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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 157 KB, 1200x630, how-to-design-a-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56346836 No.56346836 [Reply] [Original]


*pays rent for 5 more years*


*pays rent for 10 more years*


*house prices go up 300%*


*gets evicted*

>> No.56346837

People actually look at this mcmansion like it's desirable and not just shitty wood kek

>> No.56346857
File: 145 KB, 800x800, 1686482259839476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not buying your bags
>rent while making 6 figures, rent is only 15-20% of my gross
>work on side gig since I have a low stress job
>side gig takes off (hopefully) or if it doesn't, use savings to buy land, and a log cabin style cottage home

fuck buying these garbage, tasteless McMansions with no soul.

In 5 or 10 years, I'll have cash to buy any of these, and I won't have to touch the hellscape of real-estate at all before hand.


Seriously, buying a fucking home and thinking it's a great financial mastery, like man what the hell. Focus on making yourself rich, not a finance company when you are still young.

>> No.56346861


okay rentoid. you are too poor to ever buy housing

>> No.56346880

2 more weeks till what? I am saving for years, I'll buy it off in cash. Lol, I could probably save 400k in 4 years with cheap rent making 100k a year. Easily.

Ya I think I'll pass on the bags but please proceed to convince others that nobody will be able to buy a house in 5 years.

>> No.56346888

with the side gig income*

>> No.56346958

it'll go up another 50K by then

you waste 72k on rent

120k wasted money LMAO

dumb rentoids.. when will they learn?

>> No.56347013

actually i live with my parents

>> No.56347019

I'm honestly content paying rent until the market crashes, even if it never happens. I flat out refuse to buy tops or assets at unfair prices. Sorry kikes, not buying your bags.

>> No.56347025

homeless copers kek

>> No.56347043

kek baggie

>> No.56347070

appreciating asset*

>> No.56347115

false, it is deprecating unless you pay for repairs to keep it as is
and it also is not keeping with inflation of the money supply
also if you buy to use (not to trade) you have to buy several, 3 4 effectively

you buy a home to use for 50k, you end up paying 150k with low interest if you are lucky (typically 300k), now your home is appreciated to be 75k, yay, but you payed for it 200k

it is scam

>> No.56347122

Idc I live with my parents, not bound by a life long mortgage, where it takes you 20 years just to pay off the bank part of the loan first lol and until then you don't even own 1% of the house. Enjoy paying your lifelong loan for a basic need + increasing taxes. Now you pay your bank for 1 additional house with current rates. Good goy.

>> No.56347123

>more homeless rentoid cope

Sad. many such cases!

>> No.56347127

What is this, you are what, shaming, or what, what is this argument you have?
Are you suggesting you will get rich by taking out loans to buy boomer bags?

>> No.56347128

I pay off my house next year because i didnt spend my paycheck on rent and funko pops

now keep renting you literal animal


>> No.56347135

you lost capital, that is easy, suggest methods to make capital

>> No.56347138


why are you ashamed? Arent you proud to be a rentoid?

you will ((((eventually)))) own a house ,after all? Right?


>> No.56347147

I don't need to dox myself baggie.
I am suggesting buying real estate bags will destroy capital. And I can prove it with math.

>> No.56347155

I comfortably live with my parents in a 6000 sq ft mansion that has a backyard pool, parking for 6, my own basement complete with a kitchen, multiple bathrooms, a home gym, and a personal office. I don't pay for rent or groceries. I take multiple vacations per year and save about ~5000 per month. Oh and my girlfriend loves it. You mad or you jelly? Or both? Heh... thought so...

>> No.56347163

yet you are homeless..
>when the rentoids are so mindbroken they make up these tales

kek, poor rentoids

>> No.56347165

There is big difference between business and consumption.
OP is gay fag shill and he is mixing the 2 to bait you into destroying capital.

>> No.56347171
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>I live with my parents

>> No.56347173

Also shaming tactics are always wrong.
Boomer bags will crash by 40% effectively, and inflation adjusting it will be 80%.

>> No.56347180

Rents due rentoid...

dont be ashamed.. you are winning? :^)

>> No.56347186

yes I am winning, while you are here begging us to buy you bags

>> No.56347189

>He thinks house prices doubling in three years is a natural growth and not a sign of a bubble that's about to burst.
Anon, Blackrock et al are churning their properties to artificially inflate home prices. It's absolutely going to burst.

>> No.56347191

im not begging you to buy anything. im laughing at you

>> No.56347195
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that's you in the picture, I am not sure if 10 cents a post can sustain your lifestyle

>> No.56347205

>ESL + Homeless

so funny!

>> No.56347224

you are ugly and unattractive

>> No.56347227

I don't spend my paycheck on rent/hipster toys/Starbucks/streaming services etc. I can easily buy a home in cash right now without a loan but I won't, I just wanna see it crash and burn. I wanna see the hoomers stuck in their mortgages for life looking at offers that can be bought in cash without loans after a few years of saving. Because this will all happen. Property is a huge scam, your 400k$ home costs like 50k$ to make.

>> No.56347231

>buttmad rentoids carry on raging

oh dear

>> No.56347238

Cope seethe and dilate tranny, you need the home for the privacy of your hoome for the insanity of your mutiliation acts

>> No.56347245

you are so ugly even your dog won't fuck you

>> No.56347269

>bitter rentoids SEETHE at home owner

you will own nothing and be happy :^)

>> No.56347943

he can get a return on his money during that time.

>> No.56347975

>biz thinks house prices follow crypto markets and go up or down 5 or 15% a day

is this what happens when idiots try to meme?

house prices have consistently fallen the last 6 months and all signs point to that continuing for at least another 12 months.

>> No.56348077

only in metro areas.

>> No.56348140

Why don't they turn all the empty abandoned malls and business complexes into housing?

>> No.56348157

>he goes onto /biz/ to brag about "owning" his OSB sheet house in a rapidly browning area
Yeah sure buddy, keep posting these threads, you don't regret it.

>> No.56348158

because the housing market has been constantly manipulated for going on 50 years now.

>> No.56348194
File: 333 KB, 646x700, Zestimate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We won babe

>> No.56348196

Do you retards actually look at the market? I’ve seen multiple 10%+ drops in the tri-state area where I am looking in the past week.

>> No.56348235


They are starting to convert some commercial spaces into apartments near me

>> No.56348236

How dare you go against the narrative and encourage incels to move out of momma’s house.

>> No.56348262

What's the lowest maintenance house? Shipping containers? Concrete? Literally all I care about is extremely optimised design that is easy to maintain and clean. Gravel yard instead of mowing grass. When I make it that's what I'm doing. Building a cheap extremely optimised house for 1

>> No.56348269

Outside of Metro areas there is no price inflation.

>> No.56348300

wrong. farmland has nearly doubled in 7-8 years.

>> No.56348305
File: 761 KB, 1214x1065, 1685909955665366.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does the internet need to take everything to the extreme? I get 50k/year and pay about 1,2k for my rent per year which is pretty much nothing. A house would actually be more expensive for me.
Then again I am in Northern Europe where we get taxed to hell for owning houses while renting is pretty alright

>> No.56348334
File: 149 KB, 1973x858, gee billy why does case shiller get 2 tops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/fags really love buying tops.

>> No.56348440

>save 300k for a house
>houses have gone up to 600k in the past 5 years
ok guess I'll just move to a 3rd world country and retire there instead of paying off an overpriced house for 30 years.
kek have fun living next to all the migrants that live 5 families per home just to afford it.

>> No.56348563

Best I can do is some leftover gypsum and sawdust

>> No.56348613

do hoomer baggies / tyrones paypigs really think shilling on this shithole will save them?

>> No.56348617

Lol this one is retarded

>> No.56348658

It absolutely is desirable compared to any apartment building. Sharing walls surrounded on all sides by brown people who scream and play loud rap music all the time is so shitty it can't even really be called "living."

>> No.56348673

>I am in Northern Europe where we get taxed to hell for owning houses
lol what kind of dump incentivizes pod lifestyle and punishes home ownership?

>> No.56348779

Wood construction isnt a problem, if its properly covered with a good roof and good siding it will literally last forever. And most of these new builder houses have cement board siding so its good for a very long time with low maintenance.

My house is wood from 1905 and the studs are all in perfect shape.

>> No.56348854

Imagine the smell

>> No.56349122

it depends on where you live as well anon

>> No.56349176

1. Most modern apartments are soundproofed
2. Most modern apartments have pool full of hot women during summertime weekends
3. Apartments have gyms that are mostly empty so you can workout with privacy without spending thousands on equipment.
4. If the roof needs changing you won’t be out tens of thousands of dollars

>> No.56349329

>1. Most modern apartments are soundproofed
Only the newly built luxury apartments where the rent is $2500 in a flyover state.
>2. Most modern apartments have pool full of hot women during summertime weekends
incorrect. also, touch grass
>3. Apartments have gyms that are mostly empty so you can workout with privacy without spending thousands on equipment.
mostly correct. unless its a downtown apartment full of young adults, then its only open from 6am to 9pm, has 1 of each item, and most of the women have a camera on them, not working out, streaming to instagram calling every man in the gym a rapist.
>4. If the roof needs changing you won’t be out tens of thousands of dollars
This is how i know you dont know dick. Insurance deductible much faggot?

>> No.56349454

Not really, if your house is built to code it wont have issues even if you live in a wet area or one with termites

>> No.56349479
File: 130 KB, 1977x855, Screenshot 2023-09-13 at 07-49-51 S&P_Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56349602

> muh heckin sovl!!!1!
As if living in a cuckshed owned by your landmaster is that much better. Your first home is probably not going to be what you retire in, it's fine to settle and build up the place you want.

>> No.56349617

nick rochefort is a loser

>> No.56349653

>real estate
name a bigger pseud indicator on this board
i swear learning finance via crypto is brain poison

>> No.56349732

>pay 15-20% of your gross income for shelter while building zero equity
>house prices keep rising 5-10% on average per year as there is no end in sight for inflation
>in ten years that new HVAC system that costs 25k today will cost 100k

So your plan is that instead of building equity in a house you plan to just not do that and start in five to ten years at potentially MUCH higher prices.

>> No.56349776

I'm pretty sure every US state worth a damn with an economy has a higher property tax than Sweden.

>> No.56349996

key word 'potentially', also potentially not

>> No.56350616
File: 380 KB, 498x319, comfy-christmas.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most modern apartments are soundproofed
Most historic apartments are soundproofed too.

I live in a 120 year old condo building in a major city and can't hear a thing my neighbors do. It's a 3-unit building though so each floor is it's own unit

Pretty comfy honestly. Can walk to my gym, grocery store, watering hole, rain, etc within about 10 minutes

>> No.56350621

>are soundproofed too.
*assuming your condo association is worth a damn and is doing what they're supposed to
which is a pretty big assumption

>> No.56350717


where are houses going up in value? that ship sailed. i lost a bid last weekend on a house in just about the only ultra-hot market left in my state. everywhere else you see $1.5 - $2m houses dropping 10%+ from ask. nationally - average nominal prices need to drop another $50K just to get back on the slope and that doesn't take into account the effect of close to 8% mortgage rates vs. 3-5% that we've had for so long.

rent is fine. most mortgages that anyone can afford are basically rent for the first 10 years... plus you get to pay property taxes and all the maintenance with almost no equity gained. it's not a bad way to save money - unless you're renting at the top edge of your budget, then like anything else, that's dumb.

>> No.56350834
File: 483 KB, 1517x752, reventure home value growth YoY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where are houses going up in value? that ship sailed
Surprisingly, the Midwest

>> No.56350941
File: 12 KB, 220x229, 5656785566858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer parents refuse to help me with downpayment for house even though they own 2 houses.

I make 80k a year and cannot afford shit. Phoenix Arizona.

Where should I move to? warm with Latinas and not stupid prices

>> No.56351821

these plastic bag cooking must be just for memes
Can't tell me this grandma can afford fresh fish and vegs, but can't afford a shitty used pan

the water aint even steaming

>> No.56351850

compromise with a condo
better than renting
offer below asking for a bunch of condos, one must bite in this environment

>> No.56352088

If you have a remote US job, Mexico unironically

>> No.56352299

Where in Mexico? cities?

>> No.56352381

I live in a 70 year old building with shit soundproofing my neighbors just have to listen to me fucking whatever girl I have in bed that week and my shitty animes.

>> No.56352720


>> No.56353106

>mfw my home value is still up despite rates being insane
>mfw my mortgage is down and will never increase
>mfw I'll rent this place out to some rentoid with pipe dreams of owning when they waited it out even after the wef literally threatened that "you'll own nothing and you'll be happy"
The fuck did you think they meant by that. If you don't own anything you better work on being happy.

>> No.56353118

>Only throwing 20% of your gross income into a hole never to be seen again
>Paying someone else's mortgage plus tip
Is renting the greatest form of cuckoldry?

>> No.56353169

we didnt ask for you blog faggot

>> No.56353285

Enjoy bag holding fag. Those bags are gonna get real heavy.

>> No.56353299
File: 1.12 MB, 1080x2520, Screenshot_20230407-184633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll never understand how everyone on this board didn't cash out and buy a house when Bitcoin was literally at it's top AT THE SAME TIME as mortgage rates were at their lowest ever. Half the threads have been about these two things forever

>> No.56353308

Retard euros in their drafty expensive commie blocs are absolutely seething at the fresh wood and cement houses in the US which are big and affordable and actually look good.

>> No.56354090
File: 2.98 MB, 2328x3128, midwest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's surprising about it?

>> No.56354143

Mexico. Bye.

>> No.56354181
File: 75 KB, 750x513, 1675463561996728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, he said he's in Phoenix.

>> No.56354203
File: 17 KB, 450x323, phoenix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's white parts of Phoenix.

>> No.56354338

I make around that much in AZ and bought a place. This was back at 6% though and put 100k down.

>> No.56354460

80k salary with 100k down only qualifies you for a 272k mortgage now.

Same monthly payment would have gotten you a a 403k mortgage 2 years ago, and paid far less interest (11k/year vs 20k/year).

>> No.56355429
File: 739 KB, 640x924, 94332267804082028250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many link would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2027 linkies?

>> No.56355459

That's not a mcmansion you retarded europoor lmao

>> No.56355477

They already dropped nearly 20% in my country and not stopping

>> No.56355478

>useless dormers everywhere
Certainly looks like one

>> No.56355491

It literally is.

>> No.56355507
File: 2.34 MB, 1024x1024, 4516535672321510806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much ny@N c@t money would it cost to sniff her brapper? 2058 lil kitties?

>> No.56355508

i just bought a house for 30% below comps. the boomernigger owner and his children were SEETHING but i was the only offer in the past 6 months. im sitting on another $350k of cash, just waiting for these deals. face it, your plywood shitbox is dumping in real time.

>> No.56355650

I can live in these bags retard. If you buy a house as housing instead of tokens to be flipped then why does value matter? Boomers have poisoned your mind.

>> No.56356164

but i did. not all of us on here are actually retarded. im keeping my 2.5% interest rate as long as I can.

>> No.56356236

i make 250k a year and rent, my savings is roughly 8-9k a month and that's with really stupid spending (eating out, concerts, gaming consoles laptops etc). I'm just saving until I can buy a modest house in straight cash. no panic no rush and total flexibility in choosing location. the only thing I have ever financed is my student loans. never again

>> No.56356320

Same, although I only make 102k. Don't have student loans or any debt though, living with my parents. Just turned 24. It's annoying seeing all the boomers screaming "WHY DIDNT YOU JUST BUY A HOUSE DURING THE PANDEMIC LOL"

nigga I was 21 and worked at a store while going to school. I had like 19k in my bank account.

>> No.56356394

In Norway we get tax cuts for owning a home. What do you mean by northern europe?

>> No.56356409

i lived with my parents until i bought the house next door

>> No.56356882

Probably a stick built aluminum siding. But beware tornadoes.

>> No.56358918

even if you tried to buy a house during covid you would just be outbid. I put in bids for 3 houses and wasoutbid by californian faggots every time. they offer 50k + over asking price all cash.

>> No.56359006


Nothing would please me more than Califags being underwater for a decade or more as the market normalizes.

>> No.56359067

it's probably a nice house. though the modern architecture styling and colors is definitely not my style.
main thing going for that house is it is new so it's not a rotted and falling apart like every used is i some way
big negative of that house is its within spitting distance of your neighbors' houses on all sides. so fuck that.
anything less than an acre is getting too small for a single family home.
.most of those cookie-cutter houses like in the op are all built in a neighborhood with 100 other homes that look just like it. and each house is placed on a lot that is as small as possible, ie, you get maybe a 5 foot strip of bars grass between your house and the neighbors property line.
might as well be living in a condo apartment or one of those "twinhome" (duplex) tract houses