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57279371 No.57279371 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto can easily be Controlled. Here are some likely scenarios.

>Bitcoin miners can be classified as utility providers and made liable for their dirty blocks

>Banks can be heavily penalized for allowing USD to be converted to Crypto

>The USA can force all Defi apps to submit every transaction to the IRS. Parsing the data is easy with AI

>The USA can create a new crypto capital gains tax where. 50% of your gains could be taxed.

>A law that makes Self hosted wallets illegal is possible

And lastly, the USA government can simply ban the sale and ownership of crypto with an executive order like they did to gold on April 3rd, 1933.

>> No.57279376

>Bitcoin miners can be classified as utility providers and made liable for their dirty blocks
Miners in third world shitholes won't care
also kys redditspacing nigger

>> No.57279388

>people can refuse to use the USD
>government can't confiscate your keys/crypto
>cheapest energy isn't even in the US, which would move mining from clean energy to polluting coal countries
Any other genius ideas?

>> No.57279394

Monero does not have this problem

>> No.57279403
File: 3.79 MB, 1920x2933, PhotoCollage_1702424802414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No gold was confiscated, it was banned

>> No.57279406
File: 1.11 MB, 1152x1759, Endthemanipulation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degaule and addie did the same thing to the feds

>> No.57279410
File: 1.69 MB, 1920x2933, PhotoCollage_1697504514892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of crypto is legal rehypothecation of self custody wallets.

>> No.57279438

Kek I have a headache trying to read these retarded graphics.