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File: 274 KB, 2560x1440, shutterstock_1686393406-scaled-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
57261686 No.57261686 [Reply] [Original]

Calling it now. We will reach $100 / Link by halving.

>> No.57261714

>Dec 20, 2023 w/ $100,000 invested on Dec 20, 2020
LINK: $109,332.79
ETH: $333,676.26
BTC: $224,295.18
SOL: $4,980,219
BNB: $755,829
AVAX: $1,435,254
MATIC: $4,105,262
DOGE: $2,368,421
TRX: $333,333
ADA: $368,750

>> No.57261717

esl coin
these little slip ups follow you when you think you’re making an annoymous post but it’s clear an esl retard is posting kek.

>> No.57261784

kek you fudders have been called esl retards for so long and now you've started with the
>no you
deflection bahahah

>> No.57261888

now the esl replies with another sock puppet kek.
watch his army of sock puppets flood the thread as he desperately tries to achieve consensus, and in panic explain away fud. to lightly fud a coin is akin to a personal attack on an esl and they feel they must respond immediately or else all his life savings of 10 zloty will be lost but being stuck on the internet they can only do it through sock puppets shills and spam (which is standard procedure in the third world where they originate from)

>> No.57261919

It's one of the most famous phrases in the english language, it's from the Lord of the Rings

>> No.57261934

everyone ITT desperately needs to get laid including me

>> No.57261991
File: 735 KB, 1616x1639, 1589494181128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now the esl replies with another sock puppet kek.
no u

>> No.57262074

now the esl replies with an image. esls tends to reply with images as their command of English isn’t good enough and they fear they might be “exposed” if they type for too long. to be known as an esl is a fate worse than death for an esl (because they can no longer shill their coins undetected and their daily bonus of 1 zloty will be retracted by their shill factory boss which would cause the esl to starve, kek)
I pity esls I really do

>> No.57262108

>$100 / Link by halving.
Based on what? CCIP going fully live? Bitcoin going crazy? Something else?
I hope you're right

>> No.57262119
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 1589493968218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now the esl replies with an image
not u

>> No.57262140

Now the esl is stuck in a loop, kek.

>> No.57262151
File: 102 KB, 540x666, 1561743705547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now the esl is stuck in a loop, kek.
no u

>> No.57262176

Now the esl is having a mental breakdown kek

>> No.57262178

what about the chart though

>> No.57262192

take a break from the computer

>> No.57262197
File: 34 KB, 657x527, 1586709166292.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now the esl is having a mental breakdown kek

>> No.57262208

now the esl has switched ids
hello hwBeN :)

>> No.57262221
File: 8 KB, 416x101, fuddersareschizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking schizo

>> No.57262233
File: 2.21 MB, 3200x4000, 1000006555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you give some reasoning? CCIP general access onboarding multiple high-value clients with immediate massive volume and/or a Chainlink ETF? Something else entirely?

>> No.57262235

now the esl is reduced to 2 words
good continue to not speak

>> No.57262258

hwBeN finds another sock puppet account to desperately shift the topic kek
I pity esls I really do

>> No.57262259
File: 76 KB, 839x853, 1610458663097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one actually believe that, not even you, Not even the newfags on X discord or Beoble would actually fall for that, stop pushing your bags

>> No.57262263
File: 6 KB, 231x218, 1589494360434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>now the esl is reduced to 2 words
>good continue to not speak

>> No.57262274

it's never going above 50 again dumbfuck baggie

>> No.57262275

what the fuck is this retarded thread

>> No.57262282

Chainlink threads have sunk to a new low.

>> No.57262289
File: 10 KB, 200x314, 1704736795626365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reach $50 one time
>still holding waiting for that $50 again

every. single. shitcoin. ever

>> No.57262301

Linkboard faggot. cope and sneed

>> No.57262304

Why are link holders like this? Actual mental illness

>> No.57262308

hwBeN on another sock puppet tries to salvage the thread again
Esls if they weren’t so obvious seem hard working persevering and almost noble, if they didn’t resort to such third world tactics, kek

>> No.57262313

On X, Discord, Beoble, Telegram and every social network that ever let two real human beings interact with.

>> No.57262333

notice how hwBeN only types 5 words

>> No.57262346

if he don't push his bags he will rope himself kek

>> No.57262408

look at the chart from the last 3 years... 100k in anything else in 2020 would be worth like $300k+ now. But for Link holders it's worth...$100k.

Apparently this is "fud" even though it's actually the reality

>> No.57262418

are you retarded. "it begins" is perfectly valid english. kys

>> No.57262424

So these esl'ers in the room w us now, what exactly is their first language? Are you still blaming the Bulgarians or are we on to a new boogeyman

>> No.57262439

the reality is we didn't buy in 2020, we bought in 2017-2018. hth

>> No.57262441


>> No.57262446

hello hwBeN what’s Warsaw like?

>> No.57262462

yes it was a great gain pre-20, nice work. But since then an atrocious investment

I'm also curious to here why "begins" was not proper English. What was the correct term there?

>> No.57262466
File: 7 KB, 420x84, mentallyillfuddies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude you should contact your family (the mental facility) you're spiraling.

>> No.57262467

hwBeN on his 19th sock puppet
don’t worry you’ll convince the white American to buy your coin with his huge $100 investment (which is 1000 times the average salary of the third world kek)

>> No.57262474


>> No.57262490


Places to learn English are:

>> No.57262498

>everyone calling me a retard is the same person!
Meds, pronto

>> No.57262516

1k eoy
Sooner or later this meme turns reality.

>> No.57262540

>hwBeN realises he has 19 sock puppets so decides to use an old one instead of creating a new one to make it more believable
They’re evolving, soon they will be able to write 4 words without any grammatical mistakes, kek.

>> No.57262541

amazon was an "atrocious investment" for a long time too
fact is, linkies who bought <$0.50 are still doing better than 99% of crypto investors, including you

>> No.57262568

the correct English is “the fact is”
Still more work hwBeN :)

>> No.57262583

>They’re evolving, soon they will be able to write 4 words without any grammatical mistakes, kek.
who the fuck cares about being grammatically correct on 4chan or irl for that matter, you definitely never got invited to any parties lmao

>> No.57262597

Here the ESL attempts to communicate. Give him time guys.

>> No.57262693

nobody gives a shit about your anonymous call. unless you doxx yourself you have absolutely no skin in the game.

>> No.57262699

Yeah Link isn't Amazon though. Amazon had $3b in revenues and actual working products by their 6th year. Their stock being down imo was more a product of one of the worst market crashes of all time.

In Link's case, both the overall crypto and trad markets are back approaching all time highs. Further, Link's product, which may or may not exist, depends on governments adopting regulations for technology they don't understand.

>> No.57262719

this schtick is cringe by the way... be more of a man

>> No.57262721

quite the ruckus you've stirred up with such a based post

>> No.57262727

Amazon didn't sell their own shares so that Bezos could give books away for free. This comparison to Amazon shit has got to stop.

>> No.57262746

hwBeN on his 20th sock puppet kek

>> No.57262766

hwBeN trying to salvage his dumpster fire thread says it’s “based”, kek

>> No.57262784

LINK is going to melt faces this year

>> No.57262788

Kys attention whore

>> No.57262792

including you

>> No.57262799

now hwBeN has a mental breakdown whilst on his 22nd sock puppet, kek

>> No.57262813

hwBeN is desperate for anyone to buy, kek

>> No.57262840

Remember that time you called someone out for being ESL and then said "I advice you to attend English classes"? That was fun.

It's these little slip ups that follow you when you think you're making an anonymous post but it's clear you're an esl retard posting, kek.

>> No.57262896

now the esl is hallucinating kek
The correct grammar is classes?”

Places to learn English are
BBC English
Stan Academy

>> No.57262921

The correct grammar is "I advise you". Keep working on it anon!

>> No.57262926

21 posts! Look at him go!

>> No.57262932

Now the esl gives me a random English lesson
Strange beings those esls, strange beings

>> No.57262945

hwBeN on his 23rd sock puppet kek

>> No.57262987

>these little slip ups follow you when you think you’re making an annoymous post but it’s clear an esl retard is posting kek.
learn english you stupid shitskin motherfucker, you stick out like a sore thumb. a third worlder calling other people ESL lmao

>> No.57263015

hwBeN on his 24th sock puppet
Place bets on when we reach 30, I’d put it all on this evening, kek

>> No.57263086

25 posts. Surely you don't get paid for these low effort back and forth posts do you jeet?

Put some effort into it. Say "Token Not Needed" and post your charts.

Also, never selling. Nigger.

>> No.57263109

Hello hwBeN :)

>> No.57263126

We won't even see a new ath this run, even with ccip general and staking v0.3 later this year. Link has morphed into another xrp.

>> No.57263129

Mental illness.

>> No.57263136

I'm going to bed now its 22pm for moi and I like to get up at 6 am, I hope you get the help you need.
If you ever end up in france or swe lmk and I'll buy you a baguette or köttbullar depends on where we meet.

>> No.57263169


>> No.57263176

Wow that's sad. Linktards absolutely BTFO. Seriously, it's pathetic how they shit this board up with their pathetic little pump last month.

>> No.57263495

>t. guy with less than $10,000 in crypto gains

>> No.57263518

I thought you were going to sleep hwBeN?

>> No.57263588

ok. If we dont i'll do an hero

>> No.57263664

28 posters. Faster than expected

>> No.57263696

just came home and saw this, firs thing that came to mind

>> No.57263715

what the fuck 28 posts by this ID. You got nothing better to do? Most of replies are tl:dr

>> No.57263722

sure hwBeN, sure :)

>> No.57263729

fucking schizo im not hwBen. Gtfo. Im about to sell and then neck myself

>> No.57264300

that will be true but everything else will 100x

>> No.57264907

the recent halving wasn't enough? lol

>> No.57264913

CCIP needs to go live, the BTC ETF is unironically great news for the crypto space as a whole.

>> No.57264974

isn’t it 12am where you live hwBeN?

>> No.57265032
File: 114 KB, 1290x1288, GDPuebrXwAA80zX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew Tate says he holds LINK

>> No.57265064

Well ahead of schedule as well kek

>> No.57265089
File: 927 KB, 250x230, IMG_5984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pajeet exposed immediately

>> No.57265147

What is an esl? And when is the bitcoin halfing?

>> No.57265253

If this is b8, congratulations

>> No.57265289

hwBeN on his 35th sock puppet kek

>> No.57265445

>open thread
>only the second post in is an extremely obvious esl fuddie
>mouse over id to confirm
>read the 15 posts that are left
kek fuddies

>> No.57265556

kek fuddies

>> No.57266123


>> No.57266173

>all 1pbtid
hwBeN is working overtime
we might have 50 posters by this evening

>> No.57266187
File: 2.54 MB, 720x1280, f2mp_720p_instagram_video_reel_CzTmUlZvEi7 (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$35 absolute max this cycle, just look how it's moving. The momentum could not be worse, it's copping so much bad press on twitter it's not even funny, there's a huge pile-on the likes of which I've never really seen before outside of shit like ADA and LTC and I'm not exaggerating, and even CLG has started openly and explicitly shilling other tokens like TIA and pretty much implying LINK crabs this year because other narratives have all the steam. This feeling is what I had at critical points in the past few years and didn't act so I had to start downsizing. I've seen a bunch of similar posts on biz about the same thing.

>> No.57266206

It's been a funny 5 years watching your lord-and-savior Sergey dump his worthless token on you. It'll be even funnier watching him buywall link if it even reaches $60 as a sea of pink linkies lose thier shit.

You've been warned.