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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55888675 No.55888675 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be stupid to load up on NVAX calls?

>> No.55888698

Doubt there will be any lockdowns. Masks and social distancing are back for sure but it won't be enough.
The amount of death and long covid is going to overwhelm the world economy and lead to total ruin.

>> No.55888699

If it's true load up on guns and ammo

>> No.55888709
File: 1007 KB, 500x281, CheapMeatyCivet-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long covid

Have you tried not being a fatfuck piece of shit and also a guinea pig?

>> No.55888711

First for two more weeks. /biz/ is becoming a doom poster zerohedge comment section

>> No.55888723

You don't actually believe that shit, right?

>> No.55888793


>long covid

Interesting how the purebloods rarely get that.

>> No.55888844

how are you still this dumb, seriously

>> No.55888846

Mail-in ballots is all that matters. I can't say why because I'll be banned.

>> No.55888877

people risking their lives around others should be paid 1.3X more

>> No.55889352

It's a matter of exposure. My wife and I got long Covid despite being unvaxxed, but we had to get normal Covid three times beforehand. Pretty hard to avoid what with oldest son going to preschool and needing more social interaction.

>> No.55889718

How the fuck are you able to operate a computer when your IQ is in the low 70s like that?

>> No.55889739

I take long covids every morning after a coffee

>> No.55889911

amount of death and long covid = the reason for the next lock down, stay inside your house so the ccp can increase the Ghz from your 5g router.

>> No.55889920

After all that’s happened this last 3 years and you don’t believe it? Another wave and things will get bad if not worse especially now that people have used their savings and the economy is teetering on collapse

>> No.55889927

>info wars

sure bruh

>> No.55889997

Infowars articles do not deserve to be called a "rumor".

>> No.55890005

You are confused. The 5G nomination applied to cellular phone networks means 5th Generation. When referring to routers it indicates 5 GHz frequency.
t. Unvaxxed

>> No.55890010

Don't believe it? Check the ticker(your heart)

>> No.55890027

What's even funnier is the only thing the Infowars "article" even claimed was that a "source" told them the TSA was going to require agents to mask up for the fall travel season which to them means that lockdowns are coming back lmao

>> No.55890029
File: 48 KB, 1200x628, 6UaC7WAn3USyClby6Ispk6_SiyzWNDyo8rr61W9dc6M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still didn't get the vax cause I'm too lazy to go to a clinic

>> No.55890030


>> No.55890035

Okay vaxxie cattle

>> No.55890041
File: 162 KB, 1080x986, az😅.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ticker is MONERO

>> No.55890059

Nothing will come back, stop being so gullible faggot

>> No.55890085

Lock downs will last until exactly November 6th 2024.

>> No.55890111

Lockdowns won’t happen. We never had real lockdown to begin with. Masking and social distancing, sure. Lockdowns, no way

>> No.55890647

Lockdowns are returning. This is bullish, more bored people WFH = interest in crypto = market pump. Load up on XRP, BTC, DOGE and LTC.

>> No.55890731

/fit/ is freaking out though, they won't be able to go to the gym for another 6+ months, kek

>> No.55890733

Yes why is 4channel so retarded

>> No.55890739

this, most likely

>> No.55890747

the government would never do anything to encroach on our constitutional rights


>> No.55891933

t. CNN

>> No.55893237
File: 95 KB, 762x1024, Covid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rumour is Covid restrictions are coming back this Fall in the USA

I am NOT doing it... not getting another booster shot (I have THREE COVID shots)
Fuck that mask... only wear it if job REQUIRES it.
Fuck it!!!
If your immune system is so weak you will die from it... then DIE!!