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File: 310 KB, 1280x1279, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55730041 No.55730041 [Reply] [Original]

>The last Bitcoin will be minted in 2140
>People who will live until 2140 have already been born

How much will it be worth in 2140?

>> No.55730051

three fiddy

>> No.55730061

imagine how much someone would pay for that final satoshi.

>> No.55730069


>> No.55730072

literally nothing is stopping yet another fork of bitcoin to change the supply cap.

>> No.55730079

What outdated spaghetti code premine is worth as historic relic.
$1,000 2023 dollars or so?

>> No.55730081

>People who will live until 2140 have already been born

are bitcoinmaxxis retarted?

>> No.55730088

>are bitcoinmaxxis retarted?


>> No.55730091

Some people live to around 120 is not crazy.

>> No.55730477

This. Quantum resistence will require a hardfork regardless if purists like it or not and that will set a new precedent.

>> No.55730517

Bitcoin will be sold out and go thus go to zero by this time next year. There will be nothing on exchange. SOLD OUT. ILLEGAL SO WORTH 0 OFFICIALLY.
black market p2p however...

>> No.55730545
File: 205 KB, 994x658, btcqtm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quantum resistance is already achieved with recent upgrades. only the "old" adresses are vulnerables (and that's a big deal as satoshi BTC are from these kind of adresses)

see https://www2.deloitte.com/nl/nl/pages/innovatie/artikelen/quantum-computers-and-the-bitcoin-blockchain.html and pic related

>> No.55730549

Monero is for the black market

>> No.55730701

>How much will BTC be worth in 2140?

Enough to afford a new body, a digital mind copy or cryogenic sleep.

>> No.55730914

Dude, look up a list of the world's oldest people.

>> No.55731508
File: 72 KB, 300x250, 1664978912841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think crypto will still be around by then?
just like what happened with credit cards, people will invent a new expensive crap with an artificial price, for now I will just concentrate on things like CHIKUN before that day comes

>> No.55731612

If I move to Germany from my EU home country will I be able to sell the crypto I've had for more than one year tax free? Do I need a german bank account?

>> No.55731668

you need to be registered here and proof when you got in to the coins and so on

>> No.55734302

don't do it
germany is tax hell
I guarantee you that the finanzamt will find loopholes to tax you
worst case they find some odd transactions they don't understand and you will be charged with conspiracy to tax fraud

>> No.55734354

now try that without shilling your shitcoin

>> No.55734495

I can count them on one hand. Hell, I can probably count them on my dick.

>> No.55734509

>He doesn't remember SegWit wars
>He doesn't know the user segment can force miners to pick the fork which has not the longest chain, but consensus
>He thinks the user segment would give consensus to a fork which literally only favour miners
Many such cases. Sad

>> No.55734534

when all these late adopters know are tech companies like ethereum they really do believe that bitcoin is just as weak in consensus

>> No.55734633

Most people with a nice stack right now will have enough money to retire and live off passive income by the end of 2025. Imagine, 115 years of guaranteed wealth so you never have to work and you can just do anything that you want.