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56888314 No.56888314 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw did multiple interviews
>ghosted by all of them
>have a masters degree

Should I just kms?

>> No.56888325

You should work for yourself

>> No.56888329

I wouldn't hire a guy with a master's degree, feels kind of tryhard desu. You should just tell them you have a bachelor's degree.

>> No.56888339
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Nah, this is just 2010 round 2. You may have to go outside your degree, though. Basically right now you need to set yourself up with learning how to live frugally so you can make it on the next economic blowout in the 30s.

>> No.56888350


>> No.56888367

Remove your masters from your resume and don't mention it. You'll finally get hired.

Also the market is tough right now just hang in there

>> No.56888381

>Remove your masters from your resume and don't mention it. You'll finally get hired.

What the fuck kind of advice is this? Having a masters gives me an edge over the rest of the other golem.

>> No.56888396

A masters in what? Also >>56888329 is right. Not just because you're a tryhard academic, but also because they know you're going to demand a high salary.

>> No.56888416
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>A masters in what?

Public policy and administration with a data analytics specialization from a top 10 university in America. And of course I can demand a higher salary--I have a more niche skillset and am not retarded. Companies can trust that I won't fuck up things. I'm just so fucking tired, bros.

>> No.56888434
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>he feel for the university scam.


>> No.56888437
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Yeah, well maybe you better get off your high horse and take something below what you think your station is. This is a time of difficult money, ironically due to government policy, and we're not going to see the retard comps of the last 10 years for a good long while.

>> No.56888441

>having an academic degree translates to not fucking things up in practice

this is an assumption that i dont think a lot of companies share


>> No.56888452
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>>have a masters degree
That's it? What about actual skills and experience?

>> No.56888469

I have over 6 years in professional experience. I'm 29 years old. Finishing up my masters this month. I'd post my resume here, but I don't want to get doxxed. If I was a 22 year old dumb blonde bitch with big tits, I'd already be making $140k at KPMG. Shit's not fair, bros.

>> No.56888490

Thats what you get for thinking the wagie cagie system in anyway wasn't just serfdom.

Are you to stupid to do capitalism right? Why didn't you save capital and start your own enterprise?

>> No.56888493

Masters degrees are overrated, and I say that while having one myself.

>> No.56888670

I just had an informal interview with someone relatively high up at an 86,000 person company. He only helped me bc he got his mba from the school i did undergrad for and thinks im going there for my mba. He straight up told me the only way to GET AN ENTRY LEVEL JOB is with an MBA now. I am 5 years out of college with work experience and certifications and can’t get a job and about to go back for mba. 1000 applications and less than 5 interviews. I want to die.

>> No.56888689

He also told me he can’t help me at his company and that I need to go work at a different job for 1-2 years first (at the salary I had directly out of undergrad several years ago) and then apply at his company, for an entry level job.

>> No.56888719


>> No.56888731

what about phd's?
i have a friend who is doing one, having done a masters already, but at 35 he's never really had a job

>> No.56888740
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Open wide, anon.

>> No.56888880

Maybe you should have studied something quantitative, anon. Anybody can bullshit an MBA, it means fuck all. However, your average retard probably can't bullshit the entirety of an engineering curriculum. Numeric reasoning and mathematic logic are absolutely essential in today's job market, we already have too many people pushing papers and not doing value-adding work (unless your name is stacey and your ass is bigger than the fucking moon).

I've got a PhD, a PRETTY HUGE DICK

>> No.56888924
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If you got a few interviews and all of them ghosted you, it probably means the interviewer thought you weren't a good fit for the company, meaning you came off as being unrelentingly autistic. Can you think of anything autistic you did in these interviews?

>> No.56888949

I wouldn’t hire you. You seem like an up yourself wanker with a big ego.
>Muh top 10 university
So? Are you rich? No one cares. Wake up.

>> No.56889723

Is the white-collar job market really this bad? Should I even bother applying anymore? Maybe the smart play is to claim your easy, comfy wagie job now before the recession really sets in and every mcjob has 800 applications

>> No.56889781

I live in Nyc. I did a statistical analysis of the 1000 jobs I applied for and the biggest factor for salary is certifications (college degree at any level is a certification) followed by years of experience. Someone who was 5-6 years into their career in 1980 earning about 100k is equivalent to a 373k job today. The same person 5-6 years in earns 160k today. 160k is not enough to rent a one bedroom in Manhattan without roommates. I want to just move abroad to teach English and live of my dividends

>> No.56889826
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don't feel bad anon, working sucks.

>> No.56889860

>Public policy and administration

oh no no no

>> No.56890096

yes, kiss yourself

>> No.56890111

>Masters degree

in what? In a world where everyone has a degree, no one does

>> No.56890119
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How did things get this grim?

>> No.56890118

Never kill yourself because you're useless when you can just live on as a mooch out of spite.

>> No.56890154

Are you unemployed? Slum it with a local institution like private school or something. Being employed makes you more attractive. Recruiting operates like dating now (because of the personnel involved).

>> No.56890206

I hope people realize they tried this same grift on older Millennials/younger Gen-X. Don't fall for it.

>> No.56890248

Honestly the only tenable thing in this economy.

>> No.56890407

Bro even temp agencies are ignoring me. It's over.

>> No.56890734

>Being employed makes you more attractive. Recruiting operates like dating now (because of the personnel involved)
Criminally underrated.

>> No.56892187
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Why is corporate workplace culture so fucking toxic?

>> No.56892220

I was rejected from a job today because i didn't worked with big enough data.

Fuck you

Anons, this is 2007 all over again.

>> No.56892261

Nobody's hiring during the last two weeks of the year. Wait until January

>> No.56892272

I'm very tempted to open a 30m$ short position against the SP500

>> No.56892288


I hate this fucking world so much, is unbelievable

>> No.56892300

Typical pompous academic asshole right here. Wish I could say I feel bad for you

>> No.56892321

Just lift weights and hope the hiring manager is a women.
Went in under qualified. Failed the technical part but at least explained my thought process and
flirted with her, asked her about her day.
Got emailed today about job.

>> No.56892331

sounds like an arts degree. degree not needed.

>> No.56892379

How are your soft skills? Are you ugly, are you autistic? etc...

You might want to consider lowering your sights, your first job doesn't need to be the perfect job, you just need some work experience for a year or two then go somewhere else. Constantly upgrade. This beginner job should have responsibilities attached to it which would look good to employers of those loftier jobs you wish to get in the future.

>> No.56892391

Sorry man. I'm in the same position

>> No.56892438
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Hopefully everything will get better next year

>> No.56892516

>has a masters
>didn’t get on USAjobs and enjoy the WFH grift yet
>easily start as GS/GG 9/11/12, all remote
you’re too stupid to be on this planet

>> No.56892590
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>>easily start as GS/GG 9/11/12, all remote
what is that

>> No.56892782
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>implying I don't already apply to USAjobs every day

Not my fault boomers are gatekeeping jobs in the public sector.

>> No.56893312
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>Should I just kms?
Cheesed to meet you.

>> No.56893602

Apply for data analyst roles in different fields

>> No.56893650

But how? I feel it's easier said than done

>> No.56893684

This is the reason why they don't hire you. Anyone can fuck up and sorry to break it down to you, but rajesh does the same job for 50% of the salary

>> No.56893729

I have a bachelors in accounting that my parents paid for and two years of tax experience.

How badly did I fuck up? I make 62k and wfh but have 50-60 hour work weeks Jan to April. Next year I might hit 70-80k if I job hop.

I regret not doing CS because they get paid more and have less hours. Was considering doing a masters in uk for that but those are like 30-40k in fees just because I’m burnt out.

>> No.56893900

budgets are approved at the end of the year and hiring really doesn't happen again until January.

>> No.56894160


>> No.56894280

You shouldn't have been paying taxes.

>> No.56894339
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So they're going to ghost me until January and then send me a job offer? Sure thing, anon.

>> No.56894351

>Is the white-collar job market really this bad? Should I even bother applying anymore?

Companies overhired during the Covid years so now they're laying off all the excess fat. Its gonna suck for a lot of white collar workers and the new grads

>> No.56894355

no you do seem kinda retarded, being skilled socially is more important than your real skills and you couldn't even read the room here

>> No.56894510
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>3 interviews
>no one has called
>only the guy I told I needed a job while I was eating ice cream talked to me about being a saint in a mall
nigga im black, what to do?

>> No.56894517

wtf, can't get a job even while black?

>> No.56894545


I have a bandaid job right now. Hopefully I can find a good one early next year

>> No.56894552

Is your practice job.

>> No.56894570

I hate it now tbqh. I dont even bother pretending to be happy there

>> No.56894586

That was my last job.
Spent 9 years there burningout.
Then i quit nov last year, since then unemployed and without neetbux.

Failing interviews left and right.

Might kms soon, idk.

>> No.56894690


That happened to me too, thats why Im still here. Cant quit until I get another job

>> No.56894709

I did that too. Nobody would call me back.
Then a friend got me a job and by coincidence I started getting calls from some of the places I had applied. Funny how that works

>> No.56894764

>be me
>horrible low paying job
>takes almost two years to find a new job
>very close to sudoku
>accounting major

>> No.56894799

It's like trying to get a gf without a gf vs having one.


>> No.56894865

what roles are you aiming for and what internships have you completed, don't listen to the rest of these retards. It's proven that higher education is the number 1 path to social mobility and your masters is an advantage but its not enough on its own.

>> No.56895055

did you find another job yet?

>> No.56895190

Yeah I start in two weeks. The long search was very depressing. Don't quit a job until you find one. At the very least have 20k in cash, lots of supplies (like can goods, paper products) and a part time weekend job. It is easy to stock some things (like garbage bags) that don't take a lot of space, don't expire and save you from needing to buy them when you are trying to penny pinch.

>> No.56895211

Long time neet, I start new job next week. Doesn't pay that much but it's WFH accounting.

>> No.56895247

Mine is 2 days in office and 3 work from home. Pay is 72k a year plus bonuses. Max I've ever made was 45k and that was with bonus.

>> No.56895265

Anon this advice is sincere and I mean it from the heart as someone who spent almost a full year after their Master's program getting many interviews but no offers, *do not dwell on it* as a failing. I wrecked myself in a big physiological way from the (entirely self-imposed) stress.
Keep trying, of course, but you should definitely occupy yourself in the meantime. Get a part-time job and apply to openings in the off hours. I ended up getting a far, far better position than I even thought of trying for originally, and it was through an act of divine intervention as far as I can tell. The world is not fair. Be kind to yourself.

>> No.56895268

>Max I've ever made was 45k
Make that $43,800. I just checked, plus I was paying for my own health insurance. New job includes health, dental, and 3% 401K plus a match!

>> No.56895289
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>Be kind to yourself.

My glock is looking awfully tasty.

>> No.56895316

Get a forklift certification and get a job that pays a cool $25 an hour :D

>> No.56895366

The job market is literal hell. My boyfriend is in the same boat and going schizo. He's been out of work for a year now and keeps threatening to leave.

The only thing that seems to work in this market is getting ChatGPT to personalize your resume for every single god damned job. It's the only way. You have to fool people into thinking you're that "unicorn" candidate or whatever because that's the market when every job has a minimum of 50-100 people applying.

>> No.56895438
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I was rejected from a forklift job that paid $18 an hour. But it gets worse. It was an open warehouse. So right now in 25 degree weather they are unloading trucks.

See how in this picture there is no skirt around the trucks that are docked. Now imagine a giant warehouse freezing cold in winter with 60 holes like this. That would suck.

>> No.56895483

shut the fuck up pussy

>> No.56896904

This is what op can look forward to

>> No.56896933

Those jobs dont actually exist. Its a conspiracy perpetrated by the left to inflate jobs reports and to justify mass immigration in the news

>> No.56896956

I'm too angry at modern society to commit suicide.

>> No.56897392

I guess I could count myself lucky that I have such low standards that I can survive on working 35 hrs a week and still save a third of my paycheck.

>> No.56897435

You have the degree. Your future?
The green wiener.

>> No.56897458

Tfw when i just left a new job after a month because of legacy code and poor project management and now not being able to find another job for a half year already. Pre-pandemic experiences on job search trolled me hard.

>> No.56897504

Rent? Anytime someone says this try almost always live with mommy

>> No.56897643

>the next Nigger who thinks he is high IQ but does not grasp the concept of supply in demand
Nigger, if you dont have a skill set that is in high demand on the job market currently then you cannot expect to 1) get a job easily and 2) demand a high salary and get it. you will have to settle for less until you get your foot in and work your way up from there.

>> No.56897652

supply AND demand of course

>> No.56897831

The other thing I tracked in my 1000 applications is demand. The jobs in highest demand are in 80-140k range, receiving about 100 applications per hour now. Most jobs 9-10 months ago were taken down around 800 applicants prior to things shifting to 100 applications per hour. Now I don’t even bother tracking total applicants. In order to get past applicant tracking software your profile on linkedin needs to have an 80% match on “skills” listed for a job post AND 80% match for keywords in job description. The kicker is that it it also requires keyword frequency - if description says marketing 8 times, your resume has to say marketing 8 times. This means each application must be tailored per job post (which requires rewriting per application) in order to even be recognized. All 5 of my interviews out of 1000 applications were through networking with alumni from my undergrad

>> No.56898019

Nope, just live in the calm part of a ghetto with like 2 recorded cases of violence a year.

>> No.56898037
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Rural Midwest:

- Bank Teller, $15.00/hr
- Walmart Laborer, $16.50/hr
- Factory Laborer, $16.50/hr
- McDonald's Laborer, $16.50/hr
- Bank Manager, $21.00/hr
- Gas Station Clerk, $9.00/hr
- Financial Advisor, $25.00/hr

>> No.56899336
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>>ghosted by all of them
>>have a masters degree
Literally me except i cant get the interviews so appreciate what you got anon.

>> No.56899360

Walmart pays better then working for the bank, dam they really are showing how Jewish they are.

>> No.56899373

Getting ghosted is objectively worse because it gives you a false sense of hope, which is then ripped away from you.

>> No.56899441

thats true. if i got interviews then ghosted id be even more disappointed because they met me. right now im just a random resume so its easier to cope they didnt like it.

are you dressing well for interviews? you have a "story" to tell them. etc etc.

>> No.56900720


No joke.

>> No.56900736

Nobody goes to the bank anymore. Everyone's poor so they shop at Walmart

>> No.56900832

I'm so fucking demoralized, bros.

>> No.56900843
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WTF this thread is still going?

>> No.56900895
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Just bee yourself.

>> No.56900936
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Holyshit why are all the wagies here? Make them leave.

>Muh boomer truth

You actually believe this bullshit? That you go to college end up in debt the same as a mortgage and it all just works out and they hire your zoomer perm tiktok boy face on decent wages?

>b-b-but I followed the P-plan society said I would have made i-it being a g-g-good wagecuck.

You fell for it. Haha boomers got you.

>> No.56900956


its the tinderfication of jobs

>> No.56901313
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