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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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58003704 No.58003704 [Reply] [Original]

How do you wage for Jews and a system that hates you and still call yourself a man?

I was in a thread yesterday where I saw a bunch of wage cucks sperging out at a redditor for taking a year off working and having trouble finding a job with a gap on his resume and I saw a bunch of anons dog piling the guy like waging and never taking any time off is some badge of honor. It’ disgusts me to share a board with animals like that. Explain yourselves.

>> No.58003731

wagies are the foot soldiers of the jewish world order along with boomers and women

>> No.58003737
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You can make a reason for taking time off of work, but having a "gap" is the problem here. Are you sure it wasn't a slide thread like this one?

>> No.58003765
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comfiest job ever, shitposting on ethtrader for donut!

>> No.58003846

the longer im alive the more i realise that wagecucking for money is mostly just so normies can have their luxuries and feel superior to everyone else. i have been getting by on neetbux and honestly eating like a king and doing things i actually like all the time.

ive had jobs, girlfriends, social life, etc
honestly im happier than atleast 90% of people with what i have, also setting up dropshipping store and investing and im planning to use my government education loan and probably never pay it back kek

>> No.58003917

See my issue with wagies is they are such buck broken slaves of Jews they have to rationalize what is an acceptable reason to quit slaving for Jews and what isn’t beyond “I’m tired of serving people that hate me, I’m going to take a break and enjoy my life for a bit.”

>> No.58003946

Its all pajeets, they are born slaves. Enjoying the finite amount of time given to you on this earth is a foreign concept. They will never understand because they were born to be slaves.

>> No.58003972

In fact, slavery should be made legal again globally but you're only allowed to enslave pajeets. Its a win/win. You can enjoy life while they can enjoy being bossed around by a white woman all day.

>> No.58003978

This board is about becoming the jew, not whining about jews.
Go back to pol, nigger

>> No.58004031

Disgusting wage nigger, the fact you admire Jews tells me everything I need to know about you.

>> No.58004169
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>/biz/ is about becoming a jew

>> No.58004829
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>How do you wage for Jews and a system that hates you and still call yourself a man?
I dont plan to wage anymore soon kek
Gen Z is literally starving these days with how fucked is economy these days lul just gotta check truflation's accurate data to determine how outstandingly fucked it is.
What am I doing? Linu. go ahead and call me a faggot while I make it

>> No.58004874
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>What am I doing? Linu.

>> No.58004919
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anon when a jew gives him his shitstained boxers:

>> No.58004960
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what a fucking faggot
I get that point tho

>> No.58004979

fool you! I have no boxers

>> No.58005000

>get paid 100 dollars an hour with wfh job

stay mad. more importantly stay poor.

>> No.58005004

literally me getting some bank just for saying that dog3 was for faggots lel

>> No.58005013

there is art in learning to be alone with oneself--- you are just neeting like a virgin.

>> No.58005020

Waging allows you to earn money that you can use to DCA into crypto, which will end up bringing the jews down. Sitting at home in mommy's basement and gambling on shitcoins (taking money from fellow white neets) is what they want you to do.

>> No.58005037

I have a gap for like 10 years and still get hired whenever I want, maybe its usa standards that frown upon anything like that.

>> No.58005044

truflation just posts faggotry about daily cpi and how fucked is the economy these last weeks
nothing new here fag

>> No.58005073

I want that job dude. 100$ per hour? no Onlyfans?

>> No.58005090

I'm just a nigga son I dont really mind...

>> No.58005122

working 9 to 5 is the same shit as slavery, it is actual slavery dressed as 12$ per hour.

>> No.58005147

Because I like having my own home with a wife and kids. Not too interested in living with mommy and being a loser.

>> No.58005152

You have never done anything for your community and you have a wage job.

You would still not do anything g for your community if all of the Mexicans, jews, and niggers died because you are a lazy hypocrite.

>> No.58005172

and joggers are their pitbulls.

shit, they can be considered a bacteriological weapon.

>> No.58005185

I don't want any pajeets near ANY tool or household object.
Slavery is immoral. They should just be driven off of the tip of their peninsula and if they cannot evolve gills fast enough then too bad.