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57345406 No.57345406 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57345415
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>> No.57345421

>t. seething shitskin

>> No.57345426

SuperPooper by 2030

>> No.57345427

We're going to see a lot of downed airliners in the future..

>> No.57345428
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>> No.57345445

India will become sooper pooper by 2030 saar. White women all over the world will do the needful and give pink vagene and anus to rightful bharat 1 foot pinus.

>> No.57345538
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>> No.57345549

They get minority benefits from the government

>> No.57345550
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Imagine hiring a race of people who can't master the technology of plumbing, and then using them to build your high precision, high performance machines....

Any time you fly, make sure you call the airline and tell them that if it's a BOEING, I AINT GOIN'.

>> No.57345578

why fucking indias of all people are they that cheap?
they didnt learn from google? holy shit

>> No.57345613

id bet money that the O'Biden admin is paying Boeing $100 Billion through back channels just for Boeing to "invest" this $100 million into India.
a weak western attempt to stay relevant in the face of RUssia/CHina taking over the world with actual good constructive productive non-destructive foreign development policy

>> No.57346386

They laid off my father for this.

>> No.57346430
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Please don't, i don't want disgusting poojeets traveling around the world, if I wanted to talk with one I would go on Beoble or Telegram

>> No.57346518
File: 20 KB, 466x311, nikkihaley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> On the board of Boeing
> Did all types of this bullshit when governor of SC (I know, USC graduate here - one of my classes was literally 90% Chinese nationals, come to find out it was part of a deal Nikki made with China)
> Parents originally Sikhs from India, turns out Nikki is an anchor baby
> Now running for president

All you have to do is connect the dots anon, but of course I'll get a few gasping neckbeard/basedjak pics replying to this post. All I can say is there's nothing conspiratorial about what I'm saying at all, Nikki is infamous for her woke bullshit (check her Twitter history + her taking down the Confderate flag if you still don't believe me). I lived under her bullshit reign in SC.

Political rant over. The financial side of this is that Boeing will be going down the tubes in stock over the next several years, regardless of the political climate.

>> No.57346551


Women are basically never genuinely conservative anyway. They don't have the stones for the tough, pragmatic decisions. She's one of those lightweight RINO types that are like

>yes yes I'll cut taxes a bit and wear an American flag but we need to keep the borders open and outsource the economy

>> No.57346581

its funny how neither right wingers or left wingers really respect her but they push her everywhere kek

>> No.57346594


The establishment favorite always sticks out like a sore thumb. She's the Jeb! of this cycle.

>> No.57346602
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>They laid off my father for this.

>> No.57346621

>its funny how neither right wingers or left wingers really respect her but they push her everywhere kek

Literally funded by Jews and pushed on Jew media. Why do you think she talks about Jews and Israel 99% of the time. Support for her as real as a baked baby.

>> No.57346633

you have to be smart and think why this is happening now. Obviously we know these huge companies wouldn't risk their planes and thousands of lives to an affirmative action hired Black woman.

the reason they are okay with doing this antiwhite ESG bullshit is because automation is coming. There won't be a need for skilled white pilots anymore when the plane will be able to to everything including takeoff and landing.

>> No.57346635

>Women are basically never genuinely conservative anyway. They don't have the stones for the tough, pragmatic decisions.


>> No.57346642
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>We're going to see a lot of downed airliners in the future..

The purpose of a system is what it does.

>> No.57346655


Way overrated. Kind of like Reagan, more a symbol of traditional patriotism than an actual agent of conservative change.

>> No.57347083

I was an engineer on the rocket program
They went through 4 Billion dollars with a B the program is in the black and will never make one cent.
I can tell you it is a shit show. I doubt they will ever get those astronauts into orbit.
They take fresh young new female graduates and put them in positions for things like safety, or a made up position that coordinates were all the tooling is on a map of the facility.
Parts would get ordered and purchasing would just press the button and sit back and consider the job completed rather than, pushing to get results to meet schedule. During meetings I was beside myself when the VP of the program would give soft speeches about how we have to stop "Normalizing Being Late"

>> No.57347110
File: 54 KB, 654x960, Reaganguncontrol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regan was a communist piece of shit that hated the US constitution he despised the 2A.

>> No.57347172

They already have lethal experience with them.

>> No.57347173

the simple reason behind this is that india has ordered a lot of planes from boeing and this was probably part of that deal
expect airbus to do something similar

>> No.57347214

What program was your father on ?
I am disgusted that I was laid off also but there are still kunt HR diversity specialist working in HR there.
Along with Hispanic and LGBT professional clubs or engineering clubs

>> No.57347390

Did she conserve the British working class or start selling off industry to poor arse eurotrash?

>> No.57349175

but sooper pooper scoopers are just legend