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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57610142 No.57610142 [Reply] [Original]

>your age
>you net worth
be honest

>> No.57610160


Is it over?

>> No.57610170
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>portfolio full of shitcoins

how fucked am i

>> No.57610172
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75% crypto (since 2017)
12% retirement savings
13% equity in house (thanks dad)

>> No.57610180

1.86 million (got lucky buying rental houses in 2017)

>> No.57610183

*220k fuck my bad Im retarded

>> No.57610204

I live in a shack in the woods but I have a pet zoomer femboy.

>> No.57610216

>I have been as long as the universe has been, as matter is neither created nor destroyed.

>> No.57610226

>400 million

>> No.57610256

>just over $200k in browser extensions

>> No.57610258
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>$210k all in on $Agrs
comfy waiting for the inevitable x50 with testnet release coming month

lesgoo Tau.net

>> No.57610291

>17k including my car

but i'm getting ready for BtcFi before i finish college, when i finish my med residency i'll leave you with your shitcoins losers

>> No.57610343

>implying anyone knows if you're lying

>> No.57610426
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>> No.57610434

>negative 75k

>> No.57610439

>4 years of work
>have been hodling since 2017
It's really not that far out of the realm of possibility. The home equity might be off a bit because the market here in FL is kind of coming down a bit now

>> No.57610458

I believe in you anon

>> No.57610465

>Around 2k

>> No.57610475

>29 in 9 days
>15K in BTC at current prices, $100 in bank account, currently getting $350 a week from unemployment benefits.

>> No.57610479

>135k €
From Western Balkans
But also I have a lot of things covered for years (like finasteride for 100 years), and I'm going to buy off my family house back home and make it into a 3 apartment building.
I did not have hot water until I was 14, dad was unemployed alcoholic, rate of unemployment was 50% for people under 30 for years when I finished college so i lost 6 early years of any kind of normal salary, got internet at home only in second semester of college and I am now a web developer
Helped my parents by paying for the new roof on the house, we were very very poor.
Moms village house burned down in a war and it was just sort of rebuilt (its missing plumbing and its just bare walls inside and no façade)

Tried bunch of stuff, my nights out with my crew were legendary and Superbad -like, did this, did that, raced cars dead drunk, did lines, got called to a police station 3 times. So I had a life full of experience, now I even travelled a bit although I could give two flying fucks about traveling

>> No.57610494

>£1.5k (£45k in debt to his majesty) :^)

Living the PhD life

>> No.57610579
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>70k Its been 13 years since i had gf and 7 years since i had any stable job.

>> No.57610591
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> 1.2 million

Not including the value of my 500k a year business.

>> No.57610604
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Just quit my job, taking a break. Hopefully the bull season cometh and I can travel around Europe and write a few books or something.

>> No.57610628


Crypto absolutely carrying that portfolio.

>> No.57610645


>> No.57610647


Yup. Each bullrun I scale out of some bitcoin and transfer to my boomer index fund

>> No.57610656


whats the business?

>> No.57610673

>850k NW, mostly in shitcoins.
It's over.

>> No.57610686


So you sell the best preforming asset for the worst preforming. Interesting strategy.

>> No.57610687
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Proof, this is from a few days ago but it should be around that same

>> No.57610727


I flip between the two. My strategy is

>When bitcoin is 70% down from ATH, sell some stocks and buy bitcoin
>Scale out of bitcoin into bullruns and transfer to stocks. Next targets in USD are 75k, 100k, 125k, 150k etc

Been working well so far. Sure I could've been 100% in crypto, but it's nice to have half my money in an asset that doesn't halve in value every few years

>> No.57610739
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Custom record players

>> No.57610749

around €7k
i dont even browse this board nor do i do anythign business

>> No.57610760

Once you have sufficient principal there's no reason to risk it in shitcoins

>> No.57610771


>> No.57610778

North of 50k. Hopefully link andor ICP performs well by 2025 so I can get to low-mid 6 figs at which point I’ll be pretty content. I just want enough money where I can live comfortably off of 20h work weeks, I’m a strong believer that working keeps you younger and healthier (provided it’s a job that promotes that) and for me I work in the fitness industry currently and possibly in National Park Service after I get my degree depending on if I can get a part-time position. So as far as that goes I’m doing well.

I hate cities and homes outside of them aren’t too bad. I’ll get a house if I manage to hit 400k off this run, I’d need about a 10x from my current crypto holds which doesn’t seem too impossible. And not that I want the money for many many years but I’ll probably inherit about 200k or so. But I think I’ll use that money purely for my eventual kids. Just gotta find a girl I want to raise kids with. It’s pretty hard to find nowadays and the clock is a ticking. I’d really prefer to have all the kids out before I hit 40 and closer to 35 than 40 so that I can remain young and active with them until they’re adults and preferably until I have grandkids.

Lately I’ve been

>> No.57610782


Im just a simple bitcoin hodlr. Never fucking selling. There is no second best.

>> No.57610794

I don't have the risk tolerance unfortunately, I got lucky on bonk

>> No.57610861
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>8k cash
>20k savings

>> No.57610873


>> No.57610887

18.5 yo
560 million
Parents gave it to me

>> No.57610905

lol poorfag I'm 2 and inherited 5.2 billion

>> No.57610915


>> No.57610974

Don't know enough about crypto, but if you have enough confidence in btc why don't you sell when it's high and buy when it's low so you can get more btc each time

>> No.57611003

> 69
> 4,2 B

>> No.57611011


unlikely to trade BTC well because it makes all its major moves in 12 days a year on avg. most traders get sidelined

>> No.57611020


>> No.57611032


155k net worth

70 in retirement
50 in stocks
35 cash

Hoping to buy a house in the next 2-3 years

>> No.57611175

19k including car

>> No.57611183


>> No.57611260
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>> No.57611279


>> No.57611482

5 million

>> No.57611514

postan in datamining thread
>about $80k

Odd, cool niche it looks like you got into. I'm sure wealthy hobbyists spend tons on that sort of thing.

>> No.57611589

>$200k usd
>$60k art/rare items
>$10k animal parts

>> No.57611752 [DELETED] 

Who can give me $10 in ETH my net worth is literally 0

>> No.57611861

If you asked for $10 in BTC I would've paid you. Since you asked for ETH, you can have fun staying poor.

>> No.57611972 [DELETED] 

Can I please have $10 in BTC? I'll be poor either way. Figured I'd ask.

>> No.57611992

based and right of curve

>> No.57612161

Thanks anon bc1qtmh7l9xkcnw4t0u5j4m6v6xkzs2l6mq4tp09rj

>> No.57612295

that's beautiful. good for you anon.

>> No.57612539


Paying taxes is dumb. Id rather focus my time on cash flow and my business than spending it listening retard traders who pretend they know how to time markets.

>> No.57612857

That's not a lighting address, kek.

>> No.57612898

"If I fits I sits"

>> No.57612901


>$185K in home equity (no debt)
>$115K in retirement funds
>$20K in Cash

>> No.57612936
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im 200 and i have 200 goycoins
fuck your stupid thread

>> No.57612986

>$30kish equity in house if you believe Zillow estimates
>$5k FMV car
>$170k in cash, stocks, crypto, etc

33 years old

>> No.57612987
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>90% of that is LINK

hoping to be a millionaire before 30. Link just needs to 10x by eoy next year and everything will go according to plan

>> No.57612992


>> No.57613001

Reminder the theft of joy is comparison.

>> No.57613024
