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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56683569 No.56683569 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56683579


>> No.56683587

“Well-said my friend.”

>> No.56683597

90% of entrepreneurs are grifters sucking VC money.

>> No.56683598

Well he's right

>> No.56683611

"If this were true, Indian outsourcing would work a lot better than it does."

>> No.56683619


>> No.56683640

75% of employees are literal scum. they are a complete and utter chore to manage and will take every opportunity to steal and generally fuck things up with 67iq retard intelligence.
20% of employees are neutral and competent
5% of employees are extremely bright, hardworking and either leave for greener pastures or advance into management/ownership positions.

>> No.56683646

“I just finished reading Atlas Shrugged”
But real and based, workers are largely replaceable

>> No.56683655


>> No.56683677

Entrepreneurs can't create works that are dependent on labour without a steady flow of workers.
Marx is right, always.

>> No.56683701

This is outdated thinking. The zeitgeist of visionary entrepreneurs and inventors sticking the gears of the working cogs together to form something is slowly dissolving, it’s being replaced by a system where employees are supposed to provide the vision and the product, and the central owner the one aware of all data empowers them to integrate their creations into the machine where seen fit.

>> No.56683709

shut up elon

>> No.56683714

In short, things have moved from them creating themselves the perfect world to them wanting you to create them the perfect world now

>> No.56683724

intellectual limp wristed faggots are to weak to hew stone and stack it.
its why they can only build lie with their words.
entrepeuers are just good at coordination becuase they have better acess to resources.
most corpobaggers rely on myth for their leadership abilities.

>> No.56683727

I'm an "entrepreneur" - I buy cheap shit from China and sell it at a mark-up. Look at me! Such a benefit to the human race!

>> No.56683734

Man is correct.

>> No.56683752


>> No.56683782

ideas are worthless without labor

>> No.56683825

>well said man, non whites are the worst offenders I agree with you
See how he stars backpedaling right away kek.

When he replies say
>oh i thought you were one of us

See how he shuts his mouth really quick

>> No.56684089

You're being generous, its more like 95%+

>> No.56684164

Why would I be mad?

>> No.56684191

By design, everyone in a society is replacable, it wouldn't be able to function otherwise. If losing a few select pepole makes your civilization collapse it wasn't a strong civilization. Look at kings of ancient times, they had entire rows of succesors and replacments waiting if something happened to them BECAUSE of how important they were, not in spite of it.
If you've truly got a wish to become irreplacablee you should start a family instead of "grinding".

>> No.56684214
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That ain't working!
That's the way you do it: money for nothing and the chicks for free.
We got to install microwave ovens, custom kitchen deliveries!
We got to move these refrigerators, we got to move these color TVs!

>> No.56684285
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He sounds like a young adult that thinks he's enlightened after listening to a few Libertarian-esque YouTube videos, but in reality he hasn't lived long enough to be able to critically think and form his own nuanced world views while being consciously aware of his own biases.

>> No.56684319

Every entrepreneur I know, including myself, was at one point a worker/non-entrepreneur. Of the people who work for me, some add more value than others. That's why different compensation plans exist for different kinds of workers. Some are easily replaceable and some are not. All it takes for a worker to become an entrepreneur is for inspiration to seize him and for him to have the work ethic to see his vision through to fruition.

>> No.56684334

>How would you respond to this without sounding mad?
>Proceeds to sound mad
Leftists in a nutshell

>> No.56684469

>so mad he has to bring a bogeyman
U so mad kek

>> No.56684812

That statement is correct.

If gears could not be replaced, the world would be terrible.

>> No.56685008

id kidnap him at gunpoint and have him create a way to avoid having a hole cut through his skull with an oxy-acetylene torch

>> No.56685019

did you mean to post this on another board?
this is /biz/, not /wagecuckcentral/
i know we're struggling with an infestation of limpwristed software engineers, but these are aliens, not legit bizraelites

>> No.56685031

> leftism is being against soulless spirit sucking capitalism

there’s right wing positions outside of being a neocon you know

>> No.56685041

Worker != Labourer since you can replace human labourers with artificial ones

>> No.56685625

>not valuing the labor

>> No.56685903

he's right, but working as a cog in a machine is usually a necessary platform for building something later on in life if you aren't born into the money necessary to build the thing you want to build. many will never do this though and aim to be a wagie forever, demanding instead that the system compensates them as if they were more than that, these people are worse than robots because at least robots are programmed to accept their role

>> No.56685997

Yes, I have worked at several places where that was the approach - "we hired you to make our company work/successful." Those roles have always existed and it has been the approach historically to some degree, but it seems like they were 100% dependent on others to make it "work."

>> No.56686049

I had a boss that once said 'never be irreplacable because then they'll never replace you' and you'll never move up or even sideways I guess. He thought he was a lot more intelligent than he was though and ran his business into the ditch.

>> No.56686081

"Okay, I'm still not coming in to work tomorrow."

>> No.56686101

marx predicted this

>> No.56688104
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Marx was unironically based

>> No.56688152

Pay better or we're burning the factory and all of your personal property to the ground. Your loved ones will die and then you'll die.

>> No.56688158

I rally my wagie friends and we lynch him.

>> No.56688405

He wasn't right 20 years after he wrote his shitty book, much less now.

>> without a steady flow of workers.
Are living under a fucking rock, did you miss the last 20 years where untold wealth was made by literal machines.
YOur fucking labor is going to be useless, if ai tech and boston dyamics can get their act together, if that grift king elon has something in the works that does what has 50% capacity of a human today.

>> No.56688689

why do you think they are so desperate to immigrate millions? To keep the value of labour down and to keep us stuck in the wagie class. Look at the fast food jobs with the “missing labour”. There is no missing labour, the workers have all up skilled and have greater impact and thus earn more, especially in educated societies. Also why they are trying to destroy education systems around the 1st world.
They are trying to stop the cycle because they know Marx was right.

>> No.56688698

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.56688708

I farted

>> No.56688709

ask him what jobs he's worked.

>> No.56688740

> t. someone who never built a successful business before.

Yes, you need a compelling skill to create a service or product to offer people, but for a lot of services, you need a team of people who believe in your vision or what you do is worthwhile to commit their life to and see it realized. Thinking them as drones will manifest as you not valuing them as people and will ultimately affect your bottom line. Treat people like people and want the best for them and they'll want the best for you.

>> No.56688867

It's mutually beneficial.

With no workers, entrepeneurs don't produce exponentially higher excess value, and have nobody to sell to.

With no entrepeneurs, workers don't have someone to organize them to produce and share excess value with them.

However, with no entrepeneurs, people still have to produce and trade in order to live, and the best naturally accumulate excess and become entrepeneurs.

The twitter post in the OP hinges on the idea that there is already available liquidity to justify the creation of markets (and therefore places of employment) in which to sell products.

These things considered, the OP argument is bait, but entrepeneurs have to believe it in order to justify much of their behavior.