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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.12 MB, 1080x1920, A8BF2973-1EC9-47E3-B2CA-D0044BF2D488.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55642059 No.55642059 [Reply] [Original]

>that will be $600k plus tip

>> No.55642079 [DELETED] 
File: 316 KB, 1080x795, You're Bretty Gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me on the left before reading mein kampf

>> No.55642081

the absolute unit waddling by

>> No.55642090

insulated, moisturized, unbothered

>> No.55642092

>not even using maritime plywood

fucking yikes from me

>> No.55642097

why does the footage stop? I wanted to see him finish up that wall. also the cameraman is holding the camera the wrong way and I would like that fixed asap
you have 15 min OP to rectify the problem

>> No.55642098
File: 647 KB, 3072x2304, american_flat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


post some funny American building techniques

>> No.55642102

yep, fatty stole the show
what is he even 'building'?

>> No.55642103
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x3024, 49fona9at5a81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry goy we had to cut some corners because jose, paco, enrique, and alejandro were double booked on two goystables -- i mean houses. anyways, the cost went up another $50k hope you don't mind (it's in the contract btw.)

>> No.55642113

Padded room for autistic children

>> No.55642116

>shed made out of wood

top kek

Americans call the shit we store our bikes in "houses"

>> No.55642117

How long is this thing gonna be standing for? What happens if a fire breaks out?

>> No.55642119

Nothing as long as you get the fire health insurance + tip

>> No.55642127
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>> No.55642137

at least we can afford houses

>> No.55642146

the word is "sheds" and yes we can afford wooden sheds too

>> No.55642155


>> No.55642163


>> No.55642167

Freedom, that's how commie

>> No.55642187 [DELETED] 

fat white trash retards drinking or doing drugs on the job or 65 IQ beanoid spicniggers who can't read a blueprint because they dropped out of the 5th grade and literally cannot speak english -- take your pick.

>> No.55642195
File: 221 KB, 1000x1000, 1473017984045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55642211

in europe we only use that type of wood for building dog houses

>> No.55642212

Is this a seething chink thread?

>> No.55642221

hol up is European home construction totally void of wood frames and shit of that nature?

>> No.55642227

So in Europe is everything built with concrete or what? I dont get it.

>> No.55642232

What am I seeing here? It's just a bolt.

>> No.55642239
File: 296 KB, 627x582, 1689435555911500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it is... wtf is wrong with mutts seriously

>> No.55642241

Why do europoors always try to take credit for stone/brick homes as if they personally made the decision to build with them, when they’ve been there for hundreds of years? Can any europoor show a house they live in that was built in the past 20 years? (They won’t)

>> No.55642242

Is this a serious question

>> No.55642243

The support beam is held by the tip of the bolt anon..

>> No.55642258
File: 289 KB, 1581x971, Kheops-Pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only proper way to build a house

>> No.55642259

>American construction thread

lmao even..

>> No.55642261

It works.

>> No.55642263
File: 325 KB, 2048x1152, american_woodhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be America
>Buy a house
>That will be $700k + tip excluding health insurance
>Sir would you like dual drive way and a heated pool in the backyard for only a subscription of $3999 every 10 months or a one time payment of $10k?
>Wind comes setting in
>House gone

>> No.55642268


Being the third little pig, we primarily use brick. Older houses (standing for centuries) are made of stone.

We do indeed use wood for frame, but we use real wood such as oak, unlike the cheap twigs preferred by US construction who want the building to collapse after 10 years so they can get paid to build it again and maintain artificial scarcity for a constant stream of money to be sucked out of the goy-slaves.

>> No.55642274

Americans will never understand.

>> No.55642279

You get what you pay for when it comes to these things.

On the flipside, if you know carpentry and do good work, people will pay you a ton to do it well. It's a valuable skill to learn if you want to work to make a living instead of gambling on shitcoins.

>> No.55642280


>> No.55642284

>wood frames
used for indoor drywalling at best (usually with glueless OSB beneath for stability) to separate rooms
usually brickwork or straight concrete depending on sound dampening and if the wall is structural or not
if we build with wood we usually build with timber frames and not 2x4.
also yes, mostly concrete and often with a basement.

>> No.55642285

Retarded bait. Place your dragon dildo on a thin surface and slam your obese ass down on it and let me know how that works out

>> No.55642294

Ask Pedro to do it. It’s only 250k

>> No.55642304

>it’s ok if we Euroaches use wood but you

Typical European arrogance.

>> No.55642307

nigger we still build mostly real houses. keep coping mutt.

>> No.55642316

tfw the democrats have permanently priced the average joe out of their ziggurat.

>> No.55642336

There is nothing wrong with using wood to build something. Wood is one of the best materials there is for building things. It's basically nature's carbon fiber. There are houses in Europe made from wood that are still standing after hundreds of years.

Shitty construction is shitty construction. If you make a house as cheaply as possible, you will probably use wood, and use as little as possible and compromise structural integrity to cut costs. It's not the wood's fault that the person building with it was cheap and lazy.

>> No.55642338

>comparing pine 2x4 frames with timber frames
ok mutt

>> No.55642342
File: 355 KB, 2142x1633, muricaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is nothing wrong with using wood to build something. Wood is one of the best materials there is for building things. It's basically nature's carbon fiber. There are houses in Europe made from wood that are still standing after hundreds of years.
>Shitty construction is shitty construction. If you make a house as cheaply as possible, you will probably use wood, and use as little as possible and compromise structural integrity to cut costs. It's not the wood's fault that the person building with it was cheap and lazy.

>> No.55642348
File: 66 KB, 720x692, it is canon that in the cult classic american psycho, patrick bateman actually did feed a live kitten to an ATM and go on his killing spree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lots of expensive materials and tools, some bespoke for construction
>team of laborers and their managers, hopefully you can afford good ones
>real estate agency responsible for making sure paperwork is filed and that all local laws are followed for selling the home

nobody is going to sell you a home out of the kindness of their heart

>> No.55642354
File: 864 KB, 587x608, wood-Picture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you might be right if we used real wood in new construction. what you get is mass produced pic related goyslop. a fitting means of construction for a nation of morbidly obese muttnigger retards.

>> No.55642356

There's wood that is sourced from real trees and "wood" that is "technically there is some tree wood in there". Not only is the construction cheaped out on, the material is also cheap.

>> No.55642363


Yuropoors don’t build any new buildings/houses. they live in old time stables converted into effeminate lofts.

>> No.55642368

2018 looks like it will crumble to dust under the slightest pressure

>> No.55642377

That's the picture I was looking for, thanks. The house I grew up in was built using the bottom material. Opened up the kitchen to confirm. Still smelled like nature too. My coworker's house was the top stuff. He's had to put in another half a million to fix up his 1.2 million crap shack.

>> No.55642384

it's fine if it's not structural, i.e. dividing rooms and reinforced with OSB but yeah, in general it's shit.

>> No.55642391

So dont buy any houses built after 2018? When did they start using this garbage?

>> No.55642402

This is done on purpose so the house doesn't collapse in earthquakes you need to leave room for it to move.

>> No.55642409
File: 1.00 MB, 3562x3024, 6vf4043cwqu61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hard to say given how big the country is, but it's been going on since at least the 1950s.

>> No.55642410

That makes perfect sense. Aside from affordability it's mostly a matter of insuring the property. Given that the cheap twigs can often sell faster and often for more than really nice brick and stone homes, even in really nice areas that price out 99% of burgers. I know many of those cheap twig homes built in the 20's and 30's are still standing though anon.

Construction methods have improved since in all types of homes but insurance and zoning laws cuck america out of so much. A few years ago I wanted to get a patent for these antiseismic rubber fittings to be used in brick and stone masonry, just to see if I could get a new grift in the insurance industry (doubt it would solve anything serious lol) but a Britisher company beat me to getting the patent for the same thing by a few weeks. I'm still quite salty over the whole thing.

>> No.55642411

it's because of rising CO2 in the atmosphere and longer seasons. i'd say after the 60s it started becoming worse and probably since the 2000s it's utter shit.
also a question of price. wood from higher altitudes still looks like the bottom

>> No.55642428

>it's because of rising CO2 in the atmosphere

this and it's because you didn't take your vax

>> No.55642449

fucking retard.
plants grow faster with more CO2 and longer seasons you dumbfuck.
>muh climate change
was never mentioned fuckface mcfatass burgershit.
do you even know what tree rings are ?

>> No.55642463

i understand you,but be patient with him ,don't sperg. explain him why he's retarded

>> No.55642466

not to mention NO2 emissions from industry/cars/farms fertilizes forests and makes them grow faster too.

>> No.55642481 [DELETED] 

Back when the Hebrew Jews made things, instead of just financing the making of things

>> No.55642550

Humans already cut down all the old growth forests that were used for the bottom piece.

Also, these are two different species of tree.

Today's wood is close enough in quality for construction and it is sustainably produced.

We don't want to cut down all the trees like niggers just so we can have slightly higher quality wood.

>> No.55642567
File: 56 KB, 607x456, durability1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come home, white man.

>> No.55642591

>frame construction
you burgers just don't fucking get it, do you ? now you've replaced the relatively stable wood with razor thin aluminium/steel "frames". it's no better.

>> No.55642599
File: 5 KB, 250x239, 167899619336442768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything but concrete and steel

>> No.55642607


why does he keep putting the same block on, what a doofus

>> No.55642616

imagine a hurrican comes by and blows all that sharp alumium around. a fucking death trap for everyone on the street.

>> No.55642689
File: 148 KB, 640x638, first floor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related
>first floor being prepared for pouring another reinforced concrete floor
this is how we mostly build, sometimes with more concrete, rarely with less.

>> No.55642698

you have a good point, i'd rather see galvanized steel or aluminum in thicker stock.

>> No.55642757

>you burgers
no, most get it
it's just the same autist that shits up every single housing thread

>> No.55642788


You wouldn't get it, it's related to how we see family and continuity.

My great grandfather built one of my family's buildings. My grandmother lived in it most of her life and my father was born in it. I spent a part of my childhood there and I'm now planning on how to can best care for it until my my daughter inherits it.

Obviously, it was made out of stone, brick and concrete.

>> No.55642894

I’d say it has more to do with higher atmospheric Nitrogen (from farm animals and cars which then comes down in the rain) and with the fact that all the old trees have been harvested and young trees add wood at a much faster rate but I wouldn’t say your factors don’t also contribute.
t. forester

>> No.55643052

already adressed

>> No.55643085

>On the flipside, if you know carpentry and do good work, people will pay you a ton to do it well.
They will still TRY to rip you off through, it isn't fucking smooth sailing, trades is ruthless and you need to be as well to make it.

>> No.55643118

I remember everyone in the US was making fun of commieblocks 20 years ago, but now wooden commieblocks are basically all the apartments you ever see being built anymore. I wonder how long it'll be before Americans start adapting other Soviet practices, such as hanging rugs on their walls for blocking sound since the sound isolation is so horrible in these wooden shitshacks.

>> No.55643158

Why don't they powerwash this thing so it looks better. Looks like its been sitting in a smoking lounge for 50 years

>> No.55643173

nigger it costs more, of course they're not going to use it
>t. pessimistic anon that believes everyone is out to get him, including (you)

>> No.55643214
File: 26 KB, 350x350, 1644168716717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55643257


>> No.55643264

it's being used for roof frames obviously, rest is brick and concrete
meanwhile you regressed from plywood to osb and fixing insulation with pur foam

>> No.55643309

lol as if your eurotrash sardine can offices are any better. Give me my high wall cubicle any day over that shit.

>> No.55643378

proud of never being a homeowner

>> No.55643504

fucken ell bruv

>> No.55643991

the size of your "homes" are the size of our sheds or storage buildings

keep seething euroshit

>> No.55643996

eurofags also pretend we don't have 80 year old houses that we live in or that every construction in the wealthiest country on earth is somehow the same quality as bergstein developments in dallas

it's a divide and conquer strategy, it doesn't have to be true it just has to make people argue

>> No.55644012 [DELETED] 

>but now wooden commieblocks are basically all the apartments you ever see being built anymore

post source for this information or kys shill

when I go into the nigger section of a city an hour from me all I see is brick 4 story buildings and up, do you seriously think that housing in america for multistory buildings is all wood, you're seriously fucking retarded, you've based your entire worldview on a few images you've seen on 4chan

>> No.55644017

styrofoam homes slapped together in two week for the low low cost of only 9,999,999.99.

>> No.55644018


>> No.55644050
File: 337 KB, 1365x657, seething euroshits brick in usa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to euroshits this building shouldn't exist

>> No.55644055

I too walk outside during hurricanes

>> No.55644173

this but with thick steel and 2 inch steel plating instead of plywood

>> No.55644204

Inspector came and said he needs to be able to see the anchor. So it rolled down to a under paid contractor to square that circle so he came in with a sawzall. He didn't give a shit because it was out side is usual scope of work.

>> No.55644206

wtf do all europeans live in these?

>> No.55644215


That's high quality, there's plywood instead of chipboard.

>> No.55644226

>Seething subhuman mutt screeching about the europeans who live rent free in his head

>> No.55644295

>argument not addressed, shill seething

>> No.55644855
File: 138 KB, 1024x576, Residential-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55644880

Yeah we actually have decent construction over.
The only wood you'll find in a European house is the floorboards and the stud work the plaster boards fixed too.
Your not actually surprised you get ripped on LardLand though right ?

>> No.55644895

That'll be you homeless at best plus a higher premium on your go- I mean house insurance

>> No.55644918

>genetically modified EZ-Gro trees
boomers ruined absolutely everything is insane. i saw a video on newer methods of glueing wood together, so newer constrctions might not be so bad

>> No.55645035

They're not modified, they just grow faster since there's no shade from older trees blocking the sunlight. You guys have clearcut the whole continent.

>> No.55645050

Still better than the cobcrete chinks use.

>> No.55645060

>2 inch steel plating
Good luck heating that

>> No.55645074
File: 3.82 MB, 576x1024, 1681106082495218.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55645189

This is honestly impressive

>> No.55645218

Homes made from 2x4, sheetrock, and whatever cheap siding you pick are massively over priced for what you're getting--yes, 100%. However, if you've ever had to work with 'muh old muh historical' houses you'd know that old construction sucks fucking cock to work with in any capacity. Something as simple as installing an air conditioner or an outlet can take days because you're fucking with brick, stone, and wooden walls which all look like ass if you try to put it back together with anything that isn't exactly the same shit as what it was made from. It's a pain in the ass. American homes are overpriced, but the materials and design are ideal for longevity when you look at it as a modular thing. Shit breaks, you'll upgrade appliances, make additions, and update old retarded looking kitchens and living rooms over the years. It's easiest amd cheapest to do this with the lipstick on a pig material we use now which, unless you're in the ghetto or a trailer park, still needs to fulfill code requirements for survival of wind gusts, fire, water etc. It is unironically what peak performance looks like for a population of people who actually want to change with the times and improve their property. Europoors cannot understand the concept of adaptation and improvement, however, most likely because 99% of them will literally never own property or a home.

Dont get me wrong I fucking hate my country but construction, lots of land, and new home ownership are the only fucking things we have going for us here.

>> No.55645249

movie set piece?

>> No.55645252

>big multistory complex
>no central AC
third world tier

>> No.55645269 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 768x1024, Blackswan Official Make it Chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Dev id

also if you buy 25k blackswan you will have lifetime access to the 0 day trading bot. The trading bot uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. website: blackswan dot biz

>> No.55645282

Is it from wood?

>> No.55645286

Hey dumb dumb, it's the quality of wood.

>> No.55645302
File: 280 KB, 677x550, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>europoors cut all the trees down in their continent
>wood becomes prohibitively expensive in yurope.
>have no choice but to build with other materials, take credit for "muh longevity" when they choose the cheaper option (to them)
Hence the name euro-POORs. Stay obsessed.

>> No.55645317

>we primarily use brick
No you do not. Most newer "brick" houses are wood framed with a single wythe of bricks as a decorative feature to cover up the wood, it's not structural.

>> No.55645359

Yea, the brick is just paper decoration glued on top

>> No.55645408

Wood is not a construction material.

>> No.55645441
File: 249 KB, 800x1202, Mjøstårnet in Brumunddal, Norway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmmm... eurosisters... our response?
>But soaring above the neighboring Mjøsa lake, more than 100 kilometers (62 miles) north of Oslo, the 280-foot-tall Mjøstårnet tower became the world’s tallest timber building when it opened last year.
>euros paving the way to wooden skyscrapers

>> No.55645488

Best alpha on /biz/

>> No.55645497
File: 346 KB, 900x586, proxy-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glulam is an interesting solution

>> No.55645593

That's the whole point moron. You build them right to begin with and you don't need to add and replace. Why the fuck would you rip stone out to put an outlet in. Brainless

>> No.55645649 [DELETED] 
File: 383 KB, 1000x1212, Sandals+of+Tutankhamun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf are you talking about? The Egyptians hated the Jews. The pharaohs would have images of kikes and niggers inscribed on the soles of their shoes so that they could metaphysically step on their enemies.

>> No.55646229

it looks like its been sitting in a desert for thousands of years

>> No.55646244

I don't know if you are joking or not...

>> No.55646641

Wtf why is it so easy to shape? Shouldnt it be super hard? It's load bearing.

>> No.55646724

Of course they're not using chipboard, all the plywood is load bearing after all.

>> No.55646754

An appetite

>> No.55646757

should zoomer landlords be put up against a firing squad wall in minecraft?

>> No.55646759
File: 123 KB, 635x505, QnfsQuJqdCc4XuVLo2_00mI2joFDlu3siCx0XBzgWNU~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do flyovercels cope with such souless lives?

>> No.55646762

Im far above you, subhuman.
Arguing with you is like arguing with an insect.

>> No.55646773
File: 2.18 MB, 1080x1529, Screenshot_20230723-223302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is every small town not on the coast

>> No.55646867
File: 406 KB, 2000x1333, dreamstime_xxl_16417743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, yuros are full of shit. They use the same shit.

>> No.55646904

it's sprayed-on foam. with sprayed-on paint. he's just carving out the paint.
is it load bearing? better hope it isn't.

>> No.55646909

American houses are becoming similar to those chinese houses

>> No.55646917

Mostly drinking and watching fox news

>> No.55646980

people stole the nice smooth stones that used to cover it

>> No.55646985

stop being reasonable I wanna get MAD

>> No.55647015

I don't even have to waste my time with videos like these to know that I won't give substantial amounts of money to something that I haven't built with my own hands.

>> No.55647037

kek Americans. Amazing how arrogant they are, only due to their obliviousness.

>> No.55647044


You can clearly see the massive steel supports through the windows.

Still wouldn't want to live in it though. It's probably noisy as fuck.

>> No.55647056

Stop spamming this fucking photo every day.

>> No.55647060

Europeans will need to build more with wood soon as well. Concrete has a way too high CO2 footprint. It’s part of the CO2 reduction package. So yes, American houses are shit boxes. But you can build decent houses with wood alone.

>> No.55647228
File: 94 KB, 1200x900, F5_tornado_Elie_Manitoba_2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this why a small gust of wind destroy american homes so easily?

>> No.55647247
File: 425 KB, 1072x683, 4444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King Tut also has a chest with a picture of him going to war against groids. He was /ourchud/

>> No.55647249

does it hit too close to home?

>> No.55647335


>> No.55647395 [DELETED] 

>woaaAah i found one counterexample in the most goyest goy european country
nigger in the literal thumbnail you posted you can see every other house in sight is cement

>> No.55647399

You know those awful cheap Deano homes we mock in the UK? They are made of brick. The worst quality homes in UK are better built than McMansions over there. That's what happens when you chase square footage with no concern for standards.

>> No.55647415 [DELETED] 

goy that's what happens after all your old growth wood is used up. No amount of crying and bitching will bring it back. But you can burn the boomers at stake who turned our beautiful nature into slightly-more-stable wood sticks for their disposible housing

>> No.55647432

Imagine the creaking during storms.
Imagine the state of this building after 20 years.
Are there at least steel beams hiding inside? Maybe concrete pillars?

>> No.55647477
File: 1.21 MB, 480x686, 1670887539247973.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be European
>can't afford anything other than a 1 room flat despite working a lucrative it gig.
>55% tax rate ensures everyonr is poor
>Can't afford a car, and even if you did, gas is 12 dollars a gallon

Our poor live better than your middle class. Suck it European.

>> No.55647522
File: 285 KB, 600x1000, 41.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be american

>> No.55647832

shit makes me anxious to look at

>> No.55647914
File: 46 KB, 512x512, 2023-07-23 00.53.21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dw anon you will be on the streets soon

>> No.55647985

how is the top not real wood. i dont get it

>> No.55648376

>a literal timber log house
>muh euros build with wood too
yeah, timber, sometimes, not 2x4 framing for the entire house

>> No.55648390

>you can build decent houses with wood alone
americans can't though.
also, we shouldn't build more, we should get rid of the dead weight people. fortunately it looks more and more like the trash will take itself out sooner or later for better or worse.

>> No.55648394

>Insurance company tells you your claim is denied because the contractor did not build to code, so you're now homeless and still have to tip the insurance company.

>> No.55648412
File: 177 KB, 600x390, 4nbu3o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my commie block has build quality of a bunker

it's ugly af, but would probably withstand a nuclear blast

>> No.55648476

i want to see a tornado hit that

>> No.55648576

Uh no you don't

>> No.55648578

Hi everyone, I'm a Eurofag and I care very much about what type of building materials people use in the states. I'm very much not obsessed with America, and I'm sure people in the US also care very much about what type of building materials are used in other countries.

>> No.55648608

for those who don't know, a wood's axial and flexural strength is in the grain of the wood
if you look at balsa wood, it's all xylem, which doesn't have much strength
the cellulose forms cross-links between the layers of xylem and phloem and that's what gives wood its strength. old-growth hardwood has high strength because the rings are compacted, so you have far more cellulose crosslinks per cubic cm of wood, longitudinally.
if you think of it like plywood, thinner sections of plywood with more of them glued together per cm thickness will be stronger than thicker sections of wood with fewer glued together per cm
things didn't used to be built like this in the US
we used to have legitimate timber-structure houses
it was unironically the boomer era of wild building of single-level ranch quick-up homes where this shit started

>> No.55648654

i got 120m square apartment at the age of 26 and i paid 150k PLN for it plus 15k for restoration since i know hot to fix my own shit around the house, keep seething cuck, you will be a forever rentoid in your shoebox

>> No.55648688
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The default construction is still this,
and walls were assumed to be a safe direction to point a gun as they tend to be bullet-proof by default (mandatory proficiency tests for gun permits ..).
A more American style is however getting more common in recent years, for environmental reasons, you can't as easily get to the insulation-standards with something solid. But this is more a thing among the religions following of Greta or the German green party, and not the default.

>> No.55648761

This is the weirdest European cope, I think. American houses are just objectively better. It's been a while now, if there was a problem with the way we build them you'd know by now. It's fine, you guys get objectively better food.

>> No.55648874
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>> No.55648886

I thought buldings this big had to be concrete. There is definitely a limit to how big a wood structure can legally be.

>> No.55649535
File: 218 KB, 1160x726, GettyImages-1237782808-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoors don't live in houses. They live in small sections of buildings. You have to be very wealthy to afford your own 4 walls and a yard there.

>> No.55649564

Kys polfag

>> No.55649595
File: 304 KB, 1200x800, 110A3962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Precast chads rule.
> Extremely high quality concrete finish with no formwork marks.
> Flatter than an Asian womans ass / chest. +/- 1.5mm over 10ft.
> Extremely well insulated if sandwich panels. Passive house standard easy
> Extremely sound proof / quiet. Can't hear your nigger neighbors being niggers at night.

> 100 year plus house with zero maintenance on the outside. Maybe a coat of paint to keep your roastie wife happy. No termites ever.
> Cheap as hell to manufacture.

Can't wait for European style precast standards to chase the wood Jew out of America.

>> No.55649640

No one lives there. You don't live at McDonald's. That is a cluster of restaurants and gas stations you drive to for the purpose of aqurining fuel and food on your trip. You shouldn't have to have this spelled out to you.

>> No.55649663

While this is technically true, the house is designed based on the standards of the top section of the wood. Meaning its not in any way less safe.

All this clear cutting propaganda is bullshit. The American wood industry is actually very responsible with harvesting wood. We've never had more forests in North America since 200+ years. I know we all blame the Jews here, but its not in the wood industry's interest to clear cut woods irresponsibly.

If you want to see what REAL shitty forestry management is, go to Russia and watch what they do there with Birch forests / plywood.

The problem with wood is ALWAYS the same. Contractors doing a shitty job of installing moisture barriers causing rot / termites. My house in Chicago was built 100+ years ago (wood 3 level on top of concrete basement) but thankfully they did a great job of keeping it dry. Still no cracks in walls and is very well insulated considering the timeframe.

I'd still take concrete every day over wood, but people forget the problems with concrete walls is that reno's are impossible (i..e, moving an outlet), installing a larger window, etc.

>> No.55650204
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>> No.55650461

What is it with wood-frame houses and the US?, coming from Europe i just don't get it, why build crap when you could build good/ lasting?

>> No.55650507


>> No.55650525

wood is extremely abundant here.

>> No.55650967

anglos are anglos.

comparatively few houses are built like that. in the end you have to encase the building in some kind of insulation (preferably rockwool, woodwool/hempwool or aerogel) and most often it's the cheapest shit. styrofoam, which will ensure you'll have to pay for it's recycling after 40-60 years and is generally trash.

the most modern standards usually always have flat rooftops (ugly as hell) with a substrate layer and plants to slow rain ingress and if the soil permits a rainwater infiltration pond of some sort. basically shoe carton houses because they are easier to plan and insulate, but they are as soulless as it gets.

>> No.55651011
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>shoe carton house
pic related for reference

>> No.55651066

Lmao that pic is not even in Europe it's in southeast asia

>> No.55651144

>It's load bearing.
It is not. That's just a cheap way to do fascia.

>> No.55651265
File: 1.81 MB, 3835x2754, The Bonne Terre Missouri Memorial Library,built in 1905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to build a house and buildings of natural and traditional materials in various vernacular and genuine nice and useful designs so bad
The specific type would obviously heavily depend on the actual location of where the land is but could definitely highly vary
Here's a random pic of a building I liked
I wish I had the resources and skills to build things in general

>> No.55651305

his point is those are not houses. i can afford a shed, too.

>> No.55651332

Utah building I sulation is pretty expensive. You wouldn't imagine what they sell that shit for

>> No.55651508

so you have a lower iq than an insect, holy shit

>> No.55651526

I have a set of houses built from limestone 150 years ago in the mountains. We change the clay plaster to cement in most places when we renovated.

Floor was also clay, but we replaced it mostly with concrete already. The roof logs are also original, so comfy.

>> No.55651528


>> No.55651563

home ownership rates in plenty of EU countries around the same or higher than in America

UK need not apply, they're a joke

>> No.55651682
File: 36 KB, 690x376, 5a14c66a-b009-4878-b26e-5768bdaf660c-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Island boys are already out fortunately

>> No.55651762 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 768x1024, Blackswan Roadmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so sad.
Anyways anons, look up a project called blackswan. It's currently on phase 3 going into phase 4. The trading bot uses AI to execute instant trades based on news releases. It helps you to enter positions before the market reacts, whether it's bullish or bearish news. You can specify the events you want to trade on. Website: blackswan dot biz

>> No.55651869
File: 2.80 MB, 640x640, 1690224574396.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd trust a wooden home made by Americans more than any brick shithouse constructed by Euros.

>> No.55651929

I can't speak for all of Europe, but from Italy / Germany perspective where I have spent a lot of time in the construction industry.

Like >>55650525 says wood is abundant, and up until recently, much cheaper to buy. Also despite what all the Europoors say, a wood frame home (properly built*) takes much more skill to make than a cast in place concrete house which is the norm in Germany.

Secondly, the Amerifatt home buyer knows nothing about housing and how they are built. They buy homes primarily based on size (sq.ft) and location. Infintesimally small percentage of Americans buy homes based on the quality of the construction. Thats a fact. Ask anybody you know who is a real estate agent and ask how many times they get asked "is it well built?" " what type of framing?"

Europeans in Germany and Italy DO care and are VERY particular about investing into a multi generational house. Virtually all the Germans I know prefer concrete (precast or CIP) and Italians certainly do. They will pay a premium for it.

As for why, I figured its a historical memory thing of their societies being repeatedly destroyed in wartime and that concrete homes stay standing. Also, they are REALLY into multigenerational housing so they want to build it right the first time. For example, I dated a girl in Northern Italy whose family owns a hotel / villa that was built in 1587 (!) and still owned by her same family. Thats fucking cool and nuts. No American family will say the same.

>> No.55652096

>tfw no pyramid
how am i goyna get some cleopatra-tier pussy now lads...FUCK

>> No.55652112
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>> No.55653646

>I'd still take concrete every day over wood, but people forget the problems with concrete walls is that reno's are impossible (i..e, moving an outlet), installing a larger window, etc.
Yeah that's putting me off for a house. How easy is a modification with wood. I can't think it's this simple either.

>> No.55653763

You motherfuckers really think a properly built wood frame house, with clips at every stud, then anchored to a million trusses, is going to blow over in a windstorm smdh

>> No.55653820

Breezewood has over a thousand people living there. More than many small towns

>> No.55653909


>> No.55653960
File: 251 KB, 1000x1300, 1671601080314888.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this.

>> No.55654458

dont tell them anon... we are full

>> No.55654825
File: 470 KB, 1280x937, 1280px-Pan-American_Exposition,_Buffalo,_1901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I wish I could make my dreams come true

>> No.55654836

what's next? an inflatable $800k "house" pumped up by a 300lb mexican while slurping a taco?

>> No.55654843

together we are already two. there are other people out there who want the same.

>> No.55655155

Sounds awesome. Got any pictures?

>> No.55656472

the problem is that it would only be one house in the middle of shitty houses.
The sad part is that nobody wants to build a huge neighborhood of nice houses

>> No.55656528

The "sauce" the scaffold guy is spraying made fatty hungry and now he wants to take a bite

>> No.55656711
File: 194 KB, 1196x1036, american_tornadohome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55656774


>> No.55656825

Steel is so dramatically stronger than wood that all you need is some thin shit.
But it transfers heat 10x faster and it doesn't absorb sound well due to the rigidity, so you need to use a lot more insulation.

In places which get hurricanes everything is concrete block for the building core. In Florida even cheap shit new developments are all concrete and rebar.

>> No.55656868

but these bricks are still more robust

>> No.55656983

Why are spics even going to the US anymore? Better off just living in some sandstone hovel in the desert

>> No.55657076

Yeah! And styrofoam blocks on your house are better because...uhhh....

>> No.55657239

They don't have to work to live in shipping containers. They get luxury apartments for free from the government.

>> No.55657269

what the fuck

>> No.55657367
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Why don’t you fags ever talk about earthship homes in these threads instead it’s just countries shit talking each other. You guys realize “bantz” aren’t funny when you come across as bitter right?

>> No.55657413

haha funny nigger

>> No.55657431
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Full of Walmart, chain restaurants and meth kek

>> No.55657434

Shit, that girl’s house is older than America.

>> No.55657708

>spray on faux brick
holy shit taste

>> No.55657718

We have these things called 'bricks'

>> No.55657733


live in ze oven juden

>> No.55657774

That's actually a stone and the guy os strong as fuck

>> No.55658403

They don't live at Mcdonalds or Exxon. That pic is an extremely small area photographed in a way to imply that the gas station-fast food sprawl extends for miles, when it doesn't.

>> No.55658432
File: 1.99 MB, 1280x853, 1687464337353545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This terrifies and enrages the american.

>> No.55658451

Using styrofoam for buildings should be illegal

>> No.55658481

>Shitville in the middle of nowheresville
Thats even worse than I thought

>> No.55658545

Fucking this. Hardest I've ever worked was a demo job tearing out 100 year old tongue and groove flooring. Vintage lumber sells pretty well to older divorcees who want to frame paintings of their cat. The house itself was structurally sound, but getting it code compliant would have cost more than the house was worth (circa mid 90s in bumfuck nowhere, not sure about the market now). When you pull out the old wiring with the cloth peeling off of it you wonder how everything didn't burn down back in the day.

>> No.55658836
File: 2.12 MB, 4225x2411, 1684089922021905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a house with woods for a little patio and veranda. It turns out water and insects ate all the wood last year, so some artisans came, removed all the dead wood and injected a silicon thing.

One year later, I have again water sipping out of the wood just after a light shower.... It's only over 1meter long of the wood they treated, but it's shit I have to call them back.

The initial work they did cost 7k for working over 10 meters of wood, over 2 days.

This is why wood is shit.

>> No.55659535

also the 7k was obtained thru a loan. Imagine needing a loan to fix your house lol

>> No.55660710

Hopefully. Bit off tangent but there are mostly schizo beliefs of an "Old World" that used to exist and that we can't recreate those things.

>> No.55660972

where in europe is this?

>> No.55662422

>Are there at least steel beams hiding inside? Maybe concrete pillars?
Haha. No.
Only american can look at a commie block (cheap housing for the masses) and think "how I can cut corners and make it cheaper and even more shitty?" "rebar, concrete? this things can last 50 maybe 100 years how can mr Shekelstein make a profit like this? I can make it out of cardboard"

>> No.55662796

The same Europeans are making fun of Americans who die every summer because it’s 85 degrees???

How can you say with a straight face that dying from a summer day isn’t more embarrassing, LOL.

>> No.55663494

the trick is to sit on the grass.

Stop trying to tame nature.

>> No.55663687

Not for long the way this drunk idiot is laying them. This wall will start to crack but you won’t see it because they cover it with styrofoam and stucco. By the time it is discovered the people building it will be out of business and the job will have to be redone.

>> No.55663734

kek + tip

>> No.55663817

This is absolutely fine. Those boards are just so you have something other than drywall to screw your cabinets into. You will never have problems due to that gap.
Don't see the problem. It won't collapse. It may burn down but they'll put sprinklers in to prevent that.
Eurotard feels ashamed that he has no old growth forest remaining, and wishes the burgers would cut down theirs to build shitty apartment buildings.

>> No.55663867
File: 1.42 MB, 640x480, burgerland mc mansion 2.0.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still using wood instead of all foam

>> No.55663899

why not just fix ur roof

>> No.55663913

>commie block (cheap housing for the masses)
I live in a commie block apartment and here’s the reality of them. First is the maintenance. Nobody in the building wants to pay for it. So if the roof starts to leak it doesn’t get fixed. If the basement area develops leaks it doesn’t get fixed. Mold is a big problem. Second is spalling. The builders during the commie era cut corners as well. I have observed rusty rebar right under a thin layer of cement. You should have at least 38mm of concrete separating your rebar from the elements. As chunks of cement fall off you can see this was not observed so the rebar rusts, expands, and the concrete cracks. Then there is the AC issue. People just let the water drip down the side of the buildings soaking the cement and further rusting the metal underneath. It doesn’t matter in the end what your buildings are made of. If it wasn’t build right and maintained right your going to have a bad time. Some of you retards need to get your asses to a trade school so you can speak with some intelligence.

>> No.55663970

What they “fixed” was only the symptom not the real problem. Get your roof and gutters checked out. Also the flashing where your little patio is attached to the house. (and stop being a cheapskate)

>> No.55664025

Itt: simpcels living with momma pretend to go house-shopping, immediately gravitate to fucked up videos, and stay contentedly with momma. Lmao

>> No.55664100

it would be silent, its not made from sticks of wood but "mass timber" floors and wall are made from giant 3foot thick slabs of solid wood. these apartments would cost like $1m each though

>> No.55664148

cardboard house niggers deserve the rope

modern housing is fucking trash

>> No.55664239

Xylem up
Phloem down

>> No.55664581

You're a fucking stupid faggot, I live in the biggest coastal city in the PNW, Seattle, and the construction is just as soulless and shitty as your pictures except there's a billion indians and africans causing traffic jams

>> No.55664624
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>> No.55664701

Housing and home improvement services are absolutely gouging the consumer. You would have been better off taking a plastic bumper from a junkyard and putting it there instead.

>> No.55665248


>> No.55665428

there's actually nothing unsound about building this way. it's a no brainer for a having many small rooms like apartments.

>> No.55665455
File: 90 KB, 360x360, 1670232923071378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol and they live in these small houses that need to have 1 foot thick walls making the livable spaces even smaller.

>> No.55665492

yeah it's inferior, you can't even move walls once it is built
my burger house has only a few walls I can't move, the rest could be knocked down

>> No.55665499

stupid ass wood lasts just as long or longer

>> No.55665516

>nooo your building technique has to be hilariously inefficient!!
when will you admit that you can't have such a house because the walls are too thin to hide the sound of your wife being fucked by a congo refugee

>> No.55665533

if it's built before electricity?
do you think about anything before your say it?

>> No.55665542

Island bros... It's over

>> No.55665647

Amerishart constructions never fail to amuse me, worse than China's, truly.
It's fitting, though. They have broadcast their "influencer" fake lives on the internet, with fake personalities, fake homes, fake relationships, fake economy, and fake politicians

>> No.55666110

the funniest part is that all these shitty construction methods will be more on more forced on the goys, including in europe, under the pretense of carbon emission and (((global change)))