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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57274932 No.57274932 [Reply] [Original]

Apologize right now. He tried to warn you.

>> No.57275106

99% of normies here defend ETFs.

>> No.57275112

BTC is still higher than it started in the new year bud.

>> No.57275223

And it will be destroyed by the end of the year.

>> No.57275463

Cointelegraph illustrations are so cringe its insane

>> No.57275508
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BTC will continue to allow people choose how to use it. Whether you self custody or rely on jewish banks to custody for you is your decision.

>ID: fat

>> No.57275556
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what's wrong?

>> No.57275586
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BTC always dumps (as much as 40%) before the blast-off. Newfags will sell, like always.

>> No.57275587

thats not how it works

>> No.57275597
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>> No.57275599

No serious investor wants anything that volatile. Thats why the ETFs have been a complete failure.

>> No.57275605

>ID: rAKy
Relies on crystals for healthcare

>> No.57275629

Make sure to get boosted, vaxxtard.
>No serious investor wants anything that volatile.
Wrong. Exploiting the existence of volatility is where you can maximize your opportunity for profits.

>> No.57275632

At the end of the day nobody actually cared about anything else then getting rich off crypto. If they say otherwise it is a lie

>> No.57275644

I'll boost your dad's nuts into my mouth how about that

>> No.57275666

Leave it to a vaxxtard to say something so gay.
BTC was created explicitly to address inflation and currency debasement. Even people who have retirement accounts want something to hedge against this.

>> No.57275712

>Exploiting the existence of volatility is where you can maximize your opportunity for profits.
fund managers just need time for the ETFs to fill up with capital they can play with
Best way to do that is make them cheap

>> No.57275721

checked, nice cope satan, but you're just becoming another asset in the institution's vaults lmao
cope however you want, this is literal fact

>> No.57275751
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>4 years later and still huffing copium waiting for all the vaxxies to die off

>> No.57275800
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>BTC will continue to allow people choose how to use it. Whether you self custody or rely on jewish banks to custody for you is your decision.

KEK , And how will you pay the miners to use the network ?

Reminder , until today 6 000 000 BTC is lost and outside circulation since morons lost keys to their BTC (I remember reading in the previous cycle about 4 million coins), if ETFs vacuum up another 6 000 000 BTC then 61% of BTC will be out of circulation not generating fees to the miners who meant to protect the network , nobody is going to do it for free , so either you will cough up ridiculously high fees to the miners or the network will die. Either way you will lose in that scenario.

Judging by the trend BTC will die by 2030 and you will own nothing and be happy ;)

>> No.57275906
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>> No.57275909
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>BTC was created explicitly to address inflation and currency debasement.

KEK , is it ? Then why every time FED is increasing interest rates BTC falls to the ground like dog shit ?

>> No.57275922

Based kaiji poster

>> No.57276687
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Its over, they are officially giving up on bitcoin. What a massive disaster.

>> No.57276710

>Transaction fees dropping is... le bad!

>> No.57276728

I think more accurately it was created to provide an apolitical currency (one where seigniorage and LLRs don't exist.)

>> No.57276830
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>I think more accurately it was created to provide an apolitical currency

Yeah ,the same like TOR was invented to provide anonymity for the average internet user.

>> No.57277850

Would you rather I boosted your moms?

>> No.57278130
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>> No.57279357

is it over?

>> No.57280823

because speculative assets thrive in periods of monetary expansion. however, our current problems are fiscal and cannot solved by monetary policy (for which they only have one option).

>> No.57280842

Warn me? I had a say in the ETF? wtf

>> No.57280852

jewry happening
remember that over 90% of posts on /biz/ are zionist jewry bot tricks and glowies

>> No.57280860

Like his article's but his predictions are usually wrong. Here is an interview with Nick Szabo:


>> No.57280881

it won't take long now. remember? we're supposed to just accept the fact that violent 10-15% moves in a 5 minute period are completely normal for crypto.
claiming there's anything wrong with that is "normie" or "boomer" or whatever it was. you'll have to refresh my memory.

>> No.57280914

this. those of us who did care, we saw our holdings rocket upward...
but then scammers created a billion "altcoins," and all kinds of insane claims about all of those and about bitcoin were made, like "this is going to kill the banks!" and all the usual nonsense about "keep your money with me and you get market-beating returns" whether its staking or using a wallet on an exchange or whatever.
that's all wrong, it was just another distributed fiat currency, for it to work everyone has to have their own wallet and understand the technology and keep their keys safe -- that was the point.
we thought it was a turning point in the technological sophistication of society, broadly. that's a good hope to have, cybersecurity is important. but, that didn't materialize. people still write passwords on post-it notes. oh well, silly me, cashed out at 20x in 2017 and now i warn people not to get caught up in this whole scam.
hope the avocado toasts and zoom-zooms have learned the lesson about how something authentic can completely get away from you and even turn against you.

>> No.57280947
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this is right, the fees will have to skyrocket; no one will be able to participate anymore without an operation the size of riot or larger.
the technology is centralized. it's distributed, the ledger, but a total consensus is required for every block to become part of it. that's centralization. so, the hardware is catching up with the software, in terms of architecture, by eliminating all the little guys.
of course not everyone has to be a miner but that's what blackrock and others have just finally figured out. everyone COULD have been their own point of sale, bidding a transaction fee (that's commission by the way, pic related) to commit funds, from their own app on their own phone or PC.
they hate that idea. but that's okay, now they're back between you and it. the cryptofags have all just spent the last seven or eight years trying to convince everyone that we don't need more USES for crypto, we just need more PURCHASES of crypto, and suddenly everything will be rainbows and fairies.

>> No.57280959

braindead goalpost-moving
once the gates are completely closed to you, all large nodes will indeed compete on the transaction fees, in order to be first to see the flows. you'll say "but the protocol doesn't work like that!" but you're watching real time as a dozen fund managers purchase the protocol from you

>> No.57281141
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When I look back at this there's nothing left but laugh. From anti- establishment to begging for the big bags.