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File: 114 KB, 1140x641, milei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56798284 No.56798284 [Reply] [Original]

I think that most of Argentines can't really afford healthcare if he privatizes it in the same way it works in the US, Milei plans to stop public spending dramatically and eventually privatize basically everything, but I don't think that the salaries are going to increase short term. I'm extremely concerned because we might feel the effects of this as soon as he assumes because one of the first things he's going to do is to stop the spending, and I'm afraid of it because I basically depend a lot on the healthcare to cover the insulin for my mom, I have to take care of her because she has diabetes and dementia, which is hard right now even overworking as a retail wagie, but I feel that if he makes healthcare and education private by reducing the spending , basically leaving the public insurances without money, it's fucking scary. Maybe in a country that has better economy this would work better but I'm not sure if this will be good on long term, its stressing me a lot so much

>> No.56798318

He is literally converting to Judaism. That’s all you need to know.

>> No.56798331

simple models for simple minds

>> No.56798417

Insulin/pharma is only expensive in the US because our government colludes with pharam companies and doesn't let us buy the cheap Indian shit. You can buy the cheap Indian shit. If he goes all the way your pharma should be dirt cheap and your procedures as well.

Hypothetically whatever you were paying the state in taxes for healthcare should now be returned to you and you can raise healthcare savings.

>> No.56798446

What about education? Because I was also going to get into uni soon, education here is free, but without funding probably can turn private, because otherwise I can't see how it will sustain itself

>> No.56798604

You type like a roastie are you a woman?

>> No.56798620


Once upon a time, before states got involved, education and healthcare were both cheap. They got integrated into the state fabric, financialized, and overpriced. 80% of students should not be going into university. They didn't even learn anything in high school, most people are idiots. It should be cheaper and also more exclusive, like it once was, reserved for people who are going to actually utilize it.

Think of your taxes as subscriptions, if this guy isn't a liar he should be returning a good amount of money back to you that you can then use as you see fit, rather than "obligatory" payments that rack up to higher cost over a lifetime of paying than just saving and paying for your own shit.

>> No.56798651

Here in Argentina universities used to be only for the elites, they were made free specifically so everyone could access it, it was Peron which is a hated figure here but making the university free was one of the good things he did.
Yeah I'm a woman, but I'm fairly autistic and unkempt with 0 social skills and raised by internet culture of 15 years ago which was very male dominated so idk what makes me "type" feminine lol

>> No.56798685


Only the top 20% of society even have the tools to understand what is going on at a university level education. That's just the tools, not even the drive or motivation, you can probably reduce the number to 5-10% after that. University, for most people, is a waste of time and resources, in some cases it's even malfeasant in that they use the time to indoctrinate people into counterproductive, anti-national causes.

You might think it's free, but that's because they don't send you the bill. They keep it a secret and dictate the terms of the contract themselves. The beauty of over-taxation is that you can hide all manner of overly bloated expenses in there and people won't notice because they can't.

>> No.56798696

Fuck you retard. You dont even understand basic economics. I hope milei fucks off from argentina so you can go back to KFC and get the long-winded hyperinflaion and the ugly feminist whores back to the kitchen

>> No.56798704

The model still works.

I don't know about Argentina specifically, but expect that any pockets of capital that can be vacuumed up will be attacked. If your insurance company's assets have actual capital, expect them to get plundered and replaced with debt/bonds/IOUs,
The banking system does basically that, it steals wealth using financial instruments backed by a legal system that allows for private ownership. The banks put people in charge of governments, corporations and whatever and they make poor financial decisions in order to get ahold of things like tax revenue, corporate profits. And even through naked short selling they can even steal shareholder equity from the lawful owners.
America in the 1990s used to have an actual surplus in the social security fund and that was stolen. That's all these people do. They see capital (cash) and they take it and replace it with bonds (promise for future cash).
They crush your purchasing power and replace it with credit cards. They raise the cost of housing, cars, education and healthcare and force you to take on loans and depend on insurance so they can take more capital and peddle you some more bonds.

>> No.56798743

Occam's razor, Schlomo

>> No.56798753
File: 129 KB, 1134x1357, 1463899656352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't really afford healthcare if he privatizes it in the same way it works in the US

Luckily he has no intention of "privatizing" it like it is in the US.

>> No.56798766


Yep. Healthcare, education, housing, were all far more affordable back before the state got their hands on them and mega financialized/perverted them. The fact that people think they're "free market monstrosities" now is hilarious, they are victims of absurd levels of regulation, state capture, and subsidy alike.

>> No.56798791

How can one man be so based?

>> No.56798827

Well, if I can still pay the rent and get the meds for my mother, then I guess I'm less concerned, I'm in a really fragile situation so any small decline can destroy everything hard, like I can barely survive like this, so any small change for the bad would be terrible. I hope my fears are wrong and things get better...

>> No.56798828

Banks literally make massive fees selling mortgages and then they unload the risk onto the government which packages them up in MBS and sells them to insurance companies and foreigners.
A complete and total scam to use our government as a piggy bank. Citizens of the world are cum dumpsters for bankers. They are robbing and plundering the world blind for centuries and in order to prevent us from putting a stop to them they viciously sabotage all of humanity with their filth. Porn, feminism, homosexuality, student loans, addictive foods, beverages, cheap alcohol, drugs, opioid epidemics, retarded liberalism in the schools, degeneracy, etc. Desperately hoping we all are too distracted and die young to ever put a stop to this madness.

>> No.56798860

I don't think that going full lolbert immediately would be a good idea either (if he fucks with public healthcare that's a bad sign), but what you should look for is if he lowers taxes for you. Then, you can open your own business and make big bucks. If your country manages not to develop a greedy oligarchy, he is gonna turn out to be a good choice. If he also brings the U.S dollar to you, you can make some serious bucks and you'll basically be able to afford everything. Think about it this way.

-Fellow roastie

>> No.56799772

Go back to the kitchen cumdumpster

>> No.56799880
File: 86 KB, 695x692, 1694447019749445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some things are better collectivized. Health care is one of them. Public transport another. Prison services probably there too.
Higher education shouldn't be profitised, but then it shouldn't be used to gain status either. It's frivolous nature, for some degrees, are a harmless feature. It's lie that the frivolous things it teaches will turn concreto are harmful.
Nationalism, unchecked, leads to warfare. The next large scale we wage on this planet could well be our last and lead humanity on this planet to be comprised of Aboriginals in the outback, uncontacted tribes in the Amazon, and pigmies in the Congo.

>> No.56799965
File: 129 KB, 1086x693, 5 year cancer survival rates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some things are better collectivized.

>> No.56801068

>If your country manages not to develop a greedy oligarchy
I think this is going to be the case because of the local culture, honestly I feel very cursed because the country where I was born, the family that I got and the medical issues going around... I'm scared of not being able to even afford food

>> No.56801083

Also idk why my ID changed lol

>> No.56801212

it amazes me you third worlders arent going all in on earning usdt/usdc and leveraging cost of living disparities to elevate yourself economically in your countries. like u live in argentina just earn $100usd per day doing blockchain crypto things and wa la you have made it

>> No.56801478

if things go to shit you can always go to mexico for medical care right? or maybe cuba if you're allowed

>> No.56801781

How do I do that?
No I can't really do that lol, no way I could afford a travel to there, stay, etc. My economic situation is extremely low

>> No.56803264

>full 3% better surviveability then the "have you considered dying" Canada
Not really the flex you're thinking it is
Also, the 3% is mainly from prostate and colorectal cancer, so old farts live longer in usa, no wonder since Canada eutanizes them

>> No.56803531

>wa la

>> No.56804937

I think that if you can't look at cancer survival rates of countries with "free" healthcare and admit that there are some serious tradeoffs for achieving leftist utopias like Sweden and Denmark then you don't particularly have a brain and can't understand second order effects of systems that ration care through wait lists.

>> No.56804941

He's based

>> No.56805157
File: 2.65 MB, 2575x2786, healthcare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in the same way it works in the US
The reason it's expensive in the US is because the government basically controls it.
It used to be cheap before this.

>> No.56805166
File: 53 KB, 600x544, h4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this meme: >>56805157

Healthcare was extremely affordable before government took it over. Especially in the 1950s-1970s.

>> No.56805425

>Maybe in a country that has better economy this would work better but I'm not sure if this will be good on long term, its stressing me a lot so much
Social healthcare is expensive and wasteful, it's only viable in the richest countries. There will be a period of adjustment but in the end healthcare will become cheaper after deregulation.

>> No.56805447

I don't suppose they were doing MRIs at that time.
Fun fact: healthcare is the most expensive at the end of life, where the least can be done to help.
the incentives are fucked up, prevention isnt paid for. Tech and science has us bringing dead people back, and keeping them alive well beyond their expiry. And that's lucrative.

>> No.56807116

muy pronto ire a argentina, hablemos mi fb es rick teilhard