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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57505627 No.57505627 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.57505630


>> No.57505635

oh noooooooo the russian trannies got us
binance sisters, our response?

>> No.57505641
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>> No.57505643

>calling the user
why wouldn't I just call you a fag and hang up

>> No.57505644

If someone discovers you're on binance just hit the with the

"Yeah man back in 2017 I bought some crypto and lost like $500 bucks, never again, that shits a scam"

Problem solved.

>> No.57505648

Those KYC laws are really keeping people protected

>> No.57505653

you still need the 2fa code to log in

>> No.57505655

now imagine the same with the ledger leak, where they know you bought an hardware wallet and they know your home address

>> No.57505660

OH NOOO who cares just add it to the list of niggers hacked with the ledger

>> No.57505671

>burglar beats wallet owner to death
>steals seed phrase
>finds $29 worth of eth and a transaction history of getting rugged by poopshitinu

>> No.57505675

oh no they will find out my burner phone + fake ID
anyway, anyone wanna shill some shitcoin

>> No.57505700

>majority are tier 1 english speakers
How would they even know?
the .com is banned in all anglo cuck countries no?

>> No.57505717
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and if you think the com is banned in all anglo cuck countries then you need to get laid you don't know anything about tech i bet you're invested in btc

>> No.57505727

>Phone number
Does anyone actually care about this anymore? What are they gonna do? Call me?

>> No.57505761

why always some tranime faggottnigger?

>> No.57505774

contrat ser? vishnu bless your family and village ser!

>> No.57505775

No pics leak no care

>> No.57505788

i just hate the fact that i had to upload a picture of myself to kraken when i made my account. honestly, should've just gotten a metal mask wallet and bought all my shit through DEX.

>> No.57505824
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Yeah thats fucking terrible, now thinking about it

>> No.57505841
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anyone who eventually leaks KYC on kraken will know i'm a nigger. i can't bare the thought of other people across the globe seeing my face.

>> No.57505853

Early days of kyc authentication required you to post a pic of yourself holding a piece of paper with your name or some random phrase.

There's a faggy ass pic of teen me out there holding a piece of paper with BitGoonz,cz or whatever written on it.

>> No.57505859
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you are so right bro it would be a tragedy if anyone saw his face

>> No.57505870

that's the default avatar from breachforums / raidforums
but yeah, most users on this website are 14-20 years old and some are probably weebs

>> No.57505886

Do people believe this shit? He probably bought a yellow pages phone book 2004 edition from thrift shop and sell it as legit big boi leak.

>> No.57505906

isn't that the tranny that got busted for a hack fairly recently?

>> No.57505919

Everest solves this shit

>> No.57505987

How come these fucks never hack the government and leak jewish tricks instead of fucking with the common man?

>> No.57505995

when ledger was hacked I got physical letters in mail saying they'll kill my dog if I don't send BTC to some address

>> No.57506006

Doesn't matter i was already present in the BTC-E leak

>> No.57506016

wtf why is all my chainlink gone? oh wait i sold it at $40 cause im not retarded

>> No.57506029
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anyway i'm off to my 5th yacht party this week see ya later losers

>> No.57507881

I wondered why I got a random call from Indonesia an hour ago. Probably this.

>> No.57507899

KYC isn't about protecting customer data, it's about verifying that the person making transactions is the person they say they are
protecting customer data is what something like SOC2 compliance is for

>> No.57507906


>> No.57508986

You think I can ask the hacker to only give me entries from the list that have jewish last names ?

>> No.57508995


Who the fuck cares?

Ever heard of a phone book?

You have the name and phone number of the entire country

Fucking zoomers are so paranoid lmao

>> No.57509004

>CZ goes into US custody
>US Binance users have their kyc data 'leaked'
Remember kids. KYC stands for Kill Your Customer

>> No.57509042

>2000s forum moderator who never got the happy men knocking at his door asking for some tea & crumpets.

>> No.57509066

>KYC isn't about protecting customer data, it's about verifying that the person making transactions is the person they say they are
Wrong, it's about taxing your losses

>> No.57510226

kek binancies

>> No.57510741

>registering with your phone number instead of email

>> No.57510772

did you report those letters to the police? potential paper trail there from them

>> No.57511303

I'm all in with KYC, no gripes. Just did my KYC after the Brillion smart wallet v1 drop.

>> No.57511327

2FA's a game changer, Anon. DUA wallet's on the same page, requiring 2FA for any transaction above $50.

>> No.57511350

That ain't news, Anon. If you wanna roll with the AllianceBlock official smart wallet and enjoy banking integration, KYC is the name of the game.

>> No.57511352

This but unironically

>> No.57511373

>what is sim swap attack?

>> No.57511411
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lmao bro i bet he doesn't even know what a sim swap attack is everyone on the /biz/ forum knows that's like internet 101 that everyone should be aware of it's like he's a normie or something bruh

>> No.57511450

never use sms for 2fa retard

>> No.57511499

Mail isn’t prepaid lmao. Ever heard of stamps?

>> No.57511558
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Early days? Bittrex is shut down and asking KYC for my 20$ on acc kek.
>we need your ID with datestamp and ‘for Bittrex’ written on piece of paper
>and selfie of you holding the ID
>for 20$
>for bankrupt exchange