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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5772890 No.5772890 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5772926

Can I fuck your butt?

>> No.5772995

I jizzed

>> No.5772997


>> No.5773021

I would also like to fuck ur butt


>> No.5773027

>that may 5th buy

good job anon, you fucking won the lottery

>> No.5773055

Well done biz bro, hope xby will get you the million! Still mad I sold after I did 2x

>> No.5773074

> Yobit

Now you can buy your own personal shitting street Pajeet

>> No.5773102


>> No.5773104
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most likely not even larping

i owned 300k XBY back in spring when they first launched their shit, i got in at 50 satoshi or something, and sold at 350

whoever said you dont hodl shitcoins can go straight to hell tbqh

also fuck that car salesman piece of shit, his imcompetence made me sell

>> No.5773172

Would pull 100k and put down payment on a home.

>> No.5773199

will u fuck my butt?

>> No.5773361


>> No.5773438

OP is a fag, lets fuck each others butts.

>> No.5773706

Can you help pay my rent before I get evicted pls?

>> No.5773730 [DELETED] 

wanna send me just $2k please? Not asking for much, just $2k.


Much appreciate it, and have a good year! Thanks again!

>> No.5773794
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respect nigga

i also bought late april/early may

>> No.5773869
File: 158 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180102-164037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yiu are not alone. $1 mid January. God is good.

>> No.5773923


Anyone can add this to their portfolio app after the fact

Thisnever happened, Op is a larper

>> No.5773962
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>> No.5774094

Yea I doubt anyone was pouring thousands into shitcoins that early on

>> No.5774211

Investing into xtrabytes right now is like investing into ethereum at 10 cents. 10$ q1 2018, 30$ in q2. Quote me.

>> No.5774270

How did you find out about this project so early?

>> No.5774313

/biz/ says this about fucking everything Im tired of falling for your shit.

>> No.5774355

biz shilled this and posw hard in april/may

>> No.5774450


except that it already is 74% up just today

>> No.5774497

The exception doesn't prove the rule. You said the same thing about Obsidian and Sigit.

>> No.5774613

saw it here in april, there was no tech but the idea sounded promising

i was having fun with shitcoins and decided to try xby

>> No.5774619

>tfw bought xby at 17 sats on yobit
>bought xvg at 12 sats, also on yobit
>rdd at 4 sat, ALSO ON YOBIT
Then I lost access to the account and haven't been able to get it back. Only threw in ~$100 total but it must be worth a hell of a lot more than that right now.

>> No.5774645

Happy for you bro!

>> No.5774775

Is it worth getting in on this one now? Is it gonna pull an XRB?

>> No.5774897

Okay, I'll ask. How do you find coins that look promising at that early of a stage? What made you invest in XBY and how'd you find it? What coins do you think are promising and similarly new today?

>> No.5775213


There will be a testnet in a few days. You can sign up for it for free. That will make the price skyrocket.

>> No.5775260


>> No.5775317

honestly biz, for all the garbage that is shilled, has some coins that happen to pop up

what xby aims to do is revolutionize the blockchain, so if its successful, easy 100x

look for coins that aim to do a lot, those are the biggest ticket

i am literally not invested in any other coins, although im looking at sophiatx, check it out

>> No.5775449

why don't you do butt stuff OP?

>> No.5775495

I doubt he's larping, I had over 1 million in April and sold like a moron. It was promoted on /biz/ during the first week it was out.

>> No.5775575

Thanks man!

>> No.5775622
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>although im looking at sophiatx, check it out
Dont fucking shill it lad..

>> No.5775638

congrats mate, i hope you live a good life

>> No.5776066

thanks, you too

>> No.5776278

Omg anons I only have 107k will i make it...?

>> No.5776444

Fuck man I can't wait to be seeing shit like that in my blockfolio. Hundreds of thousands of dollars that only cost me under 3k and sitting around waiting for it to grow.

>> No.5776575

let me explain to you like you are 5.

the circulating supply will be 100 million more or so.

that means a mcap of 50-60 million RIGHT NOW

Now compare with the competition.

That's right. The 100x moon mission starts now.

>> No.5776696

basically this, TECHNICALLY the marketcap will still be in the hundreds of millions since the coins are still able to be spent, but to normies who take a quick look at CMC and start shilling to all their followers, it will look like an incredibly undervalued project, that's when the real moon mission begins

>> No.5776705

Tfw I bought at the same time but I'm poor so only out $30 in. Still about 7k now though so can't complain too much

>> No.5776958

Thanks, just bought 100k

>> No.5777115

What's the next Xtrabytes? ;_;

>> No.5777175

No really OP, how did you predict this? You think there's other coins that will perform the same?

>> No.5777202


>> No.5777247

and they just submitted their application for KUCOIN so stand by you fucking biz retards

>> No.5777250
File: 77 KB, 484x425, may 2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

respect nigga
where are the >pic related
faggots now

>> No.5777307

This has been shilled here since April/May and I have been following their BitcoinTalk ever since along with their Slack and Discord servers. Anyone that wasn't a fucking DutchFag knew this coin was going to moon. Its better than XRB and ETH.

>> No.5777397

I guess I missed this one big time. You know of any other coins that might moon like this that cost less than 10 cents? I want to apply the same algorithm as you guys did

>> No.5777417

Was planning on buying two days ago but locked out of my cryptopia account

Still room to grow?
Any actual exchanges listing this coin soon?

>> No.5777525

Application submitted for KuCoin...you know how shit pops the fuck off once its on KuCoin.

>> No.5777587

DGB(digibyte) might do something. I finally broke even in it and am sitting on just profits now. its around 6 cents.

I believe in TRX (tron) its 5 cents right now.
You might see a moon from 13 cents in DBC (deepbrainchain) and who knows what FUN(funfair) might do. its 8 cents now

>> No.5777712

Got my eyes of DBC, cool concept. No idea what FUN does, will probably buy some when I have my salary. No idea either what TRX does and always thought it was Verge tier.
Are you sure about DGB? It seems to be rather unpopular. What does it do? I would like to have a quick explanation of these, as I suck at reading white papers without knowing the basics of the coin beforehand

>> No.5777810 [DELETED] 

I remember calling that coin a scam.. looks like they were wrong. Congrats OP. How do u plan on cashing out?

>> No.5777813
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I want this. Fuck. Shill me a coin.

I have $4K to dump somewhere

>> No.5778347

No idea if it will be successful, but COLX, and according to anon above, DGB
If 20 cents is fine, then DBC

>> No.5778429

Also, BNTY could have potential when it gets added to larger exchanges/the whale offs himself overnight

>> No.5778626

>thinks anons don't buy and hold shitcoins
>plebbit spacing
Go back to your hugbox, faggot.

>> No.5778631

colx doesnt even have a fucking website..

>> No.5779028

If he can find someone to buy 100k lol

>> No.5779157

ETH has 96,730,528 coins in supply... XRB has 430,000,000. It will never be ETH... there will be more coins released of XRB which means XRB could at best hit maybe 100 dollars at it's absolute peak if it were on par with ETH. Never going to happen.

>> No.5779297

Reddit spacing is a meme to spot newfags who think it exists you stupid fuck

>> No.5779324


that whale is literally the reason i stopped with that coin, had 25% of my portfolio doing nothing for me because he was being an autist

>> No.5779358

esp, it's the new xvg currently 8 sats and breaking out

>> No.5779476

I don't think you understand how market caps work. Adding more coins doesn't lower the market cap, it lowers the cost of the coin. This coin will have more than 6 times the amount of coins than ETH. Which means at best it will never reach 1/6th of the value of ETH unless it surpasses ETH in market cap value. Which seems unlikely for any coin connected to ETH.

>> No.5779530

You got bots setup to sell that shit or gonna be a badass and market sell it all in one go?

>> No.5779563
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kek, who told you that?

>> No.5779593

Adding coins (with no other factors) raises the market cap. The market cap is decided by market prices. Unless the market reduces the going rate to adjust for this, the market cap goes up.
100 coins @ 1 dollar = 100 market cap
110 coins @ 1 dollar = 110 market cap

>> No.5779616

Been here since 07 you dumb faggot

Fuck off back to twitter

>> No.5779662

Max Supply : 133,248,289 XRB


>> No.5779788
File: 59 KB, 600x450, 30a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been here since 07 you dumb faggot
>plebbit spaces
Sure faggot.

>> No.5780011

BNTY is shit, read the whitepapers and look into who is running these coins you morons. If the team is comprised of people mostly under 30 and younger then PnD at absolute best and will leave you holding bags more than likely.

>> No.5780130

wont even need to cash out

>> No.5780154

Adding coins reduces the value of the coins pajeet. When they add coins, it reduces the value of the coins, it does not add to the market cap. Just like when there is a stock split... it doesn't magically create money out of thin air... it lowers the price of the stock. Seriously, go learn what a market cap is if you are investing your money into crypto.

>> No.5780243

Dude the supply will be 350 million less cause of static nodes that run the network. Thats why the price will jump.

>> No.5780315

>been here since 07
>still taking it this seriously

Sure thing, pal.

>> No.5780493

You're an embarrassment. Reddit spacing has -never- been a thing on 4chan. You'd know this if you had been around longer than a few months.

>> No.5780518

I meant XBY, not XRB, sorry. I actually think XRB has much more potential for large growth, along with Ripple.

>> No.5780602

I had 250k back in may - sold at 900sat
Had 8500XRB back in june - sold at 1800sat
Had 100k xvg back in june - sold at 147sat

If I had just held the shittiest bags I had I would have like a half a mill now

>> No.5780645

fuck man i had a million xby back in may. I remember when they doxxed the developer. some fucking pajeet in puerto rico or something. ccr was a faggit. good times.

>> No.5780808

bitch hands

>> No.5781024

Yup. I had my run with weak hands. I hold like a granite fisted giant now.

>> No.5781082
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>You're an embarrassment
>says the NEET virgin posting on a Sri Lankan whale watching forum
Also, you're wrong.

>> No.5781466

When can we fuck your tight ass