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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56571415 No.56571415 [Reply] [Original]

Ah another wondrous day rolling out of bed at 8am, replying to a few emails in my pyjamas as I cook breakfast, and then jerking off to MILF porn for the rest of the day. How are you enjoying your day, fellow work from home chads?

>> No.56571635

I was just about to make this topic lol. I was the guy who used to always make it but I was banned for a month.

Three weeks ago I had two major work worries and one personal worry but they have gone away without any issue. I'm now almost suspicious at how comfy the run up to Christmas looks and how well things are going.

I was calculating how much I'd be paid if things went wrong at work and I was fired, in the worst case scenario. My pay off would be enough to fund living expenses for over 5 months, although that's an absolute worst case. One of the great things about wfh is that saving up holidays becomes so psychologically easy. As soon as I started my job I looked up how many holidays could be taken across years and saved up for that amount so, in the worst case, I get it as a payout.

One of my habits in my current job is going for a comfy 45 minute-1 hour walk at lunch times. It's a necessity in these winter months so I can get daylight.

Friday afternoons are the weekend for me now.

Everyone but me is worried because of a reorganisation at work because almost everyone is a consultant. For me, chaosh is a ladder.

>> No.56571658

sup wfh anons, reporting from Poland here

>> No.56571659
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layoffs announced, im the only person who works exclusively from home. im toast.

we had a gud run bros

ive got 300k in crypto and living with mom and pop so might be able to just cruise through a bull market all going well and go NEET mode, the most truly based of all the modes.

>> No.56571694

>layoffs at my work last month
>30% of staff fired
>somehow escaped getting culled despite never going into office and managers demanding 50% office attendance

>> No.56571700

i was WFH but then the (previous) bullmarket hit and I couldn't stand it anymore. even 2 hours of work on the computer was too much and i quit

>> No.56571848

>he brags about waking up at 8am

disgusting wagie
enjoy cancer

>> No.56573509
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>snorted cocaine all saturday at an indoor festival
>still feeling fucked
>capable enough to copypaste some reports for this week
Life is good /wfh/bros

>> No.56573522

not in my area. I am the only employee in the whole country and I work from home lmao

>> No.56573707


>> No.56573729

>where we at
Why, at home, of course
In about 45 minutes, I start my commute (walking 20 feet to the couch with my work computer)

>> No.56573730

Is anyone headed to an offsite in Philly today/tomorrow?

>> No.56573733
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hello, just fucked my gf and preparing morning coffee

>> No.56573763

>just fucked my gf
pics or it didnt happooon
time stampped pic with cock in vagene

>> No.56573999


goodbye old friend

>> No.56574034

>boss thanked me for all the hard work i did (from home)
>heard back from a moonshot job application i made (from home)
>interview with hiring manager scheduled, prospectively $160k/year (from home)

>> No.56574065

whats the job? onlyfans faggot?

>> No.56574108

accounting manager at a large manufacturer

>> No.56574125

I'm in a bit of a pickle. They're assigning me more work because I'm the only halfway competent person on my team. I only make $70k with a mechE but it's enough to keep me happy, but if I have to start working my ass off then if they don't promote me it might be time to move on

>> No.56574210

>struggle to get out of bed
>turn on laptop
>goon the whole workday
I'm earning six figs but I can't keep going on like this, I'm doing nothing with my life.

>> No.56574215

I went on a camping trip last week and it made me realize I don't like anything about my job or my life. I get all this money for doing very little and yet I am the unhappiest I have ever been. Thanks for reading my diary entry.

>> No.56574273

>tfw seriously making us return to office for real this time
Welp, we had a good run my fellow wfh chads, but it's over.
Go on without me.

>> No.56574281

there's still hope. you can flush bags of concrete down the toilet every day.

>> No.56574310

Just got out of bed at 12 as momma brought me mini hot pockets and a Totino’s pizza with some cherry kool aid. Aaahhhhhh! Das da shiznit!

>> No.56574675

This is the WFH problem. I'm the same way. Read more philosophy and focus more on hobbies you enjoy

>> No.56574743

trying to get into some shit customer service role, I don't even mind phones at this point
I went back to my wagecuck fast food job today after a month off and I immediately regretted it
I have enough money to pay my bills for a few months so I think I'm just going to quit and spam applications
failing that once the few months is up I'll just go be a server or something
still dead-end shit but it'll tide me over until I finish uni

>> No.56574799

Spent the entirety of last week playing games, this week I plan to catch up on some anime after a few half hour meetings. Life is good

>> No.56574848
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>''Yeah, actually, we blame your manager. We think he has not.. challenged .. you enough. Why don't you come in again tomorrow and we'll discuss a promotion. You have upper management written all over you. And we will sort things out with your boss, what was his name again?''

>> No.56574863

This, wfh is the excellent opportunity to find time to put into things productive. A job isn't enjoyable and never will be. It's to pay bills and when that's done it's done. The remainder of time inbetween BS calls and the time saved not commuting is to be spend on either enjoyable activity or activity that can help you stop working completely or make it as minimal that it doesn't consume you and serves you and you don't serve it.