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57358112 No.57358112[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is life really this unfair?

>> No.57358119

so what?

>> No.57358121

Why do you think half of Hollywood performs under constant drug abuse?

>> No.57358122


>> No.57358127

can you explain the concept of fairness to me?

>> No.57358132

Why don't you fuck off back to twitter with the rest of the crabs

>> No.57358221

This isn't true

>> No.57358237

Yes. Life paths are mostly genetic. It’s a harsh truth that many can’t swallow

>> No.57358302

Nepotism mostly.

>> No.57358316

>twitter user

>> No.57358317

>op follows crypto influencers

>> No.57358327

>being a functioning alcoholic makes you top-tier.

Wew lad common twitter thread.

>> No.57358384

Fairness means everyone gets to start, roughly, at the same point in relevant socioeconomic indicators and with the same biological potential, meaning any advances you do are due to situations you werent born into (like having better genetic or better parents, etc)

>> No.57358410

Talent is as relevant as the enviroment. Having talent in say, being a good actor is meaningless if you are born in some fucking war country like Syria. On the other hand, being born talentless but in a rich enviroment will give you a better future in acting than the Syrian guy.

Now of course if you are born both with talent and in the right enviroment you will outperform most people.

>> No.57358456

>meaning any advances you do are due to situations you werent born into
give an example

>> No.57358665

Like your parents deciding when youre age 3 to immigrate to the US from Poland in the early-mid 90's.
>t. me

>> No.57358688
File: 259 KB, 593x635, 151766565566556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talented people
>going to clubs

fucking lol

>> No.57358757

can confirm
t. talented at anything i do

>> No.57358774

Yes, it's absurdly unfair and it's basically a simulation lottery and if you lose, you get to experience infinite torture until you die. If you do win, you get to enjoy an easy life for a bit and then you die and nothing happens forever except you're not aware of it, so I guess it's not so bad to not exist.

>> No.57358791

Talent is relative, people can be more or less talented than others, and just because someone has talent in one domain doesn't mean they're generally "talented". It mean they have ONE talent and it's not necessarily enough to get you ahead in life

>> No.57358796

so everyone starts the game on the same level and with the same stats and items?

>> No.57358806

Yes but you might say we have different racial abilities kek

>> No.57358834

That's not possible through, situations are dictated by nature, our civilization is moving towards attempting to control the chaos that is nature to create equality and fairness, but when resources in our planet starts to become scares nature will come back swinging even harder, only when abundance exist fairness can exist.

>> No.57358857

Obviously. Survival of the fittest never changed.

>> No.57358860

Why is every post on twitter so gay?

>> No.57358928

>Is life really this unfair?
yes, very much so
>Fairness means everyone gets to start
>with the same biological potential
>like having better genetic
I hate this so much.
I have a 6 footer friend with an extremely handsome face, I regularly see 9s and 10s walk up to him in public and just straight up give their number, I've even seem him take some of them home, and presumably bang them, the same day he met them.
He is even proud that he's never been rejected by a girl before, and he has a body count over 100 in my count, and that's just from what I've seen.

Meanwhile I'm a complete manlet, and I've NEVER been approached by a girl in my life. And I've been rejected more than 50% of the VERY few times I asked someone out.

It's stupid something you have zero control over: height, facial structure, has so much weight in this world... you can never make up for despite how hard you try.

>> No.57358935

This. So many twitter posters have huge egos, think they're passing on timeless wisdom, and you should be lucky that you happened to come across their post

>> No.57358936

No, the talented ones aren't clubbing til 2 AM.

>> No.57359004

Its worse. Those people going out to clubs doing designer drugs till 2am before heading into their 200k/year office job 5 hours later are actually completely mediocre.

>> No.57359352

Well yeah in this society especially
In older times every woman had to pick a man, or even be forced to one.
That made it more equal, the handsome would still get the better woman usually and could have affairs, but it was way more fair.
In nature this would not happen, since eighter this would be percieved as stealing the woman and you would try to kill him. So this would lead to him having to reject advances if he doesnt want to gamble his life or is not super strong and even than: Or in a larger group if that would happen the left out men would bound together and kill him.
But even in these historical realities woman would choose the handsome, and in fact there are countless examples of matricharies in history, but they most collapsed, presumably because of similar reasons as today, most men went into behavioral sink, and it lost its fighting ability and got overwhelmed by nearby patriarchies

>> No.57359362

A friend of mine from school who was one of the absolute best would blackout drink almost every weekend

>> No.57359378

you will probably look back in 10-15 years and feel like an idiot for valuing sex with random hot girls so highly, and not trying to find a girl you get along with now.

>> No.57359382

Doesn't exist. A fantasy pipe dream. Delusion.

I would prefer to be a slave living in a world of the unfairness of reality than a fantasy delusion of equality while clearly no such thing exists.

>> No.57359391

Casual sex with the hottest young women is the pinnacle of physical existence. There are no other mechanics which can satisfy the animalistic brain as much as that.

If you consider it "not worthy" you should just focus on spiritual pursuits.

>> No.57359436

>absolute best
Absolute best at?

>> No.57359444

Life would be unfair if talented people would be outperformed by complete midwits.

>> No.57359590

Day you are 21 and you decide to take a car with someone drunk and it crashes and lives you paralytic. Thats on you.

>> No.57359612

Real fairness would imply everyone has the same talents or the same potential for said talents. Talented people usually were born with genetic gifts or to special families that guided then, they didnt earn said families or genetics, they just got lucky, thats unfair because its an advantange that wasnt achieved through merits.

>> No.57359745

Especially math (tho i was on par or better here)
But also physics, history, our language, and then generally he was top 3 of 120 high school

>> No.57359761

Having the first time sex with one of these young pretty (and shes virgin aswell) and then develop real love and later children (only possible in these circumstances+you need to be at least decently handsome aswell or she wont develop real love) should be better.
But i cant talk of experience

>> No.57359780

lmao what? There are big earners doing that but those aren't the overperformers, those are the untouchable trust fund kids and nepotism hires.

>> No.57359864

1. Virgins are bad at sex.
2. Women are incredibly annoying and spiteful outside of fucking.
3. Kids are expensive as shit.

>> No.57359896

>bad at sex
Kek dude
The worst thing a woman can be is "experienced at sex". I would check your test levels. She will have experience with you after a while.
>Women are incredibly annoying and spiteful outside of fucking
Hu? Maybe in muttistan. I find young woman mostly pleasurable to interact. Or maybe you pick the bad ones or they are to you that way
You literally get 3200-300 Euro monthly here and big tax deductions. Its totally cheap to raise a child.
Again i know i know you come from *m*r*c*
Dont take my disdain personally btw its for your society and the washington mafia

>> No.57359900

200 to 300
>I find young woman mostly pleasurable to interact.
I rather interact with them then with other people

>> No.57359990

>valuing sex with random hot girls so highly, and not trying to find a girl you get along with now.
being desired and having options is literally what helps you finding a girl you get along with.

>> No.57359999

>1. Virgins are bad at sex.
it all depends on the dick and how horny you make her.
i fucked for hours during my first. she fell instantly in love with the d.
most young dudes nowadays got the deathgrip and not gonna instabust.

>> No.57360019

dunno dude. now if I think about it I havent been approached either. not being tall and decent looking is hell.

I think I supressed dozens of experiences when my tall frens got randomly approached and hit on by hotties. me? im short so nobody cares im handsome.

i fucking gave up years ago. I dont even leave the house anymore or clean up after myself. im dead inside. all I ever wanted is some flings, fuck some hot girls, get a nice gf. im 30+ and i barely had any experiences.

meanwhile my 90iq fren can go out, fart in the middle of a disco and girls will find him charming and fun because he is 6'3
love of my life is with a 6'5 dude.

>> No.57360754

The only people who think that life is anything close to "fair" are those who lucked out. The rest of us know better

>> No.57360963

Its also kind of relieving in a defeated way

>> No.57360977

if they are talking about money:working life than yes talent is way overrated there today its become abundantly clear that both hiring and promotions are not best on strict merit but bullshit that requires no talent or effort at all
life has been turned into eternal high school and only idiots play that game

beyond even the most successful wagie is always exploited as the very nature of the cage is to have your value extracted by your owner
btb even says this all the time: the only way out is doing something yourself and since everyone talented is being funneled into the cagies the competition is surprisingly not that hard in the domain where the getting is the best

>> No.57360980
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 28xp-pepefrog-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While you were posting in this gay thread, I was stacking a Trillion LINU.

We all have 24 hours in a day.

>> No.57361061

Wait does searching for my number after a party and then writing me asking for a meeting count as me beeing approached?
I guess so right?

>> No.57361177

This one is sort of interesting, in some fields it's obvious that talent is everything e.g. sports.
In most fields it's not obvious..

>> No.57361189

Wouldn't worry height isn't everything I'm 6'7 with a face that can be generously described as "acquired taste" and might as well be invisible

>> No.57361194

I'm 6ft5 and never had a gf, I am 36 years old.
Not once have I ever been complimented, let alone on my height.
I've never been approached.
I've never heard of any girl having any interest in me.

I can't think of a good analogy, but height is the bogeyman that you think you need but if you have it, it doesn't mean anything.

>> No.57361206

Well this, face is way more important
But i think beeing really small is just as bad

>> No.57361275

>work hard for 30 years
Wtf, you guys are retiring at 50?

>> No.57361349

It generally goes: talent and years of training >>> no talent and years of training training > talent and no training >>> no talent and no training.

>> No.57361383

>he starts working at 20

>> No.57361429


>> No.57362772

Elon monetized shitposting and ever since the gayness has multiplied. Twitterfags care more about engagement than quality since impressions are what elon pays for.

>> No.57362792

I got a friend who is 6'2 but has never had a gf. Not ugly but he is a shy, introverted computer programmer. height is not everything

>> No.57362858

Hollywood is you work hard for a couple weeks to month of filming. Most of the hardwork is done by the unseen or heard of editors and writers.

>> No.57363013

and where is he now?