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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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57690652 No.57690652 [Reply] [Original]

>two weeks into new job
>co workers already angry about mistakes I make
It's over isn't it

>> No.57690676

its not
get your shit together and outwork them all

take it as a way of feedback on how you should do things and improve on that

>> No.57690695

pull yourself up by your bootstraps sir. work unpaid overtime everyday eeeeeevery day. until people know you are a workwagecel. and then you will get to work forever!

>> No.57690755

>5 years into my job
>boss asks me to resign
>6 years into my job
>boss again asks me to resign
Kek. Fire me or fuck off faggots.

>> No.57692374
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Work would not be unbearable without coworkers. Alas here I am.

>> No.57692399

>2 years into job
>boss is a weird 60 yo childness nerd
>impossible to please
>notorious around organization, no one likes him
>perfect bug corporate specimen made in a lab to do meaningless busy work and use buzzwords and enjoy project management and meeting minutes
>gets angry when i dont share his enthusiasm for insane hamster wheel tasks
>also schizo and demented, keeps telling me something one week, and angrily telling me he didnt say that the next week

>too lazy to look for other job
its over for me, for sure

>> No.57692461

>5 years into consulting
>Project manager/coworker is an asshole that doesn't speak clearly
>Immediately decide to just switch projects and nobody gets mad or upset
>Repeat every time I start to dislike anybody
The trick is to have at least 2 people who liked working with you every 6 months so they can write positive reviews.

>> No.57692642

>Wake up at 5:45, hungover
>brush teeth, make coffee and try to shit, fail
> brush teeth again to make sure malt liquor isn’t on my breathe (doesn’t matter normies can tell you’re a alcoholic anyways
>drive in TRAFFIC
>show up at 7:40 asked about why I’m 10 minutes late
>stare at spreadsheets and get relentlessly needled by Gen X woman boss
>”lunch and learn” so no lunch break
>work on more spreadsheets for meeting that got move up to tomorrow instead of Monday
>woman boss needles me again on formatting of financial model no one will look at
>drive home in TRAFFIC
>go to gym
>look at shitcoin charts
>pass out on couch

Repeat until Friday

>> No.57693135

>Work from home
>Do about 1.5 hours of work per day
>Spend time with my kids and wife who doesn't work all day
>Never have to deal with this shit:

>> No.57693229

>letting alcohol take hour gains

>> No.57693649

Agreed I liked the work I did at my last job but my coworkers were such slimy assholes that even though I’m struggling to find work right now I am extremely relieved to not have to deal with them

>> No.57693705
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>> No.57693730

Would you say 'OP needs to pull himself up by the bootstraps'?

>> No.57693759

Everyone feels this way about the guy who has been there 2 weeks
Come talk to me after 1, 3, and 6 months
If you don’t see progress compared to where you were, it might be time for a career switch

>> No.57693795
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Demand they accept you as you are, or as you identify. See how that goes.

>> No.57693846

Quit drinking by age 30 or you will die.
It's not cute to be an alcoholic. It's fucking disgusting. Drinking was funny in your 20s. Beyond that, you might need real help. I'm not kidding. This is real financial advice. Don't be a pussy faggot who dies in his 40s.

>> No.57693912
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>show up ten minutes late
>coworker mentions it
>that's right I'm LATE LATE LATE LATE I don't give a fuck I'm LATE
>I guess bossman overheard it or something, acts like a bitch and ruins my morning
Fuckin fire me. Who's gonna replace me

>> No.57694046

I'm not him but I'm 29 and have a single beer or glass of wine with a movie or something after my wife and kids are sleeping about 3-4 times a week. What would you say are the effects, if any, of this?

>> No.57694064

>get your shit together and outwork them all
Lol, they'll just hate him even more. That's how toxic people are. I haven't worked a single job that isn't filled to the rim with toxic, evil shitheads. It's literally a sign of the times. Clowns everywhere.

>> No.57694089
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>do nothing at all

>> No.57694102
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You can literally play games all day like wow or blocklords and earn money while you do it

wtf is wrong with u retards?

>> No.57694189
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never resign, force them to fire you and give severance

>> No.57694228

>Get a new job while working at old place
>Instead of quitting the old job, just stop doing your work and let them fire you while you work at the new place
>Free severance package
I work from home. Would this work?

>> No.57694360

welcome to corporate hell
those same co-workers are already sending e-mail complaints to manager and HR about your performance. Even if you get replaced they will continue doing the same to the next person.

>> No.57694575
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This. Success is the best revenge.

Nobody is good at something when they first start. Nobody . Coworkers are just trying to make you quit so they are sure you are worth investing time and energy into.

Make the choice. Be a fucking timid loser and quit. Or put your asshole back inside your asshole, man up and do your fucking job.

Zoomers were a mistake.

>> No.57694583
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>one year into job
>people are polite and friendly
>also generally intelligent
>as long as my shit gets done i can do as i please
Guess sitting in R&D that doesn't have to do more than break even makes for a pretty relaxed environment

>> No.57694677

>being an asshole to the new guy to see if he's up to the task of enduring your misery
Retarded and extremely gay bullshit that doesn't work and just turns your work environment into garbage. When you do this, everyone worth a damn leaves as soon as possible and you're left with all the losers that can't make it somewhere else. What are you gatekeeping? It's a fucking job

>> No.57694821
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you think /biz/ is a place to complain about work? here and on beoble, as well as on twitter, they will send you to invest in btc and tell you that you are a poor waggie.

>> No.57694824

but is it our fault that anon is a waggie?

>> No.57694842

and in 5 years what will he do? jump from game to game? anon needs to have a way to secure his future.

>> No.57694845

ok you have a point, but we can't let /biz/ turn into a rehab center for crybabies either.

>> No.57695082

>I work from home. Would this work?
i don't see why not, anon

>> No.57695098

tell them to fuck off, you're new
i'm never afraid to tell people to fuck off for a variety of reasons and i always end up a leader within a year or two

i have a coworker whose so pissy at me that he refuses to speak to me. dude won't even look at me when i walk past. do i care? no, fuck off.

>> No.57695127

When you turn 30, just stop. It's pretty simple. I did and my penis got bigger. Your results may vary. I don't care what you do. Keep drinking, if you want.

>> No.57695171

You need to stop drinking alcohol, stop masturbating, and start attending a conservative church at least once a week. You should also read a few passages from The Bible at least once a day.

>> No.57695182

>get your shit together and outwork them all
This. Grindmax and you will surely win the esteem of your peers and earn a promotion.

>> No.57695268
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>get job working semi-technical job at a small business
>a year later things are still shitty and I'm making mistakes because I was never trained and have just been "making things work" this entire time

>> No.57695390

I can't do that because that one asshole is always the person training me in or the supervisor. Every single time.

>> No.57695397

3-4 beers a week = $3-4 dollars a week at best. Probably more depending on your beer. That's $12-$16 dollars a month. Let's call it $15 just to have an easy number. $180 / year or $3600 in 20 years. If you invest that wisely instead it could be $10K in 20 years. Would you rather have that beer or give your kid a car?

>> No.57695412

I felt this way until I started working for startups. I literally love my colleagues so much now. The small size of the company and the amount of non black men is what makes places great to work. Also maximum 1 butter face girl for every five guys, not joking. Introduce any women hotter than a 6 and it's over.

>> No.57695429


These people are utterly unable to deal with politeness and people hearing their complaints. Simply apologize for mistakes you make and ask them for advice. Treat them as mentors and they will defend you with the same ferocity as you gaining competency is now directly tied into their ego. Steve did a great job, I taught him how. It's childish but takes infinitely less energy than taking an adversarial stance.

You are new. You do suck at your job. You don't know anything. Let go of your need for validation and actually try to learn from these people.

Also fringe fi 10 dollars eoy, dunk on those niggers as you leave without notice

>> No.57695435

>co workers already angry
Here's what your problem is
>co workers angry
One question: did your co-workers hire you? Can your co-workers fire you? You only have to care about the people who can fire you. If the people who can fire you are happy with you, then you're fine. "co"-worker implies these are your peers, outside of gay ass HR complaints there's nothing they can do to affect your career. It took me a while to realize this, I was you once, consider re-adjusting your perspective it'll change your emotional experience at work immensely.

>> No.57695466

I mean life is so full of chance that you never know if those sacrifices will really add up or not, and I'm successful enough that an extra $20k is unlikely to affect my decision, and yet I think you're right. A few beers a week is not worth $20k, and I don't want to feel dependent on it. I'm going to think about this, really.

>> No.57695501


This is literally in the Bible as the story of Cain and Abel. Abel made the right sacrifices and found great success. Cain made the wrong sacrifices and became very jealous. He sacrificed what he wanted not what God/Reality wanted from him.

Small acts over time add up fast. Obese people don't get that way overnight either. It's your habits that set you up for an increased likelihood of good or bad things happening to you.

>> No.57695505

based and checked

>> No.57695522

Based Christ anon, amen

>> No.57695591

>Would you rather have that beer or give your kid a car?

the beer

>> No.57695598

yea but what about that other story about the shitty son?

>> No.57695613

nigger a car is going to cost 250k in 20 years. also Why can't I have my Beer while "symaltaniensley" saving 16 bucks a a month

>> No.57695624

That happens at every job. Just learn from your mistakes.

>> No.57695710

Damn, this is good insight. I do this unintentionally with some people I think.

>> No.57695716

Yeah but those people become managers too…

>> No.57695791

This. Blowing an entire weekend because you wanted to get shitfaced on Friday and then bitcheng to everyone about Monday being here is annoying and you should kill yourself before someone goes postal on you on their terms for being an enormous bummer.

>> No.57695801

Something to think about. I am 29 too, turning 30 this year with my first kid coming in May. I cut out alcohol cold turkey Jan 1st of this year and swapped for juice. My plan is to swap to just water next year to save money. Cutting my own hair now too. I make over six figs but I want to give my kids as much as I can/retire early. Little sacrifices add up. Cut out wifi in the home. No subscriptions. Phone plan, water and gas bills. Gonna phase out the phone plan next; free myself of this shit-hole. Raise my kids without me or them being glued to screens, while simultaneously saving money.

>> No.57695854
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In my current job i had to endure my shitty coworkers trying to sabotage and fuck me over every step i took, after 5 years now i only have
to deal with one of those pieces of shit still in the company and he is about to lose his job over a huge mistake he made.

What do you think of that, L? This is my perfect victory! That's right, I win!

it feels good to see them all the vile fuckers gone.

>> No.57695951

Church, bible, and pastors have zero concept of working in a modern competitive office job. All the bible thumpers get canned first in the corporate world because they are too agreeable and humble, the other workers and managers prey on those types blame everything on them.
Cousins are pastor kids, they tried working real office jobs but didn't last a year, they dropped out and ended up working for their dad in the church because safety net.

>> No.57696147

>5 years into my job
>It's decent, okay pay, low workload, come and go as I please
>Employer hires a woman
The last 6 months have been the worst 6 months of my career and everyday it gets worse. I have made this bitch cry three times and she keeps coming back to harass me with questions. I think it's a huge turn on for her.

>> No.57696247

>t. Boomer apologist who will kick out his kids at 18 so they can pay jews rent and utilities even though it's completely free for them to live with you because it was already in your plans for 18 fucking years.

>> No.57696292

Just get a haircut or have your wife do it and never admit to anyone that you do it on your own unless you're obviously russian and balding and you obviously shave it.

>> No.57696417

I like the haircut thing. I'd worry about my kids not being able to relate to anyone their age if I cut out consumer media completely, because that's how I grew up. Obviously too much time watching TV or in front of screens is a problem though, I realize. We limit it with our kids and I try to use it as a reward for reading or doing something good instead.

>> No.57696441

I had a job years ago where I tried this and it backfired terribly. It was a teaching job fresh out of college. The result of me asking for help from this particular person was that I ended up with a second teacher sitting in every single class I taught taking notes to give me a feedback session every day. The stress from that was awful and I now work in a much better career.

I agree this is the right strategy in general though, just saying that you will sometimes encounter people who view themselves so righteously that nothing you do will be enough (everyone working with her has since quit and disliked her).

>> No.57696446


>> No.57696455

It took me years to really stop taking criticism personally from work. That was probably the most important soft skill I could learn.

>> No.57696473

It could be worse - a Pajeeta project manager. My programming job was bliss until they hired it.

>> No.57696476

thats very funny if true

>> No.57696532

All the more reason to practice standing up for yourself when they're not managers. You can earn respect with people you get along with, you can command respect from the people you don't. You have nothing to lose by living your life in this way.

>> No.57696550


>> No.57696599

>Pastor's kids
Protestantism and sola scriptura are mistakes. You're not supposed to read the entire bible literally. It creates massive distortions of morality God really commands us to have. I'm Catholic Christian and I stand up for myself when I need to, considering my actions carefully to make sure I'm not being unethical or immoral. Jesus said turn the other cheek and resist not evil, but the Catholic church also has the concept of "Just War Theory", outlined originally by St. Augustine, in which the idea is that in some cases it's immoral not to defend yourself if you're capable and there's a real chance of winning. There's a huge difference between not resisting evil and not letting a misbehaving co-worker actively try to destroy your source of income.

The bible wasn't meant to be read completely literally. It has literal history but it also has allusion and poetry, and there were certainly sections that human beings may have interjected, specifically the Old Testament.

>t. Catholic

>> No.57696851


>> No.57696942

thats a them problem not a you problem.

>> No.57696967
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>I haven't worked a single job that isn't filled to the rim with toxic, evil shitheads. It's literally a sign of the times. Clowns everywhere.
the redpill is when you realize you only work with clowns...
because you're only qualified to work with clowns.
speaking from experience.

>> No.57697382

>die in 40s
Post hands. I’m guessing somewhere between settings 2-3 on a toaster

>> No.57697550
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>4 years into monkey developer job
>do the bare minimum to nothing
>play vidya and watch series all day
>they move me from projects every 8 months or so
>0 knowledge about the business
>last year they fired over 200 people, no luck
>somehow im still here
Quite quitting bros...

>> No.57697551

Oh yeah I remember this feeling. I'm sorry.

>> No.57697671

depends how hard they want to fuck you
if you literally stop working it counts as insubordination, meaning no unemployment and no severance package

>> No.57698109

still making mistakes 2 weeks into your new job? what a bad slave. send this goyim into the fire

>> No.57698253

>every coworker hates me because I'm a drain on everyone and don't do shit
>constantly criticized
>don't really give a fuck because WFH
>still not fired

go fuck yourselves niggers, I will keep SLUUURPing that good salary while doing jack shit, what you gonna do about it?

>> No.57698449

10k can't even buy a used corolla THESE days you dumb fucking spicnigger. What do you think they'll cost in TEN YEARS?

>> No.57698463

Dog shit advice

Some people just aren’t approachable even if you ask a simple question. I have a coworker who’s a cunt. Any form of a question and she talks in a belittling tone. I avoid her at all costs, no point in talking to her. You’re better off trying to read the room and immediately find out whose cool and who isn’t. Protip, if someone is saying they’re cool, they aren’t and they should be avoided at all costs. Only go to the people you know are cool for advice and help because they genuinely don’t give a shit about their job and you can ask them anything.

Don’t feed other peoples egos. You have to think about it this way, most people who have a career it’s all they have. Day in and day out that’s their whole life. A perpetual wagie stuck in a loop. Their life revolves around their job and they take everything way too seriously. They didn’t even exist to you before you even got the job. These people are fucking NPCs. Don’t make them any more important than what they already think they are.

>> No.57698470

Everything suddenly got much worse here on the night before I was set to extend my reservation, just like it did at the last hotel.

>> No.57698486

The RAPE DICK is worse again too.

>> No.57699161
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>7 years into career
>get new supervisor. Protruding gut, bald, has angry emotional outbursts shouting and cursing at things
>tells me his wife is about to divorce him and that he had a heart attack while working
>decides he doesn't like me because I openly disagree with his incompetent and retarded way of handling work
>writes a letter about me where he literally lies, accuses me of not assisting a coworker and getting him injured
>there is easily accessible video of me helping the coworker, coworker says I helped him, the correct version of events was thoroughly documented etc.
>letter gets sent to something similar to HR
>lazy black lady is assigned to "investigate" the issue. I tell her the accusation is false, she tells me "sometimes you have to let things go" and says I should pray for the supervisor
>she refuses to watch the video and doesn't read the report or talk to the coworker I supposedly got injured
>I get disciplined and humiliated in a meeting in front of 10 high ranking people in the organization
>resign in disgrace a few hours later

I'm a NEET now. It will be hard to go back to being a wagie knowing one shitty boss can completely ruin your career on a whim.

>> No.57699427

>wake up 9.30 am
>smoke a joint with a coffee
>standup at 10:00 am
>i ask the 3 devs i'm managing how things are going and if they are ready for QA testing
>"not yet but almost, we had this issue that took more time than expected, i'll write you as soon as it's ready"
>"ok let me know"
>sales is ok with it because we massively overestimated the task anyway
>meeting ends by 10:10 am
>do nothing else all day
>company slowly dying

>> No.57699642

>be me
>lazy programmer who had some good ideas in the past
>my work helped lots of people who are now managers
>suddenly I became the go-to guy doing automation around company, despite rather limited knowledge
>literally no one monitors me, I can play vidya all day long
>whenever there's actual work to do, I notify as many high-ranked people as possible to see how hard-working I am
>also, I'm here 13 years already, so I know my way around, which means I'm still more efficient than newbies
>unless the sky starts falling down, I'll probably be able to bullshit my way like this until the early retirement (17 years left)
>if all works, I'll be 53, retired and have more money than I'll ever need saved by then
Hate me all you want, wagies. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.57700168

>work night shift
>8pm to 6am
>do literally fuck all most nights
>sit in aircon machine, do small amount of labour
>work with philipino who absolutely does not give a fuck, even more than me lol
>been sitting here playing pokemon on my phone and shitposting for the last 4 and a half hours
>decent wage
>will wake up whatever time i naturally wake up in the morning, no alarm giving me brain damage
i've worked a lot of shit jobs to get this gig, hopefully i can ride this gravy train for a while before i inevitably get sacked

>> No.57702628

sounds like you literally work in a warehouse so idk why you're talking about having a career. you had a job, and were too autistic to handle some retarded middle manager
the fact that HR 'refused to watch the video' and you alllowed yourself to be humiliated in front of the leading team and then resigned shows that you're probably not fully disclosing what happened too

>> No.57703121

based. what do you code in? what's a typical project?

>> No.57703145

you are going to rot in a (comfy) cage for another 17 years., somehow you think you are having a good deal.

>> No.57703753

Python, various database stuff, VBA, Power BI. Plus orchestrating all this shit, which means I have to know environment and people who deal with it. Sounds trivial, but this is something very few people know after all those years.

Because rotting in another cage would be better? I earn my six figures for working about 4-8 hours per week. I'm free to do whatever I want with rest of the time. Plus I work work home.
It's also B2B, so I can do additional jobs while "working" my normal job.

>> No.57705976

an angry boomer and a lazy nigger is all it takes

>> No.57706152

It was an $80k+ job with a pension. And I told everybody and their brother about it, multiple supervisors, union, etc., nobody cared or would do anything. I know it's hard to believe that nobody looked into it at all and just took the guy's word for it. I couldn't believe it myself as it was happening to me.