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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57287936 No.57287936 [Reply] [Original]

I have a few k and nothing to live for im 19 my mom just died unexpectedly and my dad died a few years ago, I’m gonna be squatting in the house for as long as I can but after I get removed I’m homeless and I don’t have any family left besides some cousins in a different country. I’ve got no qualifications, no degrees, nothing. I need to make money or an hero. Someone give me some real advice on what to invest this money in. I’m not looking for immediate returns even though my situation is kinda immediate. I just need some financial safety.

>> No.57287953

Invest in yourself. You can make a few k back easy. Get a job and learn to budget.
>inb4 shitcoin casino
You have your whole life to get rich, right now focus on building a solid base for yourself so you don't end up sucking cocks under a bridge or posting LINK fud on here.

>> No.57287958

If you're just providing for yourself and you already have a house then even minimum wage should be enough to sustain you and leave some savings.

>> No.57287966

Go into trades, whatever tickles your fancy. Investing is not your priority, securing a steady income to pay for roof over your head is.

You are young, you have your whole life ahead of you. Just don't be a moron and learn as much as you can

>> No.57287973

honestly uni might not be a bad place for you, just live on campus (it’s pretty safe and there are gyms and communal kitchens), I was close to doing this and I know a couple people who did end up doing this
just go to school and take it seriously, have fun

>> No.57287995

you're not inheriting the house?

>> No.57287996

Become an electrician. Keep the house. The real estate market is so fucked anyone with a house shouldn't sell it unless they already have another.

>> No.57288002

You can always join military to save your ass if you can survive a war. I reccomend going into Space Force or Air Force right now. That will set you straight as long as you pay with your life to be a zogbot

>> No.57288048
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1. Night shift security guard. Easy money just to chill (hit or miss, but most are chill at night). Parking lots are the most chill
2. dogbat BNB. 1k is a good amount. You can do the same for the eth one. Copycats are faggoty, but the metrics of it look good. Maybe even the sol one too.. but that one is definitely a gamble. So like 500.
3. If you go to college, still do the security during the night, but aim to be a k-12 teacher. Easy fucking money. They work like 8/12 months. 4 Months vacation to do whatever. Also look into financial aid shit.
4. IF and ONLY if HARD SHITTY labor doesn't deter you, I would suggest doing a 2 year degree to be an RN nurse. They are more or less guaranteed a job out of school and make bank.

>> No.57288053

I have no problem working a minimum wage job if I have to and that’s all id be able to get anyway but it scares me that when I start I will be stuck there my whole life because I’ll be living paycheck to paycheck every month and won’t ever have the money to go study something to get a better job etc or have the spare time to try and start my own business or whatever. I’m gonna have to get a shitty job anyway but I’d like something on the side so I have the option/safety net to improve my situation at a later date. I wanna invest in something (doesn’t have to be crypto) and I’ll live paycheck to paycheck in the meantime.
I’ll have a house a couple of months max before I get kicked out. I can’t afford the rent even with a job.

>> No.57288063
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Btw I WOULD advise debt during school, but community college should be cheap as shit anyways. Go for the cheapest. Make sure it's accredited. The debt should also be from SUBSIDIZED loans. NOT unsubsidized. That is extremely important. The reason I think debt is fine atm is because cash is better spent dcaing into crypto right now rather than paying off short term debt. Paying off classes = straight up 5-6figs in opportunity cost. Not even memeing

>> No.57288074

>You have your whole life to get rich
don't listen to this idiot. This bullrun is probably the last one for 10 years.

>> No.57288099

>Investing is not your priority
Another fool. Op, they want you to die poor and are newfags that don't comprehend what opportunity cost is. I'm not joking when I say not investing now = 5-6fig opportunity cost.
Btw what's your monthly mortgage and security wages in your state? I think trades are ass btw. I did them. I hated it. Better off doing a 2 year RN degree if you go the physical labor route. Also do you live near a metropolis city? I hear the 2 year degree for nursing has high demand in metropolis cities but other places want a 4 year. You should check on indeed and shit too.

>> No.57288108

Fuck no

>> No.57288283

Your biggest expense will probably be rent. If you are a neet budgeting is very easy. The goal of your income will be to spend as little per week and put the rest aside, you can put that side money into investments. Crypto is fine but I won't shill any, dyor. But I'd recommend having 10kish for emergencies first. Any job will do so long as you have a consistent weekly check that you can skim money off for your future. Ideally you don't want to spend any more than 60% of your take home pay each week, the less the better. Autistic budgeting (write all your expenses for the week and start eliminating all you can) goes far.

>> No.57288713

first of all get out of this shithole and learn a skill first you retard.the neet jokes here arent real and it will suck

>> No.57289539

>I’m gonna be squatting in the house for as long as I can but after I get removed I’m homeless
What about inheritance? I'm sure You will inherit the house and other things, including their wealth

>> No.57289587

Go to medical school, live on campus, use the gym. You'll meet a ton of women and statistically at least one of them will fuck you during freshers week. The course itself is engaging, it is highly unlikely that no specialization will interest you. Invest your student loan and extra capital into crypto.

5 years later (or whatever it is for your country), even if you decide not to practice, you get a fancy new title to impress normies. Either way, you're now guaranteed a rewarding career and you have a global green card.

>> No.57289665

are you good conventionally attractive?

>> No.57289687

what do you mean removed? sue the state for the title to the home.

>> No.57289697

Im White with a Biochem undergrad and countless volunteer/shadowing hours, and I was rejected two years in a row from all med schools in my State
GPA 3.9 from rigorous school
I work for tech now, but med school is a scam and doctors are salesmen for F500 Pharma

>> No.57289732

File paperwork at your local City Hall to adverse possess the house you’re in and pay the taxes. That way you won’t get evicted.

>> No.57289769

hang in there dont throw your life away

>> No.57289791

They're rentoids. Don't own shit

>> No.57290171

1k on Dogbat on BNB is a good advice but only on BNB, dogbat on other chains will lose you money period

>> No.57290198
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Copy handsome truth and build a persona and talk shit about kikes and niggers on Omegle for donations. Dude makes 500 a day at least, with ease

>> No.57290216

>his parents didn’t leave him 100 million with a 500k/yr annuity

Lol!!!! Lmao!!!!

>> No.57290230

>just die for Israel goy
There are a thousand better options than becoming pozzed zogbot.

>> No.57290242
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>All I have is student debt

>> No.57290270

dont chase money now anon its too risky, any financial planner will thell you that you should study something

>> No.57290277
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>dogbat on other chains will lose you money period

more like dogbat will lose you money period. Why are you two shilling him a 2 year old dead shitcoin

>> No.57290279
File: 51 KB, 500x400, IMG_0469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude programming is the same. If by tech you mean IT or cybersecurity you’re right. But if your skill is coding you’re fucked even if you have a degree. They expect at least 10 years experience in C, Ruby, PHP, Python, NodeJS, and whatever other godforsaken languages they can think of so you can change the hex codes in CSS.

Globohomo is collapsing, don’t participate.

>> No.57290311
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here's my real advice to you lil nigga:

>won’t ever have the money to go study something
First piece of advice, don't fall for the psyop that you have to pony up to to some kike to develop real skills. You can teach yourself SQL, excel, python, javascript, etc etc etc all for free. Every skill you need to earn a real job is available online for free. Your ability to succeed financially will come down to your level of grit more so than anything else.

Second piece of advice, you don't even need a real skill to get a good job. There isn't a single senior professional on Earth who didn't learn most of their real industry skills on the job. That's how it works. There are plenty of employers who just want smart guys and will train you because it's impossible to learn their industry skills outside the job, like in semiconductors, for example. You just need to learn to use "professional speak" and fluff yourself up to sound professional. Sold something on ebay once? That's "digital marketing". I am being 100% serious you have to play this game, and the sooner you actually play the game of corpospeak the sooner you can get a real job. It all boils down to getting an interview with a boomer and impressing him. Again, you learn all the real skills on the actual job, you just need to get your foot in the door.

Third piece of advice, keep applying to jobs. Even to jobs for which you are grossly underqualified, because there's no reason not to. This is giving yourself the equivalent of a call option, except the premium is basically free. Giving yourself the potential for explosively positive outcomes is how every successful person got there, but you have to believe it's possible and give yourself those chances. In general, keep trying to set up opportunities for you to "get lucky" that don't involve actually spending money.

>> No.57290410

More on that last point, this is the way to win at life in general, whether it's business, jobs, women, investing or anything else. First things first, you setup a solid base of operations and never compromise its integrity. From there, you take calculated risks that give yourself explosive upside potential without risking your base of operations. In investing, that means never YOLO your capital base, which brings me to my final advice regarding investing since you asked about it...

In investing, you need to not do what everyone else does. Given your situation, you will undoubtedly take too much risk and blow yourself up. Every single new investor/trader takes on too much leverage and maybe even makes money, but in doing so they develop bad habits which cause them to eventually lose it all.

So what should you do? First of all, you need to understand that in order to get outsized returns in investing, someone else has to lose. It's a competitive game. The universe won't just bless you with infinite dollars just because you chose to invest--you could just as easily lose it all. If you think you're doing to actually make money, you're saying you, at 19 with no experience at all, are going to beat everyone else trying to make money. I will tell you now, you aren't special and the universe won't just reward you for investing. You will almost certainly lose money and regret doing it at all. I could tell you to do this or that, but without teaching you to actually fish it's just setting you up for failure in the long run. If you still insist on investing, I will just say this: the most important thing is not to fight momentum. Whatever you do, for god's sake find a simple way to measure when momentum has changed before trying to pick a top or bottom in something. Lastly, always remember that no matter how confident they sound, everyone is retarded when it comes to investing and is often wrong. ALL PEOPLE ARE OFTEN WRONG IN INVESTING GET THIS THROUGH YOUR HEAD

>> No.57290712

>bullrun is probably the last one for 10 years
how can a bullrun last for 10 years, anon?

>> No.57290755

reading comprehension fail. this post made me mad because i can already tell ur the type to come to wild conclusions because you lack basic reading comprehension

>> No.57290777
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Listen to these anons: >>57287966
Acquire a skill (trades or go to college) that will secure income for yourself. You need to be constantly bringing in money, that's how it works. You need to get used to this idea that you need to constantly earn money in order to live. You're 19 so you have no concept of reality but take this advice to heart.

As for investing money you have, invest in yourself first (schooling, tools, whatever supports your endeavors to actually earn money). Aside from that, make sure to keep an emergency fund aside and then invest the rest into Bitcoin and gross market index funds. Don't think you're smart; you're not.

>> No.57290818

>You need to be constantly bringing in money, that's how it works. You need to get used to this idea that you need to constantly earn money in order to live.
Then it's better to just die. There are many people who don't have to do this and they are the only ones who can really self-actualize, so if you're not one of them what's the point?

>> No.57290884

Invest in a haircut and presentable clothing. Then go get a job.

You can have affordable housing if you share it. Look on the internet for people looking for a roommate.
Man up and stop being a drama queen. Don't post shitty withered wojaks and depression blogposts on the internet.

You are responsible for your situation in life, 100%, no excuses.

>> No.57290948

at least some of them gave themselves the opportunity to do it.
Most good things in life are down to luck BUT it's on you to be prepared for when luck strikes. I know I was damn well prepared when I got into tech.
Moral of the story, find some lucrative sector (lots of fucking options), work hard to get in, be ready for the slightest opportunity. Lie about skills if you have to. You'll make it.

>> No.57290982

>what's the point?
idk but you havent killed yourself yet so stop being a pussy or maybe realize you dont actually believe this

>> No.57291011

/biz/ is full of pussies

They complain about housing and college education costs, but don't realize they can get 0% down payment home loans for life and free or cheaper college tuition by volunteering to cook eggs or fuel trucks in the Army National Guard for one weekend a month for a few years.

People talk shit about the military but they don't even know shit about it. Even in the Army or Marines you're not gonna die unless you're infantry.

t. National Guard infantry officer

>> No.57291064

Im in supply chain project management actually
It was a big pivot

>> No.57291139
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No, you're just being weak. Life is hard - everyday we must work at surviving and taking care of our own. Are there some among us who are coddled and live life on easy mode? Yes. But it's because of their ancestors endeavors that positioned them to reap this benefit.

And self-actualization is possible for anybody - but especially possible for those that work hard at something they love while earning money and creating value. I'm a self-actualized person but a wagie too - but i work in tech and my work, while challenging, has become easy due to my increase in skills and I WFH and basically do whatever I want and pursue my true passions and art.

>> No.57291909

I see, so you just sit at home and jerk off.

>> No.57291980

>unless youre infantry
but what if youre too fucked for anything else?

>> No.57291993

get a security guard card
it costs around $200 but sometimes you can get it for free. look into that. then get a job. they hire almost anyone it seems like. from what i've seen. there was a literal scrawny black as well as weak females as security guards at the UPS warehouse i was temping at. aside from those two, there was a clearly old pinoy, definitely in his late 50s or early 60s. that suggested to me that they will take anyone because it's an easy joke job unless something goes wrong. anyway, in many states you can't get the guard card online but i don't know maybe you can. just look into it. they are panick-hiring more guards now due to all the crime. having a guard is seen as better than not having one. of course, you also need to pick good places to work so you're not constantly dealing with thieves and bums.

>> No.57292017

Post a picture of yourself with your keyboard on your head and I'll send you 0.05eth.

>> No.57292018

this anon is telling the truth. i have a neighbor who randomly bragged to me that his daughter is in the nat guard and she recently bought a 1 acre house. i was seething at the time and it still bugs me that he would just bring that up out of nowhere.

having said that, most if not all of /biz/ are lazy and just want get rich quick schemes aka crypto.

>> No.57292111
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Im sorry for your loss anon, everything aside. I wish i could help.

>> No.57292128

Move to North Dakota, get a job in the fracking industry. Make $100k/yr hauling sand and fixing well heads. Live as cheaply as possible and bank the rest in BTC.

>> No.57293157

Another thing to look into (depending on interest) is getting your pilot's license.
It's cool and fun, and you can piece it together on weekends.
After a year or two, you can get a job flying pipeline inspections down in Texas. The pay would be shit, but you;d wrack up a bunch of hours.
Then you move over to wildland firefighting aviation, and you just chase the fireseason all over the world.

>> No.57293222

Start a tree trimming/snow removal/lawn mowing business. Start up cost is low, depending on how primitive you want to go. All said and done you can get all the tools for like $2-3k USD as a safe estimate. If you want to go caveman, no engines, just human powered tools you could probably do it with a couple hundred dollars. Offer your first few customers a discount if they let you advertise with a lawn sign for a few weeks.

>> No.57293269

> join military (tech job)
> have guaranteed housing/food while you get your shit together
> get clearance
> get $200k+ job when you ETS in 4-6 years.
Verification not required.

>> No.57293273

Then you weren't going to make it anywhere else anyway.

>> No.57293379

Whatever you do, do not get evicted. You need to be able to rent in the future. Sorry for your loss anon.