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55542946 No.55542946 [Reply] [Original]

Post some upcoming/in progress IDO's need me some quick x5's again.

>> No.55543003
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PENDLE because im a silly trad farm girl wife and them white boys improving me defi yields is a good thing I tell you hwhat

>> No.55543025

here you go, pick one and pray. https://cryptorank.io/upcoming-ico

>> No.55543027
File: 16 KB, 363x312, 298572478_1718783931832003_2848769788445911004_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binance is all over them, too; https://research.binance.com/en/projects/arkham

I think exposing frauds and warning people about scams is a good thing though lots of people have given them a lot of flak for their "decentralizing the blockchain" motto.

>> No.55543035

seconding this shit
i dont care for their beliefs or whatever all i see is binance endorsement so i buy.

>> No.55543055 [DELETED] 

Now is not time for games retard become a bitcoin maxxi for the time being.

As if that means anything.

>> No.55543090

I'm not gonna get into a piece of shit that only purpose is expose "scams" cuz I know they're gonna target legit ones just for the profits

>> No.55543098

How so?

Thank you anon, though I was hoping for specific recommendations. I also prefer looking on Coindex but that's just me. Thanks again though.

Sounds interesting, so they pay people to expose scams and whatnot? What's their endgame? Also how would they monetize that?

>> No.55543121

Imagine being so pathetic that the only thing you can do is expose others kek

>> No.55543136
File: 31 KB, 375x610, re_albert_wesker_by_kaoyon_d7yaerl-375w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a marketplace, they earn fees for the info anons with too much time on their hands can provide. They vest it, and if more people support those claims and shit and they verify it, they let you put it up for sale. Something along those lines.

They also have dyor tools like Tradingview/Dextools so you can check on the biggest holders of listed assets, see their price changes history, etc.

Nobody's forcing your hand nigga this is a cool project I like and so I recommend it. Post something or fuck off.

>> No.55543164

"Capital-efficient AMM". Less slippage fuckery.

>> No.55543190
File: 321 KB, 680x532, EeD9mHaXsAAoBKn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if that means anything
Check out any coin Binance Research has taken under its wing. It doesn't matter if they suck shit now, the fact is that early on, they did very well. Nearly every time.

>> No.55543215

Metagene. Just some launchpad for NFT trash. I'm assuming some faggots with hopes and dreams will get in providing some liquidity before it all crashes and burns lol

>> No.55543237

Makes sense. I'm guessing a lot of people would be interested in doing just that considering how popular Coffeezilla's content is as well as how many people are plain mad at crypto for being infested with scammers.

I love anonymity but I guess it's for the best if the people responsible for platforms and the like ARE doxxed... Only buyers should be anons (if that, since wallet tracking is a thing).

Thanks for the recc.

>> No.55543256

Nah YOU fuck off piece of nigger shit

>> No.55543260

Sounds fairly based to me

>> No.55543267
File: 104 KB, 1381x808, Screenshot 2023-07-13 164105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all trash.