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File: 1.20 MB, 498x498, frogg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55774337 No.55774337 [Reply] [Original]

The greatest asset you can get is a wife.

If you are spending your time "investing" in crypto you are simply a loser.

>> No.55774350

What can a wife do that I can't do myself besides having kids?

>> No.55774351

wives take stinky shits and they age poorly

>> No.55774362

My gf just showered for the first time in 3 days.

>> No.55774367

Cook and clean for you while you keep making money.

>> No.55774381

does not work with "modern feminist" woman

>> No.55774382

Exactly this. was watching a movie with my girlfriend, and she said she was off to pee. Now she's been gone 5 minutes, and i knew something was up. I knocked on the door and asked if everything is ok. She said "Yes i'll be right out". Her voice was labored and i became suspicious, so i yelled "I'M COMING IN!" She screamed "no", but there was no stopping this. I smashed trough the door and i see her sitting on the toilet seat. I told her to get up. She didn't so i threw her off. I looked inside the toilet. Just as i suspected, a goddamn log. Bitch, you better pray this isn't yours. I looked around and saw no pets in sight. I yelled "I KNOW THIS IS YOUR POOP YOU WHORE". She screamed at me that i'm crazy, and that she's calling the cops. All the while with toilet paper in her hands. I told her "No need to call the cops, I'm breaking up with you. Are you some kind of poop whore?" And that was that. I feel like a new man and off to find a woman who doesn't poop.

>> No.55774384

Then get one who isn't that. They are out there.

>> No.55774399

You are more likely to be perceived as competent socially, and advance further in your career.

She can work full time or part time to get more money as well.

>> No.55774400

If you spend too much time making money, you get cucked or divorce raped. No thanks.

>> No.55774411

>advance further in your career
I don't give a fuck about moving up the wageslave ladder.

>> No.55774413
File: 473 KB, 839x768, 1637265166958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very poor shelf-life would not recommend unless you are willing to invest heavily in preservatives (ie Bezos)

>> No.55774454


do not, do not, do not, do not fold to pressure to get a gf/wife

>> No.55774464

not gonna go to church, so no chance.

>> No.55774467

Why not?

>> No.55774475

This was funny as shit. But you are totally right. Some woman are born that way... it's weird, but what can you do... just break up and find one that doesn't poop.

>> No.55774485

why would i waste my time in church for the miniscul chance of meeting a girl? complete waste of time. only old grannies go to church anyway.

>> No.55774489

Greatest asset is one that bleeds money.. hmm not so sure on that one OP

>> No.55774502

As a man, it is your responsibility to get married and have children.

Aren't you all the same losers who complain that the white race is being "genocided" while you stay cooped up in your room jacking off and playing video games?

>> No.55774504

This girl asked me out, i said sure, when?
She answered "whenever you are available, you are working".
Shes at uni at 5th year, a chubby 4/10 church going virgin.
Is that wife material broskis?

>> No.55774523


>> No.55774816

bad financial advice.
i will contemplate the aroma
depends on how much she annoys you and how much you trust her.

>> No.55774879

>be me
>Get wife, explain to her that you aint paying for shit, make her watch while you get rich aping shitcoins

Be me OP

>> No.55774902

wrong. The greatest asset is a family. living with a women who has provided no kids for you sounds like hell

>> No.55774946

Age and body count? For her obviously.

>> No.55775005


>> No.55775085


>> No.55775093


>> No.55775121

It is no one's responsibility to do any of this

>> No.55775153

clean as you go and buy shit food on delivery apps that tastes 1000x better than some roastie's boxed food. Problem solved.

>> No.55776486

Based, my gf who I will marry soon is cleaning the house right now, I just washed the dog. I hold 5000+ LINK btw.

>> No.55776523
File: 10 KB, 300x168, mongoloid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The greatest asset you can get is a not a wife. The greatest asset you can get is a Sun, but you need a wife, for a son. So she an expense.

>> No.55777206

Sorry to inform you but that is not man's responsibility. That is God's responsibility. You don't get the credit or glory for finding a woman that God brought to you. God brings people together and if he wanted a man to have a wife, he and he alone would be responsible for making this happen. Nothing you do contributes to this outcome.

>> No.55777221

I agree. Unfortunately I am
>Chad exterior
>Autist on the inside
I have no idea what to do in my financial position.

>> No.55777230

cars also require constant spending and depreciate over time but you dont see people calling them an "asset"

>> No.55777234

I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

>> No.55777239


>> No.55777241

Church girls are pretty much all fucking ugly anyways. You need some pretty high t levels to tolerate them.

>> No.55777346
File: 4 KB, 160x163, 1691458852439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took my gfs virginity. If you kiss a women who has had another mens cock in her mouth, lower your tone when speaking to me.

>> No.55777356
File: 61 KB, 800x1422, 1691458922989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Peep my id bitch niggers

>> No.55777370

Who here gambling in shitcoins or penny stocks to fill the void inside?

We gamble for the dream of being rich because of the inadequacy we feel inside.

You gamble because you feel left behind. Left out of society, left out of life. Whole normal folk are getting married,having kids, buying a house and enjoying their middle class lives, here you are

>> No.55777377

Clearly you don't love yourself...

What am I saying a wife wouldn't love you either

>> No.55777383

Witnessed. No hiamond no dymen.

>> No.55777392

A wife is a financial drain unless you are either a commanding asshole or a sex god. Men who were born with humility or a small penis are fucked.

>> No.55777399

A wife is not an asset, but a wife and kids is the entire point of life and the only real flex is how many of both you have.

>> No.55777404

Based I'd rather be you than have $100M unironically

>> No.55777417

It’s is your duty to be a good husband, father and leader. Few people realize this. It’s the path to happiness.

>> No.55777639

yes, good goys... reproduction is the only point to life. you're just an evolved monkey whose only purpose is to create plenty of cogs-- I mean kids.

>> No.55777664
File: 31 KB, 354x554, Screenshot 2023-08-07 223712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been stringing my gf along for 2 years and have ZERO intentions of marrying her. How do I profit from this??

>> No.55777703

Yes mr. kike I'm going to raise a small army of killers who look like me and they will be taught to destroy you in every way feasible.
>No they will not be vaccinated
>No they will not eat goyslop
>No they will not be traumatized into a good goybot with compulsory education gulag daycare
>No they will not be taught to respect authority
>No they will not be going to college

>> No.55778198

>ITT: Mindbroken porn-addicted cucks find reasons and excuses to not fulfill the most essential duty mankind has
No but keep complaining about jews and niggers on the internet while giving your life savings to indian, jewish and chink developers, that will solve the problem, that will make things better when a Thai prostitute's boyfriend is beating you to death in Pattaya when you should have been reading stories to your grandkids. Yeah, do that.

>> No.55778214

Based and same, engaged last month after three years of good times with lips that have never kissed another man's lips or sucked another man's cock. With any luck it'll be a shotgun wedding :)

>> No.55778226
File: 608 KB, 617x601, 1635710644209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey king, think I found your picture

>> No.55778548

for real? I'm like op but it doesn't feel incredible or anything.


>> No.55778686
File: 3 KB, 250x132, 1672413430777052s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife cheated on me, this is why I need to make "wife" changing money from crypto anon
maybe one of my bags can make it happen
maybe sylo or mnw

>> No.55778812

A wife will only nag and complain about everything while often starving you of sex

Don't get married bros

>> No.55778824

Bold of you to assume she didn't do it without you suspecting
Women are deceptive

>> No.55778836

All you need is like a 100x
Can sylo do that in the near future?
It's been crabbing for a while so I don't see it happening

>> No.55778966

There are still trustworthy ones out there

>> No.55778976

Ouch too late
Already married with two boys

>> No.55778986

Practically every altcoin have been that way since the bear market started, does that mean we won't see some of them print hard? No

>> No.55779120

Hahah premium kek
What's your advice for a bachelor planning on getting married?

>> No.55779133
File: 77 KB, 1200x675, 20230504_145557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's simply retarded, the next bull market will reward the patience once holding on to the right bags

>> No.55779138

>with lips that have never kissed another man's lips or sucked another man's cock.
That's bullshit and you know it faggot.

>> No.55779145

>>ITT: Mindbroken porn-addicted cucks find reasons and excuses to not fulfill the most essential duty mankind has
Women cost money, dipshit.
>No but keep complaining about jews and niggers on the internet while giving your life savings to indian, jewish and chink developers, that will solve the problem, that will make things better when a Thai prostitute's boyfriend is beating you to death in Pattaya when you should have been reading stories to your grandkids. Yeah, do that
Holy fuck I'm literally never getting married now, lmao.

>> No.55779155

Your kids will be replaced by Muslims, Africans and Asians.
Friendly reminder there's billions of people on this planet and none of them are white.
There's barely 250 million white people WORLD WIDE.
But yeah I'm sure a hand full of white Hicks is gonna turn the tide.

>> No.55779160
File: 515 KB, 854x648, 1691351855367153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took two virginitys and my notch count is at 50...now what?

>> No.55779185

Whites have always been the underdog and yet we live on. You will kneel or you will not exist, Jamal.

>> No.55779195

>It doesn't feel incredible
Then you aren't involved in their lives enough. You probably send them to kike gulag daycare 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, 40 weeks a year, for 14 years. Lol, lmfao

>> No.55779202

(by "their" I mean the children you should have)

>> No.55779257

I'm gonna save this copy pasta for future readings.

>> No.55779264


>> No.55779305 [DELETED] 

I don't understand this mode of reasoning either the left (used as a verbal attack against the right) or the right (under to justify nationalistic ideology).
For 600+ years whites were a tiny minority in across Africa and hundreds of years later they still persist in the millions notwithstanding genocide in places like Zimbabwe.
Similarly there have been minority groups like Indians and Chinese in places like SEA, EE and Africa for 100+ years who still persist with their demographic and culture in tact.
Most aboriginal races such as those in the British colonies continue to survive with their language and culture.
Therefore, why do you think whites will be bred out of existence? Especially as there are proportionally more (often in the millions) across Africa, sea, America's etc.
What is more likely is if living conditions (due to subpar infrastructure development or persecution) get so bad for any minorities they will simply immigrate to where they are larger in numbers and inevitably adopt within group preference expressed politically, socially and financially.
Regardless, when you look at minority groups who have an us or them outlook such as Mormons, Amish, Hasidic/Haredi , they have far greater birth rates than the majority. In other words if European demographics where to decline so much that they become a majority minority country the minority will return to the mean especially as western countries have already adjusted the social effects of liberalism compared to other non native demographics (meaning they will recover from birthing decline quicker than non natives who experience fertility decline after the 2nd generation).
If there is a decline both the left and right greatly exaggerate the speed of demographic change and underestimate social change in relation to it (subconscious separation, emigration of natives to other homogenous regions).

>> No.55779317

I don't understand this mode of reasoning by either the left (used as a verbal attack against the right) or the right (used to justify nationalistic ideology).
For 600+ years whites were a tiny minority in across Africa and hundreds of years later they still persist in the millions notwithstanding genocide in places like Zimbabwe.
Similarly there have been minority groups like Indians and Chinese in places like SEA, EE and Africa for 100+ years who still persist with their demographic and culture in tact.
Most aboriginal races such as those in the British colonies continue to survive with their language and culture.
Therefore, why do you think whites will be bred out of existence? Especially as there are proportionally more (often in the millions) across Africa, sea, America's etc compared to different aboriginal demographics.
What is more likely is if living conditions (due to subpar infrastructure development or persecution) get so bad for any minorities they will simply immigrate to where they are larger in numbers and inevitably adopt within group preference expressed politically, socially and financially.
Regardless, when you look at minority groups who have an us or them outlook such as Mormons, Amish, Hasidic/Haredi , they have far greater birth rates than the majority. In other words if European demographics where to decline so much that they become a majority minority country the minority will return to the mean especially as western countries have already adjusted to the social effects of liberalism compared to other non native demographics (meaning euro natives will recover from birthing decline quicker than non natives who experience fertility decline after the 2nd generation).
If there is a decline both the left and right greatly exaggerate the speed of demographic change and underestimate social change in relation to it (physical and economic separation often subconsciiously, emigration of natives to other homogenous regions).

>> No.55779324
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>> No.55779810

>Exactly this. was watching a movie with my girlfriend, and she said she was off to pee. Now she's been gone 5 minutes, and i knew something was up. I knocked on the door and asked if everything is ok. She said "Yes i'll be right out". Her voice was labored and i became suspicious, so i yelled "I'M COMING IN!" She screamed "no", but there was no stopping this. I smashed trough the door and i see her sitting on the toilet seat. I told her to get up. She didn't so i threw her off. I looked inside the toilet. Just as i suspected, a goddamn log. Bitch, you better pray this isn't yours. I looked around and saw no pets in sight. I yelled "I KNOW THIS IS YOUR POOP YOU WHORE". She screamed at me that i'm crazy, and that she's calling the cops. All the while with toilet paper in her hands. I told her "No need to call the cops, I'm breaking up with you. Are you some kind of poop whore?" And that was that. I feel like a new man and off to find a woman who doesn't poop.
Fuck off, jeets.

>> No.55780122
File: 90 KB, 647x1217, d3deb0a4bd1129bdd6ffa181bd9e7131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my goal is to sex 10 different hijabis

>> No.55780133

also the worst asset you can get is a wife. let that sink in

>> No.55780168

You aren't wrong. Think if a wife like a car. They usually deppreicate in value over time, but they can increase your income if you use them right. I.e. having more time for work or side hustle to earn more money while saves you time by cooking and cleaning. She can also increase your level of happiness, saving you money which you would have had to spend elsewhere to achieve that same level of happiness.

Trouble is, like with cars, women aren't manufactured like they used to be. Prices have skyrocketed to get one. And too many can't even cook or clean or anything except be a corporate drone. So good luck finding that 05 Camry in the dating market, anons.

>> No.55780203

I have a baby momma that collects WIC and EBT for us
How does that compare ?

>> No.55780400

>Takes half your shit.
Oh wait I forgot you faggot Americans have no money because of your mortgage and car payments and don't forget insurance.

>> No.55780411
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You can adopt or have invetro babies.
You literally don't need a women (and her retarded shit heel hick family) around you wasting your money and more importantly time.

>> No.55780784
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 9052677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats on being the greatest loser of all time. Pajeet, like you, has no clue that they can hold KREST in a non-custodial wallet and receive the PEAQ airdrop. kek

>> No.55780807
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 54624563456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rent my wife out to my friends. Easy passive income.

>> No.55780817

Thanks for the lol

>> No.55780823

This is true, I want one.

>> No.55780846

Based, Anon. He's still beneath the hills while I'm profiting from Tokenized Tesla on Eloop powered by the Polkadot ecosystem.

>> No.55781031

Your second statement is correct, crypto is cucked and you're better off getting sustainable wealth through organic growth which means getting off your ass and actually building a /biz/nizz in any lucrative sector of interest.
However you only get a wife after you get your financials and legal defenses under wraps, i.e. making atleast 100k a year and protecting your assets in case someone tries to fuck your shit up.
A wife's value proposition is her womb and the nurture of the child that will inherit and manage your wealth and legacy.

>> No.55781114
File: 3.67 MB, 4096x2637, image_2023-08-08_160722613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best asset you can get is a wallet full of Quantum Resistant Ledger (Ticker: QRL).

You can buy as many wives as you need when you make it.

>> No.55782034
File: 6 KB, 217x250, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The greatest asset you can get is a wife.
I have married two women at 38 years and yet no peace... Even when I opened CryptMi app and funded it for each of their bills, they weren't satisfied still, but want my head instead...
>Get roped with your foolish advice...

>> No.55782098

Based. Baby mommas > wives
Marriage is too cucked

>> No.55782654
File: 27 KB, 680x680, 58304bf43c9a976220324ccc1912b18a082af370dae0117754884c57bf0bb2f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman marries you simply because she's looking for a beta provider to solve her financial problems
>divorces soon after once she no longer wants to be with you and wants to ride Chad's cock instead
>lose half of your wealth in the process, can't even see your kids if she doesn't want you to
>meanwhile, get to invest in something that has potential like Kava since they're finally going to bring value to Cosmos' ecosystem
>get profits, can retire and finally escape the rat race
Jesus, I wonder why people would rather invest in crypto instead of getting married these days. Really makes you think huh?

>> No.55782734

I broke up with my last gf after I found out that she wasn't a virgin. I would rather die alone than marry someone who had another man inside her.

>> No.55782965

A wife is a liability

>> No.55783038

Asians on average are smarter and have better entertainment than white people, especially in recent years. Sure the jew will claim temporary victory over their mortal enemy, but they are losing the forest for one lot of trees. The asian jews (chinese) are even longer term thinkers and schemers than them, and much more powerful in every meaningful metric including warfare. Once whitey is gone nobody will be left to fund or defend Israel by proxy.

>> No.55784701
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ok homo

>> No.55784734

>Shes at uni at 5th year, a chubby 4/10 church going virgin.

Hell no. I know too many men married to fat ugly church girls. It's not worth it, you will be her slave.

>> No.55784779
File: 212 KB, 732x406, cat8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon that's gay

>> No.55784862
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sure, i'll mention it to your mother while I'm fucking her tonight

>> No.55784888

Thanks for the hardy kek

>> No.55784931

u cant just buy a wife ser

>> No.55784952

>Just buy goyslop and pay tip + tax instead of having home cooked food
This is why Americans are fatasses and depressed

>> No.55784965
File: 167 KB, 798x451, cat10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, lmao even

>> No.55785000
File: 3.98 MB, 2289x1253, 1537111712759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do woman actually do that?

>> No.55785038

t.married for 6 years. My wife poops on me. I feel pleasure.
You need to test with your wives.

>> No.55785055
File: 107 KB, 438x366, cat11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice, just bought 100k catszn.

>> No.55785141
File: 110 KB, 444x261, cat12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does catszn have the potential to moon?

>> No.55785201

But my wife left me because she was tired of being poor...

>> No.55785205

I'm more focused on DiD tokens so my wife won't stalk on my assets.

>> No.55785213
File: 71 KB, 415x188, cat13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't wanna be a hoe but I'll get some catszn anyway.

>> No.55785238

Decentralized identity management is based, bags are getting filled.

>> No.55785301
File: 90 KB, 391x358, cat14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo - no need for catszn rugpulls, that biz is shady.

>> No.55785385
File: 265 KB, 855x319, cat15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckhead said catszn is poopoo - gonna prove him wrong.

>> No.55785388

the main benefit is dual income, making living expenses cheaper as well as you share an apartment/house

>> No.55785396

based anon. the fact that I had sex at all is a miracle so I can't really complain

>> No.55785464
File: 118 KB, 333x302, cat16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just bought some catszn, don't need to explain why.

>> No.55785543
File: 96 KB, 472x220, cat17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to get catszn? Cmon anon, you know.

>> No.55785610

Anon I guarantee that girl will be less maintenance then 90% of girls out there.

>> No.55785618
File: 328 KB, 866x349, cat18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind a few more bag of catszn.

>> No.55785680
File: 177 KB, 707x303, cat19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha catszn is so hilarious when you think about it.

>> No.55785700

Until the divorce, when she becomes a liability.

>> No.55785716

The White race is not being genocided. Not replacing oneself is an individual choice.

If any race is being genocided, it's the Black race.

>> No.55785752
File: 258 KB, 672x384, cat20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is catszn gonna make me rich?

>> No.55785777

family doesnt need marriage, trust makes it stronger and you can protect your wealth better without it

>> No.55785792

If you have this much difficulty with her poop, how do you handle her periods?

>> No.55785803

It works just fine. (You) are just not dicking them down good enough.
If you fuck them hard, and don't put up with their shit, you will be shocked at how fast they will turn into everything you wanted. You can literally fuck a woman into absolute submission, it isn't a meme.
In other words, this is a skill issue for you.

>> No.55785821
File: 211 KB, 614x360, cat21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what exchange is catszn available on

>> No.55785893
File: 157 KB, 603x298, cat22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catszn doesn't look too shabby.

>> No.55785961
File: 177 KB, 609x321, cat23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catszn check before the rocket.

>> No.55786027
File: 160 KB, 636x289, cat24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when does catszn release?

>> No.55786101
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Is catszn the new doge?

>> No.55786136

I'll have to lower the angle of my vision to you short beta.

My job is to fuck and pleasure tons of women so they're trained and capable of pleasing their husbands.

Meanwhile you have a level 1 starfish for the rest of your life.

>> No.55786147

What's sad here is that you're stringing her along because you're a lonely loser without her, while she's probably better off with someone who actually loves her.

>> No.55786183
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Big shout out for catszn

>> No.55786192
File: 15 KB, 278x200, QU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based TradAnon
Bonus points for Extra Wives however

>> No.55786245

i wouldnt mind if a girl sucked a guys dick desu as long as it wasnt in her other orifices

>> No.55786251

I'll stick with crypto, thanks. No wife will do a 20x but my RAIL bag will surely give me that.

>> No.55786257
File: 282 KB, 606x571, cat27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many folks talking about catszn

>> No.55786292

Good for you mate, you are living the dream. Be sure to have your crypto stash stored in a private wallet like Railway for protection, those creatures(women) can be funny.

>> No.55786325


>> No.55786331
File: 28 KB, 820x543, IMG_0175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unironically a good choice

>> No.55786336
File: 249 KB, 494x514, cat28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

catszn bookmarked for later.

>> No.55786345


>> No.55786352

i'm going to lena my window in fire come into the air with the force of 1000 Suns and it's going to projectile in the atmosphere and some of it is going to land on her face. you lose

>> No.55786405
File: 261 KB, 538x518, cat29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait to add catszn to the bag.

>> No.55786462
File: 10 KB, 324x154, cat30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FOMOing on catszn might not be a bad idea after all.

>> No.55786796

marriage is only worth it if you get married to an 18 year old and train her into your perfect wife. Marrying a 25-30+ year old is retarded

>> No.55787449

Lmao so many losers in this thread. Become someone worthy of respect and girls will flock to you, the competition is almost non-existent nowadays. Sure the majority will be birth control brainwashed feminists but 2-3 out of every 10 are salvageable and then it’s just up to you to pick which one you like and do the legwork. No matter how retarded woman are they are very intuitive by nature and can tell if you’re a weirdo freak even if you try your best to hide it. The flip side is that they are also very malleable if they have even an ounce of respect for you and you can literally get away with redpilling a 4 year liberal arts degree bitch if they see you as more than a Chud

>> No.55787756

Will you Op make another thread saying money is important ?

And one after that when your rich saying that money is no longer that important ?

>> No.55789053
File: 568 KB, 1170x1569, IMG_0182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obvious FUD, putting in a 3x leveraged long on Nigeria youth now

>> No.55789088

it's an asset that makes other assets who themselves can make other assets, and so on
all these assets being watermarked with your own genes, turning you functionally eternal
investment of just a few decades in order to reap rewards infinitely
it's the
>would you rather have $1M now or $10 per day for the rest of your life?
question, except here the "rest of your life" means "until the sun swallows the earth in complete universe heat death"
the only scenario where the passive income meme makes sense

>> No.55789314
File: 835 KB, 334x338, 60.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek do what's best for you. I'm blessed with my QANX bag, made 3x in the last three months.