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File: 88 KB, 1080x1259, 20240314_212819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
58019118 No.58019118 [Reply] [Original]

That was it, that was the final shake out

If you didn't accumulate it's over for you, there won't be another opportunity under $100k

>> No.58019200
File: 19 KB, 320x180, mqdefault (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think it's the last one ever (wheres the fun in that?), but I think your general thesis is sound

>> No.58019253

Next shakeout will be from 280k to 150k

People will rope from the crash

>> No.58019264

Hey i just heard about this $hidler do you think we should vote i mean invest?

>> No.58019351

>As prices climb and hyperinflation concerns mount, President Trump responded to critics: "We're gonna do a cryptocurrency standard, a great cryptocurrency standard. China banned crypto, did you know that? We made crypto, China banned crypto. Have you heard maybe of a little thing called Bitcoin? Maybe a thing called Ethereum? We made that, and we're gonna make a great cryptocurrency standard, and we're gonna do a great big airdrop, the biggest airdrop you've ever seen, and we're gonna make this economy great again. Thank you. WAGMI. Thank you."

>> No.58019387

Heil hidler

>> No.58019391

if the line actually went up forever like that then I would just hop on and off the money elevator whenever I wanted
oh and also I would long 1000x to maximize gains
what a stupid delusional image

>> No.58019426
File: 128 KB, 437x488, 1608144332105589615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based on that chart it doesn't seem like BTC will actually give you a real return, only a nominal one. Which is of course better than nothing, but IDK if you'll actually get rich off of it, just maintain your status I guess.

>> No.58019456

A shakeout starts when Bitcoin does -40%.

It's only just begun.

>> No.58019514
File: 1.74 MB, 640x480, WMAF.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No -40% shakeout until we hit $150k - $250k first.

>> No.58019543

Why would a cute little rich girl do this

>> No.58019564

horny and no good men to help, leading to tragedy

>> No.58019591

Yes if the thought of a future with only brown cryptocurrency disturbs you

>> No.58019623

When more and more retards start building brc20 shitcoins using satoshisync it's nothing but obvious everyone will talk about the almighty btc

>> No.58019816

Imagine that shit actually happening to btc? that'd be so insane
It'd make the price go to what levels? fucking 1 million perhaps 5? unbelievable
One can only dream.

>> No.58019873
File: 37 KB, 746x358, Screenshot 2024-03-15 123813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you call this a shakeout too?

>> No.58019911

So that's what they call a semen demon

>> No.58020864

Damn. We are late as SHIT! Bitcoin existed since 1918 and people here talk about some fucking gook inventing it. This chart suggest that Hitler himself created Bitcoin, out of fear for the German economy. As we know, the German Marks have collapsed a long time ago, yet Hitlercoin stands strong.

>> No.58020911

It's funny I could picture him saying some of this. Specifically
>we made crypto

>> No.58020922

you people are so fucking retarded
you sound like turd world scammers with shit like this.

>> No.58020970

honestly, bitcoin remains a no-brainer buy under 1m
at the current valuation of the usd, i'd maybe have some pause around buying more at 5 million
but when you look at what 5 million buys (some decent single family homes in california, vancouver, etc.), and weigh their nearly unlimited supply, against only 21m bitcoin, and i'd probably still take the bitcoin

>> No.58021011

HH(Hodl Hodl) o/

>> No.58021031

The bullrun or the shakeout?