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56888983 No.56888983 [Reply] [Original]

I’m renting but my life is 100X less stressful than my brother who bought a house

He can’t take any risks whatsoever because he has to ensure he makes the mortgage payment

He had to work so fucking much in order to keep his job secure and his income increasing to be able to keep affording the mortgage with other areas of life increasing in cost

He is so stressed, overworked, worried, and he’s gained like 50 fucking pounds since he became a home owner. He’s become a workaholic. All he does is work to pay the mortgage.

His life will be like this for the next 30 years.

What a fucking meme that is.
Meanwhile my crypto portfolio has increased by a few hundred thousand dollars in 2023 and the bull run isn’t even here yet. I’m not buying a house until I can pay for it in cash, and the cash is like 10% max of my total crypto portfolio

Fuck slaving away like a normie with a mortgage Jesus Christ

>> No.56889009

Mortgage translates to death contract so that sounds about right OP.

>> No.56889035

You should have been putting 30k into your 401k and ira since graduating college. That way when you reach 30 you have enough money to last a decade should something terrible happen.

>> No.56889041

Paying down a mortgage is kinda comfy desu
My rate is only 2.74% though. If it was 5%+ that might be different

>> No.56889055

Agreed. If you didn’t pay rent you would be homeless. If you didn’t pay your mortgage at least you could sell and get some equity.

>> No.56889067

I’ve seen why the mortgages exist first hand

It’s literally turned my brother into a workhorse - all he does is work, eat, sleep, and he’s gotten fat as fuck, stressed as fuck.

He’ll probably need meds soon.

It’s a perfect system they’ve got going

Make the worker work so hard they get sickly and then need medication to keep going and keep em working to ensure the mortgage is paid, with the constant threat of taking to home away, and you can sell them the medications they will need for when their health declines rapidly and the meds will keep them functioning for a few decades then they’ll die just at retirement age so they won’t be a burden anymore

>> No.56889086

As I said previously, he should have saved up a couple hundred in his retirement fund before buying a house.

>> No.56889109

In my country there is no fixed rates, only variable.

The entire home owner class is suffering terribly

The upside to this is compared to the US is that we have no property taxes… but people who don’t have paid off homes and who have large (new) mortgages are getting absolutely destroyed

My brother working overtime every week for the last 2 years since rates started going up and he’s gained a ton of fat

>> No.56889129

Got a mortgage back in 2019 at 1.2% rate
It's being paid off on its own by some wagie renting it
In the meantime, yes I'm back to being a rentcuck as well in some other place but the idea was to invest in something that was being paid off on its own and grow some more capital this way.
Gonna buy a house when I'm done taking profits after the next bullrun, the rates and the house prices have both gone down, hopefully.

>> No.56889148

>In my country there is no fixed rates, only variable.
what fucking country is that?

>> No.56889154

No property taxes

>> No.56889196

>he thinks the rates and prices will go down
What part of “You will own nothing and you will be happy” is it that you don’t understand anon?

>> No.56889199

>hurr durr property price only go up

2008 called it wants you to know what negative equity is.

>> No.56889216

Based thread OP. Mortgagecucks never acknowledge these cold hard facts.

>> No.56889235

This will be fucking me if LINK doesnt hit ATH and/or BTC hits $200K by June-Sept. Baby on the way.
Pray for me lads

>> No.56889252

Well, 4 years have passed and I'm getting more and more blackpilled about the situation to be frank

>> No.56889256

Literally what happens. Fuck that shit. Fuck society.

>> No.56889265

Im in the dc area and every house has doubled in value since 2008 peak.

>> No.56889320

Huh i don't get it, isnt the same because you still need to work to pay for your rent?

>> No.56889349

Quiet, you.

>> No.56889354

I did the normalfag thing.
>wife stays home with the kids

It can be pretty stressful at times and it's not my dream house but overall it's the comfiest existence I've ever had. I have enough equity to fuck off to the woods where I belong too if shit ever hits the fan.

>> No.56889392

My brother has a $800,000 at like 4%+ mortgage that he has to keep paying…. And they’re talking about raising again soon.

My rent is just a monthly payment, no strings attached. I can just leave now if I want, I don’t have any massive debt at the bank forcing me here.

Big difference buddy

I could pay off my brothers mortgage with my crypto portfolio right now. But like I said I’m waiting until my portfolio can buy me a house in cash by selling only 10% of it

You guys seem to not see the psychological difference or having a massive mortgage as a home owner compared to renting without any strings attached

>> No.56889410
File: 87 KB, 568x544, 1669553821836597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live with mommy rent free invest in Internet Ponzis
>Mommy kicks me out
>Seduce fatty who actually pretty ok personality for women
>live with her rent free while she wagies, welfare max. Don't be complete parasite cook for her and clean up, give her dick once a week.
>enough ponzi money to live in 3rd world without wagecucking it.
>begin sowing seeds in fatties head that we better off on our own paths but still great friends who shared some great times
>mutual agreed soft "break up"
>rent apartment in Philippines
>never work
>endless pussy they even buy me dinners without asking to try impress or imply they not just a gold digger

Wagies are just stupid.

>> No.56889429

Mortgages are only scary when you also have no cash or securities saved up and if you lose your job then you have to sell your house.

If you have nothing saved and you loss your job you’d be homeless either way if you rented or had a mortgage (though you’d have some equity).

>> No.56889480

Losing a place you’re renting is 1000x less mentally damaging and stress inducing than losing your pride and joy and status symbol and losing your status as home owner

>> No.56889558

plus having your credit BTFO and in some countries being locked in prison like UAE or any other shithole muslim country.

>> No.56889624
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>faggit spacing

>> No.56889645

Yeah my oldest brother got hit with a $40k bill because the sides of the condo complex that he's living were being redone years ago.

He's a financial controller for an oil company so he was fine financially but imagine if you were trying to pay off a condo then a bill like that hits you.

Last I heard he might sell it soon and will be looking into buying a house.

>> No.56889653

I bought my house without a mortgage. Best of both worlds.

>> No.56889672
File: 24 KB, 442x694, 1662717838461853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who bought a house 12 months ago lost $100k+

Anyone who bought BTC 12 months ago made 100%+

Hoomers are so fucking retarded

>> No.56889679
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>and he’s gained like 50 fucking pounds since he became a home owner
This one hits.

>> No.56890192

Are you a Chad? sounds pretty based.

>> No.56890346
File: 31 KB, 728x483, 029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah autistic raised by BPD teenage mother while having high IQ so I was able to use sperg and observations from how mental women are to learn how to logically put the right inputs in to get the right outputs.

Looks wise I am maybe a 7/10 max.

>> No.56890426

In most countries it's tough to get a mortgage fixed for over 5 years. Everyone having 30 year fixed mortgages is only a thing in Amerikkka.

>> No.56890470

what? you don't want to wage slave for half of your life so you can afford a box to die in? what's wrong with you?

>> No.56890542

>poor financial planning = life is hell

>> No.56890790

Sounds like your brother bought too much house. Aka house poor. Not the mortgage fault.

>> No.56892087

Why not just buy a house in cash? Then you don't have to worry about all this talmudic numerology crap. No monthly housing payment frees up a lot of money, or time: you can easily afford monthly bills on a part-time job

>> No.56892172
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>Seduce fatty
>Are you a Chad?

>> No.56892230

Its not, its a mix, some european countries have longer fixed rates (10, 15 years)

Most commonwealth countries seem to only have variable rates

>> No.56892550

seething nohomer
seriously though I'm cashing out my LTC next year to pay off the mortgage.

>> No.56892567

Don't forget that he is bound to his house. He can't just move cities to find a new employer.

>> No.56893457

>not working remotely