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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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8285945 No.8285945 [Reply] [Original]

Some of you guys are alright. Don't invest in crypto tomorrow

>> No.8285972

Isn't it kind of disgusting and fucked up that this british asshole comes on american television and tells americans what to think about their government and their culture (or lack thereof)?

>it's just comedy anon chill out! >:(

its obviously not comedy, it is social commentary in the guise of comedy 90% of the time, and is almost never in simple good faith or fun

>> No.8286047

I agree.
People shouldn't be allowed to voice their opinions on things if it is alligned with my own views.

>> No.8286107

>social commentary in the guise of comedy
From the Ancient Greeks, to Shakespeare, to Swift, to comedians today....comedy’s always been tied up with social commentary, that’s totally the point of a lot of it. You might not like a comedian’s specific political views but it’s not like this is some contemporary phenomenon.

>> No.8286132


>> No.8286175

You must really enjoy that confirmation bias you're choking on.

>> No.8286179

What's even more funny is when you look at Britbog, it's becoming more and more authoritarian. They also don't have free speech there. You can be jailed for hate speech. Which is scary as fuck.

>> No.8286185


why not

>> No.8286193

>First they laugh at you
>Then they fight you
You are here
>Then you win
I had thought (((they))) were starting to fight, but now that I see they have their number one propaganda machine on it, it is confirmed.

>> No.8286196

You are braindead my friend

>> No.8286200

Yeah, people watch him for his humor, right.

>> No.8286265
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>> No.8286355
File: 145 KB, 1058x1352, _20180223_092900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd still prefer to live in a nation without hate speech than one where I could face bankruptcy for spraining my ankle.
But hey, at least you guys are better of than Lithuania.

>> No.8286430

>"I prefer being a cuck by limiting my free speech and paying for somebody elses health"

>> No.8286500
File: 74 KB, 501x585, JEW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, John Oliver is comedy/social commentary designed to spoonfeed good goyim opinions while making them feel intelligent

>> No.8286830

Hey, if you feel you're in a better place because you're allowed to call someone a derogatory term right before they shoot you, I'm happy for you. Even if your medical expenses for the being wounded aren't covered...

>> No.8286844
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>> No.8286858

If this cucked bitch couldn't stop Trump he can't stop crypto.

>> No.8286867
File: 195 KB, 1200x531, john oliver .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8286870

What has this cunt done recently relevant to crypto that he's being posted about here? I don't watch his shit since he's painfully unfunny.

>> No.8286874

Oliver pls

>> No.8286906

That post was truly awful. It is painfully obvious that you do not belong here. But that is okay! There is a positive solution. Rather than trying to fit in, you should strongly consider going to a site more suitable for posters like you, such as reddit, tumblr, or maybe even Gaia! You have plenty of options. You will be happy, and we will be happy. Best of luck, but don't come back.

>> No.8286915


Dear John,

What crypto should I invest in ?


a normie

>> No.8286930

a fucking studio audience laughing is not the culmination of mass media propaganda. These fucking larps

>> No.8286956
File: 802 KB, 809x1362, k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont come to interet rtmo

>> No.8287001

>I don't want to put up with opinions that aren't alligned with my own views
You have a point. I'd much prefer to funnel my taxes toward Israel's benefit that the well being of my own people.

>> No.8287014


Who the fuck takes this Clown's opinion seriously?

>> No.8287032

kill yourselves

>> No.8287052

>What are celts

>> No.8287059
File: 207 KB, 901x700, automation_forcast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't care about your stupid fucking culture you fat idiot this is a crypto board

>> No.8287086

desu, he's probably convinced quite a significant segment of his nocoiner audience to look into crypto, and I've seen worse introductions to the topic. Takes a lot to convince a disinterested audience to actually take 20 minutes to get a handle on it

>> No.8287207

>comments disabled
>video removed
lmao they're quick

>> No.8287298

what did they mean by this?

>> No.8287322
File: 419 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_20180312_132503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somebody just post the "0 DAYS WITHOUT JEWISH TRICKS" pic

>> No.8287372

Did you notice EOS has been beaten down by MSM though lately?

>> No.8287398


That the irony in it. Oliver, who I presume isn't even a US citizen yet, shares the same shitty values that is destroying Europe. Then has the gall the preach those values in the US. Someone needs to remind him that our ancestors fought authoritarian british fuckers like him for our freedoms. He has the most punchable glib leftist face too. Literally the Kardashian version of political comedy. It's frightening that he is where a good portion of millennial leftists get their information from.

>> No.8287400

Did they block it for burgers? I can still see the video and the comments. It's full of EOS holders, and some golden bait:

>I'm surprised he didn't spoke about the most suspicious part of the bitcoin scheme, and that is the "bitcoin miners". These servers generate bitcoin over time for keeping the system running. So all they need to do is keep as much of these generated currency on their stock so that the price keeps increasing. Sell a few of the spare ones to buy GPU cards (with your money) and improve their system generating more free bitcoins. And when they see the scheme won't work for much longer they will just sell every single bitcoin they have on stock, become filthy rich while the price of bitcoin goes from U$10000.00 to 5 cents.

>edit: "Decentralized" also means no one will be taken to jail when they rob every investors (donators) from every cent they spent on it.

Where else is it getting hammered?

>> No.8287478

I'm Canadian and I can't see it.

Eitherways fuck this stupid Brit faggot, him badmouthing Crypto is an extremely bullish signal to me considering everything this loser has been promoting has been losing for the last 3 years.

>> No.8287506

segment was cautiously bullish and the only thing he harped on was scams like bitconnect and ICOs

>> No.8287528

I don't think he was totally badmouthing crypto. But there was definitely a subtle undertone of "muh regulation" which is expected from the typical leftist cunt.

>> No.8287545

WSJ, front page on their Business and Finance section

>> No.8287628


Kek, he has a point though. Nobody is a good goy quite like the US.

>> No.8287658

Thing is though, to a Leftist that IS bullish. It means they want to FOMO in once they feel safe. Pussies or not (they are), that's still new money getting ready to move in.

>> No.8287680

im australian.

>edit: "Decentralized" also means no one will be taken to jail when they rob every investors (donators) from every cent they spent on it.

find me a good'er goy on youtube right now

>> No.8287685


Fuckinh dtube newfag.

And he didn't fud at all - thats just nocoiner faggotry and bears caught with open shorts lying to you. It was bullish in a limp wristed leftist way.

>> No.8287728


Dtube cobber. I saw a link floating around earlier. I just watched it on Youtube without any issues though.

>> No.8287956

i want to hit his stupid fucking face

>> No.8288047

John Oliver single-handedly cancel Bull-run 2.0? KEK