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File: 21 KB, 832x476, ebay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55631789 No.55631789 [Reply] [Original]

This behemoth of a company will not adapt and adjust to changing markets, instead they will blame sellers for their failures and increase the fees which in turn increases pricing, which makes buyers go elsewhere.

>> No.55631850

>t. salty seller
ebays not goin nowhere its unironically better than amazon. i have never once gotten fucked as a buyer on ebay and ive had plenty of transactions not occur as intended. thank you ebay pajeets for your customer service.

>> No.55631859

Never liked ebay, since it's been around I've only used it like maybe once and had a dispute to get my money back.

>> No.55631872

Can confirm. Even underpriced shit isn't selling right now. Dead platform.

>> No.55631874

eBay are launching a huge NFT marketplace soon. I know this because they're hiring for a crypto CMO and I'm a crypto CMO. But I'm not sure how succesful this will be, given NFT hype is pretty much over.

>> No.55631888

I’ve only used it once to buy my cunt ex gf a promise ring which she accepted and probably cheated on me the next day. May she burn in hell forever.

>> No.55631892
File: 50 KB, 502x657, boss_20hogg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use eBay instead of Amazon for anything that I need outside of Walmart.com. I do not even have an Amazon account at all, nor will I ever. I get some things I need fairly regularly from Costco drop shippers on eBay, in fact.

>> No.55631901

i bought a new $400mrsp yeti cooler off of there for $200. i also bought a thrustmaster hotas system which retails for like $170 for $70. if i'm looking at a niche big ticket item i always check ebay first. i havent been burned so far.

>> No.55631908

Same experience here, I haven't used Amazon for about 10 years since they tried jewing me in to a prime subscription.

>> No.55631917

>more eBay fud
Ok what am I missing out on

>> No.55631931

>i have never once gotten fucked as a buyer on ebay
Maybe because that is where the dog lies buried? Any retard can claim whatever fault or flaw they want, get free returns on the sellers dime and just return nail clippings, ebay will then refund automatically when the nail clippings are marked as delivered. Want to fight back? Tough luck, doesn't matter that you have sold since the start of the millennia, we will need a police report for that and in which case you give us one we will just refund from our own pockets, letting the buyer keep whatever he has stolen and still be ble to roam the platform and pull of the same scam again and again because sellers can't leave negative feedback.

>> No.55631957

so, as always, we cant have nice things because of niggers and their niggering ways. its all so tiresome.

>> No.55631991

as long as i have money to spend on ebay, retards will post items because they want my money. like any store, maybe you should factor in some loss instead of expecting flawless endless infinite income.

>> No.55632002

Maybe you should just give away all your stuff for free and roam the streets of Los Angeles as a hippie?

>> No.55632033

I would do the p0lice report then, get my $ back and hope for the best on the rest.
par for the course

>> No.55632038

Scammers scamming scammers is more sustainable than you think

>> No.55632045

their account management interface is terrible beyond comprehension. i prefer detailed sub-menus and not 65 IQ mulattoe teenager CELLFOAM interfaces, but what eBay has going now is disjointed and confusing.

>> No.55632075

Alternative marketplaces are popping up, sellers have no incentive to stay on ebay anymore. Upcoming generations will have no relationship to ebay. They have their apps for pokemon and sneakers already.

>> No.55632078

great rebuttal fast shipping excellent seller, would shop again a++++

>> No.55632098

I prefer it over amazon (and most other retail sites). Both sites offer the same dropshipped low quality chink-shit, but ebay often has lower prices (when I was forced to wear a mask buying them was a lot cheaper on ebay than on amazon for example).

Also you can find a lot of gems on ebay. Factory seconds or barely used high quality products for half the normal price. I also have a weakness for antique artworks & ebay is perfect for that if I am not searching for something specific

>> No.55632105

Man I need to sell something that completely new costs 140 bucks (64 gb ram) and I put 100+10 shipping fees. All I get is people trying to buy it offering 70 bucks at best. Should I just put an higher price so the offers that come in are higher ?

>> No.55632117

The entire layout is outdated by at least a decade, but hardly surprising since they until just recently charged people for uploading more than 12 images, showing that they thought they were still in 2004 where bandwith and storage space could have been a legitimate argument for hosting downsampled images.

>> No.55632126

When I was a seller it was a norf scumbag who tried to scam me via collection but the based pajeet customer support man authorised a cheeky refund back to me after a quick call

>> No.55632137

110 free delivery it, might take a few weeks, my motherboard/CPU sold quickly tho

>> No.55632140

Why don't you buy that from aliexpress instead?
>Also you can find a lot of gems on ebay.
Sure you can, that is if the search algorithm doesn't show you pay to play listings for irrelevant crap that share one letter in the alphabet.
>antique artworks

>> No.55632217
File: 499 KB, 1200x600, new_year_web_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the days of the casual reseller are certainly dead. nobody wants your overpriced, second-hand or vintage shit anymore unless it costs next to nothing

these days you have to be a marketing IG-level shark tank mom branding yourself as a rising company using eBay as a stepping stone to make big bank with this platform

that's why i'm just utilizing their free store and cut my ties with a store subscription. i've been a reseller for years and was great at sourcing and reselling and did great back in the 2010s. it was actually a fun side hustle., i'm just glad my inventory isn't as huge as some of these resellers that had to quit, go back to wageslaving and mass sell boxes of shoes, clothes, etc. for next to nothing

>> No.55632256

will do as soon as I get home from vacation. since my pc is running 32 gb I was thinking of using some of them but idk

>> No.55632264

How does mecari compare to ebay in terms of selling?

I know that Amazon will literally jew you out of a listing if they want

>> No.55632310

it probably isn't though, everything is cheaper on ebay than platforms like amazon

>> No.55632315
File: 16 KB, 480x360, cyrusgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile on craigslist

>> No.55632325

At least you have a chance to fight back.

>> No.55632598
File: 296 KB, 627x582, 1689435555911500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the conundrum with this platform. It's the best thing ever if you are buying, but a pure nightmare as a seller.
I've got deals so good on ebay via auctions the sellers were crying and begging me to cancel my purchase.
Just today i won a lot of silver coins for below half the spot price. I'd have to pay around +140% in any shop worldwide.
Said seller could have walked in any pawn shop or local coin shop and sold it for spot value bare minimum.. But instead he trusted ebay and is getting a 60% haircut.

Idk why miners even bother digging the ground to find gold and silver, i'm literally below their AISC by just clicking on ebay lmao.

>> No.55632623

>But instead he trusted ebay
trusted ebay to pump his bags?
he chose the parameters of his sale, thus he chose to sell under whatever conditions he chose to sell under.

>> No.55632674

Fair enough. But it's also jewbay who is pushing the sellers to start the auctions with a $1 pricetag to augment the visibility (not counting all the gazillions of "sponsoring" to raise "visibility", read : the algo not automatically putting you on page 50 if you don't pay- proposed at absurd prices on top of the already disgusting cut ebay are gorging themselves onto).
So ofc a lot of sellers are getting burnt.

>> No.55632727

I rarely buy chink shit at all, and when I have to buy it I usually need it quite fast.

Search function on eBay works totally fine for me.

Using one marketplace doesn't exclude using another. I have more luck on ebay though. Same applies to the first point btw.

>> No.55632812

>its binances fault i get liquidated because they incentivize me to margin trade 1000x

>> No.55632837

Pretty much. A chink scammed me on eBay selling a cable modem so I don't sell on it any more. eBay is good for finding really obscure shit you can't buy in stores. I hope there's a replacement soon because that dinosaur just snat even with their seller scams anymore.

>> No.55632856

do you use actual photos or marketing/stock photos?
I have 100s of items I'd like to sell (in new open box/without box/without tags condition) but that would mean taking thousands of photos, posing each item

i'd rather sell on craigslist/marketplace but unfortunately I live in a megadiverse shithole

>> No.55632859

>100 profitable transactions
>lose money once
>thats it im done with X its always been a scam

>> No.55632865

Qrd mate. Are you buying junk silver lots or something else?

>> No.55632902

>do you use actual photos or marketing/stock photos?
Use my own, but if taking photographs of your items is a hassle then i have great news for you.. you see ebay started just copying other sellers photos to use in their listing tool so now you can use theirs instead. They don't even have the decency to wait until the items sell before stealing the photos.. cool, huh?

>> No.55632997

I genuinely hope it does
they deserve much worse

>> No.55633074


>> No.55633215

He has done his research and knows the silver content of more obscure circulation coinage would be my guess.

>> No.55633515

i love ebay *because* it doesn't change. go back to temu or whatever shithole online store you use

>> No.55633558

It sucks 10x worse than ebay, no buyers, worse fees, constant zoomer notifications. It prompts me to buy stuff after I sell anything.

>> No.55633559

I’m pissed as a seller that now you have to promote your shit to get it seen. They’re definitely hiding listings if you don’t pay for play, fags. The shipping is already bad enough and they take a percentage, fucking retards are squeezing sellers dry

>> No.55633598

>maybe you should factor in some loss instead
Maybe you should try not being a nigger for once in your life.

>> No.55633614

What Costco items do you buy on ebay?

>> No.55633660

>i have never once gotten fucked as a buyer
i think this is the the main complaint from OP and other sellers is scammers like you