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8248584 No.8248584 [Reply] [Original]

>everything drops by 50%
>recovers 25%

>> No.8248961

about 30% of us love that

>> No.8249086

These people just don’t understand math. It will probably take years for these alts to recover, if they ever do.

Take for example REQ. Currently sitting at 20 cents, had its ATH at $1.20.

It lost 33% of its value from last week when it was at 30 cents or say, it now needs to moon 50% just to get back to where it was. From our current price, it needs a 500% just to get back to ATH. REQ is only a mild example. Consider also that many of these retards BLAME bitcoin for their shitcoinlosing all of its value, when the ONLY reason their coin had any value in the first place was because of the normie combo due to the bitcoin bull run. Normies and others started moving money out of bitcoin and into alts as bitcoin was crashing, and as a result everything pumped. Your shutdowns are never coming back guys, sorry to say it, but there’s zero demand for them. In order to re-engage normie FOMO, You’ll need more normie FOMO, which happened last time as bitcoin went 5x in two months.

The obvious trend for all alts is a continued bleed down to ICO level and lower. If you have a significant stake in a coin outside the top 40 or so you’re kind of just pissing money away, because nobody wants those things, and the fake bull run at the end of the year is not evidence that these coins are desired at all.

>> No.8249158

If you tethered up you would make gains.

>> No.8250009

>everything raises 40,000%
>corrects 50%

>> No.8250063

Just look at the volume of the ‘reversal’. Started strong and fizzled out. This is not a healthy uptrend.

>> No.8250088

idiot obviously they're going to decrease at least 20,000% before anything starts going up again. Fucking moonboy lambo idiots are retared. I'm going to keep investing in my index funds and stocks now. Up 20% this year while you niggers go down 4000%

>> No.8250132

you are lacking the very basics of math.
You're post is ignored, mongoloid inbread

>> No.8250150

fucking kill yourself faggot


>> No.8250269

whatever poorfag. Why would I buy a bitcoin for more than $5? I would only buy bitcoins if they were less than a dollar really. And I would only do it as a joke. seriously you fuckers think bitcoins are that valuable? How do you retards even get the money to buy into a ponzi that require you to buy a $9000 product? idiot

maybe that ripple one has the right idea, centralized like anything useful in society and the fast/cheap so the banks will use it. You can also buy ripples without unloading thousands at once to get a single one, much easier entry. Still wouldn't buy cheap shit like ripple tho crypto gonna crash and burn LOL

>> No.8250304

shitcoin season is over IMO. It's time to curb our expectations of 1000x or even 100x and be content with maybe 10x to 20x coming from the projects that emerge from the inevitable altcoin purge

>> No.8250399

Is this bait or do you not realize that Bitcoin is divisible, do you even know what a satoshi is

>> No.8250523

>How do you retards even get the money to buy into a ponzi that require you to buy a $9000 product? idiot

you think you're smart, but actaully are a literal brainlet. stocks are the prime example of something that actually have 0 intrinsic value for any amount that doesn't give you controlling power over a company, but brainlets can't see that so they walk into them thinking they own something.
and it works out, because all serious investments in the world are speculative and have insigificant intrinsic value over their speculative ones. that's how investments work.

bitcoin is the abstraction of an asset, but brainlets like you will never understand that. billionaires on the other hand are understanding it and more and more of them do after they put more and more time trying to understand bitcoin. hence the exponential growth, that cointunes to go on if you zoom out more than 2 months.

>> No.8250647

yeah whatever buttcoiners, could care less. Companies are real and centralization is required for anyone to trust anything. No one wants your overpriced digital ponzi tulips, they have no real use anyway. A stock represents a company, a real thing. Just sell your shit now and join the stock market like a real man, stop with your peter pan delusion and grow up.

>> No.8250792

>stocks are the prime example of something that actually have 0 intrinsic value for any amount that doesn't give you controlling power over a company
Wow, an actual brainlet. Stocks reflect the ownership potential, not actual ownership, cretin

>> No.8250847

terrible post

>> No.8250865

Like what?

>> No.8250883

>centralization is required for anyone to trust anything
imagine, for a moment anon, just please close your eyes and immerse yourself in the idea of being this retarded

>> No.8250987

hurr how would a decentralized bank even work? I could just make fake checks and tell people they owe me something or force them to pay twice. That would be retarded as fuck. No one's numbers would match. If a solution like that was possible it would be worth trillions of dollars

>> No.8251419

please anons, close your eyes, imagine

>> No.8251481
File: 268 KB, 2400x1440, 41E2CFFA-3739-4FCE-BF9F-BB95935C8FB5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen to this man, he’s the only one on this board who makes sense and is actually willing to tell you all the truth.

>> No.8251505

>scan BCH at ice cream truck
>miners confirm the funds are there no double spend
>goes on the block i.e. the ledger
>eat ice cream

>> No.8251517

Yeah, almost everything went 5x or more in Dec/Jan, regardless of how good the alt was. Most will probably never see their old ATHs again.

>> No.8251519

better than dropping 300%

zoom out your charts 10 months and we on a bullrun

>> No.8251542

This. We're in for a long bear run til end of summer. If your in an ALT have your lube ready

>> No.8251653

be happy if its only 0.1x or 0.05x

you do the math and you know what i mean...

>> No.8251660

A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash like Bitcoin allows online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution like Paypal, who has the ability to arbitrarily reverse transactions and freeze accounts.

>> No.8251691
File: 21 KB, 412x275, mex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's still room for huge gains in this market.

>> No.8251756
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>dropping 300%

>> No.8251761

i don’t know man, for me the party is over. the ship has sailed. the last amounts of hype are about to end completely in the next 1-2 weeks. Inflow of >NEW< cash is drying up.
just get out while you can. it will take at least 2-2.5years to get back to ATH.

aside from the innovative tech, there’s also a LOT of negatives that prevent people from entering crypto. so without the normie FOMO media booster that promises fast and easy gains this shit will slowly sail down to three digits again.

>> No.8251800
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>decrease 20000%
>go down 4000%

>> No.8251830

But were totally gonna moon back to 20k in a month! The real panic hasn't even started yet, I wouldnt be surprised if we go to 3.5k or less. New money aint coming back anytime soon folks

>> No.8252093

If you kept your coins when it sold off by 50%, you'd have to await another 100% rise just to break even

>> No.8252119

It's a gain if you bought the bottom, dumbfuck

>> No.8252207

>You're post is ignored
said the guy responding to that very post

>> No.8252256

You obviously and admittedly don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The fact that we're still at a time in the world where we're discussing "trust" is pathetic. Crypto creates a world where trust isn't needed anymore. Trustless decentralized networks that can't be controlled by one entity with points of failure what so ever running forever. You can't "fake" a check on the blockchain. Literally impossible. That's why trust isn't needed to be worried about in crypto. Trust is guaranteed.

>> No.8252341

Funny. You're telling us the problem that crypto actually solves while bashing crypto but also saying whoever comes up with the solution will be worth trillions of dollars. How are you this blind? Crypto IS worth trillions of dollars. We're experiencing market fluctuations. Crypto won't become worth trillions of dollars over night. Are you that stupid?

>> No.8252374

Are you stupid? Nothing can drop more than 100%. The value of it will literally become negative which makes no fucking sense. The amount of retards here OMG

>> No.8252402
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>> No.8252407

>crypto creates a world where trust isnt needed anymore
>every exchange is centralized
>gov't regs incoming
>BTC literally easier to track than fiat

Are you autarded?

>> No.8252468

I want to beat you to death


what did this anon mean by this

>> No.8252529

investing in alts is a terrible idea in this time, but playing the dips, scalping the tops is very profitable with alts in these moments. most alts are following the same pattern, so diversifying a good chunk on a oversold RSI is a basic, but, a really effective play.

>> No.8252759

if some people make a company and release just enough shares to keep 100% of control over it, they have no incentive to sell any more. they raised what they could through share-selling, and will raise the rest through distributing the company's gains to themselves through salaries and other means that bypass common shareholders.

stocks are a purely speculative asset.

there are exceptions, but when was the last time the leadership of the top20 valued company actually got overthrown by common share acquisition? oh it never happened.

that 'ownership potential' in practice is worth nothing for 99% of companies.

>> No.8252950

Nope I just checked the math and he’s right, altcoins are definitely in for a surprise this year once everyone realizes that the majority are useless.

>> No.8253151

that's not gonna be a surprise everyone knows and has been saying since the start of the alt-bullmarket that 95% of those coins will fall to near 0 in a correction, that's literally nothing new

still there will very likely be a new alt-run quiet possibly with new alt-coins that'll be equally worthless and will go to 0 again

but this bullshit coin bullmarket nhas nothing to do with bitcoin's value in general which is far far above than where it's currently at

>> No.8253518

ppsshh they dont know what shorting is ^^ this is srsly the best time :D instead of going into retarded alts i can literally double my stack with x5 leverage trades on kraken

>> No.8253593
File: 5 KB, 190x266, rtdhd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guaranteed "altcoin" holder replies

>> No.8253749

reading this thread it's obvious most people are retarded le hodlers niggers fucking cunts. it's way easier to trade in a bear market. kill yourselves

>> No.8254553

And without the ability to get back your money if a scammer/thief steals your private keys.

>> No.8254747

yes or be me. short at 9k and it jumps to 9.4k in a matter of hour. close short lose money and next day(now) it drops to this 8.8k. Looks easy but you cant guess it right everytime. low volume means easy manipulation.