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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55746529 No.55746529 [Reply] [Original]

>Rent is due

>> No.55746599

my friend only charges me $400 a month to live at his place so i'm more than happy to pay that

>> No.55746609

Jesus-sama I can't afford the rent this month because I am a baka(>.<) Will you forgive me this month?

>> No.55746621

he resents you. if you can only afford 400$ a month you're a shitty friend too

>> No.55746622
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>> No.55746644

he's helping me out of a shitty situation and is happy for me to just pay what i can afford to. you don't know jack shit, nigger

>> No.55746729

I know you're paying a friend 400$ a month for a place to live, which is insulting honestly. You're shitposting on 4chan instead of working. You're on the BUSINESS and FINANCE section of 4chan and can only afford 400$ a month? TOP KEK. Sounds like YOU are the nigger.

>> No.55746753
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>t. sends $3k a month to his landlord
i know you're absolutely furious that i have someone in my life who actually cares about me and will give me this kind of gift for my life, and that you wish you were me here
i make a daily DCA of $2 into BTC and ETH too, does that make you even more furious, nigger?

>> No.55746788
File: 93 KB, 544x497, 1681006415451552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish I only had enough money to burden my friends and family
HAHAHA oh the cope is palpable.

>> No.55746800
File: 67 KB, 720x717, feed your mind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're making zero sense, nigger

>> No.55746824
File: 1.01 MB, 480x358, giphy-3219043203.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making zero money nigger. Keep burdening your friends and family

>> No.55746838

There's only one nigger ITT and I'm replying to him.

>> No.55746849

He feels obligated for now. Eventually you'll pick up on the fact that you're a parasite. Or maybe you won't. Either way, I've given my dumb fuck friends a place to crash for a couple months, but if they're not going for interviews on a regular basis then it's time to hit the road nigger.

>> No.55746855

Swapping ID's very impressive, now let's see your hand color.

>> No.55746865

By the way this ESL faggot is the biggest toxic nigger on this dead board, he's only fucking with you because everyone else left.

>> No.55746869
File: 124 KB, 1698x603, Screenshot 2023-08-03 at 18-33-32 _biz_ - Rent is due - Business &amp; Finance - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cringe. You need to close your browser and go get a fast food job before your friend gives you the boot.

>> No.55746871

The cope is unimaginable for real; an ID switcher calling someone an ID switcher. Bro you couldn't even switch back to the original before saying that?

>> No.55746882

That's two people lmao. You're a walking L

>> No.55746886

Being a landlord is not that sweet bros.
The city will always side with the renters and they'll try to extort you and act self righteous about it. Meanwhile you have to fix everything.

>> No.55746892

Absolutely pathetic you're trying to taunt someone who's down on their luck and you don't get what you need with is narcissistic entanglement, you killed this board, and some generous anon came here a few months back and gave me 20k that was the last this board will ever see of that behavior, enjoy.
I'm out.

>> No.55746895
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You already know the answer.

>> No.55746897

Nonsensical nigger babble.

>> No.55746898
File: 173 KB, 1440x720, 1688254404698964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't like it don't pay it. I don't know why people don't wise up. I get by sleeping in my car, work full time, no bullshit. No bills. You gotta have balls though.

I've done the math, if majority of people don't start saving every dollar now they'll never 'retire'. Things will only get more expensive.

>> No.55746910

I sleep in a can of ravioli. Gotta have guts to do so. Making 6 figures after tax. Plan to retire by 80.

>> No.55746912

>gets 20k
>blows it all
>loses house
>leeches off friend and shitposts on 4chan like a parasite

Next step is a tent. Just watch your ass out there, the hobos will literally murder you for anything. Or for nothing. Either way you're fucked.

>> No.55746917

>Paying his friend 400$ for rent
>Was given 20k for being a loser a few months ago

>> No.55746953

Hi Lebanon kek holy shit you spastic faggot I'm not the person you're taunting go ahead and swap more ID's that will reinforce your point holy schizo shit.

>> No.55746974

No nigger, you're out.

>> No.55746981
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>changed his id and can't get the original back
>im out
You should show this thread to your friend. I'm sure he would pet your head and assure you it isn't true, he really loves having you leech off of him.

>> No.55747175
File: 2.68 MB, 1250x1236, hoodwink dota smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already work full time. keep making assumptions, it's funny as fuck because you really don't know shit, nigger

>> No.55747202

Worse he's a failed scammer who's absolutely seething
He pretends to be christian to scam people here.

He's a pathetic nigger, claiming to be christian yet astroturfing scammer and shitting on people when literally less than 10 active posters, he's lost his mind.

>> No.55747215

It's funny that you can only afford $400 a month for rent. KEK I'll just disregard your samefagging.

>> No.55747236

You're the only one samefagging scammer.

>> No.55747237

kek, absolute schizonigger behaviour
it's about 10% of my income, i'd say that's pretty affordable since i'm chunking the rest of my money into paying off debt that i'm almost done paying, will be done as of October
see what i said above, schizonigger. that's what you're doing

>> No.55747273
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>my friend only charges me $400 a month to live at his place so i'm more than happy to pay that
>he's helping me out of a shitty situation and is happy for me to just pay what i can afford to
>it's about 10% of my income

>> No.55747284

>blessed are the astroturfers
>blessed are the scammers
>blessed are the samefaggots

>> No.55747338
File: 494 KB, 1084x957, smug nerg monster hunter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

continue to seethe that you're paying your jewish overlord every month while i'm essentially only paying a few bills for my friend while he lets me live at his 3 story house that would otherwise only have him in it while we also get to hang out and be bros where you can't with your master from the longnose tribe. closest you'll get is getting a week long extension on paying this month's rent for taking his extension, if you know what i mean

>> No.55747366
File: 41 KB, 324x400, 1640064117613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's helping me out of a shitty situation and is happy for me to just pay what i can afford to
>what I can afford to

>> No.55747375

Go back to /pol/ you wandered out of your containment board, I'll keep collecting money from frens while you guys seethe.

>> No.55747380


>> No.55747384
File: 148 KB, 461x346, 1681689970428864.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like you're the one coping here, bud
it's always been up to him what he wants me to pay and he'll tell me if he wants me to pay more when the time comes, he knows my debt will be done getting paid off by October and even then, i still doubt he'll ask me to pay much more if anything at all

>> No.55747429

"It's always been up to him what I pay" that's where I stopped reading. Your gay little pic on the side. The guy you're referring to sounds like your daddy; like someone you want to own you

>> No.55747466
File: 346 KB, 1402x1157, live to grind runescape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you not understand how renting or buying things works? you decide what people pay for it, nigger

>> No.55747467

I've been a follower of God and Christ my entire life but I've struggled so much it's hard to maintain faith somedays, I know my struggles are for a reason to walk the same path as him but it becomes so tiring brothers, I know money isn't the source to happiness but I know it would make the difference between a constant struggle and being able to help others in also walking the path, but I also know if god wants me walk the harder path then his will I cannot change but I also know god helps those who ask and that doesn't just mean ask god but those who can help you, I love you brothers and I hope god walks with us all every day.
God Bless you all

>> No.55747468


You sound extremely dumb. Your attitude and the way you speak says everything there is to know about you. Arctic temperature IQ and zero willpower.

>> No.55747493
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now i'm convinced you're samefagging, on 3 different IDs now too. how sad of a person do you have to be, may as well start replying to yourself at this point

>> No.55747582
File: 175 KB, 634x1214, 285273526178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The salvation that Jesus Christ provides is free, OP.

>> No.55747599

>>55747466 Ok but your landlord is your used to be friend who hates you now for leaching off him, nullifying what you just typed. You forgot that youre a parasite or thought I forgot that

>> No.55747606 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself god is dead

>> No.55748283

This is a LIE and nowhere taught or stated in the Bible. You will not find anywhere in the Bible where either Jesus or one of his apostles or disciples ever said "If you would like to have a relationship with Christ, simply pray this prayer and mean it in your heart".

What Peter DID say, at the first sermon in Acts 2 on the day of Pentecost, to men who were asking "what shall we do?" (Acts 2:37) say:

"Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:38)

>> No.55749121


>> No.55749129

Why do europoors put the currency symbol at the end of a price

>> No.55749313

Protestants are so stupid it's unreal

>> No.55749374
File: 440 KB, 866x846, happy pepe suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's still a great friend, i just spent most of my evening with him chatting, playing vidya and having a few drinks
keep seething and knowing jack, nigger

>> No.55749378

I always pay with my CryptMi card before my rent expires because I get some cashback using the card, so it helps

>> No.55749654

Not everyone is rich mf, what matters is getting a place to call home

>> No.55749690

Nice use for a crypto card.

>> No.55751862

Jesus went out of his way to dine with the Jewish tax collectors that the rest of the city despised.

>> No.55751880

It's what you do with euro's. I do find it makes more sense: You don't say 'dollars 400', you say '400 dollars'. Plus with other units, you do put them after the amount, like 20lbs or 120F.

>> No.55751959

Come on, anon. You don't know how shit >>55746644's situation is. On average, you might be right, but he might, due to some individual circumstances, be only able to afford that much.

>> No.55751970

Nobody likes christians lol

>> No.55751977

>christcucks killing each other over not worshiping a rabbi properly
Why are white people like this?

>> No.55752003
File: 283 KB, 2753x2369, 252578137289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at this guy getting angry at being told that you should pray
No one told you to not get baptised.

>he worries about denominations
Was Jesus Catholic, Protestant, or Baptist?


>> No.55752073

Fuck rent, ape shitcoins instead, just make sure to pay the internet bill

>> No.55752333

do u accept X?

>> No.55753630

Jesus is alive or not?

>> No.55753751

Delete this picture now
The LORD will not be mocked

>> No.55753762

Jesus created the Catholic Church. Peter was the first Pope.

>> No.55753780

The prayer is the act of repentance.

>> No.55753791

God smite this nigger.

>> No.55753797

jesus would never be a landlord

>> No.55753868
File: 123 KB, 1024x1024, 1687190266623470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All our rents are due. What good will your pieces of paper, zeros and ones and metals be when the Son of God comes to judge the Earth?
It is later than you think. Pray and repent, /biz/

>> No.55753881

Because we read from left to right.

>> No.55753929

Your pic is blasphemy, anon. Repent and sin no more.

>> No.55753953

God is dead those who believe and worship him begging for help like all christians deserve the red fez.

>> No.55754076

Fuck off spiritually dead homosexual

>> No.55754099

How? It's a bible quote and the image of royalty. Nothing blasphemous about that. Dumb nigger.

>> No.55754203

Jesus founded the Holy Catholic and Apostolic ORTHODOX Church, which is guided by the Holy Spirit.

>> No.55754212

For who? Lmao.

>this post was brought to you by Lives With Parents Gang

>> No.55754219

I'd give money to that anon above just to spite you demon.