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56895605 No.56895605 [Reply] [Original]

Cardano scales and Ethereum is shit

why isn't Cardano 10x of ethereum rite now?

>> No.56895623

does cardano even have smart contracts yet? name one project on cardano that has any hype at all

>> No.56895638

Hype doesn't matter pajeet it's about the tech

>> No.56895642

Because cardano still doesn’t scale enough for actual adoption and all legitimate crypto casino whales are located on eth. Only thing that matters is either being a cheaper casino (bnb/sol) or making true adoption possible (ccip), ada is the midwit solution.

>> No.56895662

it's made by the smartest people in the industry

>> No.56895673

so it doesn't have smart contracts and it doesn't have hype. it has you bagholding though, nigger.

>> No.56895690

And? Doesn’t change the fact banks will never hand over transactions to one single chain.

>> No.56895693

>t. clueless

>> No.56895696

>it doesn't have smart contracts
Yes it does you fucking idiot

>> No.56895761

no one even cares LMAO

>> No.56895802

250 TPS. Lol, nice self own

>> No.56895810

BSV shits all over them.

>> No.56895830
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>it's about the tech

>> No.56895883

can someone school me on the utxo/smart contract problem, can a cardano smart contract really only execute one transaction per block?

>> No.56895910

Crapdano sucks

>> No.56895936

Didn't they do a proof of concept like 2 years ago and still there's no dapps?

>> No.56895950

If you go look at the block explorer in real time you'll see the actual tps is around 1. Max tps doesn't mean shit if you don't have users. And you won't have users if you don't have dapps, defi, NFTs, shitcoins etc. And you won't have those if you don't have devs. And you won't have those if building is made hard as fucking hell. That's the core problem of Cardano, and for that reason I'm out.

>> No.56895971

Blocks are full of activity.


>> No.56895990

There is no problem.

>> No.56895991

Hosk is a pedo, sure as you're alive. ADA is for money laundering perverts and spooks!

>> No.56895994

fuck off pajeet

there are thousands of dapps idiot

>> No.56896011

100% false. Cardano L1 is 7tps, worse than eth. Of course its artificial restriction, just like eth, to favor decentralization. Cardano relies on L2s just like ETH to scale.

On top of that cardano uses a UXTO model which makes most dapps only capable of 1 tx per block. Yes, you read that right. Cardano relies on L2s to actually be functional too.

>> No.56896024

You are completely wrong

>> No.56896045

Yes, dapps that need to read some data first, then do something, like pretty much every defi app, can only do 1 per block.

>> No.56896059

>Cardano L1 is 7tps
it's 4

>> No.56896084

That is outright wrong and you're a fucking idiot

>> No.56896098

The UTXO thing highlights the problem with cardano's design. Its over engineered and prematurely optimized. They picked UTXO way back before dapps became popular, and it was done to optimize like CPU usage when processing transactions. Because you could look at some piece of data and if it hasn't been read you can parallelize it with other transactions. The problem is most defi apps have to read some piece of data, like an oracle, or update a common LP pool and verify slippage, etc. so they cannot be parallelized at all. So there is no benefit, and even if there was a benefit blockchains are massively bottlenecked by storage and network bandwidth, not CPU, and it comes with a huge downside of 1 tx per block. The only reason they did it because they wanted to intellectually jack themselves off by designing this dumb ass optimization. It gets even worse because UTXO is a superset of ethereum's account model, you could literally just implement in eth later if it turned out to be needed.

>> No.56896131

This guy knows

>> No.56896161

you're such an unbelievable dumb shit

UTXO is exactly the same in functionality but it is not single threaded like Ethertrash


>> No.56896365

lmao this guy has a BAG of this shit you can tell

>> No.56896400

you're fucking malding
tech illiterate faggot

>> No.56896489

Lol what a load of shit. People had to wait hours for swaps to go through on your shitty DEX when it finally came out

>> No.56896543

I'd rather wait a whole day than pay $20 for a swap like in Ethereum

>> No.56896625

Of course I do asshole I have a huge bag because it's the best tech in the industry and it's going to 1000x minimum

I'm very tech literate you low life piece of shit FUD faggot

First you fudding idiots say there is no usage and now you're saying it's congested

>> No.56896630
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>> No.56896699
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Hedera scales and Cardano is shit

why isn't Hedera 10x of Cardano rite now?

>> No.56896718

Hedera is centralized trash and doesn't need any consideration

>> No.56896999

Marketing/popularity > product

>> No.56897058

Because eth was 1. And eth maxis are calling it scam.
Just like betc eth will lose its marketshare and cardano will get some of that. Cardano will be in top 3 soon and it might be the one who knocks.
Cardano is best L1 today and it will be for anwhile. Ofc it might get too big to keep up with the times like eth, but its made for bigger market that we have now and it will be best for a while. Also they keep making it better.

You will contienue to see cardano getti. +20% a week while btc gets 15%

>> No.56897062

Wrong. Product is all that matters. All these shit ETH clone chains will fail.

>> No.56897069

lol op
nobody is USING it
as soon as they do, it gets shut down because its heavily centralized (not like the fake "eth is centralized" fud, i mean its ACTUALLY controlled by a tiny group of devs
you dont even understand why crypto exists and you think you know better lmao

>> No.56897123

That's the funny thing. It's a dead chain with about 100 transactions a day yet it can't handle it

>> No.56897131

No dumb ass it is very clearly being used and people have complained about congestion

It is the most decentralized project out there and this isn't even debatable

>> No.56897140

Fuck off FUD faggot it gets 100 transactions a minute

>> No.56897141

lol ok charles
i guess if you just straight up lie you can pretend youre right

>> No.56897149

Nothing about that is a lie and you know it

>> No.56897152

theres a reason your tripcode is red and mine is green
if you had any sense you would have realized by now

>> No.56897159

Your an idiot fuck off

>> No.56897192

ADA is a great filter for reddit tier middle of the bell curve dads

>> No.56897278
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cardano does is 100 rps (retards per second)
there has never been a single nonretarded comment made by a cardano holder anywhere on the internet, ever

>> No.56897334

This is a funny meme but completely wrong and for that reason your a faggot

>> No.56897341
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>Your an idiot

>> No.56897360
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>your a faggot
proving my point

>> No.56897448

eth is bottlenecked by storage exactly BECAUSE it doesn't use utxo you absolute retard
because rather than just a utxo set you have to store a full state with accounts
you'll see how streamlined utxo can be when Kaspa begins having smart contracts

>> No.56897539

>Hoskinson is a cult leader scam artist, Gensler is going to tear him a new one.
>Functional programming is a meme.
>Proof of Stake is too easily manipulated by institutional money.

>> No.56897739

excuse me supersets are only from runescape clue rewards

>> No.56897747

I forget what the meme was...
Theres a dapp where you were able to name Charle's sea otter or some shit?
I dont remember

>> No.56897947


>> No.56897983
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go to bed charles

>> No.56897993

compelling counter points

>> No.56898039

Don't waste your time arguing ADA anon I done it before the last bullrun when everyone was shitting on it still and it went from 5c to $3. Nothing that is said here matters.

>> No.56898176

Just use paypal if all you want is a shit scammy company to process transactions as fast as possible...

>> No.56898180
File: 124 KB, 1144x827, Ghostchain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cardano scales
That is a lie. In the real world that ghostchain can only handle 2 tps at max

>> No.56898380

>Cardano is best L1 today

>> No.56898409

all hype, nothing behind the curtain

>> No.56898775

>leaves out ICP
Of course.
This is like the republican debates.
>Trump not there
kek It's getting pathetic.

>> No.56898793

ETH is massively centralized as proven by how just a few people decided to move to POS.

>> No.56900612

Holy cheet you're delusional. ADA is for normies, that think Charles is smart and handicapped by his autism just to justify his pitch impediment.

Same vibe as SBF. "way too smart" for us to understand vibe.

You love getting scammed anon? keep donating to charles, your money. Personally, I'd literally rather buy any other straight up meme coin than ADA.

No pumpNomics.
No tech
No memes
No love
No dapps

Nothing burger.
why do you keep to continue hype such turd.