment and look at his head.
Look at how fucking BIG his head is.
It is literally 8x the size of the average human.
Compare the size of his head to somebody like Zuckerberg or Bezos, and Eichs fucking DWARFS theirs.
Just look at how fucking massive it is.
Now imagine the size of his fucking brain, how much it can compute.
Complex critical thinking problems are fucking DECIMATED by this mans brain.
It literally radiates power at idle it has so many wrinkles in it.

This man was briefly CEO of Firefox before he was wrongly and unjustly ousted.
His hatred for non privacy browsers runs very deep.
Now take this hatred and couple it with his disgustingly large brain, and what do you get?
Well you get the Brave browser of course.

This guy is fucking sick of seeing the average person taken advantage of and privacy raped day in and day out by massive conglomerates like Google and Facebook.

Enter BAT.

Bat is currently trading at 18 cents. Yes 18 fucking cents.
If you are not accumulating you will stay poor for fucking ever.

Anytime you go to question the BAT project, just go and take a look at a picture of Eichs head. Look at how big it is, and then try to fucking tell me that BAT is not one of, if not the most promising coins.

>> No.55511014

BAT will 8x and I will obtain $8,000 minus taxes.

>> No.55511861

>AI kills browsers and search engines
>ad sales are down 50%
>consistently hires blue hair women, pornstars and tradtech guys who dont know about crypto
>token is not needed (they could just use ETH)
>not a single use case that incentivizes holding
BAT wont pump ever im afraid

>> No.55511869

It won't pump because I will never sell.
The very second I were to sell $40 per token would look like FUD

>> No.55511870

I lost faith in BAT because the actual BAT token kinda stopped getting used for tips, it felt like something irrelevant that never caught on. also Uphold KYC sucks my cock

>> No.55511885
File: 345 KB, 1242x1657, IMG_3213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just sucked a big fat dick and he came all over my face

>> No.55512997

You thought this was good enough to save and make into fud pasta? Faggot.

>> No.55513043

brendan and luke are based, but unfortunately BAT community is filled with faggots and niggers. Sad!

>> No.55513080

I’ve been swapping some of my recent BAT buys at .16 into other shitcoins that have already 3x’d. I’m holding the majority of my BAT but JFC. I have to get out entirely next bull run. I can’t trust that Brave gives a fuck about BAT beyond using it as their slush fund. And they still got a ton between uncollected vBAT, their own verified status and taking 5% of every tip. The biggest whale dumps come from Brave. Also Brendan not implementing a token burn is just flat out ignorant. If Brave took 4% instead of 5% for every tip and burned the difference, just that little bit would excite the community and he’d actually make more because we’re tipping more and excited to do it. Also increases velocity which looks great on chain. I just don’t get it batbros. It’s saddens me and makes me think we’re fucked next bullrun. I’ll wait for the roadmap 3.2 and see if they have changed anything, but I’ll also keep in mind that they’ve failed to keep all their promises:-(

>> No.55514148

its all true

>> No.55514897
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Jennie boobage with save BAT

>> No.55515524

second month without getting my BAT payout, just uninstalled Brave after years of using it

>> No.55515605

I have hundreds of these fucken things just sat in my browser and I literally cannot give them away
mindboggling shite

>> No.55516499 [DELETED] 

the adblock wars 2023 update: deezer is now detecting brave's adblock and won't allow streaming until its been adblock has been disabled

>> No.55516596

the adblock wars 2023 update: deezer is now detecting brave's adblock and won't allow streaming until adblock has been disabled
KEK more big sites doing this daily

>> No.55517088

>deezer is now detecting brave's adblock
well now I know what deezer is, but I streamed music there just now without any issue or adblock warning, so what gives fudfag?

>> No.55517555

seethe baggie, it pleases me to see you racists get rekt after constantly posting that image of the BAT logo up a black man's nostrils, hodl to zero stupid fucks.

>> No.55517652

/pol/ coins always go to shit, XMR, BAT, ICP, XRP, it always ends the same.

>> No.55517775

why would I fud or lie about this? I'm a long time brave and bat user
so cos deezer is working fine for you (allegedly) that means its working fine for everyone? anons in the last thread had the same thing happen but on youtube, but its okay for me (cuurently)
pay attention, anon

>> No.55517840

That was bat nigger and he is real person and a Brave ambassador. And we’re not racist. We just hate niggers

>> No.55517848

I made a killing absolutely unloading all my BAT on /biz/tards in 2021. It flowed out of me like liquid diarrhea.

>> No.55517904

We can't be arsed to provide the most basic evidence, like a simple screenshot from Youtube or Deezer?
Just like Eich saying "people shouldn't profit off his work" or some such statement that no one ever came up with proof for.

>> No.55517965

anon, posting a screenshot won't change the fact that major sites are going after users of adblock... or will it?
anyway, my hope is that brave can find a real fix for this anti-adblock attack and then profit off of it

>> No.55518224

Being vigilant of brand trends and threats to Brave's business model is good practice. Claims without evidence are not that; pretty uncontroversial opinion.
I reiterate my last point: someone making a claim about what Eich said is hearsay until they can offer proof it was said. Until then it's just another arrow in the quiver of lazy fud. Acting like it's defensive to ask for proof of a malicious statement is dumb.

>> No.55518664

look at that cuck face, how can you bring yourself to buy anything this guy's selling?

>> No.55519195

>the actual BAT token kinda stopped getting used for tips

this is true, and it's actually more difficult to tip with it now in 2023 than it was when the tipping utility first entered the browser

>> No.55519896

I am financially brain busted.

>> No.55521071

>This man was briefly CEO of Firefox before he was wrongly and unjustly ousted.
this is such a brief skimming over what has literally been a giant anchor to this project since day 1. nobody in tech wants to associate with someone who is anti gay and anti vaccine or however he looks to general people

>> No.55522669

>this is such a brief skimming over what has literally been a giant anchor to this project since day 1
how this fucking retard runs an ADVERTISING COMPANY while sitting there on twitter posting anti-vaxx shit all day long is absolutely fucking astounding to me.

he might as well open up a sunday church service in the same building that does tranny drag shows for kids on weeknights

>> No.55522781

i actually had a dream about this man last night, no cap

>> No.55523003

Even if he stopped being a sperg, there's no way big tech would let him in, too much of a threat, given the dems control:
>97% of political donations from journalists
>98% of political donations from Twitter employees (though this has probably changed recently)
>91% of professors in top US universities
>26/27 of the richest congressional districts
>77% of political donations from Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Google
He'd have to go woke and beg for forgiveness to gain decent clout. The fact that he doesn't is kind of based, but shit for the coin.

>> No.55523028

But even then he has bad business sense, no clue how to market his own brand, no clue what advertisers want, it's all driven by his own idealism.

>> No.55524530

I know it's faggy to say but this is part of what soothes my red taint as far as holding BAT is concerned. Eich genuinely seems like a capital G Good Guy and I can see it destroying everything, potentially.
As for Lemonparty Baird and HFUBAR, I dunno. That just makes me despondent.

>> No.55524823

anon, I think your simping for brave has caused some issues with comprehension
the problem isn't with brave its with the sites who are going after adblocking
users of firefox are having the same issues with youtube and streaming sites btw
my overall point is one of interest in seeing what brave can do about it

>> No.55524855

no dev work or advertising or sponsorship with what could have been (still could be) a really cool af feature
I can't think of one high profile streamer who accepts bat tips (might be wrong but doubt it)

>> No.55524864

what happened in your dream? a premonition maybe

>> No.55525184
File: 294 KB, 512x512, 1666899461194600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eich genuinely seems like a capital G Good Guy
hes not. hes a greedy little nigger who despises and condescends to everyone because he thinks they are beneath his intelligence. only problem is hes a social fucking retard, which cancels out any advantage he thought he had because of his brain

go ahead and keep holding BAT like a rent seeking peasant though. surely eich, being the capital G Good Guy that he is, will put some effort into making the coin moon now that brave dumped almost all of theirs already.

>> No.55525200

Hey, anon? Addressing someone as "anon" in every post is fucking gay as hell. It doesn't work in sincerity and it also doesn't work in mocking paternalism. Understand, anon?
And if you think Brave doesn't haven't several much more serious issues beyond their adblocker-maybe-sometimes-not-working-in-the-future, you haven't been paying attention at all-- ironic considering what you accuse me of.
I could write a short essay on the various fud points written about Brave/BAT over the years and I promise you adblocker technical problems wouldn't even break the top 15.

>> No.55525232

You cooled down a bit from your OP. I'm gonna keep lying under Eich's urinal hoping some of his delicious, errant yellow spray lands on me.

>> No.55525243

if you think brave not being able to block streaming sites is nothing then ok I'm done with your simping
seek help anon

>> No.55525251

ba$£d post
good to see someone speak the truth here

>> No.55525476

Being an idealist isn't the same as being a good guy if your idealism doesn't line up with reality. Some of the worst people imaginable were idealists.

>> No.55525521

This. Eich gives zero fucks that most of us are forever priced out of homeownership. He’s in the globohomo. If you remember he spoke at a globalist conference in Europe during covid. I hope a fentanyl addicted SF streetshitter breaks into his home while he’s sleeping. This guy fucking sucks

>> No.55525543

Extremism is the only appropriate reaction after peeking the sublime. Measured pragmatism is the world of the mundane.

>> No.55525682

Kek, only retards hold onto shitcoins anon. The real chads are accumulating based gems like Inj, Matic and Ocean, I'd also add Krest to the list seeing as users could qualify for based rewards through accumulating.

>> No.55525698

He isn't all that extreme, just another out of touch boomer who feels like the world owes him and is happy screwing over the young to get it

>> No.55526310
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a big issue is that BAT holders don't do shit except whine and complain, seems like nobody builds anything or creates anything interesting using BAT. No content creators, coders, etc. ask for tips or build anything promoting BAT. It's just dead in the water

>> No.55526405
File: 11 KB, 176x176, __AMLnZu8HsdKnPwMjpP9kRdU9LqXAOa40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been attempted before.

shit, brave wont even put guillermes (spelling?) artwork on t-shirts in their fucking merch store. a TRUE artist who, for some unbeknownst reason to me, is a fan of bat and brave and would have created art for them FOR FREE. but no. instead they take 2 years to put out a fucking merch store and release some gay ass corporate looking TRASH with the brave logo on it. and after all that, you are gonna sit here and advertise your bullshit to me over and over and over again in the notification tabs because there are ZERO advertisers interested in working with you lazy, incompetent, anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist lying pieces of shit? you are gonna come to us, after fucking your community 7 ways to sunday, and ask us to buy your $50 jogger pants. get fucked

i honestly cant stand this company. i hope brave goes bankrupt and this coin goes to fuckin ZERO. i dont give a fuck if i lose my investment on it. the satisfaction i would get from watching this company fail would more than make up for it.

and before you ask "well if you hate it so much then why dont you just sell" - because i held this stupid fucking nigger coin too long to break even on it you dumbass. now fuck off


>> No.55526432

are you really Parker?

>> No.55526461

There’s nothing to be done with BAT. They gave Guilherme the cold shoulder for a fucking pornstar. Brave can suck a dick.

>> No.55526478

Honestly this. I don’t even care if I break even anymore. I’ll find a way to make up for that loss. I just wanna see Brave fail. They all deserve it.

>> No.55526582

What's up?

>> No.55527112

Everything but BAT

>> No.55527130


>> No.55527904
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redeemed and put it all on marlin protocol the second i realized "holy shit, im fucking stupid, im actually investing in a dying browser whose marketshare got taken away by Opera GX, what the fuck am i doing?"

no brainer, really. idk what i was thinking. lurking this shithole sometimes gets me to buy the stupidest things, i guess.