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56097114 No.56097114 [Reply] [Original]

How to make it during the Bharat century?

>> No.56097249

Sirs why the new name

>> No.56097273

keep funneling your charity money to these countries, goys

>> No.56097280

By fleeing the planet. Look at the counties on that list.

>> No.56097290

You better be a billionaire to escape this shit-filled gigantic blue ball

>> No.56097329

why are we still helping nigger countries eat? it's like feeding a pack of rats lmao

>> No.56097427
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This projection is based off kicking them all back to where they came from.

>> No.56097446

I'm hoping India will unironically be a non dystopian China I will actually invest in

>> No.56097461

>between 6 and 8 billion people alive on the back of fossil fuels and agriculture that solely depends on it, many of them barely surviving as is
>"nope sorry the west is going green, no oil or tech for getting it for thirdies"
the biggest rug pull in history

>> No.56097468

America in 2100: "Hello, sir"

>> No.56097544 [DELETED] 

I'm beginning to see the point of the anti-nuclear energy lobby

>> No.56097656

Nigger please you can barely feed yourself

>> No.56097686
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1/2 billion joggers and 1.5 billion pajeets

>> No.56097714

Reminder that China's estimate is based on an assumption that their fertility rate will rebound to 1.7 from its current rate of 1.08 for no discernible reason, and at current fertility rates their population would be about equal to America's here. Their population halving is the optimistic forecast.

>> No.56097775

it's also based on the entirety of africa and the global south suddenly learning agriculture/civil engineering and/or western aid increasing to match demand (it's already not, ngos are bitching and have been for years that they need ~5% minimum of global gdp and that's before they start on the "climate reparations")
these places are fucked the second the developed world begins to go properly south, which is ironic given the amount of third world shitposting we get on the western internet.

>> No.56097843

>we still helping nigger countries eat
who the fuck is "we" ?
also, everyone in the planet has food
the "africa hunger crisis" is just from wars, they don't tell you that because then you will try to find out who stared the war and just reach the jews again

>> No.56097845

US will be at 394m in less than 20 years probably

>> No.56097852

thank god I have an sks to defend myself

>> No.56097853

in what world china isn't dystopian?

>> No.56097868
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>highest IQ individuals are least likely to reproduce
>dumbest shitskins are most likely to reproduce
Doesn't anyone else see the problem with this

>> No.56097878

They become the wage slave class.

Whites will create their own closed off tech systems that profit off their eternal wage slavery

>> No.56097892

Cool it with the antisemitism goy

>> No.56097893
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That's why Mike Judge was making a prophecy when he made the movie Idiocracy. I knew it was coming, but I didn't expect it this hastily.

>> No.56097898

just think of all that brown pussy though

>> No.56097928


>> No.56097942

Putin needs to take control of Northern Europe so he can force every virgin Scandinavian to breed

>> No.56098046

hehe yeah gross haha

>> No.56098119


>> No.56098172

None. Thats my point, India doesnt seem that way, I want to actually visit it for example despite the copious poo levels

>> No.56098278

Rofl ur a fucking total braindead idiot. China is close to a top tier level civ. They have gorgeous cities. Highly productive advanced labor. Indians cheat lie and scam (which is how they infest the western system). Their proudction output is dogshit and has left many western companies in shambles.

>> No.56098348

Why the fuck do we need 400 million Congoans?

>> No.56098411

Mineral mining labor wage suppression

>> No.56098416

Zero white countries,scary.

>> No.56098470
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I loved that movie, here's a fun fact: Fox refused to promote the movie because companies paid Mike Judge for product placement which made them look like absolute retards. Starbucks giving out blowjobs and Fuddtruckers being renamed to Buttfuckers. Mike Judge was a truly based man who wasn't afraid of the globohomo

>> No.56098471

Closer to 1.5 billion joggers

>> No.56098567

How do we profit off this?

>> No.56099380

Sell software catering to the kangs.

Goods will just get stolen. Higher cognitive barrier to steal software.

>> No.56101634

Why does it affect you on a personal level?

>> No.56101648

imagine the smell

>> No.56101654
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I'm very, very happy I'll be dead by then.

>> No.56101853

The movie Idiocracy is a documentary from the future.

>> No.56101945

William Shockley (the guy who invented the transistor) was saying this would generate the collapse of civilisation back in the 60s and got completely cancelled over it.

>> No.56101954

If you pay taxes in a 1st world country, it gets given as aid to 3rd world countries.

>> No.56102074

Afrika will be 4bn by 2100. +250m in north and south america and another 200m in europe. So around 4.5bn joggers in 2100.

>> No.56102088

It's clear there will be mass starvation and plagues soon. When the amount of white people compared to brown people drops below a certain point, white people won't be able to support all the brown people. At this point the mass starvation and following disease waves will start.

>> No.56102118

The malthusian collapse in Africa will occur when western aid is pulled out. At which point mass immigration of the third world into western Europe and the colonies will be attempted.
The big question is will the west attempt attempt to stop it? As our elites use immigration to inflate at best or falsify at worst the GDP and velocity of money, it is likely that western countries will attempt to accept mass immigration until living standards become so bad and dysfunctional that immigrants choose to stay in their homelands rather than move to the west.

>> No.56102130

Like 1/3 of Africa will be desert by 2100 as the hordes there fight in literal water wars. It's going to be a nightmare

>> No.56102132

do you expect me to believe that hundreds upon hundreds of millions of pakis and nigerians are staying in pakistan and nigeria instead of moving to other countries?

>> No.56102149

how the fuck do you feed 400 million people in the god damn congo?

>> No.56102160

how will ethiopia build and maintain the infrastructure for 332 million people, and what will happen to the rest of the world to make this possible?

>> No.56102170

is there any particularly good reason to even believe a country called indonesia will still exist in 80 years?

>> No.56102174

Africa lives in the 21st Century yet cant feed its own people
Without outsiders providing food Africas population would be a lot lower

>> No.56102298

9/10 chances you are reincarnated in India, Pakistan, or Africa.

>> No.56102341 [DELETED] 

Look I am going to frank here. There is nothing outstanding for the slow kid to catch up with technologies mastered and mass produced for several decades already.
But the big picture is very grim because science is already dead. Nobody knows it but it's true. You see physics students are mostly morons who don't know much besides QFT. For those drones, if there is something incomplete from a theory, then it means there is a new particle somewhere. Those idiots have made up hundreds of particles so far and they are still looking for more. That's the entirety of their intellectual framework. LOL. And btw, the job is shit. HEP is really just computing feynman diagrams to some retarded orders in terms of h_bar. It's just computer stuff and 0% physics.
Since the LHC is the biggest DUD in the history of physics, those morons fear they got exposed. So what did they do? they said they wanted 100 billions this time to build a bigger LHC, and to achieve what? discovering new particles LOL.
It is just putting ones head in the sand at this point

even on a global scope, theoretical physics is pretty much dead. Zero innovation since the discovery of the CMB.
All the atheists crave for a new scientific revival with biology, AI, and biohacking but it wil be an even bigger dud. And even worse, they are even less a science, because the side effects are even more complicated to predict in general, and with respect to the particularities of such and such genetic population.
And people will scream about ethical stuff since testing on living beings will be even more mandatory sooner or later...
Even on the level of the daily life, you can see the scientific decay with videogames. video games coming out today basically look like the games they were releasing on 360 and PS3 ca. 2005-2007 when I was in middle school.

>> No.56103173

isn't bharat already at 1.5billion? by 2100 it would be 1.8-2 billion easy.

>> No.56103218

the good thing about the low iq races is they can't hide, blend in, pretend to be human.
so you simply ignore them and get on with business.
if there was a race of evolved (european) humans that all had 80 iq and weren't capable of living in modern society it would actually be a concern. but thanks to evolution they're permanently disfigured with various shades of excrement.

>> No.56103269

if you live in a first world country you have a debt to all 3rd world countries, thanks for the money hunny

>> No.56103283

doubt about pakistan, they will be all dead from heat or war in less than 30 years

>> No.56103517

More people should keep this post in mind especially /pol/cels
Immigration isn't being used as a means to "replace" white people, that ship sailed long long ago. White people want to go extinct lol.
Immigration in recent history has been used to prop up the fake and gay economy, one thing they don't tell you is that the very FIRST thing they encourage you to do after these people get citizenship is to sign up for a credit card.
They are literally using them as patsy money because our ENTIRE ECONOMY is based on "money that will exist but doesn't yet", and as the boomers die, that money is no longer in existence, there is nobody to pay the future bill, therefore that money disappears.
If they can get the immigrants to have long credit lines, the banks and creditors can use this eventually money to keep up their charade as well.

>> No.56103615

>White people want to go extinct lol.
no, children are just less interesting if you're high iq.
materialism wins out because women spend less time in familial situations where motherhood is displayed. when they do decide they want children, they realize the pool of high quality (not short, not fat, not disfigured [brown]) men are actually a lot harder to find than normal, and only the low quality, unhealthy women settle for an inferior man.

>> No.56103910

How did this Bharat meme start?

>> No.56103923

Don't kid me sir. Indian feminism is going to fuck up their birthdays here too

>> No.56105100

white people going extinct because all of them are gay or retarded or both
it's for the better
>t. white person

>> No.56105197

India has massively shrinking birthrates. This is bullshit

>> No.56105224

>They have gorgeous cities
all their major rivers are polluted af. they eat virgin boy piss eggs. they make and eat gutter oil. they have no empathy for their fellow man and let him rot and die in the street. china is a hell hole. enjoy working 12 hours a day 6 days a week. if you are one of the lowest of the plebs, work 7/7 until you drop dead

>> No.56105228

the master race has a much smaller % of gay or retarded people than any other inferior race, these are just statistics. it's just that everybody ignores what browns say or think so few notice what goes on in the animal world.

>> No.56105445
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I remember when Nigeria was projected to reach 1 billion people.

Thankfully Bill Gates stopped them.

>> No.56105479


>> No.56107330
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>> No.56107343

Long scammer call centers

Short toilet manufacturers

>> No.56107390

They're worse frauds and scammers than the Chinese, like 1% of their GDP was tied up in fraudulent bonds tied to Adani last year and all they do is whinge about how mean Himdenburg was for pointing out how obvious their shell companies were.

>> No.56107395


>> No.56107412
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No they want white people extinct. This just happens to coincide with keeping the economy limping along.

>> No.56107423

Would you ask a jew this regarding the holocaust?

>> No.56107484

India is slowing down and someone has to nuke Ethiopia and Nigeria for fucks sake

>> No.56107958


>> No.56107970

This one

>> No.56108066

Isn't this total fertility rate Vs general fertility rate?

>> No.56108079
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Your chinese

>> No.56108128

I don't even see Bharat on that list. Where the fuck is Bharat anyway, is it like Bhutan?

>> No.56108449

I don’t know why people even entertain these retarded “stats” considering there’s entire chunks of the planet becoming borderline uninhabitable at large from the heat and the fact that the systems we all use now are delicate to the point where any significant disruptions can result in hundreds of millions of bodies getting stacked. And thats not even counting natural disasters, or how many countries on the planet just flat out lie about everything to look somewhat better.

>> No.56108691
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>no discernible reason
kek, cope americuck

>> No.56109195

It's actually the local name.

>> No.56109203

Could always just colonize China with bwc. Oh yeah actually Indian chicks love that too. They'd probably all take your donations without even doing the deed.

>> No.56109269

Century? I don't know about that.

I won't be around for most of their time, however long it is, anyway.

>> No.56110724
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if only people would understand that the nogs arent the problem but structuring everything around the profit of a few is... all this trans issue, social justice or on the other side racist, bullshit is unironically only used so the dumb sheep don't ask the important questions like "mhm, I wonder where all the money is, oh see that nigger over whos situation is probably even more fucked than mine there HE IS THE REASON I AM FUCKED, surley not that fucking billionaire over there". fucking idiots man

>> No.56110882

I plan on enjoying my status as a neo-baron and exploiting the slave labour to its full extent until one day i die in a shootout with a gang of feral niggers trying to steal my lightbulbs

>> No.56110930

Yeah but I still don't like being around them.

>> No.56110959
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thats all dandy I don't like people no matter their skin color I hate everyone equally but blaming niggers or curries or chinks or whites or jews or trannies or spics whatever the fuck is fucking idiotic. THE REASON EVERYONE IS FUCKED IS BECAUSE OF FUCKING PARASITES REAPING PROFIT OF THE TOP OF THE WORK OF OTHERS. I am done ranting now I hate all of you. bye

>> No.56112694

How close to india will slovenia be?
We're at 2 million now, bit 500k of that is serbian, bosnian and albanian SCUM.

>> No.56112727

Are.. Are you retarded? I don't even know where to start your journey to knowledge lmao

>> No.56112757

>these places are fucked the second the developed world begins to go properly south
If the West ever collapses to the point that foreign aid ceases to be handed out, we're going to see global famines on a scale never before witnessed. Hundreds of millions will starve and that's without even considering all the wars and conflicts that will pop up as soon as Western peacekeepers and/or economic incentives for peace disappear.

>> No.56113518

I'll be dead by then, you can live in your poo infested hellhole, you voted for this.

>> No.56114118
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>he thinks humanity will exist in 2100

>> No.56114310
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>mfw chuds are being replaced
brownGODS I kneel

>> No.56116126

Indians, and Blacks from all sorts of African countries immigrate to South Africa. As long as Europe has a better economy than South Africa, it will keep getting invaded.

>> No.56116535

Actually most money that come in as donations are funneled towards missionairies and NGOs that work towards destabilising the country. A color revolution if you will.

>> No.56116608
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I'm looking forward to it. Less thirdies means better average post quality. All they had to do was not be complete mongoloids on the internet but noooooo

>> No.56116677

How can we genocide the poo menace? They are gonna shit all over the world at this rate.

>> No.56116746


At 8% growth India would become an upper middle-income country by 2033-34, and reach China's current economic size by 2043-44, but would still not join the ranks of developed countries by mid-century. In a recent report, Ernst and Young has projected that the size Indian economy would be $ 25 trillion by 2047.

>> No.56116858


Everyone knows about overpopulation.

No, actually. Africa's population density is not particularly high, in fact, generally lower than East Asian countries. What makes you think Africa's problems are from overpopulation?

with the rise in GMO and vertical farming they will be okay.

Your time is up coloniser. 22nd Century crackas will be bowing down to majority POC world

>> No.56116905

Cope. East asians are a tier 1 civ people. Everywhere in the west you see east asians you see productive clean competent people. Well groomed thin girls that dress well. Meanwhile indians are literal stink shit eaters that are a plague on your eyeballs. Remember how western globohomo companies decided to switch from China manufacturing to Indian one and they got fucked in the ass with the amount of defective crap?

Before the era of globalism everyone knew jeets are a genetic civilization of utter scam artists. Please dont put them on the same tier.

>> No.56116985

How are you going to do that when everything you touch turns to decay you silly curry street shitter?

How many western (or any other) people want to live in India?
How many Indians actively want to get away from other Indians?

Dont you get it? Everywhere you go you will recreate the same exact conditions of social failure.

>> No.56117829

The average homeless dude in Europe has a better life in USA/Europe than the average chinese citizen.

>> No.56118468

chang-bro is so happy he could finally get to have sex with a woman, his zipper is constantly open now

>> No.56118476

solution: start exporting the negros to their new breeding grounds